AUTUmN/WiNTER 2010 ISSUE 20 (PDF) - Energy Safe Victoria

AUTUmN/WiNTER 2010 ISSUE 20 (PDF) - Energy Safe Victoria

AUTUmN/WiNTER 2010 ISSUE 20 (PDF) - Energy Safe Victoria


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26www.energysafe.vic.gov.auNew Electricity <strong>Safe</strong>ty (Registrationand Licensing) Regulations <strong><strong>20</strong>10</strong> –a summary of changesThe Electricity <strong>Safe</strong>ty (Registration andLicensing) Regulations <strong><strong>20</strong>10</strong> came inToforce in late April. They replace the 1999regulations which had been part of theinstallation regulations .Here is a summary of changes and majorprovisions within the regulations:REC—electrical switchgear workers> > New: licensed electrical switchgear workersmay register as an REC but may only beresponsible for the effective supervisionof electrical switchgear work. However,a switchgear REC may also nominate an“A grade” technical supervisor to superviseall other electrical installation work. A licensedelectrical switchgear worker may register as acontractor and supervise electrical switchgearwork if they comply with the following:> > the person is a licensed electricalswitchgear worker (see below);> > has completed the new LicensedSwitchgear Worker’s Assessment LSWA(or has experience deemed equivalent);> > complies with the usual business supervisorrequirements;> > complies with the insurance requirements;and,> > pays the application fee.Prescribed insurance> > No change – $5,000,000 minimum insuranceis required.Technical Supervisors> > all electrical installation work (other thanelectrical switchgear work) must be effectivelysupervised by an A grade electrician who hascompleted the LEA or equivalent; and> > all electrical switchgear work must beeffectively supervised by a licensed electricalswitchgear worker who has completed theLSWA or equivalent or an A grade electricianwho has completed the LEA or equivalent.Licenses abolished which cannot beissued or renewed> > LEI class F (Electric Security Fences)> > LEI class R (Remote area power supplies)> > LEI class S (Standby generation orcogeneration electricity supply systems)No new licenses for the following classescan be issued (but they may be renewedbefore expiry)> > LEI class L> > ES licence> > Occupier’s LicenceNew electrical switchgear worker’s licence> > A person may apply for a licence to carry outelectrical switchgear work (i.e. the assembly,alteration, repair and maintenance ofswitchgear and controlgear assemblies) if theycomply with the following:> > Has completed a 4 year contract of trainingas an Electrical Fitter including at least 12months experience in carrying out electricalswitchgear fitting work;> > holds a certificate III in Switchgear andControlgear;> > has completed the new LicensedSwitchgear Worker’s Assessment; and,> > pays the required fee.> > Note: this licence is not required for workerswho manufacture switchboards off-site.> > A licence may be granted if the person’squalification, proficiency and experiencein electrical switchgear fitting work isof an equivalent standard to the aboverequirements.Restricted worker’s licence (REL) (formallyDisconnect/Reconnect licence)> > There will be two classes of REL, Class 1and Class 2. The difference is that Class1 will allow the licensee to conduct faultfinding which is the testing of the operationof electrical equipment to determine if thatelectrical equipment is safe and workingsafely. This is not a blanket licence to faultfind, they may only conduct fault findingon equipment related to the primary workfunction that they are licensed for.> > There is a revised list of primary workfunctions, or occupational areas which are:> > Airconditioning and Refrigeration> > Instrumentation> > Electronics> > Water Heaters> > Electrical Appliances> > Pre-assembled Neon Signs> > Composite equipment> > Control Devices> > Gas Appliances> > Motors> > Hazardous Area Equipment> > On commencement all current D class licenceholders are to be automatically transferred toa REL Class 2 licence.> > The fees for this licence are now the same asthe fees for LEI licences and RECs.Medical Areas (Patient Areas)> > Extra low voltage work in these areas mustnow be carried out by licensed workers.Interstate “A Grade” electricians takento be licensed in <strong>Victoria</strong>> > A person who is not ordinarily residentin <strong>Victoria</strong> and who holds the equivalent toCurrent Fee Unit Value 11.95<strong>Victoria</strong>’s “A grade” licence is not required toobtain a <strong>Victoria</strong>n licence provided that theynotify <strong>Energy</strong> <strong>Safe</strong> <strong>Victoria</strong> in accordancewith the regulations. There is no fee for thenotification, and the notification must be in amanner approved by ESV and must include:> > The person’s name, residential address,postal address and telephone number;> > The details of the interstate licence thatthey hold; and> > A statement that the person consentsto ESV making enquiries and exchanginginformation with any Australian RegulatoryAuthority in relation to any authority that theperson holds.> > A person who has notified ESV must, within10 business days, notify ESV of any changeof their name, address or the status of thelicence that they hold. If the person becomesordinarily resident in <strong>Victoria</strong> they mustthen apply for a <strong>Victoria</strong>n licence via mutualrecognition.> > Upon notification the person will be issuedwith a user ID and password and advised thatthey must comply with all <strong>Victoria</strong>n laws andregulations including certificate of electricalsafety requirements. They must carry theirinterstate licence with them while workingin <strong>Victoria</strong>.Apprentices> > Apprentices must carry out all work under theeffective supervision of a licensed electrician,and, in the case of electrical switchgear fittingwork, a licensed electrician or a licensedelectrical switchgear worker.Five year registrations for registeredelectrical contractors (RECs) and five yearlicences for licensed electrical inspectors(LEIs)In another move unrelated to the introductionof the new licensing regulations, there will bea staged transition to five year registrations forRECs and five year licences for LEIs. These areadministrative changes; implemented as partof the <strong>Victoria</strong>n Government’s “Reducing theRegulatory Burden” initiative.FeesThe applicable fees on commencement of theseregulations are set out in the following table; allfees are for a five year registration or licence.Item Fee Units Fees from 1 July <strong><strong>20</strong>10</strong>REC application 43.3 $517.40REC renewal <strong>20</strong>.8 $248.50Licence Application 27.8 $332.<strong>20</strong>Licence Application – REL 43.3 $517.40Licence Application – LEI 43.3 $517.40Licence Renewal – other 13.9 $166.00Licence Renewal – REL <strong>20</strong>.8 $248.50Licence Renewal – LEI <strong>20</strong>.8 $248.50Replacement card 2.8 $33.40

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