LIMOUSIN - Harrison & Hetherington

LIMOUSIN - Harrison & Hetherington

LIMOUSIN - Harrison & Hetherington


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8Later growth and carcase traits (i.e. fat and muscle) have relatively high heritabilitiesWhere traits with relatively good heritability are concerned, when something is known of the performance of oneor both parents, then a prediction can be made as to how the offspring will perform and BLUP uses this‘knowledge’ to enhance the accuracy of its EBV calculations.CorrelationsThis term describes the direction and strength of the association between two traits. For example, some traitsare highly positively correlated, such as 200-Day Growth and 400-Day Growth, whilst others are highlynegatively correlated, such as 400-Day Growth and Calving Ease. When something is known of one trait butperhaps not another, a prediction can be made based on what is known about the correlation between them.This again enhances the accuracy of the EBV in question and helps deal with situations where records for a traitare limited or unavailable.3. BREEDING INDEXESIt is often desirable to select animals on the basis of more than one EBV. Indexes focus on specific breedinggoals and combine the appropriate EBVs in to a single figure based on their relative economic value. This iswidely regarded as the most efficient method of selecting on a number of traits at once.Signet currently produces three beef Indexes, as follows:IndexBEEFVALUEContributingEBVsBirth Weight EBV200 Day Weight EBV400 Day Weight EBVMuscle Depth EBVFat Depth EBVIndexCALVINGVALUEContributingEBVsGestation Length EBVCalving Ease EBVIndexMATERNALVALUEContributingEBVs200 Day Milk EBVLongevity EBV*Age First Calving EBV*Calving Interval EBV*Maternal Calving Ease* New EBVs not yet published at breed salesWhen using an Index it is important that your breeding objective is broadly similar to that of the Index inquestion, otherwise you may unwittingly change aspects of your herd that you did not necessarily want to.4. ACCURACYAn Accuracy Value is published next to every EBV and Index. Accuracy Values are expressed as a % andindicates the quantity and quality of records used to produce the EBV or Index.Several things affect the accuracy of an EBV or Index, namely: The amount of information on the trait from the animal itself The amount of information on the trait from relatives of the animal

9The heritability of the trait concernedThe amount of information from the animal and its relatives on traits correlated with the trait of interest andthe strength of the correlations which vary between different traits.The number of herd mates from the same management group recorded (‘contemporaries’).Scaling for Low AccuracyAn important feature of BLUP EBVs is that they are scaled to account for the amount of performance informationon which they are based. EBVs based on very little information get adjusted towards the average EBV and thisadjustment applies to both high and low EBVs.This prevents animals gaining very high or very low EBVs as a result of a few very good or very poor recordsand is designed to protect the user from risk. The more information available on an animal and its relatives, theless the EBVs are adjusted.Accuracy Values indicate how similar an animals’ EBVs are to its true breeding value. They predict thelikelihood that an animals EBVs will change over time5. EBV INDEXESTo aid interpretation at breed sales, all Limousin EBVs are presented in index form based around an average of100 with an approximate range of 70 to 130. For example:CalvingValue200 DayMilk (kg)200 Dayweight(kg)400 Dayweight(kg)MuscleDepth(mm)FatDepth(mm)BeefValueEBV LM –4C -1 +25 +34 +3.40 -0.20 LM +23Accuracy % 85 54 75 73 68 66 73Index 77 98 112 106 111 111 108Below averageAbove average6. MATERNAL EBVsMany commercial and pedigree producers are breeding their own female replacements and need to identify bullswith superior maternal attributes.200 Day Milk EBVOne of the most important maternal EBVs is the 200 Day Milk EBV – indicating the degree to which 200 day milkis influences by maternal performance – e.g. milkiness and general mothering ability.As well as predicting breeding potential for growth to 200 day of age, the 200 day weight can be used to assessan animals breeding potential for milking ability.Consider the performance of the grand-offspring of a bull. The weights of all of his grandprogeny are influencedby his growth genes, but only those produced by his daughters are affected by his genes for milk.If the grandprogeny produced by his daughters are constantly heavier than those produced by his sons, then thisis likely to be due to his superior genes for milk production.InterpretationA bull with an EBV of +4 for 200-Day Milk is expected to produce heifer calves whichwill have above average maternal characteristics leading to their calves being 2kgheavier at 200-days than calves from heifers sired by a bull with an EBV of 0.

10Maternal Calving EaseThis EBV predicts how easily a bull’s daughters will calve. It should not be confused with the Calving Ease EBVwhich predicts how easily a bull’s progeny will be born.The Maternal Calving Ease EBV is calculated from calving records and is expressed as a % indicating theproportion of unassisted calvings.InterpretationA bull with a Maternal Calving Ease EBV of 2% will produce females that have 1%more unassisted calvings than a bull with an EBV of 0.EBVs are also produced for: Longevity, Age at First Calving and Calving Interval but these are not yetpublished at breed sales.7. How to Use EBVs and IndexesEBVs are expressed in the same unit as the recorded trait (e.g. kg for 400-Day Weight, mm for Muscle Depthetc) and are relative to a Breed Benchmark, which is updated and published annually.Limousin Breed Benchmark 2013TraitBOTTOMAVERAGETOP1% 10% 25%25% 10% 1%Gestation Length (days) 3.7 1.9 1.2 0.5 -0.2 -1.0 -2.6Calving Ease (%) -8.4 -4.7 -3.3 -2.3 -1.1 -0.3 1.0Maternal Calving Ease -1.0 -0.2 0.2 0.6 1.0 1.2 1.7Birth Weight (kg) 3.4 2.4 1.9 1.3 0.9 0.4 -0.4Calving Value LM-4C LM-2C LM-1C LM0C LM1C LM2C LM4C200-Day Milk (kg) -6 -3 -2 -1 1 2 5200-Day Weight (kg) -4 6 12 17 25 32 45400-Day Weight (kg) -4 13 22 30 43 55 77Muscle Depth (mm) -0.7 0.6 1.2 2.1 3.1 4.1 6.0Fat Depth (mm) 0.4 0.1 0.0 -0.1 -0.2 -0.3 -0.6Beef Value LM6 LM13 LM16 LM20 LM26 LM31 LM41Maternal Value LM-21V LM-9V LM-3V LM4V LM9V LM16V LM28VWhen using EBVs it is important to remember that although they can be compared between herds, theycan not be compared between breeds.

11Using the Breed Benchmark, compare and contrast the EBVs and Indexes of the two young bulls below.Bull ABull BEach bull has been fully weight recorded (i.e. they both have a complete set of 100-day adjusted weights),scanned (the box says ‘Yes’) and possesses satisfactory accuracy figures, given their age.Both bulls have EBVs for growth and carcase traits that are above the breed average, but in several waystheir characteristics differ:> Bull A has a higher Muscle Depth EBV> Bull B has the highest EBVs for growth rate (weight) EBVs> Bull A has a 200-Day Milk EBV in the Top10% of the breed> Bull B has a Calving Value in the Top 10% of the breedBull A would the most suitable out of the two for a unit where conformation takes high priority. The high 200-DayMilk Weight EBV would also make it suitable for herds where female replacements are retained for breeding.The high Calving Value of Bull B indicates that it would be more suitable for mating to heifers. It could also beused in herds where a priority is to improve growth.RememberWhen trying to establish just how much influence a bull will pass on to his progeny it is important to remember tohalve the value of the EBV, since the other half of a calf’s genes comes from the cow.For example, a bull with a 400-Day Growth (weight) EBV of +62 is estimated to have the genetic potential to be62kg heavier at 400 days of age compared to a bull with an EBV of 0.Based on their sire’s genetics, his calves would be expected to be 31kg heavier at that age when compared tocalves by a bull with an EBV of 0, since they only inherit half of their growth genes from their sire (the other halfcoming from their dam).

128. UNDERSTANDING SALE CARDS AND CATALOGUESEstimated Breeding Values on Sale CardsEBVs and Indexes are produced on sale cards as shown below:Bars that lie to the right of the central line indicate the EBV/Index is above breed average (and the further it is tothe right, the higher above breed average it is). Similarly, bars to the left of the central line indicate theEBV/Index is below breed average (and the further to the left it is, the further below average it is).In sale catalogues, the same figures are produced in table format similar to the examples of Bull A and Bull Babove. The EBV Index (bottom line) will quickly indicate where values lie in relation to the breed average. TheBreed Benchmark printed in the front pages of the catalogue will allow further refinement of this.9. EBV and PEDIGREE INFORMATION JUST A CLICK AWAYEBV and pedigree information on all Limousin cattle are just a few internet clicks away…Step 1: Click the ‘Basco Online Herd Book’ button on the Limousin Society homepage (www.limousin.co.uk)Step 2: In the ‘All Breeds Quick Search’ box type the name or ear number of the animal you are interested in orclick on the ‘Breeder Search’ button to look at all animals belonging to or bred by a particular breeder.The site will then tell you the animal’s owner/breeder details, its EBVs, its pedigree and list its progeny with fulllinks to all of their information.10. FURTHER INFORMATIONFor further information, please contact Alison Glasgow, British Limousin Cattle Society on telephone 01721730664, e-mail alison@limousin.co.uk or visit the BLCS web site www.limousin.co.uk

132013 LIST OF ACCOMMODATIONWITHIN EASY REACH OF BORDERWAY MARTFarm House AccommodationMrs P Armstrong, Longlands, Kirklinton, Carlisle CA6 6DL Tel: 01228 675130Mrs M Harris, Whitbarrow Farm, Berrier, Penrith, Cumbria CA11 0XB Tel: 01768 483366James & Elaine Knox, The Steading, Townhead Farm, Houghton, Carlisle. CA6 4JB Tel: 01228 523019Mrs D Nicholson, Gill Farm, Blackford, Carlisle. CA6 4EL Tel: 01228 675326Amanda Shellabear, Broadlea of Robgill, Kirtle Bridge, Lockerbie, DG11 3NB Tel: 01461 500503Guest House AccommodationAbbey Court Guest House, 24 London Road, Carlisle CA1 2EL Tel: 01228 528696Arkale Lodge, 59 London Road, Carlisle CA1 2LE Tel: 01228 532927Cherry Grove Guest House, 87 Petteril Street, Carlisle CA1 2AW Tel: 01228 541942Cornerways Guest House, 107 Warwick Road, Carlisle CA1 1EA Tel: 01228 521733Courtfield Guest House, 169 Warwick Road, Carlisle CA1 1LP Tel: 01228 522767Crossroads House, Brisco, Carlisle CA4 0QZ Tel: 01228 528994Derwentlea Guest House. 14 Howard Place, Carlisle Tel: 01228 409706East View Guest House, 110 Warwick Road, Carlisle CA1 1JU Tel: 01228 522112Howard Lodge Guest House, 90 Warwick Road, Carlisle CA1 1JU Tel: 01228 529842Langleigh Guest House. 6 Howard Place, Carlisle Tel: 01228 530440Town House B&B, 153 Warwick Road, Carlisle CA1 1LU Tel: 01228 598782Warren Guest House, 368 Warwick Road, Carlisle CA1 2RU Tel: 01228 533663Warwick Lodge Guest House, 112 Warwick Road, Carlisle Tel: 01228 523796HotelsAngus Hotel 14-16 Scotland Road, Carlisle CA3 9DG Tel: 01228 523546Crown Hotel, Station Road, Wetheral, Carlisle Tel: 01228 561888Pinegrove Hotel, 262 London Road, Carlisle CA1 2QS Tel: 01228 524828Self Catering CottagesJean Musgrave, Brown Dyke Stables Cottages, Brown Dyke, Scaleby, Carlisle CA6 4LB 01228 675442Mrs S Fawcett, Eden Valley Escapes, Fair Shield, Ainstable, Carlisle CA4 9RF 01768 896661

14Vendors’ Index & Herd Health Summary Carlisle February 2013The Vendors’ Index includes a condensed version of the Herd Health information submitted at pointof entry by the vendor. For further information, please see Explanatory Notes & copy of Herd HealthDeclaration form also included in the catalogue.Barron, W BARRONS 103-105Morrow Edge Farm, Burnhope, Co Durham, DH7 0DS (01207 529 950)- Currently on a 4 year TB testing interval- Member of a CHeCS controlled health scheme for Johnes, BVD, IBR & Lepto- Accredited free for Lepto & BVD since 2012Cormack-McDowell Partners DYNAMITE 15-17Elmside Farm, Eastriggs, Annan, DG12 6TF (07974 899284)- Currently on a 4 year TB testing interval- Member of a CHeCS controlled health scheme for BVD since 2009 & Johnes- Routinely vaccinating against BVD & Lepto since 2009Cowx, A&W HUDSCALES 81-87Hudscales, Hesket New Market, Wigton, Cumbria, CA7 8JZ (01697 478 637)- Currently on a 4 year TB testing interval- Member of a CHeCS controlled health scheme for Johnes since 2005 & BVD since 2011- Accredited free for BVD since 2011- Routinely vaccinating against BVDCrawford Bros ERNE 77-80Rathkeeland, Maguiresbridge, BT94 4RT (028 8953 1276)- Currently on a 1 year TB testing interval- Member of a CHeCS controlled health scheme for Johnes, IBR, Lepto & BVD- Routinely vaccinating against BVD & LeptoCruickshank N & E NORMANDE 18-22Cowford Farm, Cleghorn, Lanark, ML11 8NR (01555 870244)- Currently on a 4 year TB testing interval- Member of a CHeCS controlled health scheme for Johnes since 2005 & BVD since 2008- Routinely vaccinating against BVD since 2000Hartley, J & F LOWSHIPLEY 23-24Low Shipley Farm, Hamsterley, Bishop Auckland, DL13 3PD (01388 762639)- Currently on a 4 year TB testing interval- Member of a CHeCS controlled health scheme for Johnes and BVD since 2011- Accredited free for BVD since 2012Hutton, GL CLOUGHHEAD 25-42Setmabanning, Threlkeld, Keswick, Cumbria, CA12 4TT (01768 779229)- Currently on a 4 year TB testing interval- Member of a CHeCS controlled health scheme for Johnes- Routinely vaccinating against BVD & JohnesHyslop, D NEWSHOT 90Balluskie Farm, Barrhill, Girvan, Ayrshire, KA26 0PX (01465 821241)- Currently on a 4 year TB testing interval- Member of a CHeCS controlled health scheme for Johnes, BVD & IBR- Routinely vaccinating against BVD & Lepto since 2007

Logan, Messrs J HOMEBYRES 56-61Humebyres, Kelso, Roxburghshire, TD5 7TL (01573 470245)- Currently on a 4 year TB testing interval- Member of a CHeCS controlled health scheme for Johnes & BVD since 1999- Accredited free for BVD since 2007 & Johnes since 2011- Routinely vaccinating against BVDMcKinney Brothers HEATHMOUNT 101-102Heathmount, 85-91 Craigadick Road, Maghera, BT46 5DH (02879 642338)- Currently on a 1 year TB testing interval- Member of a CHeCS controlled health scheme for Johnes since 2006- Routinely vaccinating against BVD & LeptoMillington Grange Estate MILLINGTON 1-13The Grange, Millington, York , YO42 1UB (01759 368121)- Currently on a 4 year TB testing interval- Member of a CHeCS controlled health scheme for Johnes & BVD- Accredited free for BVD since 2010- Routinely vaccinating against BVD & Lepto since 1998Newall, RFS LOWBARN 46-50Lowbarns, Wall, Hexham, Northumberland, NE46 4DR (01434 606680)- Currently on a 4 year TB testing interval- Member of a CHeCS controlled health scheme for Johnes, BVD & Lepto- Routinely vaccinating against BVDNorman, ES & E NORMAN 51-55Little Orton Farm, Little Orton, Carlisle, CA5 6EP (01228 576284)- Currently on a 4 year TB testing interval- Member of a CHeCS controlled health scheme for Johnes & BVD- Accredited free for BVD- Routinely vaccinating against BVD & IBRSuddes, JWR & M TOWDYPOTTS 43-45Towdy Potts Farm, Wolsingham, Co Durham, DL13 3BQ (01388 527376)- Currently on a 4 year TB testing interval- Member of a CHeCS controlled health scheme for Johnes, BVD, IBR & Lepto- Accredited free for Johnes & IBR- Routinely vaccinating against BVDSuddes, WI & Sons CORNSAY 68-76South Farm, Cornsay, Co Durham, DH7 9EL (0191 3734251)- Currently on a 4 year TB testing interval- Member of a CHeCS controlled health scheme for Johnes, BVD & IBR- Accredited free for Johnes since 2010- Routinely vaccinating against BVD & IBRVaughan, G DOLCORSLLWYN 88-89Dolcorsllwyn, Machynlleth, Powys, SY20 9AB (01650 511474)- Currently on a 1 year TB testing interval- Member of a CHeCS controlled health scheme for Johnes, IBR & BVD since 2003- Routinely vaccinating against BVD since 2012 & Lepto since 199015

16Watson, A & W SAUNDERS 91-100Saunders Close, Slaggyford, Brampton, Cumbria, CA8 7NS (01434 381243)- Currently on a 4 year TB testing interval- Member of a CHeCS controlled health scheme for Johnes & BVD- Accredited free for Johnes since 2011 & BVD since 2009Wilde, Mr S EWDENVALE 62-67Spite Winter House, Bradfield, Sheffield, S6 6LJ (0114 2851264)- Currently on a 4 year TB testing interval- Member of a CHeCS controlled health scheme for Johnes & BVD- Accredited free for Johnes & BVD since 2011- Routinely vaccinating against BVD since 2011 & Lepto since 2006Disclaimer: The health information above is as supplied by, or on behalf of the breeder at time ofentry. The responsibility for the accuracy of the information rests solely with the breeder and notwith the British Limousin Cattle Society Ltd

FEMALESSires marked * in the Pedigrees are included in theReference at the end of the catalogue17Lot Millington Grange Estate1 TOWTHORPE UNUSUALTGL03‐589 Born 10/06/03 UK 143223/300589Embryo CalfBred by Towthorpe Manor, Millington Grange Estate, Cold Skin Farm, Millington, East Yorkshire, YO42 1UDggs. OBUS 23‐78‐004‐717gs. VAURIEN 23‐84‐004‐516ggd. ROSETTE 23‐80‐004‐496Sire *GENIAL 87‐91‐002‐491ggs. PRELUDE 87‐79‐002‐029gd. BALINE 87‐86‐005‐219ggd. NILETTE 87‐77‐002‐325ggs. URANUS 19‐83‐004‐205gs. BILL 22‐86‐008‐622ggd. TEMPETE 87‐82‐010‐307Dam DOUDOUNE 22‐88‐036‐158ggs. URGENT 35‐83‐008‐061gd. ANEMONE 22‐85‐039‐691ggd. RAFALE 22‐80‐034‐936Signet Recorded Weights 100 200 300 400 500Last BLUP’d 16/11/2012 167 256 318 0 383MLC C E(%) C V 200M(kg) 200G(kg) 400G(kg) Fat(mm) MD(mm) BVData EBV -6.6 LM‐3C -1 +31 +42 ‐0.2 +3.6 LM+24Acc % 67 71 72 80 77 73 78 80BLCS Index 74 77 99 115 107 105 111 104Service Details Ran from 08/12/12 to sale date with *ECRAN (79-38-570-992).Calving Record 1 23/04/2006 M2 11/02/2008 M3 15/04/2009 F4 28/04/2010 M5 17/04/2011 M6 18/08/2012 F AT FOOTHer Heifer Calf at footMILLINGTON HOBBYMRJ12-200 UK143223/402200 Born: 18/08/2012Sire: *MILLINGTON CHIEF (MRJ07-219)

18Lot Millington Grange Estate2 MILLINGTON VIBRANTMRJ04‐688 Born 23/01/04 UK 143223/400688 Got by AIEmbryo Calfggs. OBUS 23‐78‐004‐717gs. VAURIEN 23‐84‐004‐516ggd. ROSETTE 23‐80‐004‐496Sire *GENIAL 87‐91‐002‐491ggs. PRELUDE 87‐79‐002‐029gd. BALINE 87‐86‐005‐219ggd. NILETTE 87‐77‐002‐325ggs. TARZAN 19‐82‐007‐874gs. CHERIF 19‐87‐003‐829ggd. MADELEINE 19‐76‐000‐242Dam JULY 19‐94‐014‐770ggs. TARVIS 19‐82‐001‐611gd. GELINOTTE 19‐91‐000‐498ggd. CERISE 19‐01‐454‐397Signet Recorded Weights 100 200 300 400 500Last BLUP’d 16/11/2012 129 235 336 432 507MLC C E(%) C V 200M(kg) 200G(kg) 400G(kg) Fat(mm) MD(mm) BVData EBV -4.1 LM‐2C -2 +18 +35 ‐0.1 +2.3 LM+23Acc % 63 71 69 79 78 70 77 79BLCS Index 90 82 93 99 102 99 100 103Service Details Ran from 08/12/12 to sale date with *ECRAN (79-38-570-992), seen served 26/01/13.Calving Record 1 14/04/2007 F2 19/11/2008 M3 10/06/2010 F4 01/06/2011 M5 24/10/2012 F AT FOOTHer Heifer Calf at footMILLINGTON HEARTYMRJ12-213 UK143223/302213 Born: 24/10/2012Sire: *GREENWELL FIELDMASTER (NK10-034)

Lot Millington Grange Estate3 MILLINGTON CORDIALMRJ07‐171 Born 06/01/07 UK 143223/401171 Got by AIEmbryo Calfggs. OURSON 19‐78‐001‐212gs. TARVIS 19‐82‐001‐611ggd. NITA 19‐77‐001‐891Sire JUNIOR 19‐94‐012‐999ggs. DOMINO 19‐88‐001‐780gd. GALETTE 19‐91‐013‐019ggd. ECUME 19‐89‐001‐220ggs. TANHILL MONOPOL FBM‐027gs. TANHILL RUMPUS FBR‐092ggd. LAVANDE 23‐75‐051‐257Dam RYEDALE RADIANT DAC00‐320ggs. TARVIS 19‐82‐001‐611gd IRLANDE 23‐93‐041‐802ggd. CAILLE 23‐87‐051‐45019Signet Recorded Weights 100 200 300 400 500Last BLUP’d 16/11/2012 155 286 381 464 536MLC C E(%) C V 200M(kg) 200G(kg) 400G(kg) Fat(mm) MD(mm) BVData EBV -5.2 LM+1C -4 +24 +37 ‐0.1 +2.9 LM+19Acc % 68 74 64 78 77 69 78 79BLCS Index 83 104 81 106 103 99 106 96Service Details Ran from 29/05/12 to sale date with *ECRAN (79-38-570-992). Scanned (05/11/12),4 months in calf.Calving Record 1 24/01/2011 F2 17/04/2012 F AT FOOTHer Heifer Calf at footMILLINGTON HAPPINESSMRJ12-169 UK143223/102169 Born: 17/04/2012Sire: *MILLINGTON DETROIT (MRJ08-519)

20Lot Millington Grange Estate4 COMTESSE19‐32‐637‐771 Born 04/02/07.Bred by Earl J M Verdier, Soulingeas, 19140 Uzerche, France,ggs. VAINQUEUR 87‐84‐003‐838gs. IBIS 87‐93‐000‐881ggd. BROQUETTE 87‐86‐006‐278Sire ROUDOUDOU 36‐15‐050‐963ggs. JEDDOA 87‐94‐006‐000gd. MAMA 36‐96‐014‐251ggd. HAWAI 36‐92‐005‐304ggs. IMPULSIF 23‐93‐043‐987gs. NOUMEA 87‐97‐008‐473ggd. HACHETTE 87‐92‐008‐926Dam TEMPETE 19‐31‐287‐387ggs. BRIAND 19‐86‐000‐702gd. FADETTE 19‐90‐006‐509ggd. VODKA 19‐84‐005‐340Service DetailsRan from 01/08/12 to sale date with *GREENWELL FIELDMASTER (NK10-034),seen served (14/08/12). Scanned (13/11/12) 3 months in calf.Calving Record 1 14/05/2010 M2 12/05/2011 F3 26/05/2012 M AT FOOTHer Bull Calf at footMILLINGTON HOWZATMRJ12-187 UK143223/502187 Born: 26/05/2012Sire: *MILLINGTON DETROIT (MRJ08-519)

Lot Millington Grange Estate5 MILLINGTON CINDYMRJ07‐237 Born 09/04/07 UK 143223/701237ggs. VAURIEN 23‐84‐004‐516gs. GENIAL 87‐91‐002‐491ggd. BALINE 87‐86‐005‐219Sire *MILLINGTON VELOX MRJ04‐686ggs. DOMINO 19‐88‐001‐780gd. FRINGANTE 19‐90‐002‐509ggd. SAPHENE 60‐81‐018‐006ggs. BROADMEADOWS CANNON CAVC‐031gs. WOODHOUSE PRINCE BDX99‐220ggd. WOODHOUSE HONEY BDX92‐059Dam MILLINGTON TANDY MRJ02‐382ggs. SHIRE IMRAN EL93‐214gd NEWSHAM MANDY BAU96‐013ggd. NEWSHAM EMERALD BAUE‐016Signet Recorded Weights 100 200 300 400 500Last BLUP’d 16/11/2012 176 305 407 496 575MLC C E(%) C V 200M(kg) 200G(kg) 400G(kg) Fat(mm) MD(mm) BVData EBV -6.2 LM‐4C ‐2 +35 +52 +0.2 +5.2 LM+32Acc % 63 66 63 78 77 71 77 79BLCS Index 76 70 93 119 114 79 125 117Service Details Ran from 08/07/12 with *ECRAN (79-38-570-992), seen served 10/08/12.Scanned (05/11/12) 3 months in calf.Calving Record 1 04/01/2010 F2 18/04/2011 F3 09/05/2012 F AT FOOTHer Heifer Calf at footMILLINGTON HEIDIMRJ12-183 UK143223/102183 Born: 09/05/2012Sire: *MILLINGTON DETROIT (MRJ08-519)21


Lot Millington Grange Estate6 MILLINGTON CAPPUCCINOMRJ07‐280 Born 11/08/07 UK 143223/101280ggs. VAURIEN 23‐84‐004‐516gs. GENIAL 87‐91‐002‐491ggd. BALINE 87‐86‐005‐219Sire *MILLINGTON VELOX MRJ04‐686ggs. DOMINO 19‐88‐001‐780gd. FRINGANTE 19‐90‐002‐509ggd. SAPHENE 60‐81‐018‐006ggs. BROADMEADOWS VIP CAVV‐024‐FOTgs. BROADMEADOWS CANNON CAVC‐031ggd. BROADMEADOWS AINSI CAVA‐003Dam RONICK NESTLE DY97‐037ggs. TALENT 23‐82‐004‐036gd RONICK ESTHER DYE‐040ggd. ORCHARD VANILLA WAEV‐019Signet Recorded Weights 100 200 300 400 500Last BLUP’d 16/11/2012 140 226 323 400 498MLC C E(%) C V 200M(kg) 200G(kg) 400G(kg) Fat(mm) MD(mm) BVData EBV -3.6 LM‐2C ‐3 +23 +39 0 +4.0 LM+28Acc % 65 68 60 77 76 60 72 77BLCS Index 93 84 87 105 105 92 115 111Service Details Ran from 01/08/12 with *GREENWELL FIELDMASTER (NK10-034), seen served 22/09/12.Scanned (13/11/12) 2 months in calf.Calving Record 1 08/04/2011 F2 07/07/2012 M AT FOOTHer Bull Calf at footMILLINGTON HELIXMRJ12-198 UK143223/202198 Born: 07/07/2012Sire: *ECRAN (79-38-570-992)23

24Lot Millington Grange Estate7 MILLINGTON DAMSONMRJ08‐311 Born 05/02/08 UK 143223/401311 Got by AIEmbryo Calfggs. VAURIEN 23‐84‐004‐516gs. GENIAL 87‐91‐002‐491ggd. BALINE 87‐86‐005‐219Sire NELOMBO 12‐97‐172‐653ggs. DIMANCHE 87‐88‐000‐354gd. ELANCEE 12‐89‐110‐490ggd. BLEUETTE 12‐86‐111‐413ggs. VAGABOND 87‐84‐014‐835gs. EPSON 87‐89‐003‐682ggd. TECHNIQUE 87‐82‐002‐576Dam LEPSON 19‐95‐020‐028ggs. BARON 19‐86‐002‐651gd. HARSEKI 19‐92‐015‐002ggd. CHARLOTTE 19‐87‐002‐101Signet Recorded Weights 100 200 300 400 500Last BLUP’d 16/11/2012 176 317 436 537 585MLC C E(%) C V 200M(kg) 200G(kg) 400G(kg) Fat(mm) MD(mm) BVData EBV -5.5 LM‐2C ‐3 +39 +65 ‐0.1 +4.2 LM+32Acc % 55 66 61 74 74 49 66 74BLCS Index 81 85 87 124 123 99 117 118Service DetailsRan from 05/12 to 05/07/12 with *GREENWELL FIELDMASTER (NK10-034),seen served 20/06/12, then ran from 08/07/12 with *ECRAN (79-38-570-992).Scanned (05/11/12) 5 months in calf.Calving Record 1 25/01/2011 M2 10/02/2012 F AT FOOTHer Heifer Calf at footMILLINGTON HAWTHORNMRJ12-146 UK143223/602146 Born: 10/02/2012Sire: *MILLINGTON DETROIT (MRJ08-519)

Lot Millington Grange Estate8 MILLINGTON DAINSIMRJ08‐318 Born 05/02/08 UK 143223/401318ggs. BROADMEADOWS VIP CAVV‐024‐FOTgs. BROADMEADOWS CANNON CAVC‐031ggd. BROADMEADOWS AINSI CAVA‐003Sire *WOODHOUSE PRINCE BDX99‐220ggs. TALENT 23‐82‐004‐036Damgd WOODHOUSE HONEY BDX92‐059ggd. GOLDIES AZALEA GSA‐029‐FOTggs. MAS DU CLO 23‐96‐032‐213gs. SANS COEUR 19‐31‐107‐844ggd. MISTINGUETTE 19‐96‐019‐980MILLINGTON AINSI MRJ05‐987ggs. PIAF 12‐99‐067‐556gd SAUGE 23‐02‐622‐927ggd. ONEREUSE 23‐98‐026‐905Signet Recorded Weights 100 200 300 400 500Last BLUP’d 16/11/2012 157 286 393 471 528MLC C E(%) C V 200M(kg) 200G(kg) 400G(kg) Fat(mm) MD(mm) BVData EBV -4.4 LM‐1C -2 +37 +58 ‐0.4 +5.6 LM+33Acc % 62 64 63 76 77 61 72 77BLCS Index 88 91 93 122 118 119 128 119Service Details Ran from 29/05/12 with *ECRAN (79-38-570-992), seen served 20/06/12.Scanned (05/11/12) 5 months in calfCalving Record 1 15/03/2011 F2 08/05/2012 F AT FOOTHer Heifer Calf at footMILLINGTON HALLEMRJ12-182 UK143223/702182 Born: 08/05/2012Sire: *MILLINGTON DETROIT (MRJ08-519)25

26Lot Millington Grange Estate9 MILLINGTON DEWBERRYMRJ08‐339 Born 20/02/08 UK 143223/401339 Got by AIEmbryo Calfggs. BROADMEADOWS VIP CAVV‐024‐FOTgs. BROADMEADOWS CANNON CAVC‐031ggd. BROADMEADOWS AINSI CAVA‐003Sire *WOODHOUSE PRINCE BDX99‐220ggs. TALENT 23‐82‐004‐036Damgd WOODHOUSE HONEY BDX92‐059ggd. GOLDIES AZALEA GSA‐029‐FOTggs. BANSIDE VICOUNT MAYV‐002gs. NORMANDE ECOSSE CAXE‐002ggd. REVEUSE 23‐80‐001‐170NEWSHAM LEMON BAU95‐011ggs. NEWSHAM CASANOVA BAUC‐007gd NEWSHAM EMERALD BAUE‐016ggd. NEWSHAM BARBARA BAUB‐015Signet Recorded Weights 100 200 300 400 500Last BLUP’d 16/11/2012 171 306 411 513 574MLC C E(%) C V 200M(kg) 200G(kg) 400G(kg) Fat(mm) MD(mm) BVData EBV -2.3 LM+1C +1 +26 +49 ‐0.4 +2.9 LM+28Acc % 67 74 67 79 79 64 75 79BLCS Index 101 103 110 109 112 119 106 111Service Details AI'd 22/06/12 to CLOUGHHEAD UMPIRE (HCX03-221) then ran from 01/08/12with *GREENWELL FIELDMASTER (NK10-034). Scanned (13/11/12) 4 months in calf.Calving Record 1 25/01/2011 F2 04/05/2012 M AT FOOTHer Bull Calf at footMILLINGTON HUNGARYMRJ12-178 UK143223/302178 Born: 04/05/2012Sire: *MILLINGTON DETROIT (MRJ08-519)

Lot Millington Grange Estate10 MILLINGTON DAUPHINEMRJ08‐375 Born 24/03/08 UK 143223/501375 Got by AIEmbryo Calfggs. VAURIEN 23‐84‐004‐516gs. GENIAL 87‐91‐002‐491ggd. BALINE 87‐86‐005‐219Sire *MILLINGTON VELOX MRJ04‐686ggs. DOMINO 19‐88‐001‐780gd. FRINGANTE 19‐90‐002‐509ggd. SAPHENE 60‐81‐018‐006ggs. BROADMEADOWS CANNON CAVC‐031gs. RONICK MATADOR DY96‐029ggd. RONICK DANITA DYD‐049Dam BROCKHURST OPTION MFX98‐062ggs. TALENT 23‐82‐004‐036gd RONICK MCAINSI DY96‐034‐FOTggd. BROADMEADOWS AINSI CAVA‐00327Signet Recorded Weights 100 200 300 400 500Last BLUP’d 16/11/2012 180 334 453 508 587MLC C E(%) C V 200M(kg) 200G(kg) 400G(kg) Fat(mm) MD(mm) BVData EBV -7.4 LM‐5C ‐7 +48 +52 +1.2 +7.5 LM+33Acc % 66 73 60 79 78 70 77 79BLCS Index 69 66 64 135 114 12 144 119Service Details Ran from 01/08/12 with *GREENWELL FIELDMASTER (NK10-034), seen served 07/09/12.Scanned (13/11/12) 4 months in calf.Calving Record 1 17/04/2011 F2 16/06/2012 M AT FOOTHer Bull Calf at footMILLINGTON HARRYMRJ12-194 UK143223/502194 Born: 16/06/2012Sire: *ECRAN (79-38-570-992)

28Lot Millington Grange Estate11 MILLINGTON DREAMYMRJ08‐452 Born 15/05/08 UK 143223/501452ggs. GRIZZLI 36‐91‐001‐264gs. IDEAL 19‐93‐013‐281ggd. FAVORITE 19‐90‐012‐078Sire *MILLINGTON VASCULAR MRJ04‐826ggs. RONICK MATADOR DY96‐029DamMILLINGTON VICKY MRJ04‐723gd BROCKHURST OPTION MFX98‐062ggd. RONICK MCAINSI DY96‐034‐FOTggs. AS DE PIC 35‐85‐010‐777gs. FERRY 19‐90‐003‐045ggd. VERVEINE 19‐84‐001‐281ggs. COUCOU 36‐87‐002‐418gd. GRACIEUSE 19‐91‐005‐167ggd. SOURIANTE 19‐81‐006‐591Signet Recorded Weights 100 200 300 400 500Last BLUP’d 16/11/2012 180 295 395 477 566MLC C E(%) C V 200M(kg) 200G(kg) 400G(kg) Fat(mm) MD(mm) BVData EBV -7.9 LM‐4C ‐3 +33 +46 ‐0.2 +3.0 LM+26Acc % 65 65 56 77 75 70 75 77BLCS Index 65 68 87 117 110 105 106 107Service Details Ran from 01/08/12 with *GREENWELL FIELDMASTER (NK10-034), seen served 15/08/12.Scanned (13/11/12) 2 months in calf.Calving Record 1 28/04/2011 M2 15/06/2012 F AT FOOTHer Heifer Calf at footMILLINGTON HEAVENLYMRJ12-193 UK143223/402193 Born: 15/06/2012Sire: *ECRAN (79-38-570-992)Lot Millington Grange Estate12 MILLINGTON DAWNMRJ08‐501 Born 27/08/08 UK 143223/501501 Got by AIEmbryo Calfggs. ULTIMATUM 36‐83‐001‐812gs. BAMBINO 19‐86‐005‐742ggd. SOURIANTE 19‐81‐006‐591Sire *MAS DU CLO 23‐96‐032‐213ggs. TILLEUL 23‐82‐000‐920gd. COSETTE 23‐87‐051‐003ggd. LANCETTE 23‐75‐050‐845ggs. DIMITRI 87‐88‐007‐553gs. JOKER 57‐94‐110‐469ggd. ANGORA 57‐85‐003‐807Dam NEIGE 19‐97‐013‐526ggs. GRIZZLI 36‐91‐001‐264gd. JASMINE 19‐94‐009‐810ggd. COQUINE 19‐87‐005‐158Signet Recorded Weights 100 200 300 400 500Last BLUP’d 16/11/2012 173 293 378 435 517MLC C E(%) C V 200M(kg) 200G(kg) 400G(kg) Fat(mm) MD(mm) BVData EBV -7.7 LM‐3C ‐4 +39 +42 0 +6.2 LM+27Acc % 69 75 64 78 77 70 77 79BLCS Index 67 79 81 124 107 92 133 110Service DetailsRan until 05/07/12 with *GREENWELL FIELDMASTER (NK10-034) then ran from08/07/12 with *ECRAN (79-38-570-992). Scanned (05/11/12) 5 months in calf.Calving Record 1 20/12/2011 F

Lot Millington Grange Estate13 MILLINGTON FLAVOURABLEMRJ10‐872 Born 18/05/10 UK 143223/501872 Got by AIEmbryo Calfggs. ROMEO 87‐80‐005‐214gs. DAUPHIN 19‐88‐004‐715ggd. OMBRETTE 19‐78‐003‐500Sire *OBJAT 19‐30‐299‐413ggs. DELTA 19‐88‐001‐432gd. MELODIE 19‐96‐004‐346ggd. AMELIE 19‐01‐362‐333ggs. BANSIDE VICOUNT MAYV‐002gs. NORMANDE ECOSSE CAXE‐002ggd. REVEUSE 23‐80‐001‐170Dam NEWSHAM LEMON BAU95‐011ggs. NEWSHAM CASANOVA BAUC‐007gd NEWSHAM EMERALD BAUE‐016ggd. NEWSHAM BARBARA BAUB‐01529Signet Recorded Weights 100 200 300 400 500Last BLUP’d 16/11/2012 158 289 413 513MLC C E(%) C V 200M(kg) 200G(kg) 400G(kg) Fat(mm) MD(mm) BVData EBV -1.0 LM0C +3 +34 +60 ‐0.5 +4.6 LM+40Acc % 71 75 63 78 78 71 77 79BLCS Index 109 99 121 118 120 125 120 131Service Details Ran from 08/12/12 to sale date with *ECRAN (79-38-570-992)Calving Record 1 17/10/2012 M AT FOOTHer Bull Calf at footMILLINGTON HYATTMRJ12-212 UK143223/202212 Born: 17/10/2012Sire: *ECRAN (79-38-570-992)Lot14 WITHDRAWN

30Lot Cormack McDowell Partners15 NEWSTART CINDERELLACKE07‐137 Born 08/01/07 UK 131241/600134 Got by AIBred by Mr & Mrs D & M Cormack., Abotts Close Farm, Sutton Road, Thirsk, North Yorkshire, YO7 2ESggs. BROADMEADOWS VIP CAVV‐024‐FOTgs. BROADMEADOWS CANNON CAVC‐031ggd. BROADMEADOWS AINSI CAVA‐003Sire WOODHOUSE PUGH BDX99‐222ggs. GOLDIES GIGOLO GSG‐018Damgd WOODHOUSE MOLLY BDX96‐028ggd. WOODHOUSE FAY BDXF‐039ggs. TARVIS 19‐82‐001‐611gs. RONICK ICEMAN DY93‐018‐FOTggd. BROADMEADOWS AINSI CAVA‐003RACHELS STELLA WT01‐040ggs. SCORBORO JEFFREY BEA94‐032Calving Record 1 31/10/2009 F2 01/10/2010 F3 18/10/2011 F4 01/01/2013 F AT FOOTgd RACHELS ORCHID WT98‐909ggd. RACHELS ANNETTE WTA‐082Her Heifer Calf at footDYNAMITE IMAGINATIONcke13- UK131241/200027 Born: 01/01/2013Sire: GREENHILL VIPER (IE161035250060)

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32Lot Cormack McDowell Partners16 NEWSTART VIYELLACKE04‐081 Born 10/06/04 UK 131241/400062Bred by Mr & Mrs D & M Cormack., Abotts Close Farm, Sutton Road, Thirsk, North Yorkshire, YO7 2ESggs. BROADMEADOWS VIP CAVV‐024‐FOTgs. BROADMEADOWS CANNON CAVC‐031ggd. BROADMEADOWS AINSI CAVA‐003Sire WOODHOUSE PUGH BDX99‐222ggs. GOLDIES GIGOLO GSG‐018Damgd WOODHOUSE MOLLY BDX96‐028ggd. WOODHOUSE FAY BDXF‐039ggs. TARVIS 19‐82‐001‐611gs. RONICK ICEMAN DY93‐018‐FOTggd. BROADMEADOWS AINSI CAVA‐003RACHELS STELLA WT01‐040ggs. SCORBORO JEFFREY BEA94‐032gd RACHELS ORCHID WT98‐909ggd. RACHELS ANNETTE WTA‐082Signet Recorded Weights 100 200 300 400 500Last BLUP’d 16/11/2012 173 310 461 576 666MLC C E(%) C V 200M(kg) 200G(kg) 400G(kg) Fat(mm) MD(mm) BVData EBV -1.6 LM+1C +1 +36 +72 ‐0.1 +4.6 LM+36Acc % 65 65 60 77 76 65 73 77BLCS Index 105 104 110 121 128 99 120 124Calving Record 1 13/04/2007 F2 27/04/2008 M3 12/07/2009 F4 20/06/2010 M5 12/01/2013 M AT FOOTHer Bull Calf at footDYNAMITE IRN-BRUcke13- UK131241/300028 Born: 12/01/2013Sire: GREENHILL VIPER (IE161035250060)

Lot Cormack McDowell Partners17 NEWSTART CHRISTABELLACKE07‐146 Born 13/04/07 UK 131241/300145Bred by Mr & Mrs D & M Cormack., Abotts Close Farm, Sutton Road, Thirsk, North Yorkshire, YO7 2ESggs. LEO 23‐95‐071‐399gs. NENUPHAR 87‐97‐011‐143ggd. GIROFLEE 87‐91‐000‐077Sire *GREENHILL VIPER IE161035250060ggs. LIMIER 23‐95‐062‐178gd. NANA 23‐97‐059‐097ggd. ESPIONNE 23‐89‐055‐728ggs. BROADMEADOWS CANNON CAVC‐031gs. WOODHOUSE PUGH BDX99‐222ggd. WOODHOUSE MOLLY BDX96‐028Dam NEWSTART VIYELLA CKE04‐081ggs. RONICK ICEMAN DY93‐018‐FOTService Detailsgd RACHELS STELLA WT01‐040ggd. RACHELS ORCHID WT98‐909AI’d to GRAHAMS UNBEATABLE (GV03-176)Calving Record 1 01/03/2010 M2 04/04/2011 F3 10/06/2012 F LOT 17ALot Her Heifer calf17A DYNAMITE HENRIETTAcqr12-013 UK584184/700025 Born: 10/06/2012Sire: GRAHAMS UNBEATABLE (GV03-176)33

34Lot Cruickshank Normande Limousin18 NORMANDE CAPRICECAX07‐620 Born 19/05/07 UK 560770/500620ggs. KYPE INTERROGATE CAQ93‐023gs. GLENROCK SPARTACUS IE01‐152ggd. GLENROCK JUNIPER IE94‐010Sire GLENROCK VLADAMIR IE04‐390ggs. RACHELS EUREKA WTE‐252Damgd RACHELS LESLEY WT95‐780ggd. RACHELS ANGELIQUE WTA‐080ggs. RONICK ICEMAN DY93‐018‐FOTgs. ROUGHLEY SOLOMON SBC01‐016ggd. ROUGHLEY LAVISH SBC95‐033‐FOTNORMANDE VIOLETTA CAX04‐413ggs. ALDWYCK ORPHEUS BAM98‐248gd NORMANDE RIYADH CAX00‐079ggd. NORMANDE NAIAD CAX97‐040Signet Recorded Weights 100 200 300 400 500Last BLUP’d 16/11/2012 156 259 373 471MLC C E(%) C V 200M(kg) 200G(kg) 400G(kg) Fat(mm) MD(mm) BVData EBV -3.8 LM‐1C +16 +23 ‐0.2 +2.5 LM+19Acc % 53 50 60 75 75 55 68 73BLCS Index 91 88 104 97 93 105 102 97Service DetailsRan with *ROUNDHILL FRANZ (IE241280221282). PD’d 4 ½ months in calf.Calving Record 1 10/05/2010 M2 28/07/2012 F AT FOOTHer Heifer Calf at footNORMANDE HULOTTECAX12-1066 UK560770/301066 Born: 28/07/2012Sire: *BROOKFIELD ELMO (IE201276990059)

Lot Cruickshank Normande Limousin19 NORMANDE DAWNCAX08‐719 Born 12/06/08 UK 560770/600719ggs. IDEAL 19‐93‐013‐281gs. NESTOR 19‐97‐013‐433ggd. GOELETTE 19‐91‐009‐131Sire *ARDNACRUSHA UTHMAN HRWU‐254ggs. GENEREUX 19‐91‐009‐241gd. LUSTRE PELL‐141ggd. PELLETSTOWN GLITTER PELG‐004ggs. DAUPHIN 19‐88‐004‐715gs. ALDWYCK ORPHEUS BAM98‐248ggd. ALDWYCK FENELLA BAMF‐046Dam NORMANDE VENUS CAX04‐409ggs. FILIP 02‐90‐150‐010gd NORMANDE LAMOUR CAX95‐008ggd. NORMANDE HONOUR CAX92‐009Signet Recorded Weights 100 200 300 400 500Last BLUP’d 16/11/2012 146 256 366MLC C E(%) C V 200M(kg) 200G(kg) 400G(kg) Fat(mm) MD(mm) BVData EBV -3.1 LM0C -2 +14 +22 ‐0.3 +1.4 LM+16Acc % 55 56 53 73 69 55 66 71BLCS Index 96 97 93 95 93 112 93 9235Service DetailsRan with *ROUNDHILL FRANZ (IE241280221282)Calving Record 1 24/07/2012 M AT FOOTHer Bull Calf at footNORMANDE HATCHETCAX12-1065 UK560770/201065 Born: 24/07/2012Sire: *BROOKFIELD ELMO (IE201276990059)Lot Cruickshank Normande Limousin20 NORMANDE ELEGANTCAX09‐769 Born 14/04/09 UK 560770/700769ggs. INDECIS 22‐93‐004‐195gs. ONDIT 36‐15‐069‐746ggd. FRANCHON 36‐90‐006‐248Sire *ABEL 19‐32‐326‐906ggs. LORIOT 19‐95‐007‐352gd. SYBELLE 19‐31‐096‐503ggd. NATURELLE 19‐97‐005‐620ggs. IDEAL 87‐93‐050‐692gs. TRIFOLIUM MCGONAGALL OAF96‐009ggd. FAUGHANVALE GLENNIS MCXG‐015Dam NORMANDE RIBBON CAX00‐061ggs. NORMANDE FORTRESS CAXF‐014gd NORMANDE MORVEN CAX96‐062ggd. SANTE 87‐81‐000‐496Signet Recorded Weights 100 200 300 400 500Last BLUP’d 16/11/2012 168 280 0 461 0MLC C E(%) C V 200M(kg) 200G(kg) 400G(kg) Fat(mm) MD(mm) BVData EBV -2.8 LM+2C 0 +30 +54 ‐0.1 +2.5 LM+27Acc % 48 46 45 74 74 55 67 72BLCS Index 98 110 104 114 115 99 102 109Service DetailsRan with *MOLOSKEY CLAUS (IE131477840508). PD’d 5 months in calf.Calving Record 1 22/05/2012 M AT FOOTHer Bull Calf at footNORMANDE HOMERUNCAX12-1031 UK560770/301031 Born: 22/05/2012Sire: *BROOKFIELD ELMO (IE201276990059)

36Lot Cruickshank Normande Limousin21 NORMANDE ERMINECAX09‐819 Born 29/06/09 UK 560770/100819ggs. LEO 23‐95‐071‐399gs. NENUPHAR 87‐97‐011‐143ggd. GIROFLEE 87‐91‐000‐077Sire *FAIRYMOUNT ARTHUR IE221280030084ggs. IBIS 87‐93‐000‐881gd. FAIRYMOUNT ROISIN IE221280070030ggd. WOODVIEW KERRIE NGA102076ggs. DAUPHIN 19‐88‐004‐715gs. ALDWYCK ORPHEUS BAM98‐248ggd. ALDWYCK FENELLA BAMF‐046Dam NORMANDE VOILE CAX04‐387ggs. NORMANDE JUDGE CAX94‐037gd NORMANDE ORGANZA CAX98‐113ggd. NORMANDE EDNA CAXE‐027Signet Recorded Weights 100 200 300 400 500Last BLUP’d 16/11/2012 147 0 336 435 0MLC C E(%) C V 200M(kg) 200G(kg) 400G(kg) Fat(mm) MD(mm) BVData EBV -3.3 LM‐1C ‐1 +23 +39 ‐0.2 +2.3 LM+22Acc % 50 48 48 71 74 53 63 70BLCS Index 95 93 99 105 105 105 100 102Service DetailsRan with *MOLOSKEY CLAUS (IE131477840508)Calving Record 1 21/05/2012 M AT FOOT (CAESARIAN)Her Bull Calf at footNORMANDE HANNIBALCAX12-1030 UK560770/201030 Born: 21/05/2012Sire: *BROOKFIELD ELMO (IE201276990059)Lot Cruickshank Normande Limousin22 NORMANDE FLORACAX10‐848 Born 02/04/10 UK 560770/200848ggs. LEO 23‐95‐071‐399gs. NENUPHAR 87‐97‐011‐143ggd. GIROFLEE 87‐91‐000‐077Sire *FAIRYMOUNT ARTHUR IE221280030084ggs. IBIS 87‐93‐000‐881gd. FAIRYMOUNT ROISIN IE221280070030ggd. WOODVIEW KERRIE NGA102076ggs. DAUPHIN 19‐88‐004‐715gs. ALDWYCK ORPHEUS BAM98‐248ggd. ALDWYCK FENELLA BAMF‐046Dam NORMANDE TOPAZ CAX02‐214ggs. NORMANDE FORTRESS CAXF‐014gd NORMANDE MOONSTONE CAX96‐060ggd. NORMANDE GARNET CAXG‐005Signet Recorded Weights 100 200 300 400 500Last BLUP’d 16/11/2012 169 283 388 497 0MLC C E(%) C V 200M(kg) 200G(kg) 400G(kg) Fat(mm) MD(mm) BVData EBV -2.5 LM0C -1 +17 +33 ‐0.3 +1.6 LM+20Acc % 51 49 52 74 74 54 67 72BLCS Index 100 97 99 98 100 112 94 99Calving Record 1 05/09/2012 M AT FOOTHer Bull Calf at footNORMANDE HAMISHCAX12-1071 UK560770/101071 Born: 05/09/2012Sire: *BROOKFIELD ELMO (IE201276990059)

Lot J & F Hartley23 LOWSHIPLEY FIREFLYHOD10‐015 Born 20/11/10 UK 105077/400423ggs. NESTOR 19‐97‐013‐433gs. ARDNACRUSHA UTHMAN HRWU‐254ggd. LUSTRE PELL‐141Sire MILLBROW ACE LBH05‐004ggs. LYNX 87‐95‐008‐554DamService Detailsgd MILLBROW OPAL LBH98‐012ggd. MILLBROW JILL LBH94‐002ggs. IDEAL 23‐93‐045‐394gs. RESCAPE 86‐00‐130‐575ggd. LESCOT.B 86‐95‐111‐311LOWSHIPLEY UDEAL HOD03‐002ggs. DAIM 19‐88‐005‐833gd GREENWELL IDEAL NK93‐009ggd. GREENWELL DEE NKD‐066Ran from 26/12/12 to sale date with *VIRGINIA ANDY (IE121657690563)LOWSHIPLEY FIREFLY is only being offered for sale as the herd has outgrown accommodation. Lowshipley Udeal(dam) is also mother of Greenwell Tarzan 7,600gns and Greenwell Nathan 3,800gns.37Lot J & F Hartley24 LOWSHIPLEY FREDERIKAHOD10‐009 Born 31/05/10 UK 105077/700412ggs. NESTOR 19‐97‐013‐433gs. ARDNACRUSHA UTHMAN HRWU‐254ggd. LUSTRE PELL‐141Sire MILLBROW ACE LBH05‐004ggs. LYNX 87‐95‐008‐554DamService Detailsgd MILLBROW OPAL LBH98‐012ggd. MILLBROW JILL LBH94‐002ggs. IGOLO 87‐93‐004‐822gs. GREENWELL MANAGER NK96‐012ggd. GREENWELL CHEVORN NKC‐055GREENWELL POLITE NK99‐049ggs. GENIAL 19‐91‐011‐983gd GREENWELL JEMMA NK94‐010ggd. GREENWELL VELVET NKV‐022Ran from 14/12/12 to sale date with *VIRGINIA ANDY (IE121657690563)LOWSHIPLEY FREDERIKA is exceptionally quiet.

38Lot G L Hutton25 CLOUGHHEAD GRACEHCX11‐764 Born 20/01/11 UK 101983/200764ggs. IBISCUS 19‐93‐006‐580gs. NESTOR 19‐97‐006‐771ggd. FRIME 19‐90‐011‐777Sire *UGUES 19‐31‐558‐775ggs. BILBAO 19‐86‐011‐105gd. ECLIPSE 19‐89‐009‐628ggd. BANNOU 19‐86‐010‐912ggs. IDEAL 19‐93‐013‐281gs. RAPACE 36‐15‐071‐556ggd. MEXICAINE 36‐96‐029‐650Dam CLOUGHHEAD UNITY HCX03‐207ggs. HEROS 36‐92‐005‐318gd CLOUGHHEAD RYTHAM HCX00‐035ggd. CLOUGHHEAD LAURA HCX95‐154‐FOTLot G L Hutton26 CLOUGHHEAD GERTRUDEHCX11‐770 Born 28/01/11 UK 101983/100770ggs. VAINQUEUR 87‐84‐003‐838gs. IZARA 87‐93‐011‐137ggd. DALIDA 87‐88‐008‐085Sire *UNIVERS 24‐24‐473‐075ggs. CUBJACOIS 24‐87‐015‐605gd. HAITI 24‐92‐015‐107ggd. URSULA2 24‐83‐015‐720ggs. BROADMEADOWS CANNON CAVC‐031gs. CLOUGHHEAD JURASSIC HCX94‐131ggd. GLORIEUSE 23‐91‐059‐999Dam CLOUGHHEAD OZONE HCX98‐262ggs. MARDEN UMPH DAU‐103‐FOTgd CLOUGHHEAD IDA HCX93‐069ggd. CLOUGHHEAD FAVOURITE HCXF‐031‐FOTLot G L Hutton27 CLOUGHHEAD GABBYHCX11‐771 Born 30/01/11 UK 101983/200771ggs. VAINQUEUR 87‐84‐003‐838gs. IZARA 87‐93‐011‐137ggd. DALIDA 87‐88‐008‐085Sire *UNIVERS 24‐24‐473‐075ggs. CUBJACOIS 24‐87‐015‐605gd. HAITI 24‐92‐015‐107ggd. URSULA2 24‐83‐015‐720ggs. IDOLE 12‐93‐111‐663gs. SAIGA 43‐01‐067‐075ggd. LOLA 43‐95‐075‐312Dam CLOUGHHEAD URO HCX03‐246ggs. CLOUGHHEAD JURASSIC HCX94‐131gd CLOUGHHEAD RUTH HCX00‐006ggd. CLOUGHHEAD JOY HCX94‐104

Lot G L Hutton28 CLOUGHHEAD GUINEVEREHCX11‐773 Born 17/05/11 UK 101983/400773ggs. VAURIEN 23‐84‐004‐516gs. GENIAL 87‐91‐002‐491ggd. BALINE 87‐86‐005‐219Sire *CLOUGHHEAD ACE HCX05‐339ggs. HEROS 36‐92‐005‐318Damgd CLOUGHHEAD JANET HCX94‐094‐FOTggd. RUADH THELMA CAFT‐003ggs. IGOLO 87‐93‐004‐822gs. GREENWELL MAJOR NK96‐017ggd. GREENWELL FIONA NKF‐106CLOUGHHEAD TESSA HCX02‐184ggs. DUVALIER 36‐88‐009‐657gd IMAGE 86‐93‐111‐405ggd. CAGOULE 61‐87‐007‐91539Lot G L Hutton29 CLOUGHHEAD GODDESSHCX11‐774 Born 17/05/11 UK 101983/500774ggs. VAURIEN 23‐84‐004‐516gs. GENIAL 87‐91‐002‐491ggd. BALINE 87‐86‐005‐219Sire *CLOUGHHEAD ACE HCX05‐339ggs. HEROS 36‐92‐005‐318Damgd CLOUGHHEAD JANET HCX94‐094‐FOTggd. RUADH THELMA CAFT‐003ggs. DOMINO 19‐88‐001‐780gs. SOLEIL 19‐31‐107‐866ggd. DULCINEE 19‐88‐006‐711CLOUGHHEAD VOLLY HCX04‐295ggs. CLOUGHHEAD EDDIE HCXE‐021gd CLOUGHHEAD HOLLY HCX92‐048ggd. BRAVOU 19‐86‐010‐627Lot G L Hutton30 CLOUGHHEAD GABRIELLEHCX11‐775 Born 18/05/11 UK 101983/600775ggs. VAURIEN 23‐84‐004‐516gs. GENIAL 87‐91‐002‐491ggd. BALINE 87‐86‐005‐219Sire *CLOUGHHEAD ACE HCX05‐339ggs. HEROS 36‐92‐005‐318Damgd CLOUGHHEAD JANET HCX94‐094‐FOTggd. RUADH THELMA CAFT‐003ggs. DOMINO 19‐88‐001‐780gs. SOLEIL 19‐31‐107‐866ggd. DULCINEE 19‐88‐006‐711CLOUGHHEAD VICKY HCX04‐256ggs. CLOUGHHEAD JURASSIC HCX94‐131gd CLOUGHHEAD OLGA HCX98‐248ggd. CLOUGHHEAD DOROTHY HCXD‐016‐FOT

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Lot G L Hutton31 CLOUGHHEAD GORGEOUSHCX11‐778 Born 21/05/11 UK 101983/200778ggs. VAURIEN 23‐84‐004‐516gs. GENIAL 87‐91‐002‐491ggd. BALINE 87‐86‐005‐219Sire *CLOUGHHEAD ACE HCX05‐339ggs. HEROS 36‐92‐005‐318Damgd CLOUGHHEAD JANET HCX94‐094‐FOTggd. RUADH THELMA CAFT‐003ggs. FLAMBEUR 87‐90‐051‐678gs. JEROME 23‐94‐026‐101ggd. DEMOISELLE 23‐88‐005‐866CLOUGHHEAD PEPSI HCX99‐721ggs. DJERK 19‐88‐001‐713gd CLOUGHHEAD JANICE HCX94‐121ggd. HAMPTON RHODA JBR‐01541Lot G L Hutton32 CLOUGHHEAD GIGIHCX11‐779 Born 22/05/11 UK 101983/300779ggs. VAURIEN 23‐84‐004‐516gs. GENIAL 87‐91‐002‐491ggd. BALINE 87‐86‐005‐219Sire *CLOUGHHEAD ACE HCX05‐339ggs. HEROS 36‐92‐005‐318Damgd CLOUGHHEAD JANET HCX94‐094‐FOTggd. RUADH THELMA CAFT‐003ggs. NESTOR 19‐97‐006‐771gs. UGUES 19‐31‐558‐775ggd. ECLIPSE 19‐89‐009‐628CLOUGHHEAD CELIA HCX07‐483ggs. DUVALIER 36‐88‐009‐657gd IMAGE 86‐93‐111‐405ggd. CAGOULE 61‐87‐007‐915Lot G L Hutton33 CLOUGHHEAD GEMMAHCX11‐782 Born 23/05/11 UK 101983/600782ggs. OURSON 87‐78‐002‐862gs. UTRILLO 19‐31‐859‐900ggd. GENTILLE 23‐91‐053‐162Sire DELICIEUX 19‐33‐426‐585ggs. MILOU 19‐96‐018‐369gd. VIENOISE 19‐32‐055‐935ggd. RAZZIA 19‐30‐688‐834ggs. GENIAL 87‐91‐002‐491gs. CLOUGHHEAD ACE HCX05‐339ggd. CLOUGHHEAD JANET HCX94‐094‐FOTDam CLOUGHHEAD DORA HCX08‐554ggs. HEROS 87‐92‐010‐016gd MAGNETO 87‐96‐000‐989ggd. HIRONDELLE 87‐92‐006‐202

42Lot G L Hutton34 CLOUGHHEAD GLENDAHCX11‐796 Born 05/06/11 UK 101983/600796ggs. VAURIEN 23‐84‐004‐516gs. GENIAL 87‐91‐002‐491ggd. BALINE 87‐86‐005‐219Sire *CLOUGHHEAD ACE HCX05‐339ggs. HEROS 36‐92‐005‐318Damgd CLOUGHHEAD JANET HCX94‐094‐FOTggd. RUADH THELMA CAFT‐003ggs. BROADMEADOWS CANNON CAVC‐031gs. CLOUGHHEAD JURASSIC HCX94‐131ggd. GLORIEUSE 23‐91‐059‐999CLOUGHHEAD RACHEL HCX00‐774ggs. BROADMEADOWS TOMBOLA CAVT‐011gd CLOUGHHEAD MODEL HCX96‐176ggd. CLOUGHHEAD HABILE HCX92‐063Lot G L Hutton35 CLOUGHHEAD GENIEHCX11‐799 Born 24/06/11 UK 101983/200799ggs. VAURIEN 23‐84‐004‐516gs. GENIAL 87‐91‐002‐491ggd. BALINE 87‐86‐005‐219Sire *CLOUGHHEAD ACE HCX05‐339ggs. HEROS 36‐92‐005‐318Damgd CLOUGHHEAD JANET HCX94‐094‐FOTggd. RUADH THELMA CAFT‐003ggs. PACTOLE 19‐30‐547‐623gs. CLOUGHHEAD SIERRA HCX01‐145ggd. CLOUGHHEAD NAJA HCX97‐199CLOUGHHEAD ULREKA HCX03‐217ggs. CAID 87‐87‐007‐521gd GLORIEUSE 23‐91‐059‐999ggd. BIGUINE 23‐86‐005‐586Lot G L Hutton36 CLOUGHHEAD GWENHCX11‐804 Born 30/06/11 UK 101983/700804ggs. NESTOR 19‐97‐006‐771gs. UGUES 19‐31‐558‐775ggd. ECLIPSE 19‐89‐009‐628Sire *CLOUGHHEAD BILLY HCX06‐445ggs. ESPAGNOL 23‐89‐055‐553Damgd GASCOGNE 23‐91‐060‐414ggd. BAVETTE 23‐86‐005‐590ggs. FLAMBEUR 87‐90‐051‐678gs. JEROME 23‐94‐026‐101ggd. DEMOISELLE 23‐88‐005‐866CLOUGHHEAD RAQUEL HCX00‐028ggs. TITAN MEB‐010Tgd BROADMEADOWS JEMMA CAV94‐008ggd. BROADMEADOWS ELMA CAVE‐003‐FOT

Lot G L Hutton37 CLOUGHHEAD GRACIEHCX11‐805 Born 30/06/11 UK 101983/100805ggs. NESTOR 19‐97‐006‐771gs. UGUES 19‐31‐558‐775ggd. ECLIPSE 19‐89‐009‐628Sire *CLOUGHHEAD BILLY HCX06‐445ggs. ESPAGNOL 23‐89‐055‐553Damgd GASCOGNE 23‐91‐060‐414ggd. BAVETTE 23‐86‐005‐590ggs. GOLDIES OSWALD GS98‐064gs. HALFWAYWELL UNIVERSE BPT03‐007ggd. BURTON ENCHANTRESS KAE‐149CLOUGHHEAD BETTY HCX06‐416ggs. CLOUGHHEAD JURASSIC HCX94‐131gd CLOUGHHEAD OPHELIA HCX98‐254ggd. CLOUGHHEAD GORGEOUS HCXG‐042Lot G L Hutton38 CLOUGHHEAD GAGAHCX11‐811 Born 05/07/11 UK 101983/700811 Got by AIEmbryo Calfggs. AVOCAT 36‐85‐003‐779gs. DURANDAL 36‐88‐007‐305ggd. VALEUR 36‐84‐007‐729Sire *HEROS 36‐92‐005‐318ggs. PROSPER 33‐79‐015‐081gd. SIGIT 36‐81‐000‐283ggd. NUANCE 36‐77‐001‐949ggs. BROADMEADOWS CANNON CAVC‐031gs. CLOUGHHEAD JURASSIC HCX94‐131ggd. GLORIEUSE 23‐91‐059‐999Dam CLOUGHHEAD NOVELTY HCX97‐213ggs. VISITEUR 87‐84‐002‐123gd COMTESSE 23‐87‐055‐952ggd. VIOLETTE 23‐84‐004‐88443Lot G L Hutton39 CLOUGHHEAD GISELLEHCX11‐818 Born 07/08/11 UK 101983/700818ggs. NESTOR 19‐97‐006‐771gs. UGUES 19‐31‐558‐775ggd. ECLIPSE 19‐89‐009‐628Sire *CLOUGHHEAD BILLY HCX06‐445ggs. ESPAGNOL 23‐89‐055‐553Damgd GASCOGNE 23‐91‐060‐414ggd. BAVETTE 23‐86‐005‐590ggs. MALIBU 36‐96‐026‐196gs. PETUNIA 87‐00‐670‐240ggd. GATINE 87‐91‐002‐851CLOUGHHEAD SHEILA HCX01‐149ggs. FERRY 19‐90‐003‐045gd CLOUGHHEAD LAURA HCX95‐154‐FOTggd. RUADH THELMA CAFT‐003

44Lot G L Hutton40 CLOUGHHEAD GEORGINAHCX11‐821 Born 10/08/11 UK 101983/300821ggs. NESTOR 19‐97‐006‐771gs. UGUES 19‐31‐558‐775ggd. ECLIPSE 19‐89‐009‐628Sire *CLOUGHHEAD BILLY HCX06‐445ggs. ESPAGNOL 23‐89‐055‐553Damgd GASCOGNE 23‐91‐060‐414ggd. BAVETTE 23‐86‐005‐590ggs. DOMINO 19‐88‐001‐780gs. SOLEIL 19‐31‐107‐866ggd. DULCINEE 19‐88‐006‐711CLOUGHHEAD VERTIGO HCX04‐300ggs. PETUNIA 87‐00‐670‐240gd CLOUGHHEAD SOPHIE HCX01‐122ggd. CLOUGHHEAD FAVOURITE HCXF‐031‐FOTLot G L Hutton41 CLOUGHHEAD GERANIUMHCX11‐824 Born 25/09/11 UK 101983/600824ggs. VAURIEN 23‐84‐004‐516gs. GENIAL 87‐91‐002‐491ggd. BALINE 87‐86‐005‐219Sire *CLOUGHHEAD ACE HCX05‐339ggs. HEROS 36‐92‐005‐318Damgd CLOUGHHEAD JANET HCX94‐094‐FOTggd. RUADH THELMA CAFT‐003ggs. OMAR 19‐30‐288‐541gs. ULTRABIEN 36‐15‐024‐031ggd. NOUNOU 36‐97‐009‐250CLOUGHHEAD BAMBI HCX06‐436ggs. CLOUGHHEAD JURASSIC HCX94‐131gd CLOUGHHEAD ORRISSA HCX98‐275ggd. CLOUGHHEAD JUNE HCX94‐133Lot G L Hutton42 CLOUGHHEAD GOLDIEHCX11‐830 Born 29/09/11 UK 101983/500830ggs. VAURIEN 23‐84‐004‐516gs. GENIAL 87‐91‐002‐491ggd. BALINE 87‐86‐005‐219Sire *CLOUGHHEAD ACE HCX05‐339ggs. HEROS 36‐92‐005‐318Damgd CLOUGHHEAD JANET HCX94‐094‐FOTggd. RUADH THELMA CAFT‐003ggs. BROADMEADOWS CANNON CAVC‐031gs. CLOUGHHEAD JURASSIC HCX94‐131ggd. GLORIEUSE 23‐91‐059‐999CLOUGHHEAD ROSA HCX00‐012ggs. ROUGHLEY HEROD SBC92‐019gd ROUGHLEY LYNETTE SBC95‐001ggd. ABLETTE 87‐85‐001‐663

Lot J W R & M Suddes43 TOWDYPOTTS GEMMASTG11‐191 Born 15/04/11 UK 112448/300191ggs. OMAR 19‐30‐288‐541gs. ULTRABIEN 36‐15‐024‐031ggd. NOUNOU 36‐97‐009‐250Sire CLOUGHHEAD BUSTER HCX06‐403ggs. PETUNIA 87‐00‐670‐240gd CLOUGHHEAD THELMA HCX02‐164ggd. CLOUGHHEAD JANET HCX94‐094‐FOTggs. BAMBINO 87‐86‐001‐669gs. J38 19‐94‐003‐609ggd. ASTRAGALE 19‐85‐008‐226Dam RACOLEUSE 19‐30‐578‐467ggs. GLENAN 19‐91‐010‐361gd. L31 19‐95‐020‐741ggd. BASTILLE 19‐86‐005‐425Lot J W R & M Suddes44 TOWDYPOTTS GINASTG11‐198 Born 21/04/11 UK 112448/300198ggs. OMAR 19‐30‐288‐541gs. ULTRABIEN 36‐15‐024‐031ggd. NOUNOU 36‐97‐009‐250Sire CLOUGHHEAD BUSTER HCX06‐403ggs. PETUNIA 87‐00‐670‐240Damgd CLOUGHHEAD THELMA HCX02‐164ggd. CLOUGHHEAD JANET HCX94‐094‐FOTggs. INDECIS 22‐93‐004‐195gs. PAPIN 36‐15‐069‐760ggd. GALANTE 36‐91‐000‐162CORNSAY UNBELIEVEABLE SMT03‐218ggs. JORIS 46‐94‐111‐965gd ROSETTE 19‐30‐566‐990ggd. IBUSSE 19‐93‐009‐76145Lot J W R & M Suddes45 TOWDYPOTTS GAYESTG11‐200 Born 24/04/11 UK 112448/500200ggs. OMAR 19‐30‐288‐541gs. ULTRABIEN 36‐15‐024‐031ggd. NOUNOU 36‐97‐009‐250Sire CLOUGHHEAD BUSTER HCX06‐403ggs. PETUNIA 87‐00‐670‐240gd CLOUGHHEAD THELMA HCX02‐164ggd. CLOUGHHEAD JANET HCX94‐094‐FOTggs. DECIDE 23‐88‐001‐556gs. GITAN 23‐91‐057‐687ggd. URETTE 23‐83‐055‐161Dam REINE 23‐00‐544‐841ggs. BADAUD 19‐86‐002‐425gd. GAGNANTE 23‐91‐057‐013ggd. BELOTE 23‐86‐005‐305


Lot R F S Newall46 LOWBARN GUCIADIAMONDNH11‐019 Born 14/09/11 UK 106940/200290ggs. BAMBINO 87‐86‐001‐669gs. IONESCO 36‐93‐000‐206ggd. COQUETTE 36‐87‐001‐802Sire *DUMBRECK DIAMOND WHD08‐001ggs. JOCKEY 19‐94‐006‐256Damgd DUMBRECK SOLITAIRE WHD01‐006ggd. DRYSGOL MATILDA TC96‐019ggs. JAPELOU 19‐94‐016‐907gs. CLOUGHHEAD ORGANIC HCX98‐257ggd. ABLETTE 87‐85‐001‐663LOWBARN TUCIA NH02‐010ggs. LUMBYLAW EMIR OAE‐101gd LOWBARN PUCIA NH99‐002ggd. LOWBARN LUCIA NH95‐00247Lot R F S Newall47 LOWBARN GIRLNH11‐018 Born 16/08/11 UK 106940/100289ggs. BAMBINO 87‐86‐001‐669gs. IONESCO 36‐93‐000‐206ggd. COQUETTE 36‐87‐001‐802Sire *DUMBRECK DIAMOND WHD08‐001ggs. JOCKEY 19‐94‐006‐256Damgd DUMBRECK SOLITAIRE WHD01‐006ggd. DRYSGOL MATILDA TC96‐019ggs. JAPELOU 19‐94‐016‐907gs. CLOUGHHEAD ORGANIC HCX98‐257ggd. ABLETTE 87‐85‐001‐663LOWBARN UARL NH03‐005ggs. UPLANDS BATMAN HLB‐367gd SARKLEY PEARL PBO99‐325ggd. SARKLEY HAREBELL PBO92‐017Lot R F S Newall48 LOWBARN GOTTYNH11‐015 Born 29/06/11 UK 106940/500286ggs. BAMBINO 87‐86‐001‐669gs. IONESCO 36‐93‐000‐206ggd. COQUETTE 36‐87‐001‐802Sire *DUMBRECK DIAMOND WHD08‐001ggs. JOCKEY 19‐94‐006‐256Damgd DUMBRECK SOLITAIRE WHD01‐006ggd. DRYSGOL MATILDA TC96‐019ggs. CAID 87‐87‐007‐521gs. LASCAR 23‐95‐069‐959ggd. BARRETTE 23‐86‐005‐588MERESIDE TOTTY HCG02‐362ggs. IMPRUDENT 19‐93‐008‐820gd MERESIDE OPAQUE HCG98‐549ggd. MERESIDE JOICE HCG94‐035

48Lot R F S Newall49 LOWBARN GUESCONH11‐010 Born 03/04/11 UK 106940/600280ggs. BAMBINO 87‐86‐001‐669gs. IONESCO 36‐93‐000‐206ggd. COQUETTE 36‐87‐001‐802Sire *DUMBRECK DIAMOND WHD08‐001ggs. JOCKEY 19‐94‐006‐256Damgd DUMBRECK SOLITAIRE WHD01‐006ggd. DRYSGOL MATILDA TC96‐019ggs. JAPELOU 19‐94‐016‐907gs. CLOUGHHEAD ORGANIC HCX98‐257ggd. ABLETTE 87‐85‐001‐663LOWBARN UESCO NH03‐010ggs. LUMBYLAW EMIR OAE‐101gd LOWBARN PRESCO NH99‐001ggd. SOFTLAW FRESCO RACF‐101Lot R F S Newall50 LOWBARN GOMPOMNH11‐009 Born 29/03/11 UK 106940/500279ggs. BAMBINO 87‐86‐001‐669gs. IONESCO 36‐93‐000‐206ggd. COQUETTE 36‐87‐001‐802Sire *DUMBRECK DIAMOND WHD08‐001ggs. JOCKEY 19‐94‐006‐256Damgd DUMBRECK SOLITAIRE WHD01‐006ggd. DRYSGOL MATILDA TC96‐019ggs. LUMBYLAW EMIR OAE‐101gs. LOWBARN RERGIE NH00‐001ggd. BRACKENBANK FERGIE CANF‐070LOWBARN TOMPOM NH02‐002ggs. RONICK HAWK DY92‐026gd SARKLEY POMPOM PBO99‐332ggd. SARKLEY EVITA PBOE‐007

Lot E & E S Norman51 NORMAN GOLDIENBB11074 Born 28/08/11 UK 101316/400860.ggs. GOURMAND 1991003932gs. JOCKEY 1994006256ggd. COQUINE 1987003797Sire HEATHMOUNT TROJAN MOF02032ggs. EDEN GENERAL HCSG064gd. EDEN OLIVIA HCS98117ggd. EDEN JUDITH HCS94028ggs. BROADMEADOWS CANNON CAVC031gs. ROMBALDS REBEL RCE00013ggd. DRYSGOL HANDFULL TC92014Dam NORMAN VIRGINIA NBB04016ggs. SPRINGSETT FORMIDABLE JAUF016gd. STACEY OLIVIA WEW98005ggd. STACEY HAZEL WEW92002Signet Recorded Weights 100 200 300 400 500Last BLUP’d 16/11/2012 129 0 0 431 0MLC C E(%) C V 200M(kg) 200G(kg) 400G(kg) Fat(mm) MD(mm) BVData EBV 1.9 LM+2C +1 +26 +50 +3.1 LM+26Acc % 58 57 56 62 62 49 60 62BLCS Index 103 112 110 109 113 92 107 10849Lot E & ES Norman52 NORMAN GENEIEVENBB11‐075 Born 17/09/11 UK 101316/500861ggs. SYMPA 48‐01‐006‐969gs. HALTCLIFFE ULLSWATER RP03‐011ggd. RENONCULE 19‐30‐708‐827Sire *GLANGWDEN BIGBOY JBW06‐618ggs. JACOT 36‐94‐005‐555Damgd PALUCHE 36‐15‐030‐939ggd. INSIGNE 36‐93‐003‐454ggs. NORMANDE JACK CAX94‐001gs. DYFRI MAESTRO EAC96‐032ggd. DYFRI FERN EACF‐005STACEY SALLY WEW01‐015ggs. SPRINGSETT FORMIDABLE JAUF‐016gd STACEY MARIE WEW96‐009ggd. BLANDHILL DOWS BDOD‐030Signet Recorded Weights 100 200 300 400 500Last BLUP’d 16/11/2012 127 0 345 450 0MLC C E(%) C V 200M(kg) 200G(kg) 400G(kg) Fat(mm) MD(mm) BVData EBV -3.9 LM0C 0 +27 +44 ‐0.2 +4.1 LM+31Acc % 55 52 48 60 59 40 56 59BLCS Index 91 96 104 110 108 105 116 116

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Lot E & ES Norman53 NORMAN GOLDENGIRLNBB11‐076 Born 17/09/11 UK 101316/700863ggs. SYMPA 48‐01‐006‐969gs. HALTCLIFFE ULLSWATER RP03‐011ggd. RENONCULE 19‐30‐708‐827Sire *GLANGWDEN BIGBOY JBW06‐618ggs. JACOT 36‐94‐005‐555Damgd PALUCHE 36‐15‐030‐939ggd. INSIGNE 36‐93‐003‐454ggs. BROADMEADOWS CANNON CAVC‐031gs. ROMBALDS REBEL RCE00‐013ggd. DRYSGOL HANDFULL TC92‐014NORMAN UNDORA NBB03‐031ggs. SPRINGSETT FORMIDABLE JAUF‐016gd STACEY PANDORA WEW99‐008ggd. RAWLSBURY AMETHYST BCWA‐015‐FOTSignet Recorded Weights 100 200 300 400 500Last BLUP’d 16/11/2012 132 0 339 441 0MLC C E(%) C V 200M(kg) 200G(kg) 400G(kg) Fat(mm) MD(mm) BVData EBV -3.7 LM‐1C -2 +31 +58 ‐0.2 +4.4 LM+37Acc % 52 50 46 61 60 39 57 60BLCS Index 92 89 93 115 118 105 11851Lot E & ES Norman54 NORMAN HOLLIENBB12‐006 Born 15/01/12 UK 101316/500882 Got by AIggs. OCTOPUS 87‐10‐671‐030gs. SYMPA 48‐01‐006‐969ggd. OPERETTE 48‐98‐133‐040Sire *HALTCLIFFE UNDERWRITER RP03‐003ggs. BROADMEADOWS CANNON CAVC‐031Damgd RONICK RICOLE DY00‐078ggd. RONICK NICOLE DY97‐079ggs. JOCKEY 19‐94‐006‐256gs. HEATHMOUNT TROJAN MOF02‐032ggd. EDEN OLIVIA HCS98‐117NORMAN ESSENCE NBB09‐057ggs. DYFRI MAESTRO EAC96‐032gd STACEY ROSETTA WEW00‐010ggd. STACEY LADYDI WEW95‐009Signet Recorded Weights 100 200 300 400 500Last BLUP’d 16/11/2012 149 262 375 0 0MLC C E(%) C V 200M(kg) 200G(kg) 400G(kg) Fat(mm) MD(mm) BVData EBV -3.1 LM+2C -2 +38 +64 ‐0.2 +4.8 LM+33Acc % 62 66 50 62 62 54 60 63BLCS Index 92 114 93 123 122 105 122 119

52Lot E & ES Norman55 NORMAN HAZELNBB12‐009 Born 14/02/12 UK 101316/100885 Got by AIggs. FERRY 19‐90‐003‐045gs. ELITE POPSI TOLP‐010‐FOTggd. BALLYNERRIN MAUD BNIM‐002Sire *VIRGINIA ANDY IE121657690563ggs. CARWIN FLOW CARF‐006gd. MARLHILL NAOMI MAHN‐004ggd. MARLHILL ELMA MAHE‐002ggs. JOCKEY 19‐94‐006‐256gs. HEATHMOUNT TROJAN MOF02‐032ggd. EDEN OLIVIA HCS98‐117Dam NORMAN ELIZA NBB09‐012ggs. ROMBALDS REBEL RCE00‐013gd NORMAN UPROAR NBB03‐030ggd. STACEY OPRAH WEW98‐003Lot Messrs John Logan56 HOMEBYRES GENTIANLAP11‐054 Born 15/05/11 UK 560248/501123ggs. RYEDALE PARAGON DAC99‐266gs. BALNACRAIG SUPREME CHT01‐135ggd. BALNACRAIG JASMIN CHT94‐011Sire *HOMEBYRES VANHEE LAP04‐045ggs. HOMEBYRES HOMER LAP92‐005Damgd HOMEBYRES ROSEBUD LAP00‐007ggd. HOMEBYRES DAFFODIL LAPD‐004‐FOTggs. IGOLO 87‐93‐004‐822gs. GREENWELL MANAGER NK96‐012ggd. GREENWELL CHEVORN NKC‐055HOMEBYRES ANEMONE LAP05‐076ggs. FERRY 19‐90‐003‐045gd HOMEBYRES SUNFLOWER LAP01‐035ggd. HOMEBYRES JAPONICA LAP94‐017‐FOTSignet Recorded Weights 100 200 300 400 500Last BLUP’d 16/11/2012 165 276 355 425 498MLC C E(%) C V 200M(kg) 200G(kg) 400G(kg) Fat(mm) MD(mm) BVData EBV -1.1 LM+5C +4 +25 +53 ‐0.4 +2.5 LM+25Acc % 67 71 59 75 76 61 70 76BLCS Index 109 130 127 108 115 119 102 107

Lot Messrs John Logan57 HOMEBYRES GLASSIELAP11‐086 Born 27/08/11 UK 560248/301156ggs. OCTOPUS 87‐10‐671‐030gs. SYMPA 48‐01‐006‐969ggd. OPERETTE 48‐98‐133‐040Sire *HOMEBYRES ARNOTT LAP05‐048ggs. CHEADLEWOOD JUNIOR SCN94‐003Damgd HOMEBYRES MELODY LAP96‐022ggd. HOMEBYRES JINKY LAP94‐007ggs. BALNACRAIG SUPREME CHT01‐135gs. HOMEBYRES VANHEE LAP04‐045ggd. HOMEBYRES ROSEBUD LAP00‐007HOMEBYRES COSIE LAP07‐021ggs. BALNACRAIG MONARCH CHT96‐039gd HOMEBYRES ROSIE LAP00‐029ggd. HOMEBYRES JOSIE LAP94‐020‐FOTSignet Recorded Weights 100 200 300 400 500Last BLUP’d 16/11/2012 166 288 0 448 541MLC C E(%) C V 200M(kg) 200G(kg) 400G(kg) Fat(mm) MD(mm) BVData EBV -2.4 LM‐1C -2 +21 +41 ‐0.3 +3.0 LM+26Acc % 65 69 53 74 70 59 69 74BLCS Index 100 94 93 103 106 112 106 10853Lot Messrs John Logan58 HOMEBYRES GINNYLAP11‐017 Born 04/04/11 UK 560248/201085ggs. OXYGENE 12‐98‐171‐453gs. WILODGE TONKA WEY02‐002ggd. WILODGE MECLAIRE WEY96‐022Sire KAPRICO DAVELLE SHJ08‐004ggs. GREENSONS GIGOLO GATG‐009Damgd KAPRICO RAVELLE SHJ00‐007ggd. KAPRICO NATELLE SHJ97‐007ggs. IMPAIR 87‐93‐004‐853gs. MARRON 36‐96‐018‐225ggd. FRAISE 36‐90‐010‐275HOMEBYRES ASHLEY LAP05‐005ggs. HOMEBYRES HOMER LAP92‐005gd HOMEBYRES SHIRLEY LAP01‐003ggd. HOMEBYRES HAINSEY LAP92‐019Signet Recorded Weights 100 200 300 400 500Last BLUP’d 16/11/2012 181 310 401 477 522MLC C E(%) C V 200M(kg) 200G(kg) 400G(kg) Fat(mm) MD(mm) BVData EBV -5.2 LM0C ‐4 +35 +65 ‐0.1 +3.9 LM+31Acc % 65 65 51 75 75 54 68 75BLCS Index 83 98 81 119 123 99 114 115

54Lot Messrs John Logan59 HOMEBYRES GENISTALAP11‐032 Born 19/04/11 UK 560248/301100ggs. OXYGENE 12‐98‐171‐453gs. WILODGE TONKA WEY02‐002ggd. WILODGE MECLAIRE WEY96‐022Sire KAPRICO DAVELLE SHJ08‐004ggs. GREENSONS GIGOLO GATG‐009Damgd KAPRICO RAVELLE SHJ00‐007ggd. KAPRICO NATELLE SHJ97‐007ggs. OCTOPUS 87‐10‐671‐030gs. SYMPA 48‐01‐006‐969ggd. OPERETTE 48‐98‐133‐040HOMEBYRES BUDDLEIA LAP06‐068ggs. HOMEBYRES HOMER LAP92‐005gd HOMEBYRES ROSEBUD LAP00‐007ggd. HOMEBYRES DAFFODIL LAPD‐004‐FOTSignet Recorded Weights 100 200 300 400 500Last BLUP’d 16/11/2012 161 285 344 411 495MLC C E(%) C V 200M(kg) 200G(kg) 400G(kg) Fat(mm) MD(mm) BVData EBV -1.8 LM+4C ‐1 +28 +48 ‐0.1 +3.9 LM+28Acc % 64 64 50 74 75 53 67 74BLCS Index 104 125 99 111 111 99 114 110Lot Messrs John Logan60 HOMEBYRES GERALDINELAP11‐034 Born 22/04/11 UK 560248/501102ggs. OXYGENE 12‐98‐171‐453gs. WILODGE TONKA WEY02‐002ggd. WILODGE MECLAIRE WEY96‐022Sire KAPRICO DAVELLE SHJ08‐004ggs. GREENSONS GIGOLO GATG‐009Damgd KAPRICO RAVELLE SHJ00‐007ggd. KAPRICO NATELLE SHJ97‐007ggs. RYEDALE PARAGON DAC99‐266gs. BALNACRAIG SUPREME CHT01‐135ggd. BALNACRAIG JASMIN CHT94‐011HOMEBYRES VENNER LAP04‐004ggs. HOMEBYRES ODE LAP98‐016gd HOMEBYRES RUTH LAP00‐030ggd. HOMEBYRES HEATHER LAP92‐004Signet Recorded Weights 100 200 300 400 500Last BLUP’d 16/11/2012 161 274 345 402 483MLC C E(%) C V 200M(kg) 200G(kg) 400G(kg) Fat(mm) MD(mm) BVData EBV -2.7 LM+2C -1 +24 +47 ‐0.4 +4.0 LM+27Acc % 65 70 51 75 75 54 68 75BLCS Index 98 112 99 106 110 119 115 110

Lot Messrs John Logan61 HOMEBYRES GENAINSILAP11‐094 Born 17/09/11 UK 560248/401164ggs. OCTOPUS 87‐10‐671‐030gs. SYMPA 48‐01‐006‐969ggd. OPERETTE 48‐98‐133‐040Sire *HOMEBYRES ARNOTT LAP05‐048ggs. CHEADLEWOOD JUNIOR SCN94‐003Damgd HOMEBYRES MELODY LAP96‐022ggd. HOMEBYRES JINKY LAP94‐007ggs. RYEDALE PARAGON DAC99‐266gs. BALNACRAIG SUPREME CHT01‐135ggd. BALNACRAIG JASMIN CHT94‐011HOMEBYRES VENAINSI LAP04‐027ggs. RONICK DUMBY DYD‐015gd HOMEBYRES NAINSI LAP97‐022‐FOTggd. BROADMEADOWS DAINSI CAVD‐035‐FOTSignet Recorded Weights 100 200 300 400 500Last BLUP’d 16/11/2012 164 286 0 468 0MLC C E(%) C V 200M(kg) 200G(kg) 400G(kg) Fat(mm) MD(mm) BVData EBV -6.0 LM‐3C -4 +28 +47 ‐0.2 +3.3 LM+25Acc % 65 70 54 75 71 60 69 74BLCS Index 77 79 81 111 110 105 109 10655Lot S Wilde62 EWDENVALE GYPSYWLD11‐298 Born 01/08/11 UK 120412/200298 Got by AIggs. BAMBINO 19‐86‐005‐742gs. MAS DU CLO 23‐96‐032‐213ggd. COSETTE 23‐87‐051‐003Sire USKUDAR 19‐31‐412‐178ggs. JOGUI 19‐94‐007‐314gd. PIGALLE 19‐30‐218‐607ggd. JULIENNE 19‐94‐007‐024ggs. LANAUD 19‐95‐000‐868gs. MARTINET 19‐96‐004‐629ggd. HIRONDELLE 19‐92‐009‐872Dam BAILEA RIFFRAFF JAG00‐047ggs. GREENSONS GIGOLO GATG‐009gd BAILEA NANNA JAG97‐006ggd. BAILEA HANNA JAG92‐014Signet Recorded Weights 100 200 300 400 500Last BLUP’d 16/11/2012 125 218 274 364 0MLC C E(%) C V 200M(kg) 200G(kg) 400G(kg) Fat(mm) MD(mm) BVData EBV -2.3 LM0C +1 +9 +14 ‐0.1 +1.9 LM+16Acc % 65 69 54 73 73 47 66 73BLCS Index 101 99 110 89 87 99 97 92

56Lot S Wilde63 EWDENVALE GWENWLD11‐302 Born 05/09/11 UK 120412/600302 Got by AIggs. DAUPHIN 19‐88‐004‐715gs. OBJAT 19‐30‐299‐413ggd. MELODIE 19‐96‐004‐346Sire CHYTODDEN CONAN HNH07‐019ggs. HALTCLIFFE HERCULES RP92‐009Damgd MONTGOMERY ONA JT98‐057ggd. MONTGOMERY MAJESTIC JT96‐030ggs. BAMBINO 87‐86‐001‐669gs. IONESCO 36‐93‐000‐206ggd. COQUETTE 36‐87‐001‐802EWDENVALE CANDY WLD07‐220ggs. RYEDALE ORION DAC98‐221gd WITHERSDALE TARA WIK02‐007ggd. LUMBYLAW OTTERBURN OA98‐1048Signet Recorded Weights 100 200 300 400 500Last BLUP’d 16/11/2012 156 278 331 413 0MLC C E(%) C V 200M(kg) 200G(kg) 400G(kg) Fat(mm) MD(mm) BVData EBV 0.1 LM0C +3 +29 +58 ‐0.3 +4.4 LM+41Acc % 62 69 47 73 68 46 65 72BLCS Index 116 97 121 112 118 112 118 131EWDENVALE GWEN carries a top 2% Beef Value of LM+41. Withersdale Tara (gdam) is also the dam ofEwdenvale Falcon sold Carlisle Feb 2012 for 7,000gns.Lot S Wilde64 EWDENVALE GAYLEWLD11‐303 Born 06/09/11 UK 120412/700303ggs. OXYGENE 12‐98‐171‐453gs. WILODGE TONKA WEY02‐002ggd. WILODGE MECLAIRE WEY96‐022Sire EWDENVALE EVEREST WLD09‐254ggs. RYEDALE ORION DAC98‐221Damgd WITHERSDALE TARA WIK02‐007ggd. LUMBYLAW OTTERBURN OA98‐1048ggs. GUNNERFLEET PLUNAS HDR99‐010gs. FIELDSON ALFY FCE05‐384ggd. EDEN NATASHA HCS97‐074EWDENVALE DAVINA WLD08‐233ggs. GUNNERFLEET POSTURE HDR99‐023gd EWDENVALE VERONICA WLD04‐174ggd. BAILEA RICHE JAG00‐039Signet Recorded Weights 100 200 300 400 500Last BLUP’d 16/11/2012 151 273 339 435 0MLC C E(%) C V 200M(kg) 200G(kg) 400G(kg) Fat(mm) MD(mm) BVData EBV -1.5 LM+4C +2 +36 +74 ‐0.1 +4.8 LM+38Acc % 56 55 44 69 65 40 59 67BLCS Index 106 127 116 121 130 99 122 126EWDENVALE GAYLE carries a Beef Value of LM+38 putting her in the top 3% of the breed. Ewdenvale Davina(dam) is also the dam of Ewdenvale Fandango sold Carlisle Feb 2012 for 4,800gns.

Lot S Wilde65 EWDENVALE GLENDAWLD11‐304 Born 19/09/11 UK 120412/100304 Got by AIggs. VAURIEN 23‐84‐004‐516gs. GENIAL 87‐91‐002‐491ggd. BALINE 87‐86‐005‐219Sire *NECTAR 19‐97‐013‐151ggs. DOMINO 19‐88‐001‐780gd. FRINGANTE 19‐90‐002‐509ggd. SAPHENE 60‐81‐018‐006ggs. CLOUGHHEAD LORD HCX95‐142gs. KYPE ORKNEY CAQ98‐020ggd. KYPE GLENNA CAQG‐001Dam EWDENVALE BELLE WLD06‐198ggs. CLOUGHHEAD LORD HCX95‐142gd KYPE RAVEN CAQ00‐011ggd. KYPE MAPLE CAQ96‐02057Signet Recorded Weights 100 200 300 400 500Last BLUP’d 16/11/2012 141 256 308 399 0MLC C E(%) C V 200M(kg) 200G(kg) 400G(kg) Fat(mm) MD(mm) BVData EBV -4.5 LM‐2C -3 +34 +63 0 +4.3 LM+36Acc % 64 69 57 74 70 56 67 73BLCS Index 87 88 87 118 122 92 117 123EWDENVALE GLENDA carries a top 5% Beef Value of LM+36.Lot S Wilde66 EWDENVALE GENEVIEVEWLD11‐306 Born 04/10/11 UK 120412/300306 Got by AIggs. OXYGENE 12‐98‐171‐453gs. WILODGE TONKA WEY02‐002ggd. WILODGE MECLAIRE WEY96‐022Sire *WILODGE CERBERUS WEY07‐010ggs. BROADMEADOWS CANNON CAVC‐031Damgd WILODGE PRICELESS WEY99‐032ggd. WILODGE LITTLEGEM WEY95‐027ggs. CLOUGHHEAD LORD HCX95‐142gs. KYPE ORKNEY CAQ98‐020ggd. KYPE GLENNA CAQG‐001EWDENVALE BETTY WLD06‐201ggs. GENUS HABITUS 87‐92‐000‐978gd EWDENVALE UNO WLD03‐157ggd. GREENFIELD ROB MZ00‐002Signet Recorded Weights 100 200 300 400 500Last BLUP’d 16/11/2012 150 280 349 450 0MLC C E(%) C V 200M(kg) 200G(kg) 400G(kg) Fat(mm) MD(mm) BVData EBV -6.8 LM0C +1 +39 +62 ‐0.1 +6.1 LM+38Acc % 65 69 57 74 71 55 68 73BLCS Index 72 97 110 124 121 99 133 127EWDENVALE GENEVIEVE carries a Beef Value of LM+38 putting her in the top 3% of the breed.

58Lot S Wilde67 EWDENVALE GAYNORWLD11‐307 Born 04/10/11 UK 120412/400307 Got by AIggs. BAMBINO 19‐86‐005‐742gs. MAS DU CLO 23‐96‐032‐213ggd. COSETTE 23‐87‐051‐003Sire USKUDAR 19‐31‐412‐178ggs. JOGUI 19‐94‐007‐314gd. PIGALLE 19‐30‐218‐607ggd. JULIENNE 19‐94‐007‐024ggs. DENICHEUR 87‐88‐080‐087gs. GENUS HABITUS 87‐92‐000‐978ggd. VICTORIEUSE 87‐84‐004‐356Dam EWDENVALE UNO WLD03‐157ggs. GREENFIELD OZZY MZ98‐537gd GREENFIELD ROB MZ00‐002ggd. GREENFIELD OBELISK MZ98‐546Signet Recorded Weights 100 200 300 400 500Last BLUP’d 16/11/2012 148 267 324 414 0MLC C E(%) C V 200M(kg) 200G(kg) 400G(kg) Fat(mm) MD(mm) BVData EBV -5.3 LM‐4C -4 +22 +27 0 +3.2 LM+24Acc % 64 69 54 73 69 46 66 72BLCS Index 82 73 81 104 96 92 108 104Lot W I Suddes & Sons68 CORNSAY GIGISMT11‐878 Born 17/02/11 UK 105522/300878ggs. CASSIS 40‐88‐028‐055gs. NEUF 22‐97‐004‐114ggd. JUNGLE 22‐94‐004‐270Sire *AUSTRALIEN 22‐55‐672‐198ggs. GWENOLE 87‐91‐050‐505gd. SIBERI 22‐55‐671‐941ggd. LANCIA 22‐95‐001‐971ggs. INDECIS 22‐93‐004‐195gs. PAPIN 36‐15‐069‐760ggd. GALANTE 36‐91‐000‐162Dam CORNSAY AVENA SMT05‐359ggs. JOUEUR 19‐94‐015‐372gd SOLENE 19‐30‐989‐418ggd. HELODEE 87‐92‐005‐678Signet Recorded Weights 100 200 300 400 500Last BLUP’d 16/11/2012 0 0 269 340 0MLC C E(%) C V 200M(kg) 200G(kg) 400G(kg) Fat(mm) MD(mm) BVData EBV -2.2 LM0C 0 -1 0 ‐0.3 0 LM+10Acc % 48 46 29 66 71 31 55 67BLCS Index 102 100 104 77 77 112 81 82

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60Lot W I Suddes & Sons69 CORNSAY GODDESSSMT11‐883 Born 28/02/11 UK 105522/100883ggs. CASSIS 40‐88‐028‐055gs. NEUF 22‐97‐004‐114ggd. JUNGLE 22‐94‐004‐270Sire *AUSTRALIEN 22‐55‐672‐198ggs. GWENOLE 87‐91‐050‐505gd. SIBERI 22‐55‐671‐941ggd. LANCIA 22‐95‐001‐971ggs. CAID 19‐87‐001‐352gs. UNKNOWN NIAGARA 24‐97‐015‐088ggd. ODEONE 87‐78‐001‐488Dam RIVALE 24‐24‐430‐399ggs. IQUAR 86‐93‐111‐461gd. LANGUE 23‐95‐073‐310ggd. HOSTIE 23‐92‐021‐347Signet Recorded Weights 100 200 300 400 500Last BLUP’d 16/11/2012 0 0 307 391 0MLC C E(%) C V 200M(kg) 200G(kg) 400G(kg) Fat(mm) MD(mm) BVData EBV -1.0 LM+1C ‐1 +4 +9 ‐0.2 +0.3 LM+13Acc % 43 40 29 65 70 29 53 65BLCS Index 109 102 99 83 83 105 83 86Lot W I Suddes & Sons70 CORNSAY GRACIESMT11‐886 Born 11/03/11 UK 105522/400886ggs. VOLCAN 19‐84‐004‐136gs. INDECIS 22‐93‐004‐195ggd. GRISE 22‐91‐003‐219Sire PAPIN 36‐15‐069‐760ggs. DURANDAL 36‐88‐007‐305gd. GALANTE 36‐91‐000‐162ggd. BELDENUIT 36‐86‐006‐632ggs. FARFADET 19‐90‐012‐079gs. JEPETO 19‐94‐007‐078ggd. ETOILE 19‐89‐000‐918Dam RAFFINEE 19‐30‐086‐953ggs. BAMBOU 35‐86‐034‐446gd. IMISSE 19‐93‐013‐843ggd. FRAMBOISE 19‐90‐001‐516Signet Recorded Weights 100 200 300 400 500Last BLUP’d 16/11/2012 0 0 331 415 0MLC C E(%) C V 200M(kg) 200G(kg) 400G(kg) Fat(mm) MD(mm) BVData EBV -1.6 LM+2C ‐3 +4 +6 ‐0.2 +0.4 LM+9Acc % 49 50 40 65 70 29 53 66BLCS Index 105 112 87 83 81 105 84 80

Lot W I Suddes & Sons71 CORNSAY GRETASMT11‐888 Born 28/03/11 UK 105522/600888ggs. VOLCAN 19‐84‐004‐136gs. INDECIS 22‐93‐004‐195ggd. GRISE 22‐91‐003‐219Sire PAPIN 36‐15‐069‐760ggs. DURANDAL 36‐88‐007‐305gd. GALANTE 36‐91‐000‐162ggd. BELDENUIT 36‐86‐006‐632ggs. JAVELOT 46‐94‐111‐281gs. PALMIER 19‐30‐378‐199ggd. JACASSE 46‐94‐110‐382Dam SISTER 19‐30‐828‐453ggs. LUPIN 22‐95‐003‐939gd. ODE 19‐98‐002‐355ggd. IMMORTELLE 19‐93‐008‐887Signet Recorded Weights 100 200 300 400 500Last BLUP’d 16/11/2012 0 0 311 390 0MLC C E(%) C V 200M(kg) 200G(kg) 400G(kg) Fat(mm) MD(mm) BVData EBV -2.6 LM+1C ‐1 +2 +2 ‐0.2 +0.2 LM+9Acc % 47 47 34 63 69 27 51 64BLCS Index 99 107 99 80 78 105 83 8061Lot W I Suddes & Sons72 CORNSAY GORGEOUSSMT11‐887 Born 28/03/11 UK 105522/500887ggs. VOLCAN 19‐84‐004‐136gs. INDECIS 22‐93‐004‐195ggd. GRISE 22‐91‐003‐219Sire PAPIN 36‐15‐069‐760ggs. DURANDAL 36‐88‐007‐305gd. GALANTE 36‐91‐000‐162ggd. BELDENUIT 36‐86‐006‐632ggs. JOULE 86‐94‐111‐176gs. ORIN B 86‐98‐111‐615ggd. LORINE B 86‐95‐111‐315Dam RECETTE 23‐00‐542‐967ggs. INFERNAL 23‐93‐051‐935gd. NAVETTE 23‐97‐056‐180ggd. HIT PARADE 23‐92‐015‐437Signet Recorded Weights 100 200 300 400 500Last BLUP’d 16/11/2012 0 0 344 420 420MLC C E(%) C V 200M(kg) 200G(kg) 400G(kg) Fat(mm) MD(mm) BVData EBV -2.0 LM+1C -1 +7 +10 ‐0.2 +0.9 LM+13Acc % 48 49 36 64 70 30 52 65BLCS Index 103 107 99 86 84 105 89 86

62Lot W I Suddes & Sons73 CORNSAY GUINEVERESMT11‐889 Born 23/04/11 UK 105522/700889ggs. CASSIS 40‐88‐028‐055gs. NEUF 22‐97‐004‐114ggd. JUNGLE 22‐94‐004‐270Sire *AUSTRALIEN 22‐55‐672‐198ggs. GWENOLE 87‐91‐050‐505gd. SIBERI 22‐55‐671‐941ggd. LANCIA 22‐95‐001‐971ggs. INDECIS 22‐93‐004‐195gs. PAPIN 36‐15‐069‐760ggd. GALANTE 36‐91‐000‐162Dam CORNSAY ALICE SMT05‐363ggs. OMAR 23‐99‐059‐335gd SPORTIVE 23‐51‐380‐767ggd. OFFENSIVE 23‐98‐024‐905Signet Recorded Weights 100 200 300 400 500Last BLUP’d 16/11/2012 0 0 363 471 497MLC C E(%) C V 200M(kg) 200G(kg) 400G(kg) Fat(mm) MD(mm) BVData EBV -3.0 LM0C 0 +19 +37 ‐0.2 +2.0 LM+24Acc % 49 46 30 66 71 31 55 67BLCS Index 97 99 104 101 103 105 98 104Lot W I Suddes & Sons74 CORNSAY GLENDASMT11‐920 Born 30/09/11 UK 105522/300920ggs. RAMEAU 35‐66‐421‐917gs. TITANIC 08‐00‐523‐296ggd. OURSE 08‐00‐523‐012Sire VIKING 23‐05‐509‐133ggs. JOUEUR 87‐94‐000‐047gd. ROSY 23‐00‐242‐129ggd. FANFARONE 23‐90‐014‐793ggs. INDECIS 22‐93‐004‐195gs. PAPIN 36‐15‐069‐760ggd. GALANTE 36‐91‐000‐162Dam CORNSAY DEIDRE SMT08‐646ggs. JEPETO 19‐94‐007‐078gd RAFFINEE 19‐30‐086‐953ggd. IMISSE 19‐93‐013‐843Signet Recorded Weights 100 200 300 400 500Last BLUP’d 16/11/2012 118 202 283 365 0MLC C E(%) C V 200M(kg) 200G(kg) 400G(kg) Fat(mm) MD(mm) BVData EBV -2.8 LM0C -1 +9 +11 ‐0.2 +1.0 LM+12Acc % 45 41 33 66 68 24 53 64BLCS Index 98 101 99 89 85 105 89 84

Lot W I Suddes & Sons75 CORNSAY GAZELLESMT11‐923 Born 03/10/11 UK 105522/600923ggs. RAMEAU 35‐66‐421‐917gs. TITANIC 08‐00‐523‐296ggd. OURSE 08‐00‐523‐012Sire VIKING 23‐05‐509‐133ggs. JOUEUR 87‐94‐000‐047gd. ROSY 23‐00‐242‐129ggd. FANFARONE 23‐90‐014‐793ggs. INDECIS 22‐93‐004‐195gs. PAPIN 36‐15‐069‐760ggd. GALANTE 36‐91‐000‐162Dam CORNSAY DORICE SMT08‐675ggs. INDICE 87‐93‐002‐074gd REXONNA 16‐34‐777‐686ggd. ODESSA 16‐98‐120‐978Signet Recorded Weights 100 200 300 400 500Last BLUP’d 16/11/2012 124 214 294 379 0MLC C E(%) C V 200M(kg) 200G(kg) 400G(kg) Fat(mm) MD(mm) BVData EBV -3.1 LM0C 0 +14 +20 ‐0.2 +1.5 LM+15Acc % 44 41 33 66 68 24 53 64BLCS Index 96 99 104 95 91 105 94 9063Lot W I Suddes & Sons76 CORNSAY GERDASMT11‐927 Born 13/10/11 UK 105522/300927ggs. RAMEAU 35‐66‐421‐917gs. TITANIC 08‐00‐523‐296ggd. OURSE 08‐00‐523‐012Sire VIKING 23‐05‐509‐133ggs. JOUEUR 87‐94‐000‐047gd. ROSY 23‐00‐242‐129ggd. FANFARONE 23‐90‐014‐793ggs. INDECIS 22‐93‐004‐195gs. PAPIN 36‐15‐069‐760ggd. GALANTE 36‐91‐000‐162Dam CORNSAY DANIELLA SMT08‐622ggs. IOWA 36‐93‐000‐437gd REBECCA 23‐51‐380‐755ggd. NORIA 23‐97‐059‐405Signet Recorded Weights 100 200 300 400 500Last BLUP’d 16/11/2012 137 244 338 438 0MLC C E(%) C V 200M(kg) 200G(kg) 400G(kg) Fat(mm) MD(mm) BVData EBV -3.6 LM‐1C 0 +24 +36 0 +2.5 LM+22Acc % 44 41 33 65 68 24 53 64BLCS Index 93 93 104 106 103 92 102 101

64Lot Crawford Bros77 ERNE FACEBOOKCFC10‐039 Born 14/12/10 UK 9484139/0619‐4 Got by AIggs. GOLIATH 87‐91‐007‐675gs. HAMMEL LUC DK46700592ggd. ETHRA 87‐89‐050‐128Sire *VIGOT 19‐31‐778‐996ggs. OZO 19‐98‐002‐345gd. REBECCA 19‐30‐770‐529ggd. NAVETTE 19‐97‐017‐672ggs. JERSEY 36‐94‐000‐548gs. GRAHAMS SAMSON GV01‐098ggd. LISETTE 36‐95‐000‐646Dam CURRAGHEE ADORABLE IE281516090110ggs. GREENSONS GIGOLO GATG‐009gd CURRAGHREE PATRICE IE281516040048ggd. BARNHILL HATTIE BARH‐017‐FOTERNE FACEBOOK is a stylish, showy heifer. Curaghee Patrice (gdam) was a prolific show cow, winning manyInterbreed titles in Northern Ireland and 2nd prize winner, Royal Highland Show 2008. For further information, visitwww.crawfordbrothers.co.ukLot Crawford Bros78 ERNE GABBYCFC11‐043 Born 21/03/11 UK 9484139/0630‐1 Got by AIggs. JEUNOT 23‐74‐010‐896gs. SEBASTIEN 23‐81‐053‐959ggd. ENFANTEE 87‐69‐004‐098Sire *COLUMBJOHN DRAKE WBOD‐042ggs. GOLDIES RELIABLE GSR‐024‐FOTDamgd ROEBURN TREASURE PET‐006ggd. ELSENHAM MISTY GAM‐003ggs. BROADMEADOWS CANNON CAVC‐031gs. RONICK HAWK DY92‐026ggd. RONICK ESTHER DYE‐040OLDEHOUSE DIDI FFD08‐005ggs. OCELOT 19‐98‐006‐930gd BAILEA ATLANTICMIST JAG05‐078ggd. BAILEA SHOWTIMEGIRL JAG01‐028Signet Recorded Weights 100 200 300 400 500Last BLUP’d 16/11/2012 179 327 485 652 0MLC C E(%) C V 200M(kg) 200G(kg) 400G(kg) Fat(mm) MD(mm) BVData EBV -2.8 LM‐2C ‐1 +20 +32 +0.4 +3.0 LM+21Acc % 61 69 57 73 72 66 71 74BLCS Index 98 87 99 102 100 65 106 100

Lot Crawford Bros79 ERNE GLOBETROTTERCFC11‐054 Born 28/05/11 UK 9484139/0660‐3 Got by AIggs. BAMBINO 19‐86‐005‐742gs. MAS DU CLO 23‐96‐032‐213ggd. COSETTE 23‐87‐051‐003Sire *SYLVANDENE DEFOE BOP08‐005ggs. JOCKEY 19‐94‐006‐256Damgd NEIGE 16‐97‐124‐173ggd. FICELE 54‐90‐110‐826ggs. ESPOIR 87‐89‐003‐720gs. OCEAN 19‐98‐001‐293ggd. GLORIA 19‐91‐006‐535SYLVANDENE VELVET BOP04‐002ggs. RONICK OKLAHOMA DY98‐384gd FARLAND SANDRA MEN01‐004ggd. FARLAND MARGARET MEN96‐00765Signet Recorded Weights 100 200 300 400 500Last BLUP’d 16/11/2012 200 372 506 0 0MLC C E(%) C V 200M(kg) 200G(kg) 400G(kg) Fat(mm) MD(mm) BVData EBV -5.3 LM‐2C -2 +37 +59 ‐0.1 +4.7 LM+34Acc % 53 66 46 73 67 64 70 74BLCS Index 82 86 93 122 119 99 121 121ERNE GLOBETROTTER is a stylish heifer. Sylvandene Velvet (dam) is an exceptional breeding cow and also damof Erne Duchess Junior Interbreed Champion Balmoral Show 2009. For further information, visit www.crawfordbrothers.co.ukLot Crawford Bros80 ERNE GEORGINACFC11‐055 Born 28/05/11 UK 9484139/0661‐4 Got by AIggs. JORDY 22‐94‐004‐711gs. PRINCE B 86‐99‐139‐756ggd. LORINE B 86‐95‐111‐315Sire *NEWLITTLEMOUNT ULSTERMAN CNJ03‐003ggs. MONT D’OR 23‐96‐031‐204Damgd OIE 19‐30‐067‐430ggd. ISABELLE 19‐93‐014‐298ggs. BAMBINO 19‐86‐005‐742gs. MAS DU CLO 23‐96‐032‐213ggd. COSETTE 23‐87‐051‐003RATHKEELAND DAISY II IE291694520001ggs. GEANT 19‐91‐000‐217gd CURRAGHREE SENSATION IE281516030063ggd. CURRAGHREE MERCEDES JJVZ‐0010YSignet Recorded Weights 100 200 300 400 500Last BLUP’d 16/11/2012 172 315 487 0 0MLC C E(%) C V 200M(kg) 200G(kg) 400G(kg) Fat(mm) MD(mm) BVData EBV -3.8 LM‐2C -4 +17 +37 ‐0.2 +2.6 LM+25Acc % 51 63 41 72 67 65 70 73BLCS Index 91 84 81 98 103 105 103 106ERNE GEORGINA is a heifer’s calf with exceptional muscle. Curraghree Sensation (gdam) was NISA Best BeefCow in Ireland, 2009 and 1st prize winner, Royal Highland Show 2008

66Lot A & W Cowx81 HUDSCALES GENEVACAW11‐056 Born 12/10/11 UK 100998/201104ggs. PETUNIA 87‐00‐670‐240gs. CLOUGHHEAD UMPIRE HCX03‐221ggd. GASCOGNE 23‐91‐060‐414Sire HUDSCALES EQUITY CAW09‐060ggs. GUNNERFLEET TALKER HDR02‐025Damgd HUDSCALES CELIA CAW07‐022ggd. HUDSCALES TRICIA CAW02‐027ggs. SCORBORO OLYMPIAN BEA98‐900gs. SCORBORO REGIUS BEA00‐021ggd. SCORBORO LACE BEA95‐005HUDSCALES EDWINA CAW09‐007ggs. HUDSCALES RAMBLER CAW00‐006gd HUDSCALES UTURN CAW03‐052ggd. HUDSCALES LOLA CAW95‐016Signet Recorded Weights 100 200 300 400 500Last BLUP’d 16/11/2012 133 226 319 407 0MLC C E(%) C V 200M(kg) 200G(kg) 400G(kg) Fat(mm) MD(mm) BVData EBV -0.1 LM+2C -3 +15 +32 ‐0.2 +2.2 LM+22Acc % 55 53 42 69 65 39 59 67BLCS Index 115 113 87 96 100 105 100 101Lot A & W Cowx82 HUDSCALES GIGICAW11‐071 Born 25/11/11 UK 100998/301119ggs. SYMPA 48‐01‐006‐969gs. AMPERTAINE ABRACADABRA MGD05‐014ggd. AMPERTAINE PENNY MGD99‐001Sire AMPERTAINE CANNON MGD07‐035ggs. SHIRE MILTON EL96‐354‐FOTDamgd AMPERTAINE TENNESSEE MGD02‐003ggd. AMPERTAINE JENNY MGD94‐001ggs. SARKLEY SEBASTIAN PBO01‐135gs. AGHADOLGAN VAGUS SLC04‐012ggd. AGHADOLGAN ROWENA SLC00‐006HUDSCALES CANDY CAW07‐002ggs. HUDSCALES RAMBLER CAW00‐006gd HUDSCALES VIRGINIA CAW04‐027ggd. GOLDIES OFORTYONE GS98‐041Signet Recorded Weights 100 200 300 400 500Last BLUP’d 16/11/2012 150 247 364 0 0MLC C E(%) C V 200M(kg) 200G(kg) 400G(kg) Fat(mm) MD(mm) BVData EBV -1.2 LM+1C +2 +38 +68 ‐0.2 +5.9 LM+40Acc % 59 54 44 72 68 42 63 70BLCS Index 108 103 116 123 125 105 131 130

Lot A & W Cowx83 HUDSCALES GRETACAW11‐057 Born 12/10/11 UK 100998/401106ggs. BROADMEADOWS CANNON CAVC‐031gs. SARKLEY SEBASTIAN PBO01‐135ggd. SARKLEY MARIANNE PBO96‐029Sire AGHADOLGAN VAGUS SLC04‐012ggs. WESTPIT NORDIC GAZ97‐016Damgd AGHADOLGAN ROWENA SLC00‐006ggd. MILLWATER IZARRA MWR93‐025ggs. TUNNELBY MONKEYTRICKS TAP96‐001gs. GUNNERFLEET TALKER HDR02‐025ggd. GUNNERFLEET LUNETT HDR95‐006‐FOTHUDSCALES DORA CAW08‐018ggs. HUDSCALES RAMBLER CAW00‐006gd HUDSCALES VIENNA CAW04‐034ggd. HUDSCALES LISA CAW95‐003Signet Recorded Weights 100 200 300 400 500Last BLUP’d 16/11/2012 128 219 271 366 0MLC C E(%) C V 200M(kg) 200G(kg) 400G(kg) Fat(mm) MD(mm) BVData EBV -2.7 LM0C -1 +16 +32 ‐0.5 +3.0 LM+23Acc % 61 57 49 72 69 45 65 70BLCS Index 98 97 99 97 100 125 106 10267Lot A & W Cowx84 HUDSCALES HANNAHCAW12‐002 Born 06/01/12 UK 100998/201125ggs. NESTOR 19‐97‐006‐771gs. UGUES 19‐31‐558‐775ggd. ECLIPSE 19‐89‐009‐628Sire CLOUGHHEAD EXPERT HCX09‐648ggs. HEROS 36‐92‐005‐318Damgd CLOUGHHEAD TRUDY HCX02‐187ggd. CLOUGHHEAD LABLETTE HCX95‐166ggs. SARKLEY SEBASTIAN PBO01‐135gs. AGHADOLGAN VAGUS SLC04‐012ggd. AGHADOLGAN ROWENA SLC00‐006HUDSCALES ELAINE CAW09‐043ggs. HUDSCALES RAMBLER CAW00‐006gd HUDSCALES ANNETTE CAW05‐023ggd. HUDSCALES LISA CAW95‐003Signet Recorded Weights 100 200 300 400 500Last BLUP’d 16/11/2012 133 223 340 0 0MLC C E(%) C V 200M(kg) 200G(kg) 400G(kg) Fat(mm) MD(mm) BVData EBV -0.9 LM+2C +2 +19 +39 ‐0.3 +2.7 LM+25Acc % 54 49 33 65 60 30 55 64BLCS Index 110 109 116 101 105 112 104 106

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Lot A & W Cowx85 HUDSCALES HARRIETCAW12‐001 Born 01/01/12 UK 100998/101124ggs. NESTOR 19‐97‐006‐771gs. UGUES 19‐31‐558‐775ggd. ECLIPSE 19‐89‐009‐628Sire CLOUGHHEAD EXPERT HCX09‐648ggs. HEROS 36‐92‐005‐318Damgd CLOUGHHEAD TRUDY HCX02‐187ggd. CLOUGHHEAD LABLETTE HCX95‐166ggs. SARKLEY SEBASTIAN PBO01‐135gs. AGHADOLGAN VAGUS SLC04‐012ggd. AGHADOLGAN ROWENA SLC00‐006HUDSCALES EUGENE CAW09‐038ggs. SARKLEY OJ PBO98‐256gd HUDSCALES VERBENA CAW04‐042ggd. HOLLY HONEYBEE HAF92‐022Signet Recorded Weights 100 200 300 400 500Last BLUP’d 16/11/2012 128 215 322 0 0MLC C E(%) C V 200M(kg) 200G(kg) 400G(kg) Fat(mm) MD(mm) BVData EBV -1.1 LM+1C 0 +20 +40 ‐0.3 +2.8 LM+24Acc % 54 49 34 65 60 30 55 64BLCS Index 109 108 104 102 105 112 105 10569Lot A & W Cowx86 HUDSCALES GINGERCAW11‐045 Born 10/09/11 UK 100998/401092 Got by AIggs. BAMBINO 19‐86‐005‐742gs. MAS DU CLO 23‐96‐032‐213ggd. COSETTE 23‐87‐051‐003Sire USKUDAR 19‐31‐412‐178ggs. JOGUI 19‐94‐007‐314gd. PIGALLE 19‐30‐218‐607ggd. JULIENNE 19‐94‐007‐024ggs. SARKLEY SEBASTIAN PBO01‐135gs. AGHADOLGAN VAGUS SLC04‐012ggd. AGHADOLGAN ROWENA SLC00‐006Dam HUDSCALES CEZANNE CAW07‐039ggs. BROADMEADOWS JIVER CAV94‐013gd HUDSCALES NAN CAW97‐010ggd. CANFIELD DAWN WUD‐024‐FOTSignet Recorded Weights 100 200 300 400 500Last BLUP’d 16/11/2012 132 228 290 370 0MLC C E(%) C V 200M(kg) 200G(kg) 400G(kg) Fat(mm) MD(mm) BVData EBV -2.7 LM‐1C ‐3 +20 +32 ‐0.2 +2.9 LM+22Acc % 63 67 51 72 69 48 66 71BLCS Index 98 93 87 102 100 105 106 102

70Lot A & W Cowx87 HUDSCALES HARMONYCAW12‐003 Born 08/01/12 UK 100998/301126ggs. PETUNIA 87‐00‐670‐240gs. CLOUGHHEAD UMPIRE HCX03‐221ggd. GASCOGNE 23‐91‐060‐414Sire HUDSCALES EQUITY CAW09‐060ggs. GUNNERFLEET TALKER HDR02‐025Damgd HUDSCALES CELIA CAW07‐022ggd. HUDSCALES TRICIA CAW02‐027ggs. TUNNELBY MONKEYTRICKS TAP96‐001gs. GUNNERFLEET TALKER HDR02‐025ggd. GUNNERFLEET LUNETT HDR95‐006‐FOTHUDSCALES DAPHNE CAW08‐028ggs. SARKLEY OJ PBO98‐256gd ROUGHTON TANSY CLN02‐001ggd. GOLDIES OFORTYONE GS98‐041Signet Recorded Weights 100 200 300 400 500Last BLUP’d 16/11/2012 116 203 309 0 0MLC C E(%) C V 200M(kg) 200G(kg) 400G(kg) Fat(mm) MD(mm) BVData EBV -1.4 LM+1C -6 +10 +20 ‐0.2 +1.7 LM+15Acc % 56 52 42 69 65 37 59 67BLCS Index 107 102 70 90 91 105 95 90Lot Glyn Vaughan88 DOLCORSLLWYN GRETAVU11‐032 Born 22/10/11 UK 701845/600440 Got by AIggs. NEUF 22‐97‐004‐114gs. USTY 22‐55‐672‐037ggd. SAVANE 22‐55‐671‐890Sire *ATTIRANT 23‐06‐751‐274ggs. MAS DU CLO 23‐96‐032‐213gd. SUPERBE 23‐02‐773‐558ggd. NITOUCHE 23‐97‐060‐279ggs. DAUPHIN 19‐88‐004‐715gs. OBJAT 19‐30‐299‐413ggd. MELODIE 19‐96‐004‐346Dam DOLCORSLLWYN ENFYS VU09‐001ggs. GOLDIES OSWALD GS98‐064gd DOLCORSLLWYN VERONICA VU04‐004ggd. DOLCORSLLWYN MAGWEN VU96‐001Signet Recorded Weights 100 200 300 400 500Last BLUP’d 16/11/2012 132 229 344 451 0MLC C E(%) C V 200M(kg) 200G(kg) 400G(kg) Fat(mm) MD(mm) BVData EBV -5.7 LM‐1C 0 +19 +39 ‐0.3 +2.6 LM+29Acc % 61 67 45 71 67 47 64 70BLCS Index 79 93 104 101 105 112 103 113DOLCORSLLWYN GRETA is the widest heifer ever offered for sale from the herd. Dolcorsllwyn Enfys (dam) isfrom one of the milkiest lines in the herd; going back to Emue and Crownhead Busby.

Lot Glyn Vaughan89 DOLCORSLLWYN HELENVU12‐001 Born 07/01/12 UK 701845/700448 Got by AIggs. BAMBINO 19‐86‐005‐742gs. MAS DU CLO 23‐96‐032‐213ggd. COSETTE 23‐87‐051‐003Sire *TEHIX 12‐02‐088‐259ggs. ESPOIR 87‐89‐003‐720gd. LILAS 12‐95‐162‐563ggd. GITANE 12‐91‐112‐247ggs. RONICK ICEMAN DY93‐018‐FOTgs. RYEDALE PARAGON DAC99‐266ggd. RACHELS GLENDA WTG‐324Dam DOLCORSLLWYN VAVAVOOM VU04‐016ggs. MARRON 36‐96‐018‐225gd DOLCORSLLWYN SIDAN VU01‐006ggd. DOLCORSLLWYN MAGWEN VU96‐00171Signet Recorded Weights 100 200 300 400 500Last BLUP’d 16/11/2012 150 275 373 0 0MLC C E(%) C V 200M(kg) 200G(kg) 400G(kg) Fat(mm) MD(mm) BVData EBV -5.4 LM-2C -4 +33 +46 ‐0.3 +4.2 LM+26Acc % 64 70 53 72 69 55 66 71BLCS Index 81 83 81 117 110 112 117 107Lot Drew Hyslop90 CRACROP FONDANTSMR10‐405 Born 05/10/10 UK 102766/101405 Got by AIBred by Messrs D T & M Stobart, Gladsmuir, Broomfallen Road, Scotby, Carlisle, CA4 8DGggs. DAUPHIN 19‐88‐004‐715gs. JACOT 36‐94‐005‐555ggd. VIOLETTE 36‐84‐701‐052Sire *ROCKY 36‐15‐030‐964ggs. ELDORADO 36‐89‐000‐419gd. GLOIRE 36‐91‐002‐380ggd. BANANE 36‐86‐886‐661ggs. RYEDALE PARAGON DAC99‐266gs. ELRICK THUNDER MNU02‐025ggd. ELRICK ROXANNE MNU00‐011Dam CRACROP BONUS SMR06‐848ggs. BRERETON JUKE LAW94‐240gd BRERETON NARNIA LAW97‐200ggd. BRERETON FLUFFY LAWF‐094

72Lot A & W Watson91 SAUNDERS GERANIUMWFQ11‐257 Born 27/10/11 UK 107576/500564ggs. TARVIS 19‐82‐001‐611gs. JUNIOR 19‐94‐012‐999ggd. GALETTE 19‐91‐013‐019Sire SAUNDERS DIMITRI WFQ08‐162ggs. CLOUGHHEAD JURASSIC HCX94‐131Damgd SAUNDERS VERITY WFQ04‐074ggd. SARKLEY NADIA PBO97‐002ggs. CLOUGHHEAD JURASSIC HCX94‐131gs. SAUNDERS RIJINSKY WFQ00‐027ggd. SARKLEY JAPONICA PBO94‐023SAUNDERS BLOSSOM WFQ06‐112ggs. CHAMPION 36‐87‐001‐613gd SAUNDERS SWEETPEA WFQ01‐034ggd. SAUNDERS ONDINE WFQ98‐014Signet Recorded Weights 100 200 300 400 500Last BLUP’d 16/11/2012 143 249 336 434 0MLC C E(%) C V 200M(kg) 200G(kg) 400G(kg) Fat(mm) MD(mm) BVData EBV -8.0 LM‐3C -3 +24 +32 0 +3.1 LM+18Acc % 51 55 40 66 63 35 58 66BLCS Index 65 81 87 106 100 92 107 95Lot A & W Watson92 SAUNDERS GRACEWFQ11‐259 Born 30/11/11 UK 107576/700566ggs. SHIRE PENTAGON EL99‐508gs. FLEETHILL TALISMAN GR02‐012ggd. FLEETHILL OPIUM GR98‐002Sire *ANSIDE ARNIE IF05‐264ggs. BEWICK ORBIT LA98‐014Damgd ANSIDE SHANNON IF01‐077ggd. ANSIDE LAUREL IF95‐012ggs. TITAN MEB‐010Tgs. GREENSONS GIGOLO GATG‐009ggd. SURPRISE 87‐81‐006‐951SAUNDERS ODELETTE WFQ98‐016ggs. BEDELL MAURICE BNM‐022gd SAUNDERS JULIETTE WFQ94‐002ggd. WAVERBANK GLOBETROTTER WACG‐111Signet Recorded Weights 100 200 300 400 500Last BLUP’d 16/11/2012 155 274 335 0 0MLC C E(%) C V 200M(kg) 200G(kg) 400G(kg) Fat(mm) MD(mm) BVData EBV -2.5 LM‐2C 0 +25 +41 0 +3.3 LM+28Acc % 55 57 49 70 67 44 64 69BLCS Index 100 86 104 108 106 92 109 110

Lot A & W Watson93 SAUNDERS HANNAHWFQ12‐262 Born 28/04/12 UK 107576/500571ggs. DURANDAL 36‐88‐007‐305gs. HEROS 36‐92‐005‐318ggd. SIGIT 36‐81‐000‐283Sire CENTRAL DART GBL08‐001ggs. LUDO 19‐95‐012‐472Damgd CENTRAL UNA GBL03‐004ggd. WESTPIT NINA GAZ97‐008ggs. CLOUGHHEAD JURASSIC HCX94‐131gs. SAUNDERS RIJINSKY WFQ00‐027ggd. SARKLEY JAPONICA PBO94‐023SAUNDERS BUTANO WFQ06‐111ggs. RAKE TERENCE JKT‐020gd SARKLEY UTANO PBO03‐042ggd. FAIDRE PAT RCX99‐008Signet Recorded Weights 100 200 300 400 500Last BLUP’d 16/11/2012 145 261 0 0 0MLC C E(%) C V 200M(kg) 200G(kg) 400G(kg) Fat(mm) MD(mm) BVData EBV -4.3 LM0C -3 +18 +22 ‐0.1 +3.1 LM+19Acc % 55 59 44 59 58 37 55 62BLCS Index 88 101 87 99 93 99 107 96SAUNDERS HANNAH is full of style with exceptional muscling.73Lot A & W Watson94 SAUNDERS HOLLYWFQ12‐267 Born 10/05/12 UK 107576/500578ggs. DURANDAL 36‐88‐007‐305gs. HEROS 36‐92‐005‐318ggd. SIGIT 36‐81‐000‐283Sire CENTRAL DART GBL08‐001ggs. LUDO 19‐95‐012‐472Damgd CENTRAL UNA GBL03‐004ggd. WESTPIT NINA GAZ97‐008ggs. CLOUGHHEAD JURASSIC HCX94‐131gs. SAUNDERS RIJINSKY WFQ00‐027ggd. SARKLEY JAPONICA PBO94‐023SAUNDERS CLOVER WFQ07‐130ggs. SAUNDERS RYAN WFQ00‐026gd SAUNDERS THYME WFQ02‐045ggd. SAUNDERS PETUNIA WFQ99‐020Signet Recorded Weights 100 200 300 400 500Last BLUP’d 16/11/2012 158 287 0 0 0MLC C E(%) C V 200M(kg) 200G(kg) 400G(kg) Fat(mm) MD(mm) BVData EBV -6.7 LM‐1C ‐2 +22 +29 ‐0.1 +3.1 LM+20Acc % 54 58 42 59 57 36 54 62BLCS Index 73 90 93 104 98 99 107 98

74Lot A & W Watson95 SAUNDERS HONEYWFQ12‐269 Born 12/05/12 UK 107576/700580ggs. DURANDAL 36‐88‐007‐305gs. HEROS 36‐92‐005‐318ggd. SIGIT 36‐81‐000‐283Sire CENTRAL DART GBL08‐001ggs. LUDO 19‐95‐012‐472Damgd CENTRAL UNA GBL03‐004ggd. WESTPIT NINA GAZ97‐008ggs. CLOUGHHEAD JURASSIC HCX94‐131gs. SAUNDERS RIJINSKY WFQ00‐027ggd. SARKLEY JAPONICA PBO94‐023SAUNDERS CHANTELLE WFQ07‐125ggs. DAIM 19‐88‐005‐833gd SAUNDERS ONDINE WFQ98‐014ggd. WAVERBANK GLOBETROTTER WACG‐111Signet Recorded Weights 100 200 300 400 500Last BLUP’d 16/11/2012 170 309 0 0 0MLC C E(%) C V 200M(kg) 200G(kg) 400G(kg) Fat(mm) MD(mm) BVData EBV -5.4 LM‐1C ‐4 +22 +28 ‐0.1 +3.0 LM+20Acc % 55 59 44 59 58 37 55 62BLCS Index 81 92 81 104 97 99 106 98Lot A & W Watson96 SAUNDERS HILARYWFQ12‐273 Born 21/05/12 UK 107576/400584ggs. DURANDAL 36‐88‐007‐305gs. HEROS 36‐92‐005‐318ggd. SIGIT 36‐81‐000‐283Sire CENTRAL DART GBL08‐001ggs. LUDO 19‐95‐012‐472Damgd CENTRAL UNA GBL03‐004ggd. WESTPIT NINA GAZ97‐008ggs. JACOT 36‐94‐005‐555gs. ROCKY 36‐15‐030‐964ggd. GLOIRE 36‐91‐002‐380SAUNDERS CLASSYLASSIE WFQ07‐133ggs. CLOUGHHEAD JURASSIC HCX94‐131gd SAUNDERS VERITY WFQ04‐074ggd. SARKLEY NADIA PBO97‐002Signet Recorded Weights 100 200 300 400 500Last BLUP’d 16/11/2012 182 327 0 0 0MLC C E(%) C V 200M(kg) 200G(kg) 400G(kg) Fat(mm) MD(mm) BVData EBV -10.8 LM‐5C -5 +41 +61 ‐0.2 +5.7 LM+34Acc % 56 60 45 59 58 40 55 62BLCS Index 47 62 76 127 120 105 129 121Sarkley Nadia (3dam) was also dam of Saunders Stallone Reserve Junior Champion Carlisle May 2003, soldfor 10,000gns to Paul Dawes.

Lot A & W Watson97 SAUNDERS HEATHERWFQ12‐274 Born 23/05/12 UK 107576/500585ggs. DURANDAL 36‐88‐007‐305gs. HEROS 36‐92‐005‐318ggd. SIGIT 36‐81‐000‐283Sire CENTRAL DART GBL08‐001ggs. LUDO 19‐95‐012‐472Damgd CENTRAL UNA GBL03‐004ggd. WESTPIT NINA GAZ97‐008ggs. BROADMEADOWS CANNON CAVC‐031gs. HARTSIDE JACKO TW94‐756ggd. HARTSIDE DAVINA TWD‐331SAUNDERS PETUNIA WFQ99‐020ggs. HALTCLIFFE FLASHMAN RPF‐019‐FOTgd SARKLEY JAPONICA PBO94‐023ggd. SARKLEY FIJI PBOF‐008Signet Recorded Weights 100 200 300 400 500Last BLUP’d 16/11/2012 151 266 0 0 0MLC C E(%) C V 200M(kg) 200G(kg) 400G(kg) Fat(mm) MD(mm) BVData EBV -9.1 LM‐2C -4 +24 +30 ‐0.1 +3.4 LM+19Acc % 57 61 48 60 58 43 57 63BLCS Index 58 83 81 106 98 99 110 97SAUNDERS HEATHER is maternal sister to Saunders Bandit sold Carlisle Nov 2007 for 5,200gns, who went on tosire Pussycatdoll, Reserve Heifer Champion, Scottish Winter Fair 2011.75Lot A & W Watson98 SAUNDERS HAZELWFQ12‐276 Born 26/05/12 UK 107576/700587ggs. DURANDAL 36‐88‐007‐305gs. HEROS 36‐92‐005‐318ggd. SIGIT 36‐81‐000‐283Sire CENTRAL DART GBL08‐001ggs. LUDO 19‐95‐012‐472Damgd CENTRAL UNA GBL03‐004ggd. WESTPIT NINA GAZ97‐008ggs. BROADMEADOWS CANNON CAVC‐031gs. SAUNDERS PACIFIC WFQ99‐023ggd. WAVERBANK EXCELLENCE WACE‐084SAUNDERS ABIGAIL WFQ05‐084ggs. BANSIDE VICOUNT MAYV‐002gd SAUNDERS JESSICA WFQ94‐003ggd. CLOUGHHEAD HAZEL HCX92‐047Signet Recorded Weights 100 200 300 400 500Last BLUP’d 16/11/2012 166 297 0 0 0MLC C E(%) C V 200M(kg) 200G(kg) 400G(kg) Fat(mm) MD(mm) BVData EBV -7.4 LM‐3C ‐4 +22 +25 ‐0.1 +3.9 LM+21Acc % 53 58 44 58 57 35 53 62BLCS Index 69 77 81 104 95 99 114 100

76Lot A & W Watson99 SAUNDERS HARRIETWFQ12‐278 Born 04/07/12 UK 107576/400591ggs. SHIRE PENTAGON EL99‐508gs. FLEETHILL TALISMAN GR02‐012ggd. FLEETHILL OPIUM GR98‐002Sire *ANSIDE ARNIE IF05‐264ggs. BEWICK ORBIT LA98‐014Damgd ANSIDE SHANNON IF01‐077ggd. ANSIDE LAUREL IF95‐012ggs. CLOUGHHEAD JURASSIC HCX94‐131gs. SAUNDERS RIJINSKY WFQ00‐027ggd. SARKLEY JAPONICA PBO94‐023SAUNDERS VOGUE WFQ04‐072ggs. SAUNDERS MONDEO WFQ96‐004gd SAUNDERS SUSIE WFQ01‐033ggd. SAUNDERS JESSICA WFQ94‐003Signet Recorded Weights 100 200 300 400 500Last BLUP’d 16/11/2012 171 0 0 0 0MLC C E(%) C V 200M(kg) 200G(kg) 400G(kg) Fat(mm) MD(mm) BVData EBV -3.9 LM‐1C -3 +18 +24 ‐0.1 +2.7 LM+19Acc % 56 60 47 61 60 38 58 64BLCS Index 91 90 87 99 94 99 104 96SAUNDERS HARRIET is full sister to Saunders Georgia sold Carlisle Feb 2012 to Cowporation in Holland, whereshe has been shown successfully; winning her class at the National Show.Lot A & W Watson100 NON-PEDIGREE – 259Born: 08/05/2012UK107576/300576SireANSIDE ARNIE (IF05-264)Sire of Dam SAUNDERS RIJINSKY (WFQ00-027)Lot McKinney Brothers101 HEATHMOUNT GATEAUXMOF11‐019 Born 05/06/11 UK 9564413/0432‐5ggs. NESTOR 19‐97‐007‐920gs. SALOMON 19‐30‐888‐596ggd. NINA 19‐96‐004‐395Sire *BAILEA ANDRE JAG05‐032ggs. GREENSONS GIGOLO GATG‐009Damgd BAILEA IZBICKI JAG93‐033ggd. BAILEA FANCY JAGF‐002ggs. MARQUIS 19‐96‐000‐831gs. SAINFOIN 19‐30‐998‐361ggd. HYACINTHE 19‐92‐015‐046HEATHMOUNT UNLIMITED MOF03‐019ggs. STAVELEY INTERNATIONAL BIW93‐017‐FOTgd STAVELEY LILAC BIW95‐011ggd. HALTCLIFFE DAZZLER RPD‐029Signet Recorded Weights 100 200 300 400 500Last BLUP’d 16/11/2012 158 270 392 538 0MLC C E(%) C V 200M(kg) 200G(kg) 400G(kg) Fat(mm) MD(mm) BVData EBV -1.1 LM0C -1 +15 +24 0 +2.4 LM+21Acc % 61 61 49 73 74 46 65 72BLCS Index 109 101 99 96 94 92 101 99

Lot McKinney Brothers102 HEATHMOUNT GENAMOF11‐020 Born 06/06/11 UK 9564413/0433‐6ggs. NESTOR 19‐97‐007‐920gs. SALOMON 19‐30‐888‐596ggd. NINA 19‐96‐004‐395Sire *BAILEA ANDRE JAG05‐032ggs. GREENSONS GIGOLO GATG‐009Damgd BAILEA IZBICKI JAG93‐033ggd. BAILEA FANCY JAGF‐002ggs. MARQUIS 19‐96‐000‐831gs. SAINFOIN 19‐30‐998‐361ggd. HYACINTHE 19‐92‐015‐046HEATHMOUNT CARMELA MOF07‐022ggs. BROADMEADOWS CANNON CAVC‐031gd HEATHMOUNT PENNY MOF99‐012ggd. SHEARBARN GWENIVERE DCNG‐007Signet Recorded Weights 100 200 300 400 500Last BLUP’d 16/11/2012 167 283 405 542 0MLC C E(%) C V 200M(kg) 200G(kg) 400G(kg) Fat(mm) MD(mm) BVData EBV -1.1 LM0C +1 +19 +34 ‐0.1 +3.1 LM+26Acc % 60 59 49 72 73 45 63 71BLCS Index 109 100 110 101 101 99 107 10777Lot W Barron103 BARRONS GBABEBNI11‐212 Born 08/01/11 UK 105586/300208ggs. GLENROCK SPARTACUS IE01‐152gs. GLENROCK VENTURA IE04‐432ggd. GLENROCK SASPIRILLA IE01‐148Sire *AMPERTAINE COMMANDER MGD07‐046ggs. SYMPA 48‐01‐006‐969Damgd AMPERTAINE ANNABELLA MGD05‐015ggd. KYPE SHARON CAQ01‐041ggs. IONESCO 36‐93‐000‐206gs. SARKLEY VOLVO PBO04‐003ggd. HOLLY JEN HAF94‐004BARRONS BABE BNI06‐116ggs. TWEMLOWS MAGICMAN FDJ96‐003gd TWEMLOWS ROMANCE FDJ00‐065ggd. HOLLY INCHANTRESS HAF93‐044Signet Recorded Weights 100 200 300 400 500Last BLUP’d 16/11/2012 145 270 389 511 0MLC C E(%) C V 200M(kg) 200G(kg) 400G(kg) Fat(mm) MD(mm) BVData EBV -1.5 LM+3C -1 +24 +48 +0.1 +3.7 LM+30Acc % 58 59 51 73 72 49 66 72BLCS Index 106 120 99 106 111 85 112 114

78Lot W Barron104 BARRONS GOLDBNI11‐222 Born 22/03/11 UK 105586/400216Twin to a femaleggs. GLENROCK SPARTACUS IE01‐152gs. GLENROCK VENTURA IE04‐432ggd. GLENROCK SASPIRILLA IE01‐148Sire *AMPERTAINE COMMANDER MGD07‐046ggs. SYMPA 48‐01‐006‐969Damgd AMPERTAINE ANNABELLA MGD05‐015ggd. KYPE SHARON CAQ01‐041ggs. JABOT 19‐93‐015‐958gs. MALIBU 36‐96‐026‐196ggd. HAITI 36‐92‐005‐630BARRONS UNA BNI03‐083ggs. WINDYHILL LISTZ BCK95‐026gd BARRONS PERKIE BNI99‐012ggd. NEWACRES LADY BBY95‐066Signet Recorded Weights 100 200 300 400 500Last BLUP’d 16/11/2012 140 270 389 0 517MLC C E(%) C V 200M(kg) 200G(kg) 400G(kg) Fat(mm) MD(mm) BVData EBV -1.9 LM+2C +1 +17 +36 0 +2.1 LM+21Acc % 60 63 53 74 70 51 67 73BLCS Index 103 114 110 98 103 92 99 100BARRONS GOLD has a full sister retained in the herd.Lot W Barron105 BARRONS GENEVIEVEBNI11‐237 Born 07/05/11 UK 105586/500231ggs. GLENROCK SPARTACUS IE01‐152gs. GLENROCK VENTURA IE04‐432ggd. GLENROCK SASPIRILLA IE01‐148Sire *AMPERTAINE COMMANDER MGD07‐046ggs. SYMPA 48‐01‐006‐969Damgd AMPERTAINE ANNABELLA MGD05‐015ggd. KYPE SHARON CAQ01‐041ggs. WAINDALE JACKPOT BHR94‐049gs. WAINDALE PRIME BHR99‐075ggd. WAINDALE MULL BHR96‐039BARRONS TOSCA BNI02‐060ggs. WINDYHILL LISTZ BCK95‐026BARRONS GENEVIEVE has a full sister retained in the herd.gd BARRONS RUSTY BNI00‐020ggd. NEWACRES NADINE BBY97‐074

79FROZEN EMBRYOSSireDamG VAUGHAN2 x GRADE A EMBRYOSStored at Paragon*FIELDSON ALFY (FCE05-384)Sire – GUNNERFLEET PLUNAS (HDR99-010)Dam – EDEN NATASHA (HCS97-074)DOLCORSLLWYN AWEN (VU05-030)Sire – MAS DU CLO (23-96-032-213)Dam – DOLCORSLLWYN RUTH (VU00-012)No release fee requiredA golden opportunity to breed a full sibling to Dolcorsllwyn Fabio, the world record-breaking Limousin bull; Supreme Champion CarlisleFeb 2012, sold for 120,000gns. The embryos have been collected and washed to export standard.SireDamG VAUGHAN2 x GRADE A EMBRYOSStored at Paragon*FIELDSON ALFY (FCE05-384)Sire – GUNNERFLEET PLUNAS (HDR99-010)Dam – EDEN NATASHA (HCS97-074)DOLCORSLLWYN AWEN (VU05-030)Sire – MAS DU CLO (23-96-032-213)Dam – DOLCORSLLWYN RUTH (VU00-012)No release fee requiredA golden opportunity to breed a full sibling to Dolcorsllwyn Fabio, the world record-breaking Limousin bull; Supreme Champion CarlisleFeb 2012, sold for 120,000gns. The embryos have been collected and washed to export standard.SireDamG VAUGHAN1 x GRADE A EMBRYOStored at Paragon*FIELDSON ALFY (FCE05-384)Sire – GUNNERFLEET PLUNAS (HDR99-010)Dam – EDEN NATASHA (HCS97-074)DOLCORSLLWYN AWEN (VU05-030)Sire – MAS DU CLO (23-96-032-213)Dam – DOLCORSLLWYN RUTH (VU00-012)No release fee requiredA golden opportunity to breed a full sibling to Dolcorsllwyn Fabio, the world record-breaking Limousin bull; Supreme Champion CarlisleFeb 2012, sold for 120,000gns. The embryos have been collected and washed to export standard.

80FORTHCOMING <strong>LIMOUSIN</strong> SALESFriday 3rd & Saturday 4th MayAnnual May Show and Sale of Bullsand ‘Ladies Day’ Show and Sale(entries close Friday 15th March)Friday 1st JuneSale from Goldies, Haltcliffe, Whinfellpark herdsand othersFriday 14th JuneAnnual Summer Sale of Bulls & Unhaltered Females,also Youngstock Sale includes consignments fromNORMAN and MIDDLEDALE herds and others(entries close Monday 6th May)Friday 18th & Saturday 19th OctoberAnnual Autumn Show and Sale of Bulls(entries close Friday 30th August)Friday 13th DecemberRed Ladies Derby & Weaned Calf Sale(entries close Friday 8th November)

81Alphabetical Bull Index(All bulls marked * in the pedigrees are included in the reference)ABEL (19-32-326-906) sire – Ondit, dam – Sybelle (by Loriot). Purchased at the Lauand Test centre, by Ondit one of the testsersai AI bulls. First son sold for £9,000. Progeny includes Normande Dana 5,000gns Normande Sale Carlisle Oct 2011.Normande Elisha 5,000gns Normande Sale Carlisle Oct 2012.AMPERTAINE COMMANDER (MGO07-046) sire – Glenrock Ventura, dam – Ampertaine Annabella (by Sympa).Commander was Champion Carlisle May 2009 (joint top price). Carries extreme muscle (eye muscle depth 104mm). JudgedBest Bull and Progeny North East Club Herd Competition (by Roger Hazard, Mereside herd). Progeny includes BarronsFantastic 7,800gns Carlisle Weaned Calf Sale Dec 2010. Culnagechan Falcon 48,000gns Carlisle May 2012. Sarkley Galisa4,000gns Sarkley Sale Oct 2012. Two calves shown locally, one Champion, one reserve Champion. Calves shown TullamoreNational Show, Ardlea Coillte All Ireland 2010 born heifer calf. Newtown Gentleman All Ireland 2011 born bull calf and hewent on to win Junior Male Champion. Commander is easy calving, ideal for heifers. Other progeny includes Barrons Harness6,000gns Weaned Calf sale Carlisle Dec 2012.ANSIDE ARNIE (IF05-264) Sire – Fleethill Talisman, dam – Anside Shannon (by Bewick Orbit). Sold for 8,000gns CarlisleOct 2006. Progeny includes – Saunders Dodi 6,200gns Carlisle Feb 2010 and the first commercial calf sold for £2,000Carlisle March 2008.ARDNACRUSHA UTHMAN (HRWU-254) sire – Nestor, dam – Lustre (by Genereux). All Ireland Calf Champion 2003 andwon 1 st prize young bull class ILC 2004. He has a muscle depth of 6.0 and his beef value is LM+38. His first 3 sons soldaveraged £6,000 and his progeny includes Millbrow Adam 7,500gns Carlisle May 2006; Millbrow Bellman Reserve JuniorChampion 13,000gns Carlisle May 2007; Normande Bonaparte 6,000gns Carlisle Nov 2007.ATTIRANT (23-06-751-274) sire – Usty, dam – Superbe (by Mas Du Clo). Won best stock bull at the 2011 National HerdCompertition. He produces calves with exceptional width through the back, hips and pins. Progeny includes GarneedFantastic 10,000gns Carlisle Oct 2011. Netherhall Goliath 17,000gns and Garnedd Ferrari 10,000gns Carlisle May 2012.Garnedd Grant 12,000gns Carlisle Oct 2012. Carmorn Gaga 7,200gns Red Ladies Derby Carlisle Dec 2012.AUSTRALIEN (22-55-672-198) sire – Neuf, dam – Siberi (by Gwenole). The newest edition to the Cornsay herd. He carriestremendous height, length, width and depth of muscle. His progeny show exceptional shape and length.BAILEA ANDRE (JAG05-032) sire – Salomon, dam – Bailea Izbicki (by Greensons Gigolo). Won Reserve Senior MaleChampion Carlisle Feb 2007 and sold for 16,000gns.BROOKFIELD ELMO (IE201276990059) sire – Imprt Lino, dam – Brookfield Bethany (by Ronick Hawk)CLOUGHHEAD ACE (HCX05-339) sire - Imprt Genial, dam - Cloughhead Janey (by Heros) Progeny includes CloughheadDelboy 13,000gns, Cloughhead Dotty 6,500gns Carlisle Feb 2010CLOUGHHEAD BILLY (HCS06-445) sire – Ugues, dam – Gascogne (by Espagnol). Bavette (gdam) was Champion ParisShow on two occasions.COLUMBJOHN DRAKE (WBOD-042) Sire – Sebastien, dam – Roeburn Treasure (by Goldies Reliable). Has won over 50breed and interbreed titles. Daughters have a good milk yield.DUMBRECK DIAMOND (WHD08-001) sire - Ionesco, dam - Dumbreck Solitaire (by Jockey). Purchased for 12,000gnsCarlisle May 2009 to join the Lowbarn herd.*ECRAN (79-38-570-992) Sire – Talent, dam – Silice (by Genial).FAIRYMOUNT ARTHUR (IE221280030084) sire – Nenuphar, dam – Fairymount Roisin (by Ibis). Sons of Fairymount Arthurhave sold to 8,000gns at Carlisle. Progeny includes Normande Eliza 4,000gns, Normande Embrace 4,000gns and NormandeEsme 4,000gns Normande Sale Carlisle Oct 2012FIELDSON ALFY (FCE05-384) sire - Gunnerfleet Plunas, dam - Eden Natasha (by Broadmeadows Cannon). Sold for37,000gns Carlisle Oct 2006. Progeny includes Sarkley Dynamic 13,000gns, Kype Denver 8,000gns Carlisle Oct 2009.Sarkley Dalola 25,000gns Sarkley Youngstock Sale Nov 2009. Ringway Daphne 13,000gns Red Ladies Derby 2009.Netherhall Doubleoseven 20,000gns, Netherhall Dangermouse 8,000gns Carlisle May 2010. Glenrock Eagle 10,000gnsCarlisle Feb 2011. Netherhall Ferry 10,000gns, Proctors Explosive 8,000gns Carlisle May 2011. Dolcorsllwyn Fabio Sold fora new World and Breed record price animal sold for 120,000gns Carlisle Feb 2012 to M/s Jenkinson, Whinfell Park Herd.GENIAL (87-91-002-491) sire – Vaurien, dam – Baline (by Prelude)

82GLANGWDEN BIGBOY (JBW06-618) sire – Haltcliffe Ullswater, dam – Paluche (by Jacot). Progeny includes his first sonselling for 4,000gns aged 6 months, Norman Drover was YLBC Calf Champion Dec 2009. Norman Gentle 7,200gns CarlisleJune 2012. Norman Gus 9,500gns Carlisle Oct 2012GRAHAMS UNBEATABLE (GV03-176) sire – Grahams Poncho, dam – Habitude (by Eclat). Sold for 35,000gns ILC SaleCarlisle Aug 2004 and carries a Beef value of LM+45. Progeny includes – Derriaghy Bobsyouruncle 10,500gns Carlisle Feb2008.GREENHILL VIPER (IE161035250060) sire – Nenuphar, dam – Nana (by Limier). Purchased Carlisle October 2005 fromMessrs MacGregor of Allanfauld who had purchased him privately from Ireland. Shown in 2006 with tremendous successincluding –1st, Male Breed Champion, Breed Champion, Interbreed Male Champion, Reserve Supreme Interbreed Championand Member of the winning Interbreed Team of 4 Newark & Nottinghamshire County Show; 1st and Male ChampionNorthumberland County Show; 1st, Breed and Interbreed Champion North Yorkshire County Show; 1st Royal Highland Showand 1st Royal Show. In 2007 he won 1st, Male and Reserve Breed Champion, Interbreed Male Champion and SupremeInterbreed Champion Newark & Nottinghamshire Show; 1st and Male Champion North Yorkshire County Show, 3rd RoyalHighland and Royal Shows; and 2nd Royal Welsh Shows.GREENWELL FIELDMASTER (MK10-034) sire – Casimir, dam Geeenwell Amy (by Tanin).GUNNERFLEET PLUNAS (HDR99-010) purchased for 7,000gns in October 2000 at Carlisle after being placed IntermediateChampion. In 2003 herd competition he was placed 1 st for Best Bull and Progeny in the East Midlands. His first 12 bullssold in 2003 grossed over £40,000. Progeny include Carlisle May 2003 Fieldson Sunny – 6,700gns. Carlisle Oct 2003 –Fieldson Talent – 7,500gns. Carlisle May 2004 – Fieldson Topaz – 8,000gns sold to Ronick herd and Fieldson Trademark –4,000gns. Carlisle Oct 2005 Fieldson Visa 5,000gns. Carlisle Oct 2006 Fieldson Alfy (Supreme Champion) 37,000gns.HALTCLIFFE UNDERWRITER (RP03-003) sire – Sympa, dam – Ronick Ricole (by Broadmeadows Cannon). Sold for10,000gns Carlisle May 2004. Progeny includes – Craigatoke Apache Intermediate and Reserve Overall Male ChampionCarlisle May 2007 and sold for top price of 30,000gns, a new Northern Ireland record; Craigatoke Bomber 7,000gns CarlisleFeb 2008, Craigatoke Dundee 6,000gns, Millgate Dollar 6,000gns Carlisle Feb 2010. Wilodge Easyride 10,000gns LyndergEmperor 8,000gns Carlisle May 2011. Iveagh Gilkes Intermediate Male champion and sold for 20,000gnsnad BallyrobinGazza 8,500gns Carlisle Oct 2012.HEROS (36-92-005-318) sire – Durandal, dam – Sigit (by Prosper). His first crop of cross bred calves have sold up to £2500.Progeny includes Haltcliffe Jaguar 6100gs, Haltcliffe Jupiter 4,000gs, Cloughhead Jackpot 4,900gs Cloughhead Jim3,900gs Carlisle Oct 1995. Carlisle May 2003 – Procters Subaru 7,000gns, Sarkley Starbright 5,800gns. Carlisle May 2004Cloughhead Titanic 24,000gns; Saunders Calzaghe (aged 7 months) 4,500gns Carlisle Weaned Calf Sale Dec 2007; SarkleyNellie 10,000gns Newstart Dispersal Feb 2008. Cloughhead Fergal 8,000gns Carlisle Feb 2012HOMEBYRES ARNOTT (LAP05-048) sire – Sympa, dam – Homebyres Melody (by Cheadlewood Junior). Progeny includesHomebyres Conelius 9,000gns, Homebyres Cowden 8,500gns Carlisle Feb 2009, Homebyres Clifford 6,800gns Carlisle May2009, Homebyres Dunlop 6,000gns Carlisle Oct 2009. Homebyres Evans 10,800gns Carlisle Oct 2010. Homebyres ElginReserve Senior Champion 7,000gns Carlisle Feb 2011. Homebyres Ericson Reserve Overall male Champion and sold for17,000gns Carlisle May 2011. Homebyres Findlay 6,000gns Carlisle Feb 2012, Homebyres Felboy 13,000gns Carlisle Feb2012.HOMEBYRES VANHEE (LAP04-045) sire - Balnacraig Supreme, dam - Homebyres Rosebud (by Homebyres Homer) Progenyincludes Homebyres Brodick 7,500gns, Homebyres Banker 6,500gns Carlisle May 2008, Homebyres Duncan 6,800gns,Homebyres Dixon 10,500gns Carlisle Oct 2009, Homebyres Dominic 6,500gns Carlisle Feb 10. Homebyres Drummie SeniorChampion15,000gns Carlisle May 2010. Homebyres Ewart 8,000gns Carlisle Oct 2010. Homebyres Ernest 12,000gnsCarlisle Feb 2011, Homebyres Fisher 6,800gns Carlisle Oct 2011, Homebyres Fogle 6,000gns Carlisle Feb 2012, HomebyresGuthrie 16,000gns Carlisle Oct 2012MAS DU CLO (23-96-032-213) sire – Bambino, dam – Cosette (by Tilleul). He has the highest score for overall breed in merit,carcase and conformation carcase yield in Sersia 2005 France Limousin Testage booklet. Progeny includes - SylvandeneAlpha 10,500gns Carlisle May 2007, Millington Candy 7,000gns and Millington Classy who won Junior Limousin Championand Junior Interbreed Champion Great Yorkshire Show 2008 and sold for 10,000gns Carlisle Red Ladies Derby 2008.Millington Davina 28,000gns Red Ladies Derby 2009. Glenrock Dauphin 6,000gns Carlisle Feb 2010. Netherhall Emperor16,000gns Carlisle Oct 2010. Rachels Ferrari 15,000gns Carlisle Feb 2012. Birdies Hugo 3,200gns Weaner Calf sale CarlisleDec 2012MILLINGTON CHIEF (MRJ07-219) sire – Mas Du Clo, dam – Nina (by Genial).MILLINGTON DETROIT (MRJ08-519) sire – Objat, dam – Voyelle (by Retiaire).MILLINGTON VASCULAR (MRJ04-826) sire – Imprt Ideal, dam – Brockhurst Option (by Ronick Matador). Sold for 9,800gnsCarlisle May 2006. Progeny includes Grahams Dublin 26,000gns Carlisle Feb 2010. Grahams Dragonfly 10,000gnsGrahams Sale Carlisle Nov 2010. Millington Faberge reserve Champion Red Ladies 2010 selling for 9,500gns.MILLINGTON VELOX (MRJ04-686) sire- Imprt Genial, dam Fringate (by Domino).Full brother to Nectar.

MOLOSKEY CLAUS (IE131477840508) Sire – Mas Du Clo, dam – Moloskey Nical (by Geant)83NECTAR (19-97-013-151) sire - Imprt Genial, dam – Fringante (by Domino). Progeny includes Dyfri Casanova 10,000gnsCarlisle May 2009. Dyfri Dolig 7,500gns Carlisle May 2010. Bankdale Anneka 5,000gns Bankdale dispersal sale CarlisleJuly 11.NEWLITTLEMOUNT ULSTERMAN (CNJ03-003) Sire – Prince B, dam – Oie (by Mont D’Or). Imported as a calf from France,Intermediate Champion at RUAS, RHS and RWAS Shows in 2005.OBJAT (19-30-299-413) sire - Dauphin, dam - Melodie (by Delta). Sire of the Dolcersllwyn Ceridwen sold for 4,000gns RedLadies Derby 2008, 7,500gns Fieldson Calypso and Beulah Coca Cola 14,000gns Carlisle Feb 2009. Sarkley Cossack10,500gns, Cowin Destiny 8,000gns, Hollingreave Dandy 7,500gns Carlisle Oct 2009. Cloughhead China 4,500gns CarlisleFeb 2010. Cloughhead Ernie 34,000gns, Nebo Edgar 16,000gns, Bailea Denby 9,500gns Carlisle May 2010. Hudscales Earl4,500gns Carlisle Youngstock sale May 2010. Lowerffrydd Empire 30,000gns & Overall Champion Carlisle Oct 2010.Wellhouse Elm 13,500gns, Hackney Email 10,000gns & Scorboro Enigma 9,000gns Carlisle Oct 2010. Beulah Eco8,000gns Carlisle May 2011. Millington Ferrari 10,000gns, Gritstone Firecracker 8,000gns Carlisle Oct 2011. BeulahFivestar 10,000gns Carlisle Feb 2012. Wilodge Formulaone 9,700gns Carlisle May 2012. Wilodge Flawless 27,000gnsCarlisle June 2012ROCKY (36-15-030-964) sire – Jacot; dam – Glorie (by Eldorado). A bull producing exceptional muscling and docility.Progeny includes – Carmorn Vandyke 14,000gns, Glenrock Victory 13,000gns Carlisle May 2006; Sarkley Arragon10,500gns, Sarkley Barragon 8,500gns, Sarkley Beautie 7,200gns and Sarkley Berrie 5,000gns Sarkley Sale July 2007;Ashhollow Bombshell 14,000gns, Raffertys Buster 8,000gns Carlisle Nov 2007;Guards Boomer Reserve Intermediate Champion 22,000gns Carlisle Feb 2008 and went on to win Balmoral Show 2009,Netherhall Chancer 11,000gns, Guillard Donie 8,000gns, Loganburn Cassius 9,000gns Carlisle May 2009. Sarkley Dominica8,000gns Sarkley Youngstock Sale Nov 2009. Cowin Dazling 6,000gns Carlisle Feb 2010. Windsole Elph 11,000gns CarlisleMay 2010. Rathconvale Eugene 17,000gns, Willowvale Emre 7,500gns Carlisle Feb 2011. Sarkley Forella 5,300gns Sarkleyproduction sale Carlisle Aug 2011. Lodge Diamond 6,000gns Carlisle June 2012. Fodderletter Gatuso Reserve Overal MaleChampion and sold for 10,000gns Carlisle Oct 2012. Sarkley Gazola 8,000gns nad Sarkley Fern 4,400gns Sarkley Sale Oct2012. Also produces very good commercial cattle in Ireland and the UK.ROUNDHILL FRANZ (IE241280221282) Sire – Acajou, dam – Roundhill Valentino (by Lino)SYLVANDENE DEFOE (BOP08-005) Sire – Mas Du Clo, dam – Neige (by Jockey). All-Ireland National Male Champion,Tullamore Show 2012. Carries EBV’s for 200 Day Growth, Muscle Depth and Beef Value all inside the top 1% of the breedTEHIX (12-02-088-259) sire – Mas Du Clo, dam – Lilas (by Espoir).UGUES (19-31-558-775) sire – Nestor, dam – Eclipse (by Bilbao). Progeny includes Cloughhead Commander 7,500gnsCarlisle Feb 2009, Cloughhead Cromwell 11,000gns Carlisle May 2009.UNIVERS (24-24-473-075) sire – Izara, dam – Haiti (by Cubjacois). Progeny includes Cloughhead Ferry 7,500gns CarlisleFeb 2012.VIGOT (19-31-778-996) Sire – Hammel Luc, dam – Rebecca (by Ozo). Imported from the Lagrifieul Herd for his breedcharacter and milk traits. Junior Champion RHS 2006, Overall Junior, Breed and Interbreed Champion, Great Yorkshire Show2006. Winner of the Burke Trophy 2008.VIRGINIA ANDY (IE121657690563) sire – Elite Popsi, dam – Marlhill Naomi (by Carwin Flow). Sold for 7,000gns CarlisleFeb 2007. Male and Overall Champion Royal Highland Show 2009. Progeny includes Maraiscote Dougie 7,800gns CarlisleOct 2009. Maraiscote Dazzler 10,000gns Carlisle Feb 2010. Maraiscote Ember 15,000gns, Maraiscote Esso 12,000gns &Reserve Overall Champion Carlisle Oct 2010. Maraiscote Exit 8,000gns Carlisle Feb 2011. Maraiscote Fergus 11,000gnsCarlisle Oct 2011. Maraiscote General 11,500gns Carlisle Oct 2012.WILODGE CERBERUS (WEY07-010) sire – Wilodge Tonka, dam – Wilodge Priceless (by Broadmeadows Cannon). Sold for50,000gns Carlisle Oct 2008 to join the Whinfellpark herd. Progeny includes Whinfellpark Fanzine 9,000gns & WhinfellparkFairley 5,500gns Carlisle Weaned Calf Sale Dec 2010. Whinfellpark Fizzle 9,200gns, Whinfellpark Festive Reserve Juniormale Champion and sold for 8,500gns Carlisle May 2011. Whinfellpark Flamboyant 12,000gns Intermediate ChampionCarlisle Oct 2011. Whinfellpark Gateaux 5,500gns Weaned Calf sale Carlisle 2011. Ampertaine Foreman Reserve SupremeChampion Carlisle Feb 2012 Selling for 38,000gns. Wilodge Goldenmoment 10,000gns, Wilodge Gracies 8,000gns,WilodgeGoldrush 8,000gns Wilodge Goldenglow 6,000gns & Wilodge Golddust 5,000gns Carlisle June 2012. Dyfri Glynswr8,000gns Carlisle Oct 2012. Kaprico Helen 5,000gns Weaner Calf sale Carlisle Dec 2012.WOODHOUSE PRINCE (BDX99-220) sire – Broadmeadows Cannon, dam – Woodhouse Honey (by Talent). SupremeChampion Royal Welsh Show and Great Yorkshire Show. Sire of Millington Tangerine Supreme Interbreed Champion RoyalHighland show and Royal Welsh Show.

84HEALTH AND SAFETY RULESHARRISON & HETHERINGTON LIMITEDNOTICE TO ALL VISITORS AND TRADERSPLEASE READ AND OBSERVE THE FOLLOWINGAll visitors and traders on site will be responsible for ensuring that they and their employeesor sub-contractors engaged by them comply with all legal requirements, including theHealth and Safety At Work etc., Act 1974, The Management of Health and Safety At WorkRegulations, The Provision And Use of Work Equipment Regulations, etc.All visitors and traders will be responsible for ensuring that their operations in no wayaffect the integrity of the company or its fire, safety or security arrangements and in noway compromise the health and safety and welfare of other visitors to and or employeesof <strong>Harrison</strong> & <strong>Hetherington</strong>.Although it is the visitors and traders responsibility to ensure that plant, equipment andsystems in work are safe, <strong>Harrison</strong> & <strong>Hetherington</strong> Limited reserve the right to ask anyvisitor or trader to leave the market for any breaches in the Health and Safety Rules and/or Regulations.Vendors must inform <strong>Harrison</strong> & <strong>Hetherington</strong> Limited of any livestock due to attend themarket whose temperament, behaviour or condition may call for additional precautions forits safe handling.When loading or unloading livestock handlers must ensure that the dock and vehicle gatesare securely fixed so as to prevent the escape of animals.Traders are responsible for providing and maintaining suitable livestock handlingequipment. They should ensure that livestock handlers are fit, experienced in livestockhandling and familiar with the livestock in their charge.Children must not be permitted in any area where they may be at risk from livestock ormachinery.In the case of bulls, during the period when the show/sale is open to visitors, bulls in stallsor pens should not be left unattended. If the handler is temporarily absent, arrangementsshould be made with another vendor, steward or member of <strong>Harrison</strong> & <strong>Hetherington</strong> staffto oversee the bull until the handler returns.Handling of Livestock at shows and sales: <strong>Harrison</strong> & <strong>Hetherington</strong> Limited recommendthat an adult person should accompany any junior person during the showing/sale oflivestock in the ring and reserves the right to intervene at any point if, in the company’sopinion, the person showing the livestock is at risk in undertaking that activity.Passageways must be kept clear at all times during the auction sale. PLEASE DO NOTSTAND IN THE SALE RING ENTRANCE AND EXIT PASSAGES.The auction ring man escapes and refuges must be kept clear at all times.All portable electrical equipment supplied and/or used by visitors and traders must be safeand fit for the purpose and should have a valid portable appliance test certificate.

AUCTIONEER’S TERMS & CONDITIONS OF SALE(Incorporating the Auctioneer’s Terms and Conditions as recommended by theNational Beef Association)1. The biddings to be regulated by the Auctioneers and the highest bidder, subject to the Vendor’sreserve (if any), to be the purchaser. No bid shall be retracted and if any dispute should arise betweentwo or more bidders, the Lot in dispute to be put up again and resold, or the Auctioneersmay determine the dispute at their own discretion and their decision shall be final. The Auctioneersreserve the right to refuse the bid of any person without being called upon to give reason forsuch action.2. The Purchaser to give his full name and dwelling place and pay for all Lots purchased immediatelyat the close of sale. No Lot or Lots shall be removed from the sale premises until paid for anda pass-out slip obtained from the Auctioneer’s clerk but each and every Lot shall immediately atthe fall of the hammer be considered as delivered and be and remain in every respect at the absoluterisk and expense of the respective purchaser or purchasers thereof and shall be removedfrom the sale premises at the purchaser’s expense. The right of property shall not pass until thefull purchase price is paid.3. Purchasers paying by cheque must be prepared, if required, to produce a banker’s reference. Asa result of the Money Laundering Regulations (2003) the auctioneers are unable to accept cashpayments in excess of nine thousand pounds sterling for any any single or linked purchase transaction.4. All statements in the catalogue, or made by the Auctioneers at the time of sale, also the correctidentification of the animals, are the entire responsibility of the Vendors. The Auctioneers take nopersonal responsibility for the correctness of such statements or identities.5. All statements in the catalogue, or any made by the Auctioneers at the time of sale relating toany veterinary or other tests are to be taken as statements of fact only. No such statements shallguarantee the purchaser of any animal against loss arising from the subsequent reaction of suchanimal to any test administered after the sale and the Vendors shall not be liable in any wayshould this occur.6. All stock is sold subject to the Conditions of Sale recommended for use at markets by the LivestockAuctioneers’ Markets Committee for England and Wales except in so far as these conflictwith any Special Conditions applicable to the sale of pedigree stock, when the latter Conditionsshall prevail.7. Neither the Vendors nor the Auctioneers will be responsible for any accident or injury to personsor property, through fire or any other cause whatsoever, nor for any damage by animals prior to,during or after the sale.8. No undertaking by the Auctioneers or their servants to take charge of any Lot or Lots after thesale or to forward them to their destination shall be held to impose upon the Auctioneers anylegal obligation or vitiate any of these Conditions.9. Inasmuch as the Auctioneers act as agents for a disclosed principal they shall not be consideredpersonally responsible for any default on the part of either purchasers or Vendors and the remedyshall be against them only and not against the Auctioneers.10. If these conditions are unfulfilled, the Vendors or Auctioneers shall have the power to resellthe Lots, retaining any surplus and charging any deficiency and expense to the defaulter.11. You have a right to know how we will use the information you have provided to us. We mayshare the information with other members of our group and may make this informationavailable to relevant media groups and other interested parties on request. We and othermembers of the group may contact you by telephone, e-mail, post or fax to inform you ofproducts or services available. If you do not want to be contacted for marketing purposesor do not wish your information to be made available to any other parties please notify us inwriting.HARRISON & HETHERINGTON LTD

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