AUTUmN/WiNTER 2010 ISSUE 20 (PDF) - Energy Safe Victoria

AUTUmN/WiNTER 2010 ISSUE 20 (PDF) - Energy Safe Victoria

AUTUmN/WiNTER 2010 ISSUE 20 (PDF) - Energy Safe Victoria


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ESV’s “Don’tWork Live” DVDis complete– order yourcopies nowProduction of ESV’s new electricitysafety DVD, covering in particularthe issue of “live” work performed byelectricians young and old, is completeand copies can be ordered now.As reported previously, the DVD follows theexperiences of a young electrician, “Damien”,as he recovers from an horrendous and lifechanging incident – simply, the droppingof screw driver when working on a “live”switchboard.Damien’s own thoughts on what he wentthrough are compulsive listening – andreading. They are featured both in the DVDand over the next few pages of this issue.The DVD helps address the concern ofESV and the electrical trades in general,that electricians – both experienced andyounger workers – continue to work “live”on switchboards despite the risks.As Damien experienced, it does not takemuch for things to go horribly wrong andfor horrific injuries to be received.The DVD points out graphically that electriciansdo not have to work “live” whatever thecircumstances and should refuse to do so withno ramifications for their careers. In fact theyshould be respected for their important standon safety.ESV has gained endorsement for theproduction from its safety partners, It isavailable at no cost for distribution to allinterested parties including TAFE colleges,trainers, the electrical trades, industryassociations, trade unions and others.To get your copy or copies call ESV on (03)9<strong>20</strong>3 9700, or 1800 800 158. Alternativelysend your order to info@esv.vic.gov.auDamien: “I’ve been to helland back all because of asilly and costly mistake.”The description of the horrificexperiences undergone by “Damien” afterhe suffered dreadful injuries whenworking “live” on a switchboard in late<strong>20</strong>08 is one of the central features ofESV’s new electricity safety DVD titledsimply “Don’t Work Live”.In an interview for the DVD, “Damien” graphicallydescribes his experiences – from the momentthe switchboard exploded, thanks to the slip of ascrewdriver, through all the stages of treatmentand the slow and continuing recovery process.This is an edited version of his story. It iscompulsive reading.Question: What were you doing whenit happened?Damien: Just normal day at work … busy day,last week of work before Christmas trying to getthe job finished and tried to put a circuit breakerin live.Q: Why were you working live?Damien: No reason really, just pressure fromthe builders, everyone wanted the job finishedthat week … you know … bit under pressureand just tried to get it done for them.Q: Should you have been working live?Damien: Oh we all know we shouldn’t work live.Q: Can you remember the first fewmoments after the switch board explosion?Damien: Yeah I pretty well much remember thewhole explosion and everything afterwards …basically the explosion was so loud I couldn’t …I thought I was deaf … I thought I was blind …was probably five or ten minutes before I couldactually hear … and in those moments I waspretty much on my own waiting for someoneto come in … to be honest that whole time Iactually thought I was dead.Q: Did your life flash before your eyes?Damien: It was weird … … I was just sortof lying there … everything was just quiet …couldn’t really hear anything and the next thingI heard was one of my colleagues come in andI heard him say … he paused and said oh shit… and then ran out and just heard him call forsomeone to call an ambulance.Q: How long did the explosion last?Damien: Oh … the actual explosion happensso quick … no time to react … no time foranything … all you hear is bang! Bright flash oflight and it’s all over.Q: So your colleagues went off to get help?Damien: Once the help came in … I couldsort of hear all the shock and the panic in theirvoices and the fact they were telling me not tomove … to stay still as I can … ambulance willbe here soon … I started to realise somethingpretty bad had happened and probably afterabout 10 minutes of being on the ground I couldfeel all my skin tightening up and every slightmovement I would feel like basically my skinwas being peeled off.Q: So the ambulance arrived?Damien: … Basically in that time I was startingto panic … I wanted to know what I looked like… wanted to know if I should open my eyesbecause they got basically glued together frommy skin and eyelashes melting together andby now I was starting to … a bit of pain wasstarting to kick in … I was starting to freak out… no one would tell me what I looked like …they just kept saying, you know, you look fine… and then I basically was shouting at themasking them what I looked like … no one would.Basically by this time I was starting to thinkhow am I going to cope looking burnt … I knewat that stage what had happened.15Autumn/Winter <strong><strong>20</strong>10</strong> <strong>ISSUE</strong> <strong>20</strong>The cover of ESV’s new electricity safety DVD.Shots of scene from the DVD

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