April 2010 Johnna and Phil Bevilacqua - Kenneth Copeland Ministries

April 2010 Johnna and Phil Bevilacqua - Kenneth Copeland Ministries April 2010 Johnna and Phil Bevilacqua - Kenneth Copeland Ministries


given us this land, even a land that floweth with milkand honey.”Do you see what was happening? When they came outof Egyptian captivity and into the land of promise, theywere to take the firstfruits of their new land and bringthem before the priest of the Lord, praising God for Hisdeliverance. Tithing is an opportunity for God’s people toremind themselves they have been delivered from a system ofbondage and financial slavery.Don’t get hung up on the reference to Egypt as a foreignnation. Egypt represents more than just a nation—it is anyplace of bondage.Our Egypt is mentioned in Colossians 1:12-13 where weare told to express our gratitude to God for delivering usfrom our place of bondage: “Giving thanks unto the Father,which hath made us [able] to be partakers of the inheritanceof the saints in light: Who hath delivered us from the powerof darkness, and hath translated us into the kingdom of hisdear Son.”We bring our tithe, the first portion of what He hasSale$12$12to live inProtection Package!Fear!In these two powerful teachings by Kenneth andGloria Copeland, you’ll discover the power of the91st Psalm; the role of angels in protection; howto reject worry and live in faith; and much more.Psalm 91 Protection Package NOW! $ 12 : Reg.$19.99 #K100403Under His Shadow 3 CDs Your Promise of Protection by Gloria Copelandby Kenneth and Gloria Copeland&4” x 6” : paperback : 96 pagesOffer and price valid until April 30, 2010.Refuse Don’t live in fear. Live under God’sprotection instead. Learn how with the Psalm 91given us by His grace—remembering and rejoicing, andthanking Him.That’s tithing our tithe. What we put into the offeringcontainer or in the mail is the tithe. But tithing is what wedo by confession of the mouth in praise and honor.Later in Deuteronomy 26, we see that tithing [our wordsof thanksgiving and praise] enables us to receive from Godmuch more than we could ever receive from our own toil:“When thou hast made an end of tithing all the tithes ofthine increase…thou shalt say before the Lord thy God….Look down from thy holy habitation, from heaven, and blessthy people Israel, and the land which thou hast given us…aland that floweth with milk and honey” (verses 12-15).Something happens when we continually remind ourselvesthat God—not men, not employers, not governments andnot indebtedness—is our Source.Celebrating the SourceRegardless of what happens—whether it’s a blessingfrom God or a bad report from the doctor—stop, findsomething to give and tithe itto God, praising Him for thecovenant He has made with youthat promises deliverance andabundant provision for your everyneed. Celebrate your position asa child of Abraham and heir ofTHE BLESSING through Jesus.Tithing is THE BLESSINGconnection. Hebrews 6:20 saysJesus is our high priest “after theorder of Melchisedec.” Jesus hasthe same assignment Melchizedekhad in regard to Abram in Genesis14—to bless us and receive ourtithes (see Hebrews 7:1-8; Genesis14:18-20). And that Blessing goesfar beyond just meeting our needs.It reaches out to a world in bondageand ever-increasing darkness.Look at what happens when youand I take our rightful places inTHE BLESSING of Abraham:“And the scripture, foreseeingthat God would justify the heathenthrough faith, preached before thegospel unto Abraham, saying, Inthee shall all nations be blessed. Sothen they which be of faith areblessed with faithful Abraham”(Galatians 3:8-9).The Blessing on all nations is at stake in ourwillingness to receive from God and to walk as those whoknow the true Source of all supply. Not only are we blessed—all nations of the earth are to be blessed through us.That is the place we take when we tithe the tithe as Godhas instructed.When you get hold of this, earthquakes won’t stop you.Depressions and recessions won’t stop you. You’ll have theanswer to recessions and depressions and earthquakes andwhatever else may happen in this world!Live this way, and God will disconnect you from pathsyou have forged through fear of loss and lack, and you willstart walking solidly on the path God has for your life. Hewill pour out His wisdom and provision, leading you byHis Spirit in ways that will put you in the right place at theright time.Thriving by God’s WisdomWhen we take our places connected to THE BLESSING,we have access to information the natural man does nothave. Earlier I told you how my mother and dad tithedand brought themselves daily before the Lord trusting Hisprovision. Let me give you an example of what happened.During the Great Depression, the Lord led my dad to acotton gin very early one morning before anyone else hadarrived for work. The man managing the gin came to workand asked him what he wanted. Dad said something like,“Well, I believe you have a need for me.”The man asked, “Are you a bookkeeper?”And Dad answered, “Sure, if you need a bookkeeper,I am.”My dad had never kept books for a business, but he wasgood at math. So he looked over the man’s ledger, saw howhis system of keeping books was set up and trusted the Lordfor the wisdom to maintain that system. What did he knowabout bookkeeping? He knew as much about bookkeepingas Joseph knew about running a prison—nothing. But THEBLESSING taught him, and his way turned out to be betterthan their way.Later, he took a course in bookkeeping at a businesscollege in Lubbock, Texas, and the college ended up hiringhim to teach. Dad didn’t know anything about teaching thewhole field of bookkeeping, but THE BLESSING taughthim. He held that job for quite some time. It wasn’t hiseducation that got him the job, but THE BLESSING of theLord—he was a tither.After that, he worked 16 years in a sales position and then18 years in sales for an insurance company where he earned aplace on the wall of fame for his success. What did he knowabout selling life insurance? Nothing. But THE BLESSINGtaught him.earn your fully accrediteddoctor of ministry degreewith kcm and united theological seminaryWith hands-on training by Dr. Stephen Swisher, Dr. Harold Hudson,Kenneth and Gloria Copeland, and other distinguished churchleaders, you’ll learn—in detail—how to engage our culture withthe principles of faith through:Impacting the world with international TV broadcastsCreating subscription-based ministry magazines from start to finishHarnessing the power of social media on the InternetUsing every available voice—from motion pictures to podcasts—tospread the gospelAnd much moreWith short-term residencies at UTS in Dayton, Ohio, and KCM inFort Worth, Texas, you can strengthen and refine your propheticand pastoral skills no matter where you live.Visit www.kcm.org/uts to find out more, or call Dr. Stephen Swisherat 817-252-2737. Begin your journey toward earning a doctorateand take your ministry to the next level today!*To provide the highest quality education, classes are limitedto 15 students per semester and are open to those who havecompleted a master’s degree.!kcm.org : 800-600-7395 U.S. Only

given us this l<strong>and</strong>, even a l<strong>and</strong> that floweth with milk<strong>and</strong> honey.”Do you see what was happening? When they came outof Egyptian captivity <strong>and</strong> into the l<strong>and</strong> of promise, theywere to take the firstfruits of their new l<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> bringthem before the priest of the Lord, praising God for Hisdeliverance. Tithing is an opportunity for God’s people toremind themselves they have been delivered from a system ofbondage <strong>and</strong> financial slavery.Don’t get hung up on the reference to Egypt as a foreignnation. Egypt represents more than just a nation—it is anyplace of bondage.Our Egypt is mentioned in Colossians 1:12-13 where weare told to express our gratitude to God for delivering usfrom our place of bondage: “Giving thanks unto the Father,which hath made us [able] to be partakers of the inheritanceof the saints in light: Who hath delivered us from the powerof darkness, <strong>and</strong> hath translated us into the kingdom of hisdear Son.”We bring our tithe, the first portion of what He hasSale$12$12to live inProtection Package!Fear!In these two powerful teachings by <strong>Kenneth</strong> <strong>and</strong>Gloria Copel<strong>and</strong>, you’ll discover the power of the91st Psalm; the role of angels in protection; howto reject worry <strong>and</strong> live in faith; <strong>and</strong> much more.Psalm 91 Protection Package NOW! $ 12 : Reg.$19.99 #K100403Under His Shadow 3 CDs Your Promise of Protection by Gloria Copel<strong>and</strong>by <strong>Kenneth</strong> <strong>and</strong> Gloria Copel<strong>and</strong>&4” x 6” : paperback : 96 pagesOffer <strong>and</strong> price valid until <strong>April</strong> 30, <strong>2010</strong>.Refuse Don’t live in fear. Live under God’sprotection instead. Learn how with the Psalm 91given us by His grace—remembering <strong>and</strong> rejoicing, <strong>and</strong>thanking Him.That’s tithing our tithe. What we put into the offeringcontainer or in the mail is the tithe. But tithing is what wedo by confession of the mouth in praise <strong>and</strong> honor.Later in Deuteronomy 26, we see that tithing [our wordsof thanksgiving <strong>and</strong> praise] enables us to receive from Godmuch more than we could ever receive from our own toil:“When thou hast made an end of tithing all the tithes ofthine increase…thou shalt say before the Lord thy God….Look down from thy holy habitation, from heaven, <strong>and</strong> blessthy people Israel, <strong>and</strong> the l<strong>and</strong> which thou hast given us…al<strong>and</strong> that floweth with milk <strong>and</strong> honey” (verses 12-15).Something happens when we continually remind ourselvesthat God—not men, not employers, not governments <strong>and</strong>not indebtedness—is our Source.Celebrating the SourceRegardless of what happens—whether it’s a blessingfrom God or a bad report from the doctor—stop, findsomething to give <strong>and</strong> tithe itto God, praising Him for thecovenant He has made with youthat promises deliverance <strong>and</strong>abundant provision for your everyneed. Celebrate your position asa child of Abraham <strong>and</strong> heir ofTHE BLESSING through Jesus.Tithing is THE BLESSINGconnection. Hebrews 6:20 saysJesus is our high priest “after theorder of Melchisedec.” Jesus hasthe same assignment Melchizedekhad in regard to Abram in Genesis14—to bless us <strong>and</strong> receive ourtithes (see Hebrews 7:1-8; Genesis14:18-20). And that Blessing goesfar beyond just meeting our needs.It reaches out to a world in bondage<strong>and</strong> ever-increasing darkness.Look at what happens when you<strong>and</strong> I take our rightful places inTHE BLESSING of Abraham:“And the scripture, foreseeingthat God would justify the heathenthrough faith, preached before thegospel unto Abraham, saying, Inthee shall all nations be blessed. Sothen they which be of faith areblessed with faithful Abraham”(Galatians 3:8-9).The Blessing on all nations is at stake in ourwillingness to receive from God <strong>and</strong> to walk as those whoknow the true Source of all supply. Not only are we blessed—all nations of the earth are to be blessed through us.That is the place we take when we tithe the tithe as Godhas instructed.When you get hold of this, earthquakes won’t stop you.Depressions <strong>and</strong> recessions won’t stop you. You’ll have theanswer to recessions <strong>and</strong> depressions <strong>and</strong> earthquakes <strong>and</strong>whatever else may happen in this world!Live this way, <strong>and</strong> God will disconnect you from pathsyou have forged through fear of loss <strong>and</strong> lack, <strong>and</strong> you willstart walking solidly on the path God has for your life. Hewill pour out His wisdom <strong>and</strong> provision, leading you byHis Spirit in ways that will put you in the right place at theright time.Thriving by God’s WisdomWhen we take our places connected to THE BLESSING,we have access to information the natural man does nothave. Earlier I told you how my mother <strong>and</strong> dad tithed<strong>and</strong> brought themselves daily before the Lord trusting Hisprovision. Let me give you an example of what happened.During the Great Depression, the Lord led my dad to acotton gin very early one morning before anyone else hadarrived for work. The man managing the gin came to work<strong>and</strong> asked him what he wanted. Dad said something like,“Well, I believe you have a need for me.”The man asked, “Are you a bookkeeper?”And Dad answered, “Sure, if you need a bookkeeper,I am.”My dad had never kept books for a business, but he wasgood at math. So he looked over the man’s ledger, saw howhis system of keeping books was set up <strong>and</strong> trusted the Lordfor the wisdom to maintain that system. What did he knowabout bookkeeping? He knew as much about bookkeepingas Joseph knew about running a prison—nothing. But THEBLESSING taught him, <strong>and</strong> his way turned out to be betterthan their way.Later, he took a course in bookkeeping at a businesscollege in Lubbock, Texas, <strong>and</strong> the college ended up hiringhim to teach. Dad didn’t know anything about teaching thewhole field of bookkeeping, but THE BLESSING taughthim. He held that job for quite some time. It wasn’t hiseducation that got him the job, but THE BLESSING of theLord—he was a tither.After that, he worked 16 years in a sales position <strong>and</strong> then18 years in sales for an insurance company where he earned aplace on the wall of fame for his success. What did he knowabout selling life insurance? Nothing. But THE BLESSINGtaught him.earn your fully accrediteddoctor of ministry degreewith kcm <strong>and</strong> united theological seminaryWith h<strong>and</strong>s-on training by Dr. Stephen Swisher, Dr. Harold Hudson,<strong>Kenneth</strong> <strong>and</strong> Gloria Copel<strong>and</strong>, <strong>and</strong> other distinguished churchleaders, you’ll learn—in detail—how to engage our culture withthe principles of faith through:Impacting the world with international TV broadcastsCreating subscription-based ministry magazines from start to finishHarnessing the power of social media on the InternetUsing every available voice—from motion pictures to podcasts—tospread the gospelAnd much moreWith short-term residencies at UTS in Dayton, Ohio, <strong>and</strong> KCM inFort Worth, Texas, you can strengthen <strong>and</strong> refine your prophetic<strong>and</strong> pastoral skills no matter where you live.Visit www.kcm.org/uts to find out more, or call Dr. Stephen Swisherat 817-252-2737. Begin your journey toward earning a doctorate<strong>and</strong> take your ministry to the next level today!*To provide the highest quality education, classes are limitedto 15 students per semester <strong>and</strong> are open to those who havecompleted a master’s degree.!kcm.org : 800-600-7395 U.S. Only

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