AUTUmN/WiNTER 2010 ISSUE 20 (PDF) - Energy Safe Victoria

AUTUmN/WiNTER 2010 ISSUE 20 (PDF) - Energy Safe Victoria

AUTUmN/WiNTER 2010 ISSUE 20 (PDF) - Energy Safe Victoria


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<strong>20</strong>www.energysafe.vic.gov.auProsecutionsESV has recently taken legal proceedingsagainst the following. Under the PrivacyAct, energysafe is precluded frompublishing the names of individualscharged with offences.> Abeta Switchboards & Electrical ContractorsPty Ltd, an REC, was charged with four countsof permitting a person to carry out electricalwork which did not comply with the Electricity<strong>Safe</strong>ty Act and Regulations. The defendant gavean undertaking to be of good behaviour for 12months and was ordered to pay costs of $1250.> An LEIW was charged with two counts ofcarrying out electrical work which did notcomply with the Electricity <strong>Safe</strong>ty Act andRegulations. The defendant gave an undertakingto be of good behaviour for 12 months and wasordered to pay costs of $1250.> An LEIW was charged with installing unsafeelectrical equipment. The defendant wasconvicted under section 78 of the SentencingAct and no further order was made.> DEC Contractors Pty Ltd, an REC, wascharged with failing to record the route of anunderground cable and permitting a person tocarry out work which was not in accordancewith the Electricity <strong>Safe</strong>ty Act and Regulations.May09Jun09Jul09Aug09The defendant was convicted, fined $500and ordered to pay costs of $1500.> An LEIW was charged with breaching anundertaking to be of good behaviour. Thedefendant was convicted and fined $500.> Homework Development Pty Ltd, a builder,was charged with carrying out electricalcontracting work when not registered. Thedefendant was convicted and fined $5000.> An unregistered and unlicensed personwas charged with two counts of carryingout electrical contracting work when notregistered and three counts of carrying outelectrical installation work unlicensed. Thedefendant was fined $1000 without convictionand ordered to pay costs of $1500.> An LEIW was charged with two counts ofgiving false information to an EnforcementOfficer and one count of giving misleadinginformation to ESV. The defendant was fined$<strong>20</strong>00 without conviction and ordered to paycosts of $3815.50.> An LEIW was charged with one count ofcontracting without a registration and onecount of carrying out electrical installationwork unlicensed. The defendant gave anundertaking to be of good behaviour andordered to make a payment of $4000 to thecourt fund within six months. The defendantwas also ordered to pay costs of $3815,50 –payment to be made within three months.Infringement notice summarySep09Oct09Total 6 4 5 4 0 0 1 5 2 3 3 1 34Nov09Dec09Jan10Feb10Mar10Apr10TotalInfringement notices <strong>20</strong>09/10types of infringement notices issued<strong>20</strong>08/<strong>20</strong>09 REC LEW Other Offence Code Offence PenaltyMay 09 OTHER 62<strong>20</strong> Unlicensed electrical installation work $567LEW 6228 Fails to complete certificate within time $113LEW 6228 Fails to complete certificate within time $110LEW 6228 Fails to complete certificate within time $110REC 6241 Fails to complete certificate $113REC 6241 Fails to complete certificate $113June 09 REC 6217 Employ unlicensed person $567LEW 6228 Fails to complete certificate within time $113LEW 6228 Fails to complete certificate within time $113LEW 6228 Fails to complete certificate within time $113July 09 OTHER 6384 Supply equipment not approved $2,268OTHER 6384 Supply equipment not approved $2,268OTHER 6384 Supply equipment not approved $2,268LEW 6299 Fails to give electronic notice in time $57LEW 6243 Fails to lodge copy with ESV $113August 09 LEW 6228 Fails to complete certificate within time $113OTHER 3595 Unauthorised excavation near pipeline $1,134OTHER 6384 Supply equipment not approved $2,336LEW 6231 Fails to state that work complies $113November 09 OTHER 62<strong>20</strong> Unlicensed electrical installation work $584December 09 OTHER 6<strong>20</strong>1 Supply unregistered electrical equipment $567OTHER 6<strong>20</strong>5 Offer unregistered electrical equipment $567OTHER 62<strong>20</strong> Unlicensed electrical installation work $567REC 6242 Fails to give certificate within time $113LEW 6242 Fails to give certificate within time $113January 10 LEW 6350 Interfere with a network asset $234REC 6350 Interfere with a network asset $234February 10 REC 6243 Fails to lodge copy with the Office $117LEW 62<strong>20</strong> Unlicensed electrical installation work $567March 10 REC 6373 Fails to display number $1,168REC 6373 Fails to display number $1,168REC 6373 Fails to display number $1,168April 10 LEW 6228 Fails to complete certificate within time $117> An unregistered and unlicensed person wascharged with one count of contracting withoutregistration and one count of carrying outelectrical installation work unlicensed. Thedefendant was fined $1000 without convictionand ordered to pay costs of $1500.> An LEIW was charged with one count of failingto take precautions against electric shock. Thedefendant was fined $1000 without convictionand ordered to pay costs of $1500.> An LEIW was charged with two counts ofcontracting without registration and one countof carrying out electrical installation workunsupervised whilst an L Licence holder. Thedefendant was convicted, fined $5000 andordered to pay costs of $1400.> An REC was charged with aiding and abettinganother person, dealt with earlier in a court, tocarry out contracting work without registration,aiding and abetting the same person to carryout electrical installation work unlicensed andfailing to complete a compliance certificate.The defendant was fined $600 withoutconviction and ordered to pay costs of $1500.> YM Nominees Pty Ltd, an REC, was chargedwith failing to have prescribed work inspected,installing unsafe electrical equipment, failingto record the route of an underground electricline, failing to give information and failing toprovide a certificate of electrical safety. Thedefendant company was convicted, fined$15000 and ordered to pay costs of $4148.18.> A plumber and B Grade electrician wascharged with carrying out gasfitting work forwhich he did not hold an appropriate licence.The defendant gave an undertaking to thecourt to be of good behaviour for six monthsand was ordered to pay costs of $600.> An REC was charged with one count of failingto take precautions against electric shock,carrying out electrical work which did notcomply with the Electricity <strong>Safe</strong>ty Act andRegulations, two counts of failing to test, failureto complete a compliance certificate, failure tohave prescribed work inspected and failure tocomplete a certificate of electrical safety.The defendant was fined $1500 withoutconviction and ordered to pay costs of $1000.> An LEIW was charged with carrying outcontracting work unregistered, and at the timeof the offence carrying out electrical installationwork unlicensed. The defendant gave anundertaking to be of good behaviour for oneyear and was ordered to pay costs of $1500.> The pilot of a crop duster aeroplane wascharged with flying within 45 metres of anetwork asset. The defendant has givenan undertaking to be of good behaviour forsix months and was ordered to pay costsof $1800.> An L class licence holder was chargedwith carrying out contracting work whenunregistered. The defendant gave anundertaking to be of good behaviour for 12months and was ordered to pay costs of $500.> An unlicensed person was charged withcarrying out contracting work unregistered.The defendant was convicted, fined $600and ordered to pay costs of $1500.> An L class licence holder was chargedwith carrying out contracting work whenunregistered. The defendant gave anundertaking to be of good behaviour for12 months and was ordered to paycosts of $1<strong>20</strong>0.

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