April 2010 Johnna and Phil Bevilacqua - Kenneth Copeland Ministries

April 2010 Johnna and Phil Bevilacqua - Kenneth Copeland Ministries April 2010 Johnna and Phil Bevilacqua - Kenneth Copeland Ministries


R e a l Pe o p l e . Re a l Ne e d s . Re a l Vi c t o r i e s .GoodNew s Gazette“...Be strong in the Lord, and in the power of His might.”(Ephesians 6:10)He Knows Our Every NeedI had sown into KCM,believing God for a ministrycar, funds for the church buildingand a mentor. Two monthslater, the Lord blessed us witha ministry car. Three monthsafter that a woman from theUnited Kingdom who had beenone of our church membersgave the church one of herproperties in Botswana to selland use the money to build ourchurch building.I also attended Bishop DavidOyedepo’s conference and wasamazed that he is connected toBrother Kenneth. Both of themhave impacted my life tremendouslyand I feel God has giventhem to me as mentors. PraiseGod for His faithfulness.M.M. :: AfricaTo order this product,please visit kcm.orgor call 800-600-7395.Eyesight Renewed and RestoredIn May 2008 I was diagnosed with glaucoma in both eyes and told that, ifneglected, I could go blind. Since then I was being treated by an ophthalmic physicianand I had to consult him every month to record the progress.I sent a written request for healing prayer to your dedicated and committedprayer ministers and in return they sent me some of Gloria’s healing teachings.They said they would stand in agreement with me for my healing. I listened tothe CD and claimed my healing by faith: By his stripes I am healed, sight totallyrestored and saved.In May 2009, after consulting with my physician, he examined my eyes andsaid they are perfect now, and I don’t need to have frequent checkups or continueto use eyedrops. It is a miracle!All glory, honor and praise to my Lord Jesus Christ. He is the miracle-workingGod who completely healed me.Q.F.P.K. :: DubaiThe Perfect JobI met Kenneth way back in the ’80s when I attended one of his services witha friend.With four children, I had tried to find a job, even though my husband did notwant me to work. As I stood in a prayer line, Brother Copeland asked, “Whatcan I pray for you today?” I told him I needed employment and he asked, “Whatkind?” Really, it came to me as clear as day—I needed a part-time job, since mylast child in the house was in elementary school. Then he asked, “What hours doyou want?” I said from 9 a.m.-2 p.m. would be good. Brother Copeland prayed,“Father, she needs a job from 9-2, part time. Thank You, Father, thatit’s done.” Then he asked me if I believed it would come to pass and Isaid yes.All I had to give was a $2 seed. I didn’t think anymore about it. Aweek later I bought a newspaper and started looking in the want ads.I found an ad for a job, called, got an interview, went in and got thejob. It was from 9 a.m.-2 p.m. and I was able to pick up my son at2:30 from his school. God is good all the time! Thanks for all yourwisdom, and your magazine, too. You are a great help to me and Isoak up the Word daily. God has come a mighty long way with me.C.G. :: GeorgiaBelieve and Receive!Thank you for your prayer of agreement for my husband. In spiteof Alzheimer’s disease, the Lord opened his mind to clearly understandand repeat from his heart the prayer of salvation. After 31years of believing for his salvation, it came to pass!As it is written in Mark 9:23: “All things are possible to them thatbelieve.” Now I stand in faith for our daughter, her husband, childrenand grandchildren. I am truly a blessed woman!M.B. :: CanadaGod of More Than EnoughMy husband and I were living at the top of our incomewhen his company closed. With the loss of his job wequickly got behind in our bills, and the calls and lettersbegan to come. We relied on our natural minds and tookwork at night cleaning offices and doing everything wecould to earn more money.I read an article in BVOV about a couple who werebroke. The wife said they had no money to give, soshe started picking up change that had been droppedon the ground, and sent it to you as an offering. Wedecided to start sowing $10 a month. When we didthat, things began to turn around. Although we hadto buckle down to pay off bills, we’ve done that andbeen able to increase our giving to KCM.We both now have great jobs where we canwork from home and earn more than we couldhave imagined. I hope people know that if theyare faithful, tough times end. Thanks for using our gift todo more than we could ever do by ourselves.Robert and Glenda Probst :: ColoradoSpirit-Led LifeThank you for all your prayers. I’ve been going to church andmore and more the Spirit is moving in me. I have received theHoly Ghost and I haven’t been drinking or smoking for severalmonths now. Keep praying for me, and God bless you both.A.J. :: MississippiA Manifest MiracleThree years ago I sent you a prayer requestabout healing for my mother. She had a braintumor and had surgery, but the doctors only gaveher several months to live. I was encouraged tobelieve for a miracle and I refused to quit. And now,three years later, she’s doing well. She hasn’t hadany residues of tumors and doctors are amazed!Glory to God! Your ministry is my pattern for trueChristian living.A.Z. :: BulgariaPeace That Passes UnderstandingFirst, thanks be to God for His Word that is stable, unmovable and unshakable. God blessyou for your faithfulness in standing and walking according to His Word. Above all, thank youfor obeying God and giving us the opportunity to partner with your ministry.We started sowing as a family into your ministry at a time whenit wasn’t so comfortable for us, but God’s voice was stronger thanany other. In 2006, at my husband’s workplace they tried to layoff some people. My husband went through a very hard time andsome illegal methods were actually used to try and get rid of myhusband and his pay was cut. We had just bought a house and Ifound out I was pregnant with our first child. At the same time Ihad started school at Rhema Training Centre here in Verona, Italy.By the time I had the baby, we had used up all our savings andinvestments and were deeply in debt!Not one time during this period did we think to quit sowingour seed and giving God the tithe on our little income. The peacewas indescribable. I had a wonderful pregnancy and delivery as wewaited on God. The Lord eventually provided a better job for myhusband with a higher income, higher position and working less. Iresumed my job and in 2008 when every other company was cuttingon cost and labor, we got a pay raise. All that you and Gloriaimpart to us and our children cannot be measured. Thank you forbeing God’s example to our generation.E.O. :: ItalyVeronaTouched by the Great PhysicianThree days after sowing my first seed into your ministry,my 4-year-old grandson walked for the first time. Nurses hadfailed to recognize signs of placenta previa and doctors gavehim little hope of ever walking, talking, hearing or seeing.Praise God—He is the Great Physician!Donna Hershey :: MichiganPrayer IsOur PriorityCall 800-600-7395 for prayer24 hours a day, seven days a week.Living Pain-FreeOne of your prayerministers called andasked me if I neededprayer for anything. Isaid, “Yes, as a matterof fact, I do.” I had beenstanding in faith aboutthe manifestation ofhealing from pain in mybody and was sitting onthe couch in great pain.She prayed for me andI agreed readily. Sincethen the pain has beengone. Glory to God inthe highest! Thank youfor being instruments ofthe Lord.G.D.S. :: Texas

R e a l Pe o p l e . Re a l Ne e d s . Re a l Vi c t o r i e s .GoodNew s Gazette“...Be strong in the Lord, <strong>and</strong> in the power of His might.”(Ephesians 6:10)He Knows Our Every NeedI had sown into KCM,believing God for a ministrycar, funds for the church building<strong>and</strong> a mentor. Two monthslater, the Lord blessed us witha ministry car. Three monthsafter that a woman from theUnited Kingdom who had beenone of our church membersgave the church one of herproperties in Botswana to sell<strong>and</strong> use the money to build ourchurch building.I also attended Bishop DavidOyedepo’s conference <strong>and</strong> wasamazed that he is connected toBrother <strong>Kenneth</strong>. Both of themhave impacted my life tremendously<strong>and</strong> I feel God has giventhem to me as mentors. PraiseGod for His faithfulness.M.M. :: AfricaTo order this product,please visit kcm.orgor call 800-600-7395.Eyesight Renewed <strong>and</strong> RestoredIn May 2008 I was diagnosed with glaucoma in both eyes <strong>and</strong> told that, ifneglected, I could go blind. Since then I was being treated by an ophthalmic physician<strong>and</strong> I had to consult him every month to record the progress.I sent a written request for healing prayer to your dedicated <strong>and</strong> committedprayer ministers <strong>and</strong> in return they sent me some of Gloria’s healing teachings.They said they would st<strong>and</strong> in agreement with me for my healing. I listened tothe CD <strong>and</strong> claimed my healing by faith: By his stripes I am healed, sight totallyrestored <strong>and</strong> saved.In May 2009, after consulting with my physician, he examined my eyes <strong>and</strong>said they are perfect now, <strong>and</strong> I don’t need to have frequent checkups or continueto use eyedrops. It is a miracle!All glory, honor <strong>and</strong> praise to my Lord Jesus Christ. He is the miracle-workingGod who completely healed me.Q.F.P.K. :: DubaiThe Perfect JobI met <strong>Kenneth</strong> way back in the ’80s when I attended one of his services witha friend.With four children, I had tried to find a job, even though my husb<strong>and</strong> did notwant me to work. As I stood in a prayer line, Brother Copel<strong>and</strong> asked, “Whatcan I pray for you today?” I told him I needed employment <strong>and</strong> he asked, “Whatkind?” Really, it came to me as clear as day—I needed a part-time job, since mylast child in the house was in elementary school. Then he asked, “What hours doyou want?” I said from 9 a.m.-2 p.m. would be good. Brother Copel<strong>and</strong> prayed,“Father, she needs a job from 9-2, part time. Thank You, Father, thatit’s done.” Then he asked me if I believed it would come to pass <strong>and</strong> Isaid yes.All I had to give was a $2 seed. I didn’t think anymore about it. Aweek later I bought a newspaper <strong>and</strong> started looking in the want ads.I found an ad for a job, called, got an interview, went in <strong>and</strong> got thejob. It was from 9 a.m.-2 p.m. <strong>and</strong> I was able to pick up my son at2:30 from his school. God is good all the time! Thanks for all yourwisdom, <strong>and</strong> your magazine, too. You are a great help to me <strong>and</strong> Isoak up the Word daily. God has come a mighty long way with me.C.G. :: GeorgiaBelieve <strong>and</strong> Receive!Thank you for your prayer of agreement for my husb<strong>and</strong>. In spiteof Alzheimer’s disease, the Lord opened his mind to clearly underst<strong>and</strong><strong>and</strong> repeat from his heart the prayer of salvation. After 31years of believing for his salvation, it came to pass!As it is written in Mark 9:23: “All things are possible to them thatbelieve.” Now I st<strong>and</strong> in faith for our daughter, her husb<strong>and</strong>, children<strong>and</strong> gr<strong>and</strong>children. I am truly a blessed woman!M.B. :: CanadaGod of More Than EnoughMy husb<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> I were living at the top of our incomewhen his company closed. With the loss of his job wequickly got behind in our bills, <strong>and</strong> the calls <strong>and</strong> lettersbegan to come. We relied on our natural minds <strong>and</strong> tookwork at night cleaning offices <strong>and</strong> doing everything wecould to earn more money.I read an article in BVOV about a couple who werebroke. The wife said they had no money to give, soshe started picking up change that had been droppedon the ground, <strong>and</strong> sent it to you as an offering. Wedecided to start sowing $10 a month. When we didthat, things began to turn around. Although we hadto buckle down to pay off bills, we’ve done that <strong>and</strong>been able to increase our giving to KCM.We both now have great jobs where we canwork from home <strong>and</strong> earn more than we couldhave imagined. I hope people know that if theyare faithful, tough times end. Thanks for using our gift todo more than we could ever do by ourselves.Robert <strong>and</strong> Glenda Probst :: ColoradoSpirit-Led LifeThank you for all your prayers. I’ve been going to church <strong>and</strong>more <strong>and</strong> more the Spirit is moving in me. I have received theHoly Ghost <strong>and</strong> I haven’t been drinking or smoking for severalmonths now. Keep praying for me, <strong>and</strong> God bless you both.A.J. :: MississippiA Manifest MiracleThree years ago I sent you a prayer requestabout healing for my mother. She had a braintumor <strong>and</strong> had surgery, but the doctors only gaveher several months to live. I was encouraged tobelieve for a miracle <strong>and</strong> I refused to quit. And now,three years later, she’s doing well. She hasn’t hadany residues of tumors <strong>and</strong> doctors are amazed!Glory to God! Your ministry is my pattern for trueChristian living.A.Z. :: BulgariaPeace That Passes Underst<strong>and</strong>ingFirst, thanks be to God for His Word that is stable, unmovable <strong>and</strong> unshakable. God blessyou for your faithfulness in st<strong>and</strong>ing <strong>and</strong> walking according to His Word. Above all, thank youfor obeying God <strong>and</strong> giving us the opportunity to partner with your ministry.We started sowing as a family into your ministry at a time whenit wasn’t so comfortable for us, but God’s voice was stronger thanany other. In 2006, at my husb<strong>and</strong>’s workplace they tried to layoff some people. My husb<strong>and</strong> went through a very hard time <strong>and</strong>some illegal methods were actually used to try <strong>and</strong> get rid of myhusb<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> his pay was cut. We had just bought a house <strong>and</strong> Ifound out I was pregnant with our first child. At the same time Ihad started school at Rhema Training Centre here in Verona, Italy.By the time I had the baby, we had used up all our savings <strong>and</strong>investments <strong>and</strong> were deeply in debt!Not one time during this period did we think to quit sowingour seed <strong>and</strong> giving God the tithe on our little income. The peacewas indescribable. I had a wonderful pregnancy <strong>and</strong> delivery as wewaited on God. The Lord eventually provided a better job for myhusb<strong>and</strong> with a higher income, higher position <strong>and</strong> working less. Iresumed my job <strong>and</strong> in 2008 when every other company was cuttingon cost <strong>and</strong> labor, we got a pay raise. All that you <strong>and</strong> Gloriaimpart to us <strong>and</strong> our children cannot be measured. Thank you forbeing God’s example to our generation.E.O. :: ItalyVeronaTouched by the Great PhysicianThree days after sowing my first seed into your ministry,my 4-year-old gr<strong>and</strong>son walked for the first time. Nurses hadfailed to recognize signs of placenta previa <strong>and</strong> doctors gavehim little hope of ever walking, talking, hearing or seeing.Praise God—He is the Great Physician!Donna Hershey :: MichiganPrayer IsOur PriorityCall 800-600-7395 for prayer24 hours a day, seven days a week.Living Pain-FreeOne of your prayerministers called <strong>and</strong>asked me if I neededprayer for anything. Isaid, “Yes, as a matterof fact, I do.” I had beenst<strong>and</strong>ing in faith aboutthe manifestation ofhealing from pain in mybody <strong>and</strong> was sitting onthe couch in great pain.She prayed for me <strong>and</strong>I agreed readily. Sincethen the pain has beengone. Glory to God inthe highest! Thank youfor being instruments ofthe Lord.G.D.S. :: Texas

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