Power Point slides

Power Point slides Power Point slides

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+ The Cultural Role of FictionalPossible Worlds Fictional characters live in a handicapped world. When weactually understand their fate, then we start to suspect thatwe too, as citizens of the actual world, frequently undergoour destiny just because we think of our world in the sameway as fictional characters think of their own. Fiction suggests that perhaps our view of the actual world isas imperfect as that of fictional characters. This is the way that successful fictional characters becomeparamount examples of the “real” human condition. (Umberto Eco)

+ The Cultural Role of FictionalPossible Worlds Fictional characters live in a handicapped world. When weactually understand their fate, then we start to suspect thatwe too, as citizens of the actual world, frequently undergoour destiny just because we think of our world in the sameway as fictional characters think of their own. Fiction suggests that perhaps our view of the actual world isas imperfect as that of fictional characters. This is the way that successful fictional characters becomeparamount examples of the “real” human condition. (Umberto Eco)

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