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ANNOUNCEMENTSDETOXIFICATION RETREATThe next <strong>Tao</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Wellness</strong> Cleansingand Detoxification Retreat will beheld from September 7-9.Space is limited, so sign up now.-------------------------------------------INTEGRAL WAY SOCIETY (IWS)SPIRITUAL RETREATOctober 5 -7, 2007Retreat will be conducted byDr. Mao, and held at Cohutta Lodge,Chatsworth, Georgia. For detailscontact Philip Christman(770) 565-2978 or emailinfo@integralwaysociety.org-------------------------------------------RENOVATIONS ATTAO OF WELLNESSFor the next month, we will becontinuing to improve and upgrade our<strong>of</strong>fice space. There may be some dustduring the construction.We ask foryour patience and understanding.-------------------------------------------PUBLIC SPEAKINGIf you are interested in having one <strong>of</strong>our doctors come speak about a widerange <strong>of</strong> health issues to your group orschool, please contact Adriana Rivera.-------------------------------------------Dr. Mao will be speaking onSeptember 21 at the EAST-WESTHEALTH QUEST, an AgapeWellbeing Ministry Event in CulverCity, California. www.agapelive.com-------------------------------------------Dr. Mao will be speaking at theBUILDING BRIDGES OFINTEGRATION FOR TCMConference to be held fromOctober 19 to 21 in Chantilly,Virginia. www.tcmconference.orgREAD DR. MAO’SHEALTH BLOG ONSince debuting on Yahoo in thebeginning <strong>of</strong> 2007, Dr. Mao’s blogon health and longevity has consistentlyranked among the top 3 mostvisited blogs on Yahoo! Health. Goto http://health.yahoo.com/experts/and scroll down to LONGEVITYand click on Dr. Mao’s latest blogentry. Be sure to also read thearchived articles on health andlongevity tips. ■Drs. Dao & Mao’sNEWEST PUBLICATIONSDr. Dao’s long awaited book, The <strong>Tao</strong> <strong>of</strong>Fertility, A Chinese Medicine Program forHealing the Mind, Body, and Spirit to CreateNew Life, will be published by Collins/Harper in early 2008. Co-authored withDana Herko, The <strong>Tao</strong> <strong>of</strong> Fertility bringsforth Dr. Dao’s clinical experiences throughthe eyes <strong>of</strong> many <strong>of</strong> his patients sharingtheir experiences on how to prepare for thejourney <strong>of</strong> pregnancy.Dr. Mao’s newest book, Secrets <strong>of</strong> SelfHealing, will be published by Avery/PenguinBooks in January 2008. It will be packedwith healing remedies including diet,herbal, supplement, acupressure and exercisetherapies to treat many common conditions.His last book, Secrets <strong>of</strong> Longevity, was a topselling book reaching #20 on Amazon.comBoth books are available for pre-publicationorders through www.amazon.com. ■1131 WILSHIRE BOULEVARD SUITE 300SANTA MONICA, CA 90401www.tao<strong>of</strong>wellness.com(310) 917-2200address correction requestedPRSRT STDU.S. POSTAGEPAIDLOS ANGELES, CAPERMIT NO. 1494SUMMER 20071TAO OF WELLNESSTEAMWORK3TRANSFORMATIONTHROUGHDETOXIFICATIONFACIAL ACUPUNCTUREEAST MEETS WEST ONTHE WEST SIDE OF L.A.4ANNOUNCEMENTSDRS. DAO & MAO’SNEWEST PUBLICATIONSTAO OF WELLNESS1131 WILSHIRE BOULEVARD, SUITE 300SANTA MONICA, CALIFORNIA 90401PHONE 310-917-2200 • FAX 310-917-2204WWW.TAOOFWELLNESS.COMCopyright 2007 <strong>Tao</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Wellness</strong>,a Pr<strong>of</strong>essional Acupuncture Corp.Graphic Design: Justina Krakowski<strong>Tao</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Wellness</strong>TEAMWORKDr. Dao and I realized early on in our pr<strong>of</strong>essional careers theadvantages <strong>of</strong> working together with a team <strong>of</strong> doctors. This providedus with the inspiration 20 years ago to expand the <strong>Tao</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Wellness</strong>to include doctors outside the family.As the <strong>Tao</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Wellness</strong> continues to grow andevolve as an organization, we continue toemphasize the importance <strong>of</strong> team-work to meet thegrowing needs <strong>of</strong> our patients. As we see patient’shealth care becoming increasingly complicated, itrequires a team approach to provide the most comprehensivelevel <strong>of</strong> care. We have created a diverseteam <strong>of</strong> doctors <strong>of</strong>fering unique clinical and lifeexperiences to work together and help patientsachieve their health and wellness goals. Experiencealong with patient feedback confirms our belief thatgroup collaboration gives patients the best care.We continue to foster a pr<strong>of</strong>essional environmentthat promotes continuous learning and pr<strong>of</strong>essionaldevelopment by providing monthly in-house medicalseminars. From our receptionists to herbalists anddoctors, everyone at <strong>Tao</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Wellness</strong> continues towork closely as a team to serve our patients.<strong>Tao</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Wellness</strong> FellowshipOver the last two years, we created a coveted postgraduatefellowship position in advanced research andclinical medicine. Dr. Dao and I created this positionto train our future doctors in the ways <strong>of</strong> ChineseMedicine while still imparting the subtleties <strong>of</strong> thisancient tradition as we were taught by our father. Atthe <strong>Tao</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Wellness</strong>, the focus is on training Fellowsto become exceptional healers while maintaining adeep connection to the virtues that are at the heart<strong>of</strong> this healing tradition.Each year we invite the top Yo San Universitygraduates and licensed-acupuncturists to apply forthe fellowship position. We subject applicants to atough and thorough interview process, and because<strong>of</strong> our reputation we are able to choose the best to fillthe fellowship position.Welcome Andrea Thorpe L.Ac.Our Newest FellowCongratulations to AndreaThorpe, who has just beenawarded the latest <strong>Tao</strong> <strong>of</strong><strong>Wellness</strong> Fellowship positionand will join us onSeptember 4th. Andreacomes with extensive experiencein acupuncturehaving completed her undergraduate degree atKing’s College in London, and subsequent study <strong>of</strong>Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine at LondonSchool <strong>of</strong> Acupuncture and TCM in 1995.Shortly after graduating, she traveled to China tocomplete internships in Nanjing and Hangzhouhospitals. Returning to Europe, Andrea’s work focusedon orthopedic, pediatric medicine and substance abuse.She also participated in the development <strong>of</strong> anacupuncture program as part <strong>of</strong> the National HealthService at the South Western Hospital in London. In2003, she decided to pursue graduate studies at Yo SanUniversity, and subsequently graduated with a Master’sdegree with top honors in 2007.Fluent in Spanish and basic German, Andrea bringswith her a rich cultural and pr<strong>of</strong>essional backgroundto patient care at <strong>Tao</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Wellness</strong>. She will be workingclosely with both Drs. Dao and continued on page 2

<strong>Tao</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Wellness</strong> TEAMWORK continuedMao to treat patients with various conditionsto add to her experience in orthopedic andpediatric medicine.Current FellowsJessica Chen was the first to receive theaward in 2005, and was followed by JamesEvans in 2006. They have both worked hardto achieve their success today.Jessica, certified in Chinese Medical Nutrition,has become our resident nutritionist. She hashelped a number <strong>of</strong> patients improve their dietand health, and lose weight successfully. Jessicais developing a good reputation for her workwith Dr. Dao on woman’s health and infertility.She is combining her love <strong>of</strong> nutrition withher experience in woman’s health to write abook on postpartum care and nutrition.James has headed up our cleansing anddetoxification program. He has successfullyorganized and conducted two cleansing anddetox retreats. He is certified in ClinicalDetoxification Protocols. James has receivedaccolades for his work with cancer and infertilitypatients. James also enjoys sharing hisexperience by teaching at Yo San University.He is also the editor <strong>of</strong> our newsletter.“Being in the Fellowshipprogram has more thanimproved my clinical skills,it has taught me how tobe a true healer.”– Jessica Chen, M.S., L.Ac.Jessica’s ExperiencesWhen I first started at <strong>Tao</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Wellness</strong>, Ihad no idea what I was getting myself into.Well, maybe a little. I knew from the nerveracking interviews that if I were to get thefellowship position, it was not going to be abreeze. I expected a whole lot <strong>of</strong> hard workand commitment on my part, and I wasright. Although I felt the pressure to perform,in my heart I knew this would be the perfectplace for me to grow and evolve as a student,a person and a healer.I feel truly blessed to be able to work under thedirection <strong>of</strong> reputable doctors like Drs. Daoand Mao. Not only have they been my mentors,I have also developed a close friendshipand a trusted partnership with both <strong>of</strong> themover the past 18 months. This relationship hasbeen a key component to successfully treatingour patients together. Treating some patientsin tandem has allowed me the opportunity tobring fresh ideas to the case and strengthen theoverall treatment strategy. I appreciate theenvironment in which <strong>Tao</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Wellness</strong> supportsmy pr<strong>of</strong>essional opinions and creativeinput. Here, every opinion matters and istaken into consideration. Patient care is themost important aspect <strong>of</strong> our practice.The community and support at <strong>Tao</strong> <strong>of</strong><strong>Wellness</strong> is something I know I would not getanywhere else. Being in the Fellowship programhas more than improved my clinicalskills, it has taught me how to be a true healer.I am most grateful to all my patients who havebeen my biggest motivators and teachers.James’ ExperiencesAlmost one year into my Fellowship, I feelhonored and excited to be a member <strong>of</strong> the<strong>Tao</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Wellness</strong> healing team. By becominga Fellow brought together many <strong>of</strong> my pr<strong>of</strong>essional,personal, and spiritual goals. One <strong>of</strong>my goals is to deepen my understanding <strong>of</strong>Chinese Medicine in order to bring aboutsignificant improvement to people’s healthand constructive change to their lives.Being a doctor at <strong>Tao</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Wellness</strong> is a trueprivilege, <strong>of</strong> which I am grateful. A doctor’srole is the heart <strong>of</strong> <strong>Tao</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Wellness</strong> as we treat“My becoming a Fellow broughttogether many <strong>of</strong> my pr<strong>of</strong>essionalpersonal and spiritual goals.”– James Evans, M.B.A., M.S., L.Acpatients and assist them to improve their lives.In Chinese Medicine, the heart is consideredthe fire element and as a doctor I believe it isour role to draw the patient’s attention to theirown inner light, which is at the heart <strong>of</strong> thetheir healing process. It is this that I am learningduring my time observing both Drs. Daoand Mao at work. Dr. Dao has taught memuch with his gentle but direct touch. Hiscomments, much like his needling accuracy,<strong>of</strong>ten seem painless yet charged with love andcompassion to facilitate deep and subtlechanges within. Dr. Mao has shown me howto respond with agility. He is quick on hisfeet both with treatments and formula construction.He is able to respond creatively ina changing environment, and assists patientssuffering from a wide variety <strong>of</strong> symptomsand ailments with pinpoint accuracy.I feel a deep connection to the <strong>Tao</strong> <strong>of</strong><strong>Wellness</strong> team as we are all committed tobeing exceptional healers who truly careabout their patient’s health and wellness.To read more <strong>of</strong> James' experience duringhis training, see our websitewww.tao<strong>of</strong>wellness.com/sum2007 ■Transformation throughDETOXIFICATIONIn May, Dr. James Evans led a team <strong>of</strong> several <strong>Tao</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Wellness</strong> doctors, qualifiedtherapists and a natural food chef in presenting a cleansing and detoxificationretreat. The three-day weekend retreat was very well-received, and for someparticipants it was life-changing, (for one individual’s experience, see below). Ournext retreat will be in September, but be sure to sign up early as space is limited.“The <strong>Tao</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Wellness</strong> Detox weekend was theperfect opportunity to shift my eating habits andself-awareness to a higher level. Since startingacupuncture several months ago, my life has changedfor the better overall. The mental and emotionalclarity I experience is a revelation, and being a middle-agedathlete I find that the treatments also helpheal the aches and pains that accompany physicalexertion. But the concentrated Detox weekend wassomething more. With its combination <strong>of</strong> chi gongmovement, acupuncture, sauna, and massage,it re-energized me and set me on a coursetoward wellness that I still maintain.”“One <strong>of</strong> the most wonderful aspects <strong>of</strong>the weekend was the good food, juices, detoxbroth and tea we got to enjoy. Although I was neverhungry during the weekend, I still lost 9 pounds,8 <strong>of</strong> which has stayed away permanently. Since Iam working to lose body fat, this was an incrediblebenefit. I cannot wait for the next [detox] weekend!”– CARMEN, MALIBU CAFACIALACUPUNCTUREAMAZING COMPLIMENTS AT ONE40TH COLLEGE REUNIONRecently one <strong>of</strong> our patients returning fromher 40th college reunion shared with ushow happy she was after being given many glowingcompliments on her youthful looks. She wasgracious in accepting the compliments but didnot divulge her secret—weekly acupuncture forfacial toning! Since our front page spread in theHealth section <strong>of</strong> the Los Angeles Times in 2000on acupuncture face lifts, it is still re-affirmingto know that our work still turns heads! ■East MeetsWestON THE WEST SIDE OF L.A.At <strong>Tao</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Wellness</strong>, we have had the benefit <strong>of</strong>having some <strong>of</strong> this city’s finest doctors as ourneighbors. They are located just downstairs fromus! Shortly after we moved to our current locationon Wilshire, UCLA Medical Center movedin on the first floor. Over the years, we haveestablished a wonderful collaborative relationshipwith several UCLA physicians.They have beenan excellent resource for many <strong>of</strong> our patients.There were a number <strong>of</strong> situations when werequired our patients to obtain additional andimmediate testing by an internist, and each timethe UCLA Medical Center met the demand andprovided excellent service despite the shortnotice.We are pleased with our pr<strong>of</strong>essionalrelationship with our neighbors and manyother fine doctors.<strong>Tao</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Wellness</strong> has built a reputation <strong>of</strong> excellencein the field <strong>of</strong> Chinese medicine and integrativehealthcare by working closely with M.D.sand healthcare pr<strong>of</strong>essionals in many specialties.In future newsletters, we will highlight morephysicians from our Pr<strong>of</strong>essional ReferralNetwork. For further information on our UCLAneighbors and other physicians please refer toour web site. www.tao<strong>of</strong>wellness.com ■2 3

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