AUTUmN/WiNTER 2010 ISSUE 20 (PDF) - Energy Safe Victoria

AUTUmN/WiNTER 2010 ISSUE 20 (PDF) - Energy Safe Victoria

AUTUmN/WiNTER 2010 ISSUE 20 (PDF) - Energy Safe Victoria


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Positive responses for ESV fromstakeholder satisfaction surveysESV received some positive responsesfrom two stakeholder satisfactionsurveys which were conducted on itsbehalf by expert external providersearlier this year.One survey undertaken by Quantum involved15 minute telephone interviews with each of400 respondents from the electrical tradesand 300 from the gas trades.The other survey undertaken by Buchan’scovered CEOs or managing directors, regulatoryand operational managers and peopleholding similar positions from a wide rangeof organisations involved in the electrical, gasand pipeline industries. State Governmentdepartments and other regulators also took partin the survey. It was conducted by email.Director of <strong>Energy</strong> <strong>Safe</strong>ty, Paul Fearon, toldenergysafe: “Firstly ESV would like to thankeveryone who agreed to take part in the surveysand gave up valuable time to be involved. Suchexaminations of our working relationships withthe industries we deal with and the services weprovide to some of our major stakeholders arevitally important for our forward planning.“Obviously we are all encouraged by theresponses received. As a regulator we cannotplease all of the people all of the time but itis gratifying to be recognised among otherattributes for our professionalism, technicalcompetence, independence and impartiality.“Basically both the surveys are good newsstories for ESV but we wish to assure allstakeholders that these results will not makeus complacent. We know we have a great dealof challenging and hard work ahead of us overthe next few years and we will not be sittingon our laurels.“We have also received some very importantfeedback on where we can improve and thechallenges we have to face. ESV is analysing theresults very closely to incorporate the findingsinto our business and corporate planningprocesses,” said Paul.Quantum survey – major findingsThe survey found that electrical and gasstakeholders are generally satisfied with ESV.The survey recorded improvements across theboard compared to the previous surveys.There were high performance levels recordedfor ESV’s knowledgeable, friendly andapproachable staff together with high qualityservice and the availability of easy to understandinformation.In <strong><strong>20</strong>10</strong> the overall level of satisfaction with ESVof gas stakeholders has reached 99% while forelectrical stakeholders the level is 77% – anotheroutstanding result.Quantum survey – areas to improveThe survey recorded that both gas and electricalstakeholders would like to see more TVadvertising of energy safety messages.Electrical stakeholders also identified threeareas where ESV is underperforming intheir view:> > Quick response to queries;> > Accessing the correct people; and,> > Informing customers of changes that impactcustomer operations.These issues and others will be addressed.Buchan surveyOne important question asked of respondeeswas: “Is ESV fulfilling its statutory role?” and90% of them said yes.Questions asked on performance ratingsresulted in high scores between “excellent”and “good” being recorded for ESV’sprofessionalism, analytical/intellectual capacity,technical competence, – and governance.Scores between “good” and “satisfactory”were recorded across other areas.The reportsAs far as ESV’s reputation is concerned withthese stakeholders, scores in excess of 80%were recorded for being helpful, effective,reliable, credible, a leader, impartial, cooperativeand independent.Buchan survey – where we can improveRespondees listed the following:> > More consultation with stakeholders,particularly key players;> > Wider consultation before decisions are made;> > More public awareness advertising;> > An improvement to the website; and,> > ESV needs to be forward thinking andstrategic in its approach.Buchan survey – future challenges for ESVRespondees listed the following:> > The impact of findings from the BushfiresRoyal Commission;> > The national regulation of occupational healthand safety procedures and licensing;> > The impact of technology and how itinfluences approaches to safety;> > The impact of climate changes policies suchas the Emissions Trading Scheme. The surveywas held before the Federal Governmentdecided to defer the scheme for a numberof years; and,> > Integration of information systems and techdevices (Smart Grids).In conclusionPaul Fearon said: “It is encouraging that theindustries and others which we work with alsorecognise some of the challenges that we face.We take the points they make onboard and lookforward to working with them as we all strive forimproved energy safety.”21Autumn/Winter <strong><strong>20</strong>10</strong> <strong>ISSUE</strong> <strong>20</strong>Buchan surveyA total of 79 respondees completed the emailsurvey. This represented a response rate of 61%of the names provided by ESV to Buchan’s. Thisis considered to be an excellent result.<strong>Energy</strong> <strong>Safe</strong> <strong>Victoria</strong>Customer Satisfaction SurveyApril <strong><strong>20</strong>10</strong>It was the first time that such an intense surveyof senior respondents within industry andGovernment had been conducted for ESV. Whilethe results are good for ESV, no comparisonscan be made with previous performance.Quantum surveyQuantum conducted a similar telephonesurvey involving the same number of electricityand gas trades respondees for ESV in <strong>20</strong>07.The company also conducted a survey ofelectrical trades respondees for the Office ofthe Chief Electrical Inspector (OCEI) in <strong>20</strong>04.Because mostly the same questions wereasked in the surveys, comparisons on howESV is faring can be made.Prepared for:<strong>Energy</strong> <strong>Safe</strong> <strong>Victoria</strong>

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