AUTUmN/WiNTER 2010 ISSUE 20 (PDF) - Energy Safe Victoria

AUTUmN/WiNTER 2010 ISSUE 20 (PDF) - Energy Safe Victoria

AUTUmN/WiNTER 2010 ISSUE 20 (PDF) - Energy Safe Victoria


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Important Alertfor Gasfitters<strong>Energy</strong> <strong>Safe</strong> <strong>Victoria</strong> (ESV)alerts gasfitters that all openfluedinstantaneous gas waterheaters (IGWHs) in toilets andbathrooms should be replacedas a matter of urgency.31Open-flued IGWHs, in a confinedliving space, can expose gas usersto the risk of Carbon Monoxidepoisoning. Gasfitters are uniquelyplaced to help in removing this risk.This important safety alert is a followup to the safety alert issued by <strong>Energy</strong><strong>Safe</strong> <strong>Victoria</strong>’s predecessor, Office ofGas <strong>Safe</strong>ty (OGS), after the death ofa young woman in March <strong>20</strong>03, in ahome of Housing Commission design.This alert is not limited to any particularhousing type or ownership, and coversall installations in <strong>Victoria</strong>.What should I do if I find an openfluedinstantaneous gas waterheater in a toilet or bathroom?> > Inform the resident that the IGWHshould be urgently replaced as advisedby ESV and of the $500 financialassistance offered by ESV to help withreplacement costs.> > Inspect and carry out tests to verify,and do required work if necessary,to ensure that “Conditions to be metfor IGWH to remain in operation”, asdescribed below, are being met. If youcan verify that the required conditionsare being met, it is allowable to leavethe IGWH in operation.> > If the resident does not allow you tocheck, or do the necessary work, toensure that “Conditions to be metfor IGWH to remain in operation”, asdescribed below, are being met, takeall steps that are necessary to makethe installation safe and notify ESV.> > Determine when the IGWH wasinstalled. If it was installed after 1November <strong>20</strong>03, the installation isillegal and ESV must be notified.> > Ensure that the resident knows of thedangers and symptons of CarbonMonoxide poisoning and has the ESVdisplay, “Symptoms and warnings forCarbon Monoxide (CO) poisoning are.”Conditions to be met for IGWH toremain in operation> > Flue is complete, in good conditionand unobstructed;> > Flue integrity and effectivenessis confirmed (Refer to ESV’s GasInformation Sheet No. 28, “Confirmingflue integrity and effectiveness”, foundon the ESV’s website);> > If flue cowl has bird-proof mesh,it is to be in good condition andunobstructed, otherwise it is to betaken out and replaced;> > Fixed ventilation complies withAS 5601-<strong>20</strong>04;> > IGWH is in good working order underall types of running conditions, i.e. withdoors and windows open or closed;and any exhaust fans operating ornot operating.If the resident refuses to have the IGWHreplaced, notify ESV of the refusal andcontact details. ESV will then approachthe resident directly.You are not empowered to make theIGWH inoperative.What action has ESV taken so far?> > We have previously warned plumbersand gasfitters not to install a new orreplacement open-flued instantaneousgas water heater in a bedroom,bathroom, toilet or sleeping area.(The Gas & Fuel prohibited theseinstallations in 1985.)> > We prohibited ‘like-for-like’ replacementpractice in January <strong>20</strong>02.> > OGS notified all known addresseswhere these installations may havebeen in use with an Important <strong>Safe</strong>tyWarning that urged residents tohave their IGWHs replaced, and to beaware of Carbon Monoxide poisoningsymptoms.Since <strong>20</strong>06, ESV has paid rebatestotalling over $10,000 to health cardand pension card holders replacingtheir IGWHs.If you need more information on thisimportant matter, contact ESV on1800 652 563.Paul FearonDirector of <strong>Energy</strong> <strong>Safe</strong>tyAutumn/Winter <strong><strong>20</strong>10</strong> <strong>ISSUE</strong> <strong>20</strong>

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