A.O.Smith Motor Catalog - Universal Electric Motors

A.O.Smith Motor Catalog - Universal Electric Motors

A.O.Smith Motor Catalog - Universal Electric Motors


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NEMAFrameProgram“T”Frames1964NEMA Frame AssignmentsOpen and TEFC (TEFC Frame in Green where different than open)3600 RPM 1800 RPM 1200 RPM 900 RPM“U”Frames1952OriginalNEMAFrames“T”Frames1964“U”Frames1952OriginalNEMAFrames“T”Frames1964“U”Frames1952OriginalNEMAFrames“T”Frames1964“U”Frames1952OriginalNEMAFrames1 — — — 143T 182 203 145T 184 204 182T 213 2251 1/2 143T 182 203 145T 184 204 182T 184 224 184T 213 2542 145T 184 204 145T 184 224 184T 213 225 213T 215 2543 145T / 182T 184 224 182T 213 225 213T 215 254 215T 254U 2845 182T / 184T 213 225 184T 215 254 215T 254U 284 254T 256U 3247 1/2 184T / 213T 215 254 213T 254U 284 254T 256U 324 256T 284U 32610 213T / 215T 254U 284 215T 256U 324 256T 284U 326 284T 286U 36415 215T / 254T 256U 324 254T 284U 326 284T 324U 364 286T 326U 36520 254T / 256T 284U/286U 326 256T 286U 364 286T 326U 365 324T 364U 40425 256T / 284TS 286U/324U 364S/365S 284T 324U 364/365 324T 364U 404 326T 365U 40530 284TS / 286TS 324S/326S 364S/404S 286T 326U 365/404 326T 365U 405 364T 404U 44440 286TS / 324TS 326S/364US 365S/405S 324T 364U 404/405 364T 404U 444 365T 405U 44550 324TS / 326TS 364US 404S/444S 326T 365US 405S/444S 365T 405U 445 404T 444U 504U60 326TS / 364TS 365US/405US 405S/445S 364TS 404US/405US 444S/445S 404T 444U 504U 405T 445U 50575 364TS / 365TS 404US/444US 444S/504S 365TS 405US/444US 445S/504S 405T 445U 505 444T — —100 365TS / 405TS 405US/445US 445S/505S 404TS/405TS 444US/445US 504S/505S 444T — — 445T — —125 404TS / 444TS 444US 504S 405T /444TS 445US 505S 445T — — — — —150 405TS / 445TS 445US 505S 444TS/445TS — — — — — — — —200 444TS — — 445TS — — — — — — — —250 445TS — — — — — — — — — — —IEC/NEMA ComparisonDimensions in MillimeterskW/Hp** Frame AssignmentsIEC H A B K D C E 3 Phase – TEFCNEMA D 2E 2F H U BA N-W 2 Pole 4 Pole 6 Pole56 56 90 71 5.8 9 36 20 — — —NA — — — — — — — — — —63 63 100 80 7 11 40 23 .25 kW .18 kW —42 66.7 88.9 42.9 7.1 9.5 52.4 28.6 1/3 Hp 1/4 Hp —71 71 112 90 7 14 45 30 .55 .37 —48 76.2 108 69.9 8.7 12.7 63.5 38.1 3/4 1/2 —80 80 125 100 10 19 50 40 1.1 .75 .55 kW56 88.9 123.8 76.2 8.7 15.9 69.9 47.8 1 1/2 1 3/4 Hp90S 90 140 100 10 24 56 50 1.5 1.1 .75143T 88.9 139.7 101.6 8.7 22.2 57.2 57.2 2 1 1/2 190L 90 140 125 10 24 56 50 2.2 1.5 1.1145T 88.9 139.7 127 8.7 22.2 57.2 57.2 3 2 1 1/2100L 100 160 140 12 28 63 60 3 2.2 1.5NA — — — — — — — 4 3 2112S 112 190 114 12 28 70 60 3.7 2.2 1.5182T 114.3 190.5 114.3 10.4 28.6 69.9 69.9 5 3 2112M 112 190 140 12 28 70 60 3.7 4 2.2184T 114.3 190.5 139.7 10.4 28.6 69.9 69.9 5 5.4/5 —132S 132 216 140 12 38 89 80 7.5 5.5 3213T 133.4 215.9 139.7 10.4 34.9 88.9 85.9 10 7 1/2 —132M 132 216 178 12 38 89 80 — 7.5 5.5215T 133.4 215.9 177.8 10.4 34.9 88.9 85.9 — 10 7 1/2160M* 160 254 210 15 42 108 110 15 11 7.5254T 158.8 254 209.6 13.5 41.3 108 101.6 20 15 10160L* 160 254 254 15 42 108 110 18.5 15 11256T 158.8 254 254 13.5 41.3 108 101.6 25 20 15180M* 180 279 241 15 48 121 110 22 18.5 —284T 177.8 279.4 241.3 13.5 47.6 120.7 117.4 — 25 —180L* 180 279 241 15 48 121 110 22 22 15286T 177.8 279.4 279.4 13.5 47.6 120.7 117.4 30 30 20200M* 200 318 267 19 55 133 110 30 30 —324T 203.3 317.5 266.7 16.7 54 133.4 133.4 40 40 —200L* 200 318 305 19 55 133 110 37 37 22326T 203.2 317.5 304.8 16.7 54 133.4 133.4 50 50 30225S* 225 356 286 19 60 149 140 — 37 30364T 228.6 355.6 285.8 16.7 60.3 149.4 149.4 — 50/75 40225M* 225 356 311 19 60 149 140 45 45 37365T 228.6 355.6 311.2 16.7 60.3 149.4 149.4 60/75 60/75 50250M* 250 406 349 24 65 168 140 55 55 —405T 254 406.4 349.3 20.6 73 168.4 184.2 75/100 75/100 —280S* 280 457 368 24 75 190 140 — — 45444T 279.4 457.2 368.3 20.6 85.7 190.5 215.9 — — 60/100280M* 280 457 419 24 75 190 140 — — 55445T 279.4 457.2 419.1 20.6 85.7 190.5 215.9 — — 75/125* Shaft dimensions of these IEC frames may vary between manufacturers.** Horsepower listed is closest comparable rating with similar mounting dimensions. In some instances this results ingreater Hp rating than required. For example, 37 kW, 4 pole converts to 50 Hp but nearest Hp rating in the NEMA framehaving comparable dimensions is 75 Hp. In these instances the Hp rating printed in black is the direct conversion, and Hpprinted in Red is the Hp of the dimensionally desirable frame. OBSERVE CAUTION if the drive train or drivenload is likely to be damaged by the greater Hp.Equivalent Hp can be calculated by multiplying the kW rating by 1.341. Multiply Hp by .7457 to convert Hp to kW.To convert from millimeters to inches, multiply by .03937. To convert from inches to millimeters, multiply by 25.40.Fraction/Decimal/Millimeter ConversionsFraction Decimal Millimeter Fraction Decimal Millimeter MM Inch1⁄ 64.015625 0.39733⁄ 64.515625 13.097 1 .03941⁄ 32.03125 0.79417⁄ 32.53125 13.494 2 .07873⁄ 64.046875 1.19135⁄ 64.546875 13.891 3 .11811⁄ 16.0625 1.588 9⁄ 16.5625 14.288 4 .15755⁄ 64.078125 1.98437⁄ 64.578125 14.684 5 .19693⁄ 32.09375 2.38119⁄ 32.59375 15.081 6 .23627⁄ 64.109375 2.77839⁄ 64.609375 15.478 7 .27561⁄ 8.125 3.175 5⁄ 8.625 15.875 8 .31509⁄ 64.140625 3.57241⁄ 64.640625 16.272 9 .35435⁄ 32.15625 3.96921⁄ 32.65625 16.669 10 .393711⁄ 64.171875 4.36643⁄ 64.671875 17.066 11 .43313⁄ 16.1875 4.76311⁄ 16.6875 17.463 12 .472413⁄ 64.203125 5.15945⁄ 64.703125 17.859 13 .51187⁄ 32.21875 5.55623⁄ 32.71875 18.256 14 .551215⁄ 64.234375 5.95347⁄ 64.734375 18.653 15 .59061⁄ 4.25 6.350 3⁄ 4.75 19.050 16 .629917⁄ 64.265625 6.74749⁄ 64.765625 19.447 17 .66939⁄ 32.28125 7.14425⁄ 32.78125 19.844 18 .708719⁄ 64.296875 7.54151⁄ 64.796875 20.241 19 .74805⁄ 16.3125 7.93813⁄ 16.8125 20.638 20 .787421⁄ 64.328125 8.33453⁄ 64.828125 21.034 21 .826811⁄ 32.34375 8.73127⁄ 32.84375 21.431 22 .866123⁄ 64.359375 9.12855⁄ 64.859375 21.828 23 .90553⁄ 8.375 9.525 7⁄ 8.875 22.225 24 .944925⁄ 64.390625 9.92257⁄ 64.890625 22.622 25 .984313⁄ 32.40625 10.31929⁄ 32.90625 23.01927⁄ 64.421875 10.71659⁄ 64.921875 23.4167⁄ 16.4375 11.11315⁄ 16.9375 23.81329⁄ 64.453125 11.50961⁄ 64.953125 24.20915⁄ 32.46875 11.90631⁄ 32.96875 24.60631⁄ 64.484375 12.30363⁄ 64.984375 24.0031⁄ 2.5 12.700 1 1.0 25.400To convert millimetersinto inches, multiplyby .03937.To convert inches intomillimeters, multiplyby 25.40.274 www.aosmithmotors.com

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