AUTUmN/WiNTER 2010 ISSUE 20 (PDF) - Energy Safe Victoria

AUTUmN/WiNTER 2010 ISSUE 20 (PDF) - Energy Safe Victoria

AUTUmN/WiNTER 2010 ISSUE 20 (PDF) - Energy Safe Victoria


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New process for the assessmentand acceptance of complex gasinstallations and Type B appliancesLetters will be sent to all <strong>Victoria</strong>’sgasfitters shortly informing them of themajor change coming up for their trade– the introduction of a new process forassessing and accepting complex gasinstallations and Type B appliances,and the introduction of a new GasApplication Form.The letter from Director of <strong>Energy</strong> <strong>Safe</strong>ty, PaulFearon, will advise how changes will affect theway in which applications will be processed,and how the assessments and acceptanceswill take place.The current assessment andacceptance processFor complex gas installations and Type Bappliances, a Start Work Notice ofCompliance needs to be submitted to ESVby a licensed person.The Start Work Notice of Compliance isregistered and an ESV number is created inthe ESV system. A gas inspector is issued withthe job and this inspector will make contactwith the licensed person.Depending on the complexity or problemsfound with the complex gas installation orType B appliance, one or more inspectionsmay take place.When the gas inspector is satisfied that thecomplex gas installation meets the relevantstandards, and commissioning gas has beenapproved for any Type B appliances installed,ESV issues the appropriate gas supply companywith a Gas Supply Approval number, andprovides the licensed person with the ESV GasSupply Approval number. Gas supply can thenbe requested from the gas retail company.The new assessment andacceptance processThe new system will streamline the assessmentand acceptance process. In some instances,inspections of complex gas installations andType B appliances will not be required.Part 4 of the Gas <strong>Safe</strong>ty (Gas Installation)Regulations <strong>20</strong>08 requires certain informationto be provided to ESV when applying foracceptance of complex gas installations andType B appliances. The information gasfittersare required to submit is listed in the schedulesgiven in the Gas <strong>Safe</strong>ty (Gas Installation)Regulations <strong>20</strong>08.ESV has developed a Gas Application Formto assist licensed persons with the informationrequired by the Gas <strong>Safe</strong>ty (Gas Installation)Regulations <strong>20</strong>08. This form can bedownloaded from the ESV websitewww.esv.vic.gov.auOnce the Gas Application Form is receivedby ESV, the detail given in the form is reviewedand it is determined whether the complexgas installation or Type B appliance requiresan inspection or a possible audit.For low to medium risk ranked complex gasinstallations, ESV will conditionally accept theapplication and provide an ESV Gas SupplyApproval number without inspecting theinstallation; however, the installation maybe audited in the future, and the gasfitterinvolved will be required to attend the inspectionif this happens.High risk ranked complex gas installationswill continue to be inspected as per thecurrent practice.A condition of final acceptance is ESV receivinga Notice of Compliance from the licensedperson, as is the case currently.How will changes affect the gasfitter?When the new process commences, thelicensed person will need to use the newGas Application Form, and this must beaccompanied by the new Start Work Notice.From November <strong><strong>20</strong>10</strong> all previous Noticesof Compliance will no longer be valid.For low to medium risk ranked complex gasinstallations you will receive an ESV numberwhen ESV conditionally accepts your application.This will enable you to apply for gas from thegas retail company when it suits you and thecustomer, without the need for a prior inspection.Why change?ESV currently inspects around 95% of allapplications.ESV has identified the need to assist the gasindustry in other important areas, however, dueto the level of inspections we carry out, ESVis currently unable to do so. Once ESV hasestablished this new process, ESV will be ableto direct resources to areas such as increasingthe training of gasfitters, inspecting gas servicework and improving the efficiency of gasappliances.ESV is endeavouring to ensure complexgas installation and Type B appliance safetycompliance levels are maintained to the highestlevels. The new application process will helpthe licensed person better plan the complexgas installation and help ESV identify possibleproblems earlier than previously.From feedback so far, licensed persons havesuggested that the new process will allow themto plan their appointments better and enablegas to be supplied to consumers more quickly.To find out moreA number of ways are being planned forlicensed workers to find out more:A step by step guide on how to comply withthe new process will be available on the ESVwebsite www.esv.vic.gov.auInformation sessions will be run by ESV. Detailson dates and venues, and how to register toattend will be available soon.ESV Gas Inspectors will be available on a newenquiry line to answer questions in relation tothe new assessment and acceptance process.Note: gasfitters can visit the ESV website todownload the <strong>PDF</strong> file of the new Gas ApplicationForm. In addition, a free copy of the Gas <strong>Safe</strong>ty(Gas Installation) Regulations <strong>20</strong>08 can beaccessed at website www.legislation.vic.gov.au13Autumn/Winter <strong><strong>20</strong>10</strong> <strong>ISSUE</strong> <strong>20</strong>Dont wait until <strong>20</strong>11Apply now to upgrade your skillsOur new state-of-the-art skills centre in Brunswick is now fully operational.We are delivering courses such as:• Grid connect • Project Management • Electrical inspectionTo apply or see a full range of courses on offer, please visit www.370degrees.com.auwww.370degrees.com.au03 9388 0566107 Brunswick Road, Brunswick

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