AUTUmN/WiNTER 2010 ISSUE 20 (PDF) - Energy Safe Victoria

AUTUmN/WiNTER 2010 ISSUE 20 (PDF) - Energy Safe Victoria

AUTUmN/WiNTER 2010 ISSUE 20 (PDF) - Energy Safe Victoria


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New gas installation or changeover– there is no difference30www.energysafe.vic.gov.auBy ESV Gas safety Officer,Roger LambieThe recent incident in Lansell Road,Toorak, in which a man suffered severecarbon monoxide poisoning (see page 4)possibly resulting from the incorrectchangeover of a central heating unitis a wakeup call for all gasfitters.The simple message is that the same planning,work standards and practices have to beapplied whether one is installing a new gasinstallation or when a single gas appliance isbeing changed over. There is no differencebetween the two procedures.For starters, a good knowledge andunderstanding of current regulations andstandards, such as AS5601, have to be appliedin both instances.Changing one appliance over for another isoften seen as a simpler job as quite often anappliance of similar dimensions is obtainedto suit the location of the replaced appliancei.e. an outside storage hot water service.But it is not simple and whether it’s a newinstallation or a changeover, these points mustbe followed:> > As above, knowledge of current regulationsand standards is paramount as the appliancethat is to be removed would in all probabilityhave been installed to the regulations andstandards accepted in previous years; it isnot as simple as swapping one for one.> > Read the installation instructions for thenew appliance as anomalies may be foundbetween the regulations, standards and themanufacturer’s instructions. It will also assistin installing the appliance correctly.> > The new appliance in many instances mayhave electronic equipment as part of itsoperational features or include the latesttechnological efficiencies in gas consumptionand flue technology that requires carefulplanning before it replaces the original unitwhich did not have these features. Clearancesfrom combustible surfaces may varyconsiderably, flue spigots can be at differentheights in space heaters that require structuralchanges in chimney design.> > It is the responsibility of the installer of areplacement gas appliance to ensure therequired energy requirements are available,are safe and will meet the operationalrequirements of the new appliance.> > Gas supply must be the right type, thepressure must be correct and very importantlythe existing supply needs to be at a highenough volume for the new appliance. Thismay require the meter to be upgraded to alarger one. Incorrect operating pressures andvolume of gas to the appliance may causecombustion problems that will result in sootbuild up and high carbon monoxide (CO)discharge. High gas pressure may causeearly failure of certain components withinthe appliance.> > The electrical supply must be checked toensure the operating load and the supplypolarity are correct. The design of olderappliances may have hidden faults such asreversed polarity where the active and neutralsupply are crossed. With many modernappliances that incorporate an electronicsPC board, the incorrect polarity maydestroy the board. This could be verycostly for the installer.> > Where necessary the water supply must beof the correct pressure, clean and suit thedemands of the appliance. Many modernappliances include inlet filters to ensure thewater supply is clean. A continually blockingfilter will cause inconvenience. Similar to gas,a poor supply pressure and volume of waterflow may result in the sub-standard operationof the new appliance.> > The provision of flowing ventilation is to beclosely checked, two openings of the correctdimensions as required by AS5601 into thesame area is very important as they providecombustion air and help prevent the appliancefrom overheating during operation.> > In days gone by wall vents in homes werelooked upon as a means of ventilation whenin fact the flywire screen on these vents wasoften blocked.> > Prior to using the existing flue of the replacedappliance it must be in good condition, soundand have no blockages and be of the rightsize and have a currently approved cowl fitted.ATTENTION...THE KEY INGREDIENTFOR A SAFE KITCHEN> > Many older flues will be constructed inasbestos cement. Dependent on the fluescondition it may require replacement. Anotherconsideration is the clearances from any fluematerial to combustibles or electrical wiring.> > When replacing a central heating unit makesure the existing ductwork is of the right sizeand in good condition. All central heatingsystems must now incorporate a returnair duct unlike previously and the locationof it must have unrestricted access to thereturn flow of as many duct outlet points aspossible. This is particularly evident in manyolder properties. Old ductwork sizing and itscondition should be checked as many moderncentral heaters have variable flow operationalfeatures that will soon overheat should theducting be not of the right size.> > The reality at this time is that the installerof the original appliance may not havebeen trained or have had any professionalknowledge on how to install it.Installers of any gas appliance have anobligation and duty of care to not just replacean appliance but ensure that all its associatedservices and existing equipment is not onlysound but operate safely.One last point. It is a requirement of AS5601-<strong>20</strong>04 Clause 9.1 ~ 9.3 that when the applianceis commissioned the consumer should whereavailable be instructed in the safe and correctoperation of the appliance and any auxiliaryequipment.The single biggest cause of house fires is distractionin the kitchen.Visit homefiresafety.com.auto be home fire safe this winter.ESV joined <strong>Victoria</strong>’s fireauthorities in launching Fire<strong>Safe</strong>ty Awareness Week inMelbourne’s City Square on31 May. The campaign posterfeaturing ESV’s logo amongothers is reproduced here.ESV’s “take care when cooking”TV commercial played constantlyduring the launch. Thecommercial was also shown inESV’s latest public awarenesstelevision campaign whichconcluded in mid June.

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