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Vol. 4, issue 2tao <strong>of</strong> wellNess HealiNG ceNterBeautifulBlack foodsOLD AND NEW...JUST FOR YOUPower uPfor exerciseSUPER SUSTENANCErice is NicePINK, BLACK, RED AND GOLDwellNess liViNGmagazine

cleansingdetox retreatsc l e a N s i N G c r e at e s w e l l - B e i N Gour body is automaticallyprogrammed to cleanse itself daily.However, with our fast-paced modernlifestyle and exposure to an increasingnumber <strong>of</strong> harmful and toxic substances, ourbody’s natural cleansing ability has becomeoverworked and compromised.Many signs and symptoms attributed to stressare now being linked to early signs <strong>of</strong> exposureto harmful substances such as PCBs, pesticides,herbicides, antibiotics, growth hormones, andmercury in food and liquids as well as dioxinsand formaldehyde in the air.These substances most notably affect thehealthy functioning <strong>of</strong> the liver and immunesystem. Common symptoms <strong>of</strong> dysfunctionin these systems include:■ Fatigue, anxiety and depression■ Allergies and frequent infections■ Unexplained weight gain and difficultylosing or gaining weight■ Joint pain and muscle weakness■ Difficulty focusing and memory loss■ Indigestion, constipation, diarrhea,gas and/or abdominal bloating■ Skin rashes, skin eruptions and/or acne■ Recurrent yeast/fungal infections■ Rapid agingHarmful and toxic substances from ourchemically-laden food and polluted environmenthave also become implicated as a leadingcause <strong>of</strong> many serious illnesses such as:■ Cancer■ Degenerative diseases■ Infertility, birth defects and genetic changesTo counter this growing situation, the doctorsat <strong>Tao</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Wellness</strong> have developed a Cleansingand Detoxification Program that is uniqueand highly useful in ridding the body <strong>of</strong> manyharmful and toxic substances.“An amazing experience . . .I am looking forward to experiencingthe lasting effects over the comingweeks and months.”In designing the detox program, the doctorshave drawn upon the centuries-old TraditionalChinese Medicine (TCM) principles to solvea modern problem. The detox program combinesselected TCM techniques that worktogether synergistically such as: acupuncture,cupping, herbal medicine, dietary therapy,far-infrared sauna, tuina bodywork andchi gong.“The treatments were wonderful.Each day I felt very refreshed. Definitelylost some weight and inches . . .”H ow d o e s i t wo r k ?The Cleansing and Detoxification Programis a three-day retreat at the <strong>Tao</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Wellness</strong> oras a week-long program. The procedures usedare designed to stimulate the release <strong>of</strong> harmfulsubstances stored in the tissues and liver. Oncethe toxins are released into the circulatorysystem, it is important to remove them assoon as possible. This is why the chosentreatment modalities are so important.ac u P u N c t u r eAcupuncture stimulates neurological, immunological,and endocrine responses beneficial totissue cleansing and cell rejuvenation. It alsostimulates the release <strong>of</strong> endorphins that reducethe pain and discomfort sometimes experiencedwhen detoxifying and withdrawingfrom addictive substances such as alcohol,caffeine, drugs, nicotine and sugar.“I feel an overall openness.My mental clarity is better andthe fogginess has lifted.”c H i N e s e H e r B a l t H e r a P yThe proprietary herbal formulations focuson drawing the toxins directly out <strong>of</strong> thebody through increased sweating, urination,and bowel movements. Some <strong>of</strong> the herbsdirectly support the filtering function <strong>of</strong> theliver and assist it in cleansing and promotingcell repair and cell regeneration.

d e tox d i e t P roto c o lDietary therapy plays a distinct and essentialrole in the detox program. The prescribedmeal plan includes selected foods that cleansethe liver and intestinal tract and provide keynutrients such as all the vitamins and mineralsnecessary for optimal health.far-iNfrared sauNaThe heat and deeper vibratory action <strong>of</strong> thesauna’s far-infrared energy also promotes therelease <strong>of</strong> toxins through increased circulationand through sweating.The far-infrared sauna differs from theconventional sauna in its ability to penetratedeeply beneath the superficial layers <strong>of</strong> theskin. Studies show that the infrared lightwaves help to rid the body <strong>of</strong> toxins that arestored beyond the superficial layers <strong>of</strong> theskin. The excreted toxins include: cholesterol,fat-soluble toxins, toxic heavy metals (such asmercury and aluminum), sulfuric acid, sodium,ammonia and uric acid. The unusually highconcentration <strong>of</strong> heavy metals and otherfat-soluble toxins is not found in the sweatfrom normal exercise or a regular sauna.“I feel refreshed, optimistic, andmy knowledge <strong>of</strong> my body is improved.Though I'm lighter and calmer,I'm more energetic!”cuPPiNGToxins <strong>of</strong>ten accumulate in the connectivetissues creating blockages and impedingblood and fluid circulation. The strong suctionaction <strong>of</strong> the cupping stimulates bloodand lymphatic fluid to flow near the skin’ssurface and to key areas <strong>of</strong> the body foreasy and direct release <strong>of</strong> toxins.“Such a great weekend. The staff wereso wonderful, and everything was sowell organized. I felt at home here.Thank you for all the great attention.”w H o s H o u l d Pa rt i c i Pat e ?The Cleansing and Detoxification Retreat ishelpful for those wishing to change their habitsand adopt a healthier lifestyle. It is effective forpeople who feel constantly fatigued and forpeople who are trying to stop smoking, wean<strong>of</strong>f drugs, lose weight, slow aging, prepare forpregnancy or reduce inflammatory conditions.Many participants have reported significantimprovement in their symptoms and conditionsafter attending a three-day detoxificationretreat. All quotations are testimonialsfrom participants in a <strong>Tao</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Wellness</strong>Cleansing and Detoxification Retreat.day aNd tiMe■ Friday — 9:00 am to 6:00 pm■ Saturday — 9:30 am to 6:00 pm■ Sunday — 8:00 am to 2:00 pmyour retreat PackaGeiNcludes (daily):■ Acupuncture—special detox protocol■ Cupping and dry brushing■ Lymphatic tuina bodywork■ Far infrared sauna■ Vegetable juice blend■ Special cleansing vegetable broth■ Catered organic breakfast and lunch■ Take home dinners for Friday, Saturdayand Sunday■ Detox herbs and nutritional supplements■ Lectures on diet, nutrition andenvironmental health■ Tai chi, chi gong and movement classes■ (Once) InfiniChi ® healing sessionreGistratioN:Weekend package: $1150, <strong>Tao</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Wellness</strong>patients $1050. Total number <strong>of</strong> participantslimited. If you are unable to attend, please contactAnalilian Martin at least two weeks priorto the the Retreat to avoid a cancellation fee.locatioN: <strong>Tao</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Wellness</strong>,Santa Monica, Californiawe recommend the calm,beautiful asian-inspiredambrose Hotel for yourstay in santa Monica.aMBrose Hotel1255 20th streetsanta Monica, ca 90404310.315.15551.877.aMBrosewww.ambrosehotel.comcoNtact & iNQuiries: Analilian Martin, 310-917-2200, ext. 221 | amartin@tao<strong>of</strong>wellness.comr e G i s t r at i o NPlease fill out this form and send with your payment to tao <strong>of</strong> wellness or fax to 310-917-2204.1131 wilshire Boulevard, suite 300, santa Monica, ca 90401NaMe <strong>of</strong> ParticiPaNtaddresscity state ZiPtelePHoNee-MailMake checks out toPayMeNt: ❍ cHeck TAO OF WELLNESS ❍ credit card # exP. date cVV2 codeare you a tao <strong>of</strong> wellNess PatieNt?siGNature❍ yes ❍ No

<strong>Wellness</strong> liVingfeaturesmagazine4 WHAT’S IN A NAME?‘round & ‘round we Go5 BAMBOOflexible & strong6 ASK DR. MAOPower up for exercise7 KITCHEN FUNG SHUIclean up clutter8 RICE IS NICEPink, Black, red & Gold11 BEAUTIFUL BLACK FOODSGarlic, ink & lentils12 CHOPSTICKSelegant and simple14 TCM FOR PEDIATRIC CAREfevers and digestion15 CHILDREN AND VEGGIESstrategies for Parents19 TAOIST STUDY GROUPSHow to start one20 THE HERBAL EMPORIUMsourcing Herbs in china21 TAO OF WELLNESSopens Newport Beach <strong>of</strong>ficedepartments16 YO SAN UNIVERSITY18 MIND / BODY ARTS - CHI GONG22 WELLNESS LIVING HERBS25 WELLNESS LIVING TEAS26 WELLNESS BOOKS29 WELLNESS DVDS & CDS30 CHINESE MEDICINE STUDIES32 COLLEGE OF TAOEDITOR IN CHIEFGRAPHIC DESIGNEDITORIAL CONTRIBUTORSPUBLISHERMarka MeyerJustina krakowski designMarka Meyer, dr. daoshing Ni, dr. Mao shing Ni,Marc Gomez, Jason Moskovitz, Baylen karl slotetao <strong>of</strong> wellness Press1412 14th streetsanta Monica, california 90404taostar@taostar.com2011 © tao <strong>of</strong> wellnessdisclaiMer: the contents <strong>of</strong> this magazine are meant to educate and shouldnot be used as a substitute for pr<strong>of</strong>essional medical advice. Neither the publishernor the authors are engaged in rendering pr<strong>of</strong>essional advice or services tothe individual reader. the remedies, practices and suggestions contained in thismagazine are not intended as a substitute for consulting with your physician.the reader should consult with his or her physician or clinician for specificinformation regarding health matters and/or medical conditions.

<strong>Wellness</strong> liVingmagazineletter from the editorchinese medical practitioners have a wonderful culturalrequirement that the older generation <strong>of</strong> healers isresponsible for providing for the training <strong>of</strong> the nextgeneration. in previous centuries, fledgling acupuncturistsand herbologists had no classroom schooling, but gainedknowledge and experience during many years <strong>of</strong> strict,formal apprenticeship.in modern times, acupuncturists-in-training enroll in aMaster’s Degree university program, followed by internshipunder the careful supervision <strong>of</strong> experienced practitioners.Happily for us, some <strong>of</strong> our Yo san university grads comeback to their alma mater as teachers, supervisors and administrators,where they continue the wonderful tradition <strong>of</strong>mentoring their successors.once a year, a Yo san graduate is selected for theFellowship program at the <strong>Tao</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Wellness</strong>, where theyparticipate in two-years <strong>of</strong> mentorship and study. once allthe requirements are met, Fellows are qualified to apply asassociates. With additional experience and even more study, associates maybe given the opportunity to establish a new <strong>Tao</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Wellness</strong> healing centerand ultimately to share their knowledge to the generation that follows them.as an elder stateswoman i have nominated myself to help ease the wayfor busy Yo san university students. We at the Yo san Bookstore are thegivers <strong>of</strong> Band-aids, safety pins, needles and thread; we provide change,postage stamps and directions to the post <strong>of</strong>fice…all very small butdoable ways to be <strong>of</strong> assistance to the next generation.i think it’s really fun to nominate ourselves to be one <strong>of</strong> the custodians<strong>of</strong> the next generation; i can’t wait to hear the responsibilities you haveselected for yourself!— loVe, Markataostar@taostar.com

AdrenalSupportOptimal Support forAdrenal Function60 CapsulesPatients at the tao <strong>of</strong> wellnesshave asked the doctors torecommend a brand <strong>of</strong> westernvitamins. dr. Mao has researched andcarefully selected a 30-year-old, familyowned,highly ethical and competentmanufacturer whose formulationscombine vitamins, minerals, foods andherbs…a balancing concept that issimilar to classic chinese medicine.Facts What’s ina name?By Marka MeyerProducts we <strong>of</strong>fer:allergy – animalsallergy – dairyallergy – Hay feverallergy - Nightshadekid’s Vitaminssuper Vitamin BB12 for Vegansconcentrated aPotassiumPrenatal Vitamincollagen BoostMetabolism Boostsugar levelerweight controlVirus fighterimmunity lozengesinflammation capsulesanti-NauseaBlood PressureBone Healthcarnitinecell Protectionchamomile / calmcholesterol / circulationGrowth factorMelatoninNatural dHeaNatural sleepProarginineProBioticsProomegayeast controladrenal supportNatural chelationlymph supportovarian supportPituitary supportProstate Healthrenal supportthymus supportthyroid supportall <strong>of</strong> you who have been our friends for the past 20 years know that wehave gone through several brand name changes. We have finally come tothe conclusion that since our purpose is to help people live well in moderntimes, the brand name Traditions <strong>of</strong> <strong>Tao</strong> doesn’t help our newer customers understandwhat we <strong>of</strong>fer, especially those who are not familiar with the important contribution<strong>of</strong> <strong>Tao</strong>ist sages to modern Chinese herbology.Now that we have The <strong>Wellness</strong> Living Store in Santa Monica where we <strong>of</strong>fer fabulouslectures and movement classes, detox retreats, natural cosmetics and products, an extensiveherbal emporium, and an on-staff herbalist, it makes sense to us to roll over ourbranding to one name that is recognizable as belonging to all our entities.As the months pass, look for a brand-new natural vitamin line selected especially foryou by Dr. Mao. We’ll also slowly move our condition-specific Chinese herbs over toThe <strong>Wellness</strong> Living brand, followed by our classic Five Elements, High Performanceand the individual elements.Our old customers will be sad to see their old friend Traditions <strong>of</strong> <strong>Tao</strong> leave us, but restassured that our classic Chinese herbal formulae will remain exactly the same. Hopefullywith a more consumer-friendly brand name, more people will find us and enjoy thebenefit <strong>of</strong> proper herbal support and good health…as do you. ■4 | w w w. w e l l n e s s l i v i n g s t o r e . c o m

amazingBaMBooWe have chosen bamboo as asubtle reference to Chinesemedicine in our new <strong>Wellness</strong>Living logo. Bamboo’s long life makes it aChinese symbol <strong>of</strong> longevity. It combinesupright integrity with accommodatingflexibility; it has the perfect balance <strong>of</strong>grace and strength—<strong>of</strong> Yin and Yang.The Chinese character forbamboo is a pictograph <strong>of</strong>two stalks topped with leaves.Bamboo is actually a type <strong>of</strong> grass, and itis one <strong>of</strong> the fastest growing plants on earth.Once processed, it can be used in a widevariety <strong>of</strong> applications. It is harder thanmaple and has the same tensile strength assteel, yet it can be spun and woven intosilky s<strong>of</strong>t textiles. Happily it is also one <strong>of</strong>the most renewable resources in the world.Bamboo leaves, sap, and shavings are usedin Chinese medicine for cooling, calming,and resolving phlegm. Young stalks maybe tapped and the sap fermented to makea sweet wine. Bamboo leaves are used aswrappers for steamed dumplings andbamboo shoots are featured in many Asiandishes. Bamboo is widely used for kitchenimplements, including chef’s tools andbarbeque skewers.Bamboo strips were in widespread usefrom about 1250 BC as a medium forwritten documents. Bamboo is hollow, soit is a natural choice for making musicalflutes and drums. Sturdy bamboo can beused as a building material for scaffolding,bridges, houses, flooring, rugs, mats, andfencing. Bamboo is graceful and beautiful,and is a lovely garden plant.Is it any wonder that we have chosenbamboo as an integral part <strong>of</strong> our<strong>Wellness</strong> Living logo? ■w w w. w e l l n e s s l i v i n g s t o r e . c o m | 5

ask dr. mao:Power upBeforeand afterexerciseWhether you prefer the gym, a brisk walk, or a tai chi class, it is important to give yourbody the fuel it needs for sustained activity.Be a carb champCarbohydrates are stored in the form <strong>of</strong> glycogen as fuel for our muscles. After a workoutwe need carbohydrates to replenish our glycogen stores and to minimize protein loss.The healthiest carbohydrates include fruits, whole grain cereals, crackers, and breads.Pump up with ProteinAfter a strength-training session our muscle fibers require protein to help build, repairand synthesize new muscle. Power up with low-fat dairy, nuts, seeds, fish, poultry, beans,legumes, and eggs.Forego FatAlthough fat provides our bodies with energy, it is slow to digest. Large amounts <strong>of</strong> oxygenare required to turn fat into fuel, so it is important to eat fats in limited quantities. Healthyfats include avocados, olives, nuts, peanut butter, walnuts, flaxseed, fatty fish, t<strong>of</strong>u, and seedsincluding sunflower, sesame and pumpkin.step away From sugarTo avoid fatigue, it is best to refrain from consuming refined sugars that will increase yourinsulin levels and cause rapid fluctuations in your blood sugar. Limit sugar-laden yogurt,granola and power bars.consider HiGHPerforMaNce, acombination <strong>of</strong> uniquefood herbs, exotic seeds,and wholesome grainsthat provides the high quality <strong>of</strong> energynecessary for an active lifestyle.(HPPoW) 21oz. powder $45.95(HP700) 700 tablets $45.95Healthy Workout snacksTwo hours before a workout choose one <strong>of</strong> these:• 1½ cups <strong>of</strong> whole grain cereal (carb) + 1 eight oz glass low fat milk(protein + carb) + 2 tbsp dried cranberries (carb)• 2 scrambled eggs (protein) with spinach and mushrooms + ½ whole wheatEnglish muffin (carb)• ½ cup quinoa (carb and protein) + small mixed green salad• Whole grain toast (carb) with 1 tbsp nut butter (protein)• 3 oz. turkey breast (protein) + lettuce and tomato + 2 whole grain crackers (carb)one hour before a workout snack (choose one)• Small banana (carb)• 1 cup low-fat, plain unsweetened yogurt (protein)• ½ cup fruit and soy or almond milk smoothie (carb + protein)• ½ cup trail mix with nuts (protein), seeds (protein), and dried fruit (carb)one hour after a workoutAny <strong>of</strong> the pre-workout snacks will help optimize muscle recovery. If you don’thave time to eat a snack, a glass <strong>of</strong> low-fat milk is a healthy choice.May you live long, strong, and happy! — Dr. Mao6 | w w w. w e l l n e s s l i v i n g s t o r e . c o m

kitchen Feng shuiour kitchens are the very important heart <strong>of</strong> ourhomes; the foods we prepare in our kitchens nourishour bodies and sustain our health.The first rule <strong>of</strong> good kitchen feng shui is to clean out clutter. Clear every unnecessary item<strong>of</strong>f counter tops so that you have plenty <strong>of</strong> room to work. Empty out kitchen drawers andthen neatly organize everything you put back. Donate all extra, unused or unloved itemsto charity.Organize cupboards by putting similarthings together; all baking products on thesame shelf and c<strong>of</strong>fee near the c<strong>of</strong>fee filtersand c<strong>of</strong>fee pot. Check for expired bakingpowder and baking soda, replace old spices,and donate boxed or canned foods that youknow you will never get around to eating.Discard chipped glasses, dishes, bowlsand cups. In Chinese tradition, a chippedbowl is particularly contrary to goodfeng shui because it infers that there issomething wrong with your ‘rice bowl,’or your livelihood.Fix anything that is broken, includingequipment, cabinets and drawers. Sharpenyour knives. When you are finished attendingto all the feng shui details, everythingthat you see or touch in your kitchen willbe clean, functional and in tip-top shape. ■stove Fung shuiIn order to stimulate proper kitchenenergy, it is important to use yourstove frequently. The more burnerson your cook top the better: four ispreferable to two, and five is betterthan four. Use all the burners equally,rather than just your favorite one ortwo. If you have a choice between gasor electric burners, choose gas. As withall parts <strong>of</strong> your kitchen, your stovemust be sparkling clean and in perfectworking order. Good stove feng shuiwill go a long way toward encouragingabundance for you and your family.w w w. w e l l n e s s l i v i n g s t o r e . c o m | 7

iceis nicerice is oldRice is one <strong>of</strong> the oldest cultivated grains,and has fed more people over a longerperiod <strong>of</strong> time than any other crop. Thefirst written mention <strong>of</strong> rice cultivation inChina dates from 2500 BC. Over the millennia,rice cultivation spread from Chinathroughout Southeast Asia, on to India,and then passed into the Mediterraneanbasin including Southern Europe andNorth Africa.There are over 7,000 kinds <strong>of</strong> rice, and itcan be grown in nearly every part <strong>of</strong> theworld. Rice survives the desert conditions<strong>of</strong> Saudi Arabia, the wetlands <strong>of</strong> SoutheastAsia and the flooded rice fields <strong>of</strong> theUnited States. In fact rice grows on everycontinent except for Antarctica.By Marka Meyer8 | w w w. w e l l n e s s l i v i n g s t o r e . c o m

For millions <strong>of</strong> people, rice is 75% <strong>of</strong>their total diet, and is their primarysource <strong>of</strong> nourishing carbohydrates andprotein. Although rice does not containall nine <strong>of</strong> the essential amino acids, itcan be combined with other sources <strong>of</strong>protein such as nuts, seeds, beans, fish ormeat in order to become a complete food.In the United States, rice in grownprimarily in California and in theMississippi River Delta. Rice cultivationbegan in California during the CaliforniaGold Rush when an estimated 40,000Chinese laborers immigrated to the stateand grew small amounts <strong>of</strong> the grainfor their own consumption. MostCalifornia rice continues to be grownin the Sacramento Valley, near earlyChinese gold rush settlements.rice is colorfulRice is available in many beautifulcolors, including pink, black, red,golden yellow, brown, black and white.Many gourmet grocery stores <strong>of</strong>fer awide variety <strong>of</strong> colors and types <strong>of</strong> ricein bulk bins, where you can buy as littleor as much as you like.rice is interchangeableYou will be happy to know that you can easily substitute one color <strong>of</strong> rice for another, aslong as you remain within the same rice ‘family’ as the original recipe. Some colors <strong>of</strong> ricewithin the same family must be cooked longer than others, but the recipe will turn out perfectlyas long as you adhere to the correct cooking time instructions for the rice you selected.Families <strong>of</strong> riceShort grain rice is nearly round; almost as wide as it is long. Bhutanese red rice, black orpurple forbidden rice, Italian arborio, pearl rice, glutinous or sticky sushi rice, short-grainbrown rice…all are starchy, sticky and perfect for risotto and rice pudding.Medium grain rice: Not as sticky as short grain, not as fluffy as long grain; Spanish ricevarieties including granza, and Valencia are perfect for paella but medium grain rice alsomakes a fine risotto.Long grain rice is long and slender. When cooked, long grain rice can be fluffed with afork and the grains remain separate. It is the best choice when you want to serve rice as aside dish or use it as a bed for sauces such as curries. Carolina rice, Himalayan red rice,jasmine, basmati, popcorn and wild pecan rice are examples.Rice is included in many world feeding programs because it is acceptable to all religions andcultures. It is easy to prepare and can be incorporated into familiar meals. It can be cookedas a grain or used to manufacture a wide variety <strong>of</strong> foods such as noodles, soups, crackers,cookies, and beverages. It is easy to store, handle, and distribute. Rice is VERY nice indeed!rice FacTswild rice is not rice at all; it is theseed <strong>of</strong> a marsh grass. the flavor is nuttyand the texture is chewy…it can bemixed with long-grain brown rice orwith nuts and dried fruits for a side dish.GlutiNous rice does not containgluten. Glutinous rice is a short-grainedsticky rice, also called sweet rice, botanrice, mochi and pearl rice. it is glutinousin the sense <strong>of</strong> being glue-like or sticky,rather than containing gluten whichis spelled differently.raNcid rice is caused when the oilin the outer bran layer spoils. Becausebrown rice retains its bran layer, it hasa shelf life <strong>of</strong> about six months whilewhite rice can last for up to ten years.to maintain the freshness <strong>of</strong> brownrice, store it in the freezer.dr. Mao’sBeautiful HotHerBal cereala beautiful congeemade with brownrice, white rice, blackforbidden rice and twodozen other naturallygluten-free and nutritious seeds, beans,legumes and herbs.cereal 45 oz. $20.00HiGH PerforMaNcea nourishing herbalformula on a base <strong>of</strong>finely ground wholegrain brown glutinousrice. add to smoothiesor sprinkle on foodfor extra energy and nourishment.(HP700) 700 tablets $45.95(HPPoW) 22 oz. powder $45.95w w w. w e l l n e s s l i v i n g s t o r e . c o m | 9

Excerpt fromTHe <strong>Tao</strong> oF nuTriTionBy Dr. Mao Shing Ni & Cathy McNeasecongeeA congee, also known as jook, rice porridgeor gruel, is a soupy grain dish typically eatenfor breakfast in Asian countries. Congee maybe used for other meals by those who areweak or chronically ill. Congees are highlydigestible, easily assimilated and good forpeople with weak digestion, fatigue or poorappetite, and those who are convalescingfrom surgery or illness.Traditionally cooked with rice or millet,congees can be cooked with other grains, ora combination <strong>of</strong> grains, including barley,cornmeal and quinoa. The basic recipe canbe modified with the addition <strong>of</strong> therapeuticfoods, medicinal herbs and spices.Basic congee reciPe1 cup rice: white, brown, sweet or basmati5-10 cups water, depending on how thickor thin you want the dish to be.Cook for about 4-6 hours on a low flame,or overnight in a crock pot. The finishedcongee can be mildly seasoned with sea salt,miso, rock sugar or honey.Congee variations to be addedat the beginning <strong>of</strong> cooking:■ ¼ cup mung beans to clear heatand toxins■ ¼ cup barley to promote urination,reduce damp and heat■ 2 chopped celery stalks to clear heat,reduce hypertension■ 1 chopped carrot to promote digestionand strengthen the Lung■ 1 teaspoon fennel seeds or corianderseed to relieve gas and bloating■ 5 pitted Chinese dates and 3 slicesfresh ginger to relieve nausea■ ¼ cup goji berries to benefit the eyes,nourish blood and Yin■ ¼ cup dried seaweed to reduceyellow phlegm■ ¼ cup chopped pine nuts or sesameseed to promote a bowel movement1 0 | w w w. w e l l n e s s l i v i n g s t o r e . c o m

BeautifulBlack Foodsin Traditional Chinese Medicine, blue and black foods strengthen the Water Element.Obvious Water Element choices include blue and black berries and black beans, buthere are some other interesting options.In <strong>Tao</strong>ist mythology, ferMeNted Black Garlic was rumored to grant immortality. Thetaste is a mild mix <strong>of</strong> sweet and tangy, and the texture is similar to black olives. Black garlicis loaded with nearly twice as many antioxidants as regular raw garlic and is a deliciousgarnish for pasta, pizza and soup.for breakfast along with fruit or yogurt.Black quinoa is pretty in composed saladsand can be added to pancakes or muffinsas a protein booster. ■sQuid or cuttlefisH iNk is common in Italian coastalrecipes, and is usually made into pasta or sauces. The ink itselfis full <strong>of</strong> amino acids called glutamates and is considered tobe very nourishing. Cook black squid ink pasta the usual way;the flavor is mellow but the color is oh-so-gorgeous.Black leNtils, also called beluga lentils, glisten when theyare cooked so that they look a bit like beluga caviar. Blacklentils hold their shape nicely when cooked, but they losesome <strong>of</strong> their ebony color. Gourmet grocery stores carry blacklentils; they are high in protein and terrific in soups and salads.cHarcoal crackers were originally made in England asdigestive aids, but in modern times these beautiful butterycrackers are usually paired with cheese. You can find charcoalcrackers in specialty food shops; try them with Swiss Vacherin,Spanish Manchego, French Brie, or English Berkswell.Black QuiNoa is darker in color, crunchier in texture and has a stronger grain-like flavorthan the red or white variety. Quinoa is usually served as a warm side dish, but it is also nicew w w. w e l l n e s s l i v i n g s t o r e . c o m | 1 1

chopstickselegantly simple in design, chopsticksor kuai zi have been used in China formore than 3 millennia. By 500 ADthe use <strong>of</strong> chopsticks had spread to neighboringSoutheast Asian countries includingJapan, Thailand, Korea and Vietnam.1 2 | w w w. w e l l n e s s l i v i n g s t o r e . c o m

chopstick identityChinese chopsticks are usually thelongest, and have squared <strong>of</strong>f bluntends while Japanese chopsticks areshorter, with tapered, pointy tips.Thai, Korean and Vietnamese chopsticksfall somewhere in between.Kuai zi means quick, so it is thought that the term chop, which is pidgin for Kuai, wasprobably coined by sailors in the 1600s. In fact sailors said that something needed to bedone ‘chop chop’ when a task needed to be completed quickly or right away.Chopsticks have been made out <strong>of</strong> nearly every material imaginable, including jade,gold, silver, bronze, ivory, lacquer, bone and plastic but common bamboo or raw woodchopsticks are perfect for beginners, because they are not slippery.Chopsticks and chopstick rests aremade <strong>of</strong> plastic, bamboo, wood, lacqueredwood and porcelain, althoughchopsticks can also be made <strong>of</strong> stainlesssteel, sterling silver and carvedjade or ivory. Sometimes chopsticksand chopstick rests come together asa set, but there is no need for themto match. Chopstick rests can bewhimsical, and shaped like little fish,animals, twigs, or vegetables.Beginner’s chopsticks are joinedtogether at one end, and children’schopsticks are small and short.chopstick etiquetteEvery Asian country has slightly different chopstick etiquette, butthere are some general rules to follow. The most important rule isthat chopsticks should not be left standing straight up in a bowl <strong>of</strong>food. Any two stick-like objects pointed straight upward too closelyresemble pairs <strong>of</strong> incense sticks that are burned at ceremonies forthe deceased.It is vulgar to gesture with chopsticks or use them to point atanyone. It is rude to use chopsticks to move a bowl or a plate. Itis improper to drum or tap the sides <strong>of</strong> your bowl with chopsticksbecause that is how beggars solicit food. Traditionalists would neverspear food with one chopstick, although sometimes that is the onlypractical way to eat a fish ball or cherry tomato.As children, lefties are trained to eat with their right hand, so thatlefties and righties do not bump elbows while dining. Children arenever allowed to play with chopsticks at the dinner table. If theydo, parents rap their youngsters on the wrist…with chopsticks.In China it is normal to hold your rice bowl up to your mouthand use your chopsticks to push your food into your mouth. It is not polite to suck on yourchopsticks or to wash them <strong>of</strong>f in your soup or beverage. Do not rest your chopsticks on thetable; you can lay them across the rim <strong>of</strong> your bowl, but if you are provided with chopstickrests…use them.You may notice that serving bowls have a pair <strong>of</strong> “community use” chopsticks that are longerand a different color than the chopsticks at your place; these chopsticks are to be returnedto the bowl or dish after you finish serving yourself. Finally, while we may be tempted touse chopsticks as a hair ornament; to an Asian person that would look as odd as sticking apretty fork in your hair.When in doubt, watch what everybody else is doing and try to do the same. ■BYocMost packaged disposable chopsticksare made <strong>of</strong> bamboo or wood; theyare inexpensive, do not conduct heat,and their matte surface provides agood grip for holding food. Did youknow that disposable chopsticks areleft attached at the top to demonstratethat they are unused?In order to help protect the bambo<strong>of</strong>orests that are so critical to GiantPandas for food and habitat, theChinese government has added a 5%sales tax to disposable chopsticks.Perhaps it would be a good idea toencourage BYOC – bring your ownchopsticks. The idea doesn’t seem soodd when you recall that a decadeago we would have thought it wasstrange to bring our own bags to agrocery store.w w w. w e l l n e s s l i v i n g s t o r e . c o m | 1 3

chinese medicinecan be a valuable assetwhen addressing themedical needs <strong>of</strong> children. TcMmodalities for children includetuina bodywork, cupping andmoxibustion, as well as nutritionaland herbal therapies.Many common children’s conditionsbenefit from chinesemedicine: teething pain, colic,headaches, ear infections, childhoodasthma, digestive disorders,allergies, sleep disorders,eczema, common cold and flu.cHinese MeDicine forThe rapid growth and development <strong>of</strong>children, and especially infants, can leadto a hyperactivity <strong>of</strong> Yang energy, a kind<strong>of</strong> metabolic fire, and a weak relationshipbetween the Yin and Yang energies <strong>of</strong> thebody. This is the reason that children developfevers quickly and why high fevers aremore common in children than adults. Thisis also the reason that a sick child’s condition<strong>of</strong>ten worsens at night, and why restlesssleep is common during illness or spurts <strong>of</strong>developmental change. Additionally, because<strong>of</strong> the hyperactivity <strong>of</strong> Yang energy, childrencan be susceptible to attention deficit andhyperactive disorders.Secondly, children’s digestion, a function<strong>of</strong> the Spleen/Stomach, is inherently weakuntil the age <strong>of</strong> five or six. This weak1 4 | w w w. w e l l n e s s l i v i n g s t o r e . c o mPediatric caredigestion can result in a deficiency <strong>of</strong> the vital energies <strong>of</strong> the body. Deficiency can lead toweakened immune response, while food stagnation leads to an accumulation <strong>of</strong> dampnessand heat which can present itself as colicky stomach pain, ear infection, asthma and more.This is so common that some practitioners feel this "indigestion" is the key to manychildhood illnesses.Ironically, from the TCM perspective, antibiotic use weakens the Spleen and furtherinhibits the digestion <strong>of</strong> food and the production <strong>of</strong> Chi and Blood. This is why parentssometimes experience the frustration <strong>of</strong> their children’s recurring illness with recurrentantibiotic use. The aftereffects <strong>of</strong> antibiotic use have come to be known in Chinesemedicine as "Post-antibiotic Spleen Deficiency Syndrome.”It is important to seek out a qualified practitioner <strong>of</strong> Traditional Chinese Medicine tohelp you address the health needs <strong>of</strong> your children. Your practitioner should be able toprovide nutritional guidance and herbal remedies to help your children enjoy healthyand happy lives. ■

Helping childrenenjoy Their Veggieseveryone wants their children to eat plenty <strong>of</strong> colorful veggies to help them grow uphealthy and strong. It is believed that babies can actually taste the foods their motherseat, in breast milk, so new moms can start this process early by eating a wide variety<strong>of</strong> foods themselves.From a TCM perspective, important foods include broccoli, kale,collard greens, tomatoes, watercress, bok choy, spinach, black beans,sesame seeds, almonds and peas, all <strong>of</strong> which are nutrient-denseand very healthy. Eating these foods while breastfeeding can helpimprove the quality <strong>of</strong> breast milk and will also help ensure that childrendevelop an appetite for some <strong>of</strong> the healthiest foods on the planet.If you or your children do not enjoy vegetables, try eating them insmall amounts and slowly work your way up to larger portions. Onehighly effective way <strong>of</strong> developing a taste for new foods is to have asmall amount <strong>of</strong> the new food every day until your taste buds become accustomed to theflavor; then you can slowly work your way up to eating larger portions.For parents and children who are not vegetable lovers, a great way to start is to puree theveggies you don’t like and add them to soup; alternatively you can roast vegetables with a littleolive oil and sea salt which caramelizes them and brings out their sweetness. Another suggestionis to experiment with cooking veggies in a variety <strong>of</strong> different ways until you find themethod you like best: steaming, roasting, grilling…all are worth a try.Eat well, eat smart and your children will too. ■By Marc GoMeZ, l.ac., diPl. o.M.liQuid wHolefood VitaMiNstasty, bio-absorbableliquid vitamins personallyperfect for kids andadults and personallyendorsed by dr. Mao.liquid whole foodsVitamins include apowerful antioxidantsuperfood blend <strong>of</strong> alfalfa, broccoli sprouts,carrots, daikon radish, kale, onion sprouts,peas, pumpkin, spinach, tomatoes, apples,aronia berries, bananas, blueberries, cranberries,raspberries, strawberries, sweetand tart cherries plus a blend <strong>of</strong> 17 aminoacids, trace minerals, MsM for healthyconnective tissue and chromium picolinateto increase the efficiency <strong>of</strong> insulin, inan organic noni juice base.(liQViT30) 30 Fl. oz. $39.95w w w. w e l l n e s s l i v i n g s t o r e . c o m | 1 5

VisiT yo saNYo san university <strong>of</strong> Traditional chinese Medicine is an inspiring place to visit,to study, to explore and ultimately to learn. Please come to see us!This is a cordial and sincere invitationto each <strong>of</strong> you to spend an hour ormore in an environment dedicatedto facilitating educational and clinicalservices informed by the unique integrativeYo San approach to Traditional ChineseMedicine. If you live in the Los Angelesarea, stop by on your way to or fromCostco (that big box store is just a blockeast <strong>of</strong> our campus). Even if you are not ona shopping jaunt, we know that your tripto our West Washington Boulevard campuswill be time spent in a worthwhile manner.There is a good deal to see at Yo San!Start your tour at Yo San Bookstore onthe second floor. The Bookstore and itsmanager, Marka Meyer (aka “BuildingMama) constitute the heart <strong>of</strong> the Yo Sanenvironment. The Bookstore is the source<strong>of</strong> this magazine that you are reading andincludes a treasure trove <strong>of</strong> texts and othermaterials that pertain to Traditional ChineseMedicine. All the publications <strong>of</strong> the wiseand legendary Master Ni and his two sons—Yo San University founders, Dr. Daoand Dr. Mao are available as well as everytextbook that our master’s and doctoral program students engage in their studies, plus literallyhundreds <strong>of</strong> additional titles. Just for fun and consistent with our learning and living communityorientation, the Bookstore also carries a ton <strong>of</strong> other useful products including rangingfrom high quality herbal supplements to homemade jewelry and other items lovingly craftedby Yo San University Students. While you are exploring and getting acquainted with Marka,enjoy the quality teas or c<strong>of</strong>fees that are available in the Bookstore café.Consider our Master’s or our Doctoralprogram (as appropriate) for you, for afriend, son, daughter, nephew, niece,cousin or colleague. Talk with one <strong>of</strong>our admissions advisors about backgroundprior training, and goal factors, anddiscern what it takes to advance withinthe pr<strong>of</strong>ession <strong>of</strong> Traditional ChineseMedicine. You can arrange an informaldiscussion, or you may want to participatein a more comprehensive overview <strong>of</strong> one<strong>of</strong> the Yo San University Programs. Eachyear our programs sponsor a number <strong>of</strong> open house events where the focus is on how Yo SanUniversity can assist you in attaining your TCM Career Goals. Sessions pertaining to theMaster’s program can be arranged almost anytime, and sessions pertaining to the Doctoralprogram coincide with a portion <strong>of</strong> the monthly weekend didactic residency sessions. Allopen house events include the option <strong>of</strong> sitting in on one <strong>of</strong> the ongoing classes—theperfect opportunity for you to see yourself fitting into the supportive living learningcommunity <strong>of</strong> Yo San University Master’s and Doctoral students. Call AdmissionsCoordinator, Daouia Amrir if you are interested in the Master’s Program, or DAOM1 6 | w w w. w e l l n e s s l i v i n g s t o r e . c o m

Program Director, Dr. Carola Gehrke if you have interest in the doctoral program.Both can be reached via 310 577-3000.Browse our Library. Our greatlyexpanded and relocated library andlearning resource facility is located onthe third floor <strong>of</strong> the building. Come inanytime during open hours to explore.Our expert Library Manager, AndreaAnzalone will help you find resources forwhatever you are researching either fromour extensive collection <strong>of</strong> TCM printmaterials or via the vast resources availablethrough our electronic data bases. Whileprint materials are permitted to be takenfor our library only by currently registeredstudents, there are comfortable tablesand study carrels for your reading comfort. As you are exploring the library be sure to takein the fine views to the north and west <strong>of</strong> the gentle Santa Monica Mountains.One <strong>of</strong> the highlights <strong>of</strong> our year at Yo San University is the festive Chinese New Year celebrationwhich takes place on a Sunday in early spring each year. Check the Yo San Universitywebsite for the exact date/times. At this event expect to start with a brief and serene <strong>Tao</strong>istmeditation ceremony that is sure to clear your mind in preparation for the celebratory anticsthat follow including the vibrant and spirited Tiger dance that sets the stage for the productivityand fortune <strong>of</strong> the New Year. These activities are followed by a sumptuous pot luck buffet,to which you are invited to add your own favorite recipe.Our President is available and eager to meet with all new friends <strong>of</strong> Yo San University. Pleasecome in and meet and share with him. Yo San University President, Larry Ryan, is alwaysopen to hear your ideas and to share withyou the good work that goes on in ourclassrooms and clinic venues. He is interestedin your perspective and also in your network<strong>of</strong> potential connections for donors,foundation grants and other resources thatwill support the mission <strong>of</strong> the University.While you are on campus why notschedule a visit to the Yo San CommunityClinic for a wellness checkup and treatment?Most days we can arrange a sessionfor you on relatively short notice. Just callthe clinic front desk to confirm an appointmenttime (310-577-3006). Low costsessions are available with our fourth yearstudent interns, who are closely supervisedby highly experienced licensed acupuncturists/TCMpractitioners. The clinic appointmentwill afford you an inside consumer’sglimpse <strong>of</strong> the mission <strong>of</strong> Yo San Universityin action—the delivery <strong>of</strong> comprehensiveTCM services in a caring and peacefulenvironment. Prepare to be relaxed,refreshed and renewed. ■yo san university is located at 13315 westwashington Blvd. los angeles, ca. 90066.we are easy to find and easy to like.Please come to visit!w w w. w e l l n e s s l i v i n g s t o r e . c o m | 1 7

cHi gong:The secret <strong>of</strong>chinese olympiansBy dr. daosHiNG NiThe London Olympics will beginin July, 2012, and the world willwatch as the Chinese compete todisplay their mettle in athletics. In a systemwhere athletes are groomed and trained insuch a disciplined and enduring mannersince childhood, the winners becomecelebrities overnight and the losers...well,become losers for years to come. The competitionis fierce and the results are ruthless,so we must thank the masses <strong>of</strong> youngathletes striving to become noticed in asea <strong>of</strong> competitors.There have always been too many people inChina. I grew up in Taiwan, and my juniorhigh school, which consisted <strong>of</strong> 7th, 8th and9th grades, had over 6,000 pupils. Eachgrade was made up <strong>of</strong> 40 classes <strong>of</strong> approximately60 students. The sheer number <strong>of</strong>people fostered a culture <strong>of</strong> intense competition,and athletics were not an exception. Icompeted in track meets and won two goldmedals in the 800-yard run at the annualintramural competition. All <strong>of</strong> my trainingwas a quest for that slight edge over rival runners, those few milliseconds that might place meone rank higher. In China, the basis <strong>of</strong> the competitive drive is to win “gold” for the country.I attribute my success to the practice <strong>of</strong> chi gong. I was neither the fastest nor the strongest.In fact, I was not favored to come out a winner in my class competitions. However, I hadbeen studying the arts <strong>of</strong> meditation, chi gong, and tai chi chuan since childhood. WhenI joined the track team after winning my gold medals, I discovered that chi gong was anintegral part <strong>of</strong> the training. Later on, I found out that many great athletes in China usedchi gong to help them excel in sports.cHi gongPracticing chi gong, I learned to have better concentration and endurance, the source <strong>of</strong>my competitive edge and the source <strong>of</strong> success for many Chinese athletes. Chi gong is a set<strong>of</strong> breathing exercises that contribute to relaxation and focus. It is practiced by millions <strong>of</strong>people in China and is helpful in reducing stress and improving productivity and performance.Medical research has confirmed the benefits <strong>of</strong> these meditative exercises and anyone,even the disabled, can practice and benefit from these exercises. Chi gong is also used as amedical therapy to increase a patient’s healing power and immune system functions. It iscommonly taught to cancer patients as well as to patients with chronic illnesses. I have usedchi gong exercises to help my infertility patients with very good results as I have described inmy book, The <strong>Tao</strong> <strong>of</strong> Fertility. Overall, this practice provides an incredible boost to vitalityand refines the body’s energy to better nurture its growth and to stay poised and balancedeven during exertion. The discipline and rigors <strong>of</strong> Chinese training that includes chi gongexercise will push China to the forefront <strong>of</strong> athletic prowess. You can reap the benefits <strong>of</strong> chigong yourself by practicing on a regular basis to maintain good mental and physical health. ■1 8 | w w w. w e l l n e s s l i v i n g s t o r e . c o m

sTarTing a<strong>Tao</strong>isT sTuDY grouPeight Brocade vs.eight TreasuresQuestioN: what is the relationshipbetween eight treasures and eight Pieces<strong>of</strong> Brocade? over the years i’ve had alot <strong>of</strong> people ask if what i teach is eightPieces and i’ve always told them, “No,they’re not directly related.” i know thatthere are definite similarities betweenthe two, but it’s pretty common for verydifferent styles to share common traits.i noticed that on the iws website thedescription <strong>of</strong> eight treasures includes,“…it has been nicknamed Ba duan Jin,eight pieces <strong>of</strong> brocade.” somewherealong the way, was eight Pieces derivedas a modified subset <strong>of</strong> eight treasures?— thanks! austinaNd dr. Mao’s aNswer: Goodquestion, austin. eight treasures is uniqueto the integral way Ni family traditionand actually began as Ba Gong dao in(taught by the eight wise old man) as64 movements, one for each <strong>of</strong> thehexagrams <strong>of</strong> the i ching. as time wenton the 32 "sitting" forms were subsumedinto dao in and what remained arethe 32 “standing” forms.eight Pieces <strong>of</strong> Brocade borrowedfrom the eight treasures and has onlyeight movements. eight Pieces is anabbreviated form <strong>of</strong> the 32-movementeight treasures, similar to our “eightlittle treasures.” to receive the fullbenefit intended by the ancient masters,one should practice both the eighttreasures and dao in regularly so thatyou may experience the energetics <strong>of</strong>each hexagram within you. ■Hua-Ching Ni has always encouraged people to start their own study groups.First you pick a book you would like to study, then you find at least onefriend who wants to discuss the book with you, and finally…you begin.It doesn’t matter how much you know about spirituality; the important thing isnourishing your inner spirit by discussing your ideas with at least one other humanbeing. There is no need to wait for someone to start a study group for you; juststart a group <strong>of</strong> your own and the people will come.When Steve, one <strong>of</strong> The Integral Way members began his own study group in July,he wondered if there should be some sort <strong>of</strong> ceremony to start the discussion with.Other members who have their own study groups replied:“In our group we just sit in silence for a fewminutes. Silence allows everyone to prepare intheir own way [and] guides people awayfrom superficial chatter.” — Peter“The Golden Light Invocation would be helpful.”— Jody“[Our] group usually starts with reading aloudfrom The Esoteric <strong>Tao</strong> Teh Ching before we switchto reading and discussion <strong>of</strong> the book at hand.” — L“You can create your own “ceremony” with anythingthat settles and harmonizes the group energyQi such as sharing herbal tea.” — PFHua-Ching Ni has written so many interesting books that it is difficult tochoose. The Golden Light Invocation is in The Workbook for Spiritual Development;The Esoteric <strong>Tao</strong> Teh Ching is another classic. Many readers love the very beautifulComplete Works <strong>of</strong> Lao Tzu. The Power <strong>of</strong> the Feminine has created a great deal <strong>of</strong>discussion, and then there’s The Power <strong>of</strong> Natural Healing, The Key to Good Fortune,and on, and on…w w w. w e l l n e s s l i v i n g s t o r e . c o m | 1 9

The HerBal eMPoriuMat The <strong>Wellness</strong> living storeBy BayleN karl slote, l.ac., diPl. o.M.in my work as herbologist at The <strong>Wellness</strong> Living Store, I am sometimes asked where weobtain our herbs. We are proud to say that our raw herbs and herbal powders all come fromChina. While there is a growing trend <strong>of</strong> sourcing Chinese herbs in the United States, many<strong>of</strong> the herbs used in Traditional Chinese Medicine must be grown in their specific native conditions.Soil nutrients and climate, even altitude…all contribute to creating herbal compounds<strong>of</strong> unsurpassed medicinal potency.While some herbs are indigenous to North America and produce excellent results, whenyou choose Chinese Medicine as your care provider, you want to know that you are gettingthe best. Traditional Chinese healers have over 2,000 years <strong>of</strong> written history to draw uponwhen prescribing these herbs. Make sure your practitioner is selecting herbs that are grownin the traditional way, in their indigenous habitat, to ensure their consistency and potency.The Herbal Emporium at The <strong>Wellness</strong> Living Store is Los Angeles’ premier source forChinese Herbal Medicine. Our herbs come from hand-selected farmers who grow them intheir traditional climate where the conditions are correct for their type. The herbs are thentested both in China and upon arrival in the US to ensure a clean and natural product foryou and your family’s health.Our Licensed herbologist can assist you in navigating the confusing world <strong>of</strong> contemporaryvitamins, herbs, drugs, and nutritional information. With our clear understanding <strong>of</strong>Classical Chinese Medicine, we are able to dispense herbal supplements and customprescriptions from our fully-stocked compounding herbal pharmacy. ■2 0 | w w w. w e l l n e s s l i v i n g s t o r e . c o m1412 14th Street, Santa Monica, CA 90404 | www.wellnesslivingstore.com | 310.260.0013

tao <strong>of</strong> wellNessopens in newport Beach<strong>Tao</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Wellness</strong> has proudly opened its doors to its second clinic in Newport Beach,adjacent to the Fashion Island Shopping Center and near the John Wayne Airportand University <strong>of</strong> California Irvine. The Newport Beach <strong>Tao</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Wellness</strong> staff ispleased to be able to <strong>of</strong>fer treatments to Orange County patients who have formerly had totravel a long distance to the flagship <strong>Tao</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Wellness</strong> in Santa Monica. The new courtyardclinic <strong>of</strong>fers all the same therapies, herbs, and products available at the West L.A. <strong>of</strong>fice. Drs.Daoshing and Mao Shing Ni are available to see their Orange County patients in NewportBeach on a part-time basis. Jason Moskovitz, L.Ac., Dipl. O.M., is the carefully-selectedresident practitioner, and he sees patients five days a week.Jason explains, “There is a shortage <strong>of</strong> full-service acupuncture and Chinese medicine clinics inthis area, so that being near our existing family <strong>of</strong> patients makes sense. However, serving thesurrounding communities is what will give our work staying power. We provide a full range <strong>of</strong>therapies including acupuncture, herbal medicine, and InfiniChi medical energy healing; alongwith personalized detoxification and fertility retreats, nutritional guidance and qigong coaching.”Jason adds, “Many people are using Chinesemedicine as their primary form <strong>of</strong> healthcare.We care for women, men, children and theelderly. Acupuncturists were <strong>of</strong>ten thought<strong>of</strong> as a last resort when other medical interventionshave fallen short but the tide isturning. The quick response in Newport ispro<strong>of</strong> that the greater community is recognizingthe power <strong>of</strong> this form <strong>of</strong> healthcare.<strong>Tao</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Wellness</strong> is dedicated to the patientand practitioner forming a partnership toensure that life is full <strong>of</strong> health and joy.”And now with two locations doing thisbenevolent work, it is likely the good news<strong>of</strong> Chinese medicine will spread only faster.tao <strong>of</strong> wellNess -NewPort BeacH359 san Miguel dr., ste. 200,Newport Beach, ca 92660tel 949.706.7770 | fax 949.706.7211www.tao<strong>of</strong>wellness.comcontactnb@tao<strong>of</strong>wellness.comw w w. w e l l n e s s l i v i n g s t o r e . c o m | 2 1

<strong>Wellness</strong> liVing HerBsFive elements Herbsindividual Five elementsiNterNal cleaNse - wood elementdetox formula for the liver and Gall Bladder.(iccaP) 90 capsules $19.95suPer clarity - fire elementBrain power and circulation formulafor the Heart & small intestine.(sccaP) 90 capsules $19.95tHe coMBiNedfiVe eleMeNts <strong>of</strong> HealtHour strongest longevity formulaour most powerful herbs, aconcentrated whole-body tune up.available in either capsules or powder.(Fe180) 180 capsules $49.95(FePoW) 8.2 oz. powder $49.95aBuNdaNt eNerGy - earth elementdigestive formula for the stomach and spleen.(aecaP) 90 capsules $19.95PerPetual sHield - Metal elementimmunity formula for the lungs andlarge intestine.(PscaP) 90 capsules $19.95eNduriNG youtH - water elementHormone balance for the kidney and Bladder.(eYcaP) 90 capsules $19.95HiGH PerforMaNcethe vitality formula, formulated to work inperfect synergy with the combined fiveelements <strong>of</strong> Health. supporting herbs andwhole grains to cultivate high energy.(HP700) 700 tablets $45.95(HPPoW) 22 oz. powder $45.952 2 | w w w. w e l l n e s s l i v i n g s t o r e . c o m

Yin / Yang TonicsVitaminsfeMiNiNe desirewarming herbs to enhanceand kindle the fire.(FDcaP) 90 capsules$24.95draGoN MaleBoost the yang andstimulate masculine chi.(DMcaP) 90 capsules $24.95(DMlX) 1 oz. tincture $19.95liQuid wHolefood VitaMiNsHighly bio-absorbable liquidwhole food vitamin formulamade with organic ingredientsand personally endorsed bydr. Mao shing Ni. a veggie, fruit, vitamin, aminoacid, antioxidant and mineral blend containingorganic noni juice and organic aloe vera.(liQViT30) 30 Fl. oz. $39.95Herbal careDosage: 3-6 capsules per dayallerGyrelief from bothersomeallergy symptoms.(allcaP) 90 capsules$19.95artHritis / JoiNtrelief from painfularthritis symptoms.(aJcaP) 60 capsules$19.95calM-fort / sleePiNGcalms the spirit; providesrest for the weary.(cscaP) 90 capsules$19.95cold / flusupports immunity,promotes recovery.(crcaP) 90 capsules$19.95duraBoNeVital bone-strengtheningvitamins and minerals.(DBcaP) 90 capsules$19.95PassaGes Pluswonderful for PMs andmenopausal discomfort.(PPcaP) 90 capsules$19.95skin & BeautyHealthy HairB-sliMreduce appetite, eliminatebloating, control weight safely.(BsliM) 180 capsules$29.95reGeNeratiNG creaMone <strong>of</strong> our best sellers;a rich emollient plus herbsto support a glowingcomplexion. (rc) 2 oz.$22.95exQuisite skiNdetox, cleanse and nourishthe skin from within.(escaP) 90 capsules$19.95toNic oiltones the skin andmassages away achesand pains; smells great!(Tolg) - 2 oz. $12.95(ToXl) - 8 oz. $39.95Hair Nurture &Hair toPical toNicfor men and women:a perfect combination <strong>of</strong>internal and external herbsto cleanse the scalp, nourishhair follicles, and encouragehealthy hair growth.Hair nurture (HncaP)90 capsules $19.95Hair Topical Tonic (HTT)4 oz. $19.9525% savings - Hair set $29.95Pretty, red goji berries have beenused in asian food and chinesemedicine for centuries. they tastemildly sweet, but at the same time havea tangy sour taste. Goji berries grow onthe lycium barbarum plant, and are alsocommonly called wolfberries or lyciumberries. their medicinal value was firstmentioned in the chinese tang dynastytreatise in the 7th century.it is thought that the common namewolfberry might come from confusionover the genus name lycium, whichresembles lycos, the Greek word forwolf. in the english-speaking world,‘goji berry’ has been used for the pastdozen years as a synonym for wolfberry.Goji is an english approximation <strong>of</strong> thepronunciation <strong>of</strong> the chinese name for˘ ˘the berries, gou qi.fresh goji and normally not available inthe us, but they are grown in the ukand in asia. Goji is a superfood, and canbe eaten out-<strong>of</strong>-hand like raisins. Gojiberries provide many healthful nutrients,including 11 essential and 22 trace dietaryminerals, 18 amino acids, 6 essential vitamins,plus antioxidant phenols.Goji berries can be enjoyed as a tea;add a small handful <strong>of</strong> dried berries toa pot <strong>of</strong> hot water or green tea, and letthem sit for a few minutes to hydrate.drink your tea and then enjoy spooningup the nice, plump goji remaining at thebottom <strong>of</strong> your teacup. in addition, gojican be added to trail mix, sprinkled onhot or cold cereal, baked into muffinsand added to chicken soup. Go goji!a nice big bag <strong>of</strong> gloriously healthy,sun-dried goji berries.goJi 16 oz. $24.00w w w. w e l l n e s s l i v i n g s t o r e . c o m | 2 3

Time-honoredHerbal remediesDosage: 2-3 capsules 3 times per dayacid stoMacHfor acid reflux and gastric symptoms.(TasT) 65 capsules $19.95acNe / BleMisHdrain heat from red, irritated skin.(TaB) 65 capsules $19.95aNxiety / sleePlessdiminish insomnia, anxiety andmental exhaustion.(Tas) 65 capsules $19.95Blood BuilderNourish the Blood and tonifythe chi life-force energy.(TBB) 65 capsules $19.95BreatHe easeclassic herbs for coughingand wheezing.(TBe) 65 capsules $19.95Bloatdispel dampness and encouragerelease <strong>of</strong> excess water.(TBl) 65 capsules $19.95caNcer suPPortimportant herbal support duringchemotherapy and radiation.(Tcs) 65 capsules $19.95cHest coNGestioNHerbal formula for congestion,from the common cold, and flu.(TcHe) 65 capsules $19.95cHroNic fatiGueModulate inflammation, modulatethe immune system; calm pain.(TcF) 65 capsules $19.95coloN clearHerbal formula for lowerintestinal tract.(Tcol) 65 capsules $19.95eyesHerbal nourishment for dry,red, tired and blurry eyes.(TeY) 65 capsules $19.95fatiGueHerbs to nourish spleen and stomach;for fatigue and poor digestion.(TFa) 65 capsules $19.95HaNGoVerindigestion, nausea, loose stools,fatigue, headache.(THo) 65 capsules $19.95Hearttraditional chinese herbs for heart function.(THT) 65 capsules $19.95HerP-easeclear the heat <strong>of</strong> canker sores,cold sores and genital lesions.(THP) 65 capsules $19.95Hot flasHesNourish kidney yin, clear heatand subdue hot flashes.(THF) 65 capsules $19.95iMMuNityconsolidate defense against colds,flu and respiratory infection.(TiM) 65 capsules $19.95iNdiGestioNHarmonize the stomach and promotemovement <strong>of</strong> stagnant food.(TinD) 65 capsules $19.95luNG coNGestioNcalms inflammation, mucous and swelling.(Tlc) 65 capsules $19.95MeNoPausecalm anxiety, emotional irritabilityand insomnia <strong>of</strong> menopause.(TMP) 65 capsules $19.95MeNstruatioNdispel blood stagnation to helpease abdominal discomfort.(TMsT) 65 capsules $19.95Mood eleVatioNHerbs to help relieve sadness anddepression, and induce calm.(TMe) 65 capsules $19.95Muscle streNGtHstrengthen life-force chi andpromote Blood circulation.(TMs) 65 capsules $19.95PaiNHarmonize the stomach, sooth painand relax muscles.(TPa) 65 capsules $19.95PMsHarmonize liver chi, nourishBlood; for PMs and mood.(TPMs) 65 capsules $19.95siNusrelease wind/heat for nasaland sinus congestion.(Tsi) 65 capsules $19.95sleePcalm insomnia, restlessness, anxiety,dreams, and stress.(Tsl) 65 capsules $19.95woMaN’s wellNesstonify the kidney and supportyin sexual wellness.(TWW) 65 capsules $19.95yaNG exHaustioNreplenish yang energy from long-termillness; impotence.(TYang) 65 capsules $19.95yiN exHaustioNBuild energy reserves; useful for chemo,radiation, and long-term aids.(TYin) 65 capsules $19.95Product statements have not been evaluated by the fda;these products are not intended to diagnose, treat orprevent disease. consult with your healthcare providerbefore beginning this, or any other, nutritional program.2 4 | w w w. w e l l n e s s l i v i n g s t o r e . c o m

<strong>Wellness</strong> liVing teasThe seasonal Teasall natural non-caffeinated herbal teasTeas <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Tao</strong>30 plump little tea bags in each beautiful tea boxsPriNGawakeNiNGwood elementdrink in thespringtime orearly morningfor grey days andmorning fogginess.sPrTea (30 tea bags) $6.95suMMercooliNGfire elementdrink in thesummer or latemorning to replenishenergy drainedby activity or heat.suMTea (30 tea bags) $6.95aNcieNttreasuresour best-sellera perfect blend<strong>of</strong> all our tao teasto tonify the chi,nourish the Jingand calm the shen.aTTea (30 tea bags) $6.95eMotioNaltraNQuilityshen formulacalms theemotions andsettles the mind,but does notcause drowsiness.eTTea (30 tea bags) $6.95autuMNtoNifyiNGMetal elementdrink in the fallor in the afternoonas a tonifying tea.strengthens andsoothes the lungs.auTTea (30 tea bags) $6.95wiNterwarMiNGwater elementa cozy drinkfor winter orevening to expelcold and tonifythe kidneys.WinTea (30 tea bags) $6.95iNterNalcleaNsechi formulaMoves energyand relieves liverstagnation causedby stress and poorlifestyle choices.icTea (30 tea bags) $6.95creatiVeBalaNceJing formularelieves stagnation,activatescirculation and balancesthe energies<strong>of</strong> yin and yang.cBTea (30 tea bags) $6.95w w w. w e l l n e s s l i v i n g s t o r e . c o m | 2 5

<strong>Wellness</strong> BooksBY HUA-CHING NI& MAO SHING NIloVe <strong>of</strong>MotHer uNiVerseBecoming more humanby living in harmony withthe Mother UniverseBloVe $19.95tHe PatH <strong>of</strong>coNstructiVe lifeA 'how-to' book for livinga constructive, healthy,and balanced lifeBHearT $19.95Power <strong>of</strong>tHe feMiNiNeApplying feminine yinattributes to balancemasculine strengthBFeM $16.95New uNiVersalMoralityBecoming a spiritualcoach, serving ourselvesand our communitiesBMor $16.95tai cHi for aHealtHy Body,MiNd aNd sPiritBy Hua-Ching Ni& Mao Shing NiBTaicHi $19.95BY HUA-CHING NI8000 years <strong>of</strong> wisdoM i:dietary GuidaNceQuestion & answer discussionsbetween Hua-Ching Ni andhis studentsBWis1 $18.508000 years <strong>of</strong> wisdoM ii:sex & PreGNaNcyMore student questionsand answers fromHua-Ching NiBWis2 $18.50aGeless couNselfor ModerN lifeNatural wisdom throughstories, poems and warmpersonal experiencesBage $15.95attaiNiNGuNliMited lifechuang tzu'steachings$19.95attuNe your BodywitH dao-iNThe practice <strong>of</strong> 49Chinese Yoga postures inbook form; also on DVDBDaoi $16.95ceNterMost wayAn inspiring account<strong>of</strong> human spiritualdevelopmentBcenT $17.95tHe sHriNe setcoMPlete works<strong>of</strong> lao tZuA remarkable elucidation <strong>of</strong>Lao Tzu's classic, including theorally transmitted Hua Hu ChingBcoMP $13.95tao, tHe suBtleuNiVersal lawThe invisible net <strong>of</strong>universal energy respondsto thoughts and behaviorB<strong>Tao</strong>s $16.95tHe taoistiNNer View <strong>of</strong>tHe uNiVerseA glimpse at the innerworld and immortal realmB<strong>Tao</strong>i $16.95coNcourse <strong>of</strong>all sPiritual PatHsBenefit from thegreat 'oneness' allreligions shareBconc $15.95eNteriNG tHe taoa beginner's guide totaoism gathered fromHua-ching's many booksBenT $15.95eNricH yourlife witH VirtueA broad study <strong>of</strong>human nature andcenturies-old traditionBenr $15.952 6 | w w w. w e l l n e s s l i v i n g s t o r e . c o m

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DR. MAO & CATHY MCNEASEtHe tao <strong>of</strong>NutritioNNewly refreshed and reprintedwith dozens <strong>of</strong> entries…one<strong>of</strong> our long-time best sellersB<strong>Tao</strong>n $19.95BY OTHER AUTHORSMeditatioN,tai cHi & cHi GoNGlearning oPPorTuniTiesMasteriNG cHi, streNGtHfroM MoVeMeNtBy Hua-ching NiLearn about the physicalarts, then practice thesevery simple movements.Book – BsTre $17.95dao-iN cHiNese yoGawith Hua-ching Niinstructional, a seatedand lying Yoga that issurprisingly invigorating.DVD – DDaoi $24.95Book – BDaoi $16.95101 VeGetariaN deliGHtsBy lily chuang &cathy McNeaseFrom exotic feasts tonutritious everyday meals;includes herb and flowersB101 $15.95a GatHeriNG <strong>of</strong> craNesBy solala towlerInterviews with nine whohave brought <strong>Tao</strong>ism fromChina to the WestBgaTH $12.95GiNseNG aNdrose PetalsBy sarah sachs-kohbergBehind the scenes in a Chinesedoctor's medical practiceBrose $14.95HealiNG Power<strong>of</strong> acuPuNcture& acuPressureBy Matthew Bauer, l.ac.Explores the roots <strong>of</strong> OrientalMedicine and teaches self-careBacu $14.95reVealiNG tHetao teH cHiNGBy Hu HuezhiThe spiritual process <strong>of</strong> internalalchemy as described by Lao TzuBreV $19.95taoist eiGHt treasureswith dr. Mao shing NiFoundation level Nifamily form to clear andunblock chi stagnation.DVD – DeigH $24.95Book – BeigH $19.95self-HealiNG Qi GoNGwith dr. Mao shing NiInstructional mind-bodymeditation to balance thefive organ systems.DVD – DsHcg $29.95cosMic tour Ba Guawith Hua-ching NiDemonstrational, walkingand embracing the 8energy transformations.DVD – DcosM $24.95craNe cHi GoNGwith dr. daoshing NiInstructional, standing,birdlike…one <strong>of</strong> themost graceful forms.DVD – Dcran $24.95Book – Bcran $11.50Qi MeditatioNwith dr. Mao shing NiBoost resistance to illness anddisease with energy-balancingvisualizations. 2 discs.cD – cDQi $19.9518-steP HarMoNy stylewith dr. Mao shing NiEighteen steps in 15 minutes;a simplified Ni FamilyHarmony Style form.DVD – DsTeP $24.95tai cHi swordwith dr. Mao shing NiNi Family sword form;cut away obstacles and enhance protective energy.DVD – DsWorD $24.95tai cHi cHuaN:aN aPPreciatioNwith Hua-ching NiGentle Path, Sky Journey& Infinite Expansion,from our archives.DVD – DaPP $24.95tai cHi cHuaNstyle <strong>of</strong> HarMoNywith dr. Mao shing NiDr. Mao’s long-formHarmony Style, fromour archives. 2 discs.DVD – DTaiseT $29.95MeditatioNs toliVe to Be 100with dr. Mao shing NiTraditional practices for health,vitality, and longevity. 2 discs.cD – cDlon $19.95cHiNeseVeGetariaNdeliGHtsBy lily chuangDao and Mao's mother presentsbeautiful vegetarian dishesBVeg $7.50PuBlic tai cHi classes iNsoutHerN califorNiaThe <strong>Wellness</strong> Living Store in Santa Monica and Yo SanUniversity in Marina del Rey <strong>of</strong>fer many wonderful Tai Chiand Chi Gong classes. Please call The <strong>Wellness</strong> Living Store310.260.0013 for the latest schedule, and speak with Tora atYo San University for the university schedule. 310.577.3000PriVate tai cHi iNstructioNContact the Chi Health Institute for a certifiedchi instructor’s list: www.chihealth.orgt o o r d e r v i s i t w w w. t a o o f w e l l n e s s . c o m | 2 5

cHiNese HerBoloGy Made easyAlexa Hulsey, BA, MATCM, Dip. OM, L.Ac.An exceptional teacher who makes learningherbs interesting, and even fun. There’sso much to learn: history, nomenclature,TCM theory and herbology, tastes andtemperatures, channels, combinationtheories, safety, processing, preparation,weights, dosage, then study categories <strong>of</strong>herbs that release the exterior, clear heat,drain downward, drain dampness, expelwind-damp, transform phlegm and stopcough, and many more.course iNcludes:■ Textbook: Chinese Herbology Made Easy■ Fifteen hours <strong>of</strong> audio lecture on CD,including two hours final audio herbstudies reports.Audio CDs are for PC and Mac.■ 45 pages classroom notes■ Actual raw herb samples■ Herb sample list■ Resources for further studycD (HerBologY) $175HerBoloGy PHoto cdA beautifully photographed collection <strong>of</strong>360 traditional Chinese herbs, plus crossreferencedindex for pin yin, common name,Chinese characters and Latin binomialscD (PHoTo) $50traditioNal cHiNeseMediciNe seriesDavid Cohen, B.A., M.F.A., L.Ac.An incredibly rich discussion <strong>of</strong>TCM theory with a beloved pr<strong>of</strong>essor<strong>of</strong> Traditional Chinese Medicine.Resources for further study included.Audio CDs are for PC and Macintosh.eXPlore HealTH anDhealingin THe coMForT oFYour oWn HoMeMany people benefit from acupuncture and herbs withoutknowing chinese medicine. Here’s an opportunity to listen toactual university classes on topics such as herbology, basic theory,and the power <strong>of</strong> natural healing. The college <strong>of</strong> <strong>Tao</strong> providesyou with a cD <strong>of</strong> recorded classes as well as class handouts and<strong>of</strong>ten a required textbook. enjoy learning this fascinating medicinein the comfort <strong>of</strong> your own home. classes in different aspects<strong>of</strong> Western medicine are also available.tcM i: iNtroductioN39 audio hours and classroom notes.Fundamental theories: Yin/Yang, FiveElements, vital substances, Zang Fu,channels and collaterals, etiology <strong>of</strong>disease, principles and tools <strong>of</strong> diagnosticinvestigation. cD ( TcM i) $250tcM ii: iNterMediate39 audio hours and classroom notes.Tongue diagnosis, pulse diagnosis,pattern differentiation, pathogenicfactors, six stages and four levels <strong>of</strong>disease, treatment principles.cD ( TcM ii) $250tcM iii: adVaNcedPrerequisites TCM I and II. 39 audiohours and classroom notes. Survey <strong>of</strong>differential diagnosis according to ZangFu organ patterns: Lungs, Large Intestine,Heart, Spleen, Stomach, Liver, Kidney,Urinary Bladder; complex and interrelatedsyndromes. cD ( TcM iii) $250tcM i, ii, iiicD ( TcM set) $6503 0 | w w w. w e l l n e s s l i v i n g s t o r e . c o m

cHiNese acuPuNcture PoiNtsAlexa Hulsey, BA, MATCM, Dip. OM, L.Ac.Everything you ever wanted to knowabout acupuncture points and meridians:Introduction, history, channel categoriesand functions; point categories; series <strong>of</strong>lectures on the various eight channels,plus the extra meridians.■ Laminated acupuncture points chart■ 82 pages <strong>of</strong> illustrated lecture notes■ 24 hours <strong>of</strong> audio instruction on CD.Audio CDs are for PC and Mac.■ Resources for further studycD (PoinTs) $185BecoMiNG a tcM HealerDaoshing Ni, Ph.D., O.M.D., L.Ac.TCM healing as a spiritual path. Exploreyour goals and dreams; organization andproblem solving; time management; settingup a practice; communication; compassionand empathy; teamwork, relationships andmanaging others; information management;finances; pain; detoxification and renewal.■ Textbook: Complete Works <strong>of</strong> Lao Tzu■ Writing journal■ 14 hours <strong>of</strong> audio lecture on CD.Audio CDs are for PC and Mac.■ Reading and journal assignments■ Resources for further studycD (Heal) $125 - 14 ceu creDiTsPower <strong>of</strong> Natural HealiNGDaoshing Ni, Ph.D., O.M.D., L.Ac.Natural healing and the <strong>Tao</strong>: limitations<strong>of</strong> medicine, natural healing throughacupuncture, herbs and meditation, thefive cultivations, breathing, nutrition andwellness, pain, purification <strong>of</strong> negativeenergy, the five failings <strong>of</strong> physicians,<strong>Tao</strong>ist spiritual practices.■ Three required textbooks included:Power <strong>of</strong> Natural Healing, The YellowEmperor’s Classic <strong>of</strong> Medicine,Workbook for Spiritual Development■ Writing journal■ 14 hours <strong>of</strong> audio lecture on CD.Audio CDs are for PC and Mac.■ Reading and journal assignments■ Resources for further studycD (naTural) $150 - 14 ceu creDiTsesseNce <strong>of</strong> fiVe eleMeNtsDaoshing Ni, Ph.D., O.M.D., L.Ac.How Yin-Yang and Five Element principlesaffect us in our daily lives as well as thepractice <strong>of</strong> Chinese medicine.We look athow these principles are reflected in theuniverse and surrounding environmentsand study the main five elementalacupuncture points.cD (essence) $150 - 7 ceu creDiTs(audio cDs are for Pc & Mac)BriNGiNG tHe sPiritto your HealiNG workMao Shing Ni, Ph.D., O.M.D., L.Ac.Learn the keys to clinical success andaccurate diagnosis. Learn to communicateunderstanding, compassion, connectedness,empowerment and skillfulness.cD (sPiriT) $175 (audio cDs are for Pc & Mac)traditioNal cHiNese MediciNeas wellNess MediciNeMao Shing Ni, Ph.D., O.M.D., L.Ac.This course presents the Path <strong>of</strong> Healersby honoring traditions from the YellowEmperor to the current date. Topics includethe roles <strong>of</strong> physician/teacher, 7 key concepts<strong>of</strong> <strong>Wellness</strong> Medicine and integration <strong>of</strong>Eastern and Western medicine.cD (<strong>Wellness</strong>) $175 (audio cDs for Pc & Mac)iNtroductioN to cHiNeseNutritioN & dietary tHeraPyCathy McNease, B.S., Dipl. C.H.An introduction to the study <strong>of</strong> theTCM properties <strong>of</strong> foods and their practicalapplications in dietary adjustment for variousdiseases and disharmonies. Instructionincludes application <strong>of</strong> Chinese nutritionand the use <strong>of</strong> Chinese herbs in food applicationsfor specific Zang-Fu disharmonies.cD (nuTriTion) $195 (audio cDs for Pc & Mac)PuBlic HealtH iN aMerica: a study<strong>of</strong> tHe u.s. HealtHcare systeMMargo De Leaver, MD, MATCMPublic Health is concerned with community,and focuses on prevention <strong>of</strong> death anddisability by assessing the health <strong>of</strong> a population,diagnosis problems, looking for causes<strong>of</strong> problems and devising strategies to cureor prevent them. cD (PuB) $195(audio cDs for Pc & Mac)PHysioloGy <strong>of</strong> disease seriesMargo De Leaver, M.D., MATCMPHys i: GloBal disease ProcessAn exploration <strong>of</strong> the fundamentals <strong>of</strong>disease from the Western biomedicalperspective, touching on topics such asinflammation/tissue repair, environmentaldiseases and pollution, and infectiousdiseases. Includes case studies.cD (PHYs) i $250 (audio cDs for Pc & Mac)PHys ii: orGaN disease ProcessReviews the pathological changes at thecellular level and the mechanisms by whichpathology develops in the different organsystems such as the heart, liver, gall bladder,pancreas, and the endocrine system.cD (PHYsii) $250 (audio cDs for Pc & Mac)cD (PHYs seT) $400: includes cD (PHYs i &1i)orderiNG iNforMatioN: college <strong>of</strong> tao and integral Health800.578.9526 ■ taostar@taostar.com ■ www.college<strong>of</strong>tao.orgaBouT THe lecTurersdaosHiNG Ni, Ph.d., o.M.d.,l.ac., is an author, lecturer andco-founder <strong>of</strong> yo san university<strong>of</strong> traditional chinese Medicine.He earned his doctorate inoriental Medicine in losangeles and then continuedwith advanced studies in both Beijing and Nanjingcolleges in china. ‘dr. dao’ has been in privatepractice at tao <strong>of</strong> wellness Healing center insanta Monica, ca since 1984.Mao sHiNG Ni, Ph.d.,o.M.d., l.ac., co-founder <strong>of</strong>yo san university along withhis brother daoshing, was likewiseborn into 38 generations<strong>of</strong> traditional chinese healers.‘dr. Mao’ lectures internationallyand is a celebrated doctor, author and teacher.dr. Mao practices acupuncture and chinese medicinealong with dr. dao and a team <strong>of</strong> associatesat tao <strong>of</strong> wellness in santa Monica.daVid coHeN, B.a., M.f.a.,l.ac., has taught Principles andtheories <strong>of</strong> traditional chineseMedicine at yo san university<strong>of</strong> tcM for over 20 years.david is a compassionate andpassionate instructor whogrounds taoism and tcM in a thoroughly approachableway. david cohen specializes in internalmedicine, problems <strong>of</strong> aging, inflammatory andimmune-compromised disorders.alexa Hulsey, B.a.,MatcM, dip. oM, l.ac.,has an uncanny ability toorganize and break tcMstudies down into digestiblechunks <strong>of</strong> material. as assistantacademic dean at yo sanuniversity <strong>of</strong> traditional chinese Medicine in losangeles, alexa mentored, tutored and taught. shecurrently practices at east Nashville communityacupuncture center in Nashville, tN.MarGo de leaVer, M. d.,faaP, Ma. sp. Psych, andfellow in the americanacademy <strong>of</strong> Pediatriciansearned her Md degree fromthe school <strong>of</strong> Medicine atthe state university <strong>of</strong> Newyork at Buffalo. dr. de leaver is an integrativemedical practitioner who sees patients atseveral los angeles hospitals, includingchildrens. dr. de leaver is on the Board<strong>of</strong> directors <strong>of</strong> yo san university.catHy McNease, B.s.,dipl. c.H., holds a diplomain chinese Herbology fromthe National certificationcommission for acupunctureand oriental Medicine. shehas co-authored two booksand a distance learning course, traditionalchinese Nutrition. she is an adjunct facultymember <strong>of</strong> yo san university and maintains achinese herb business, Best Blends Herbs.w w w. w e l l n e s s l i v i n g s t o r e . c o m | 3 1

Ni faMily orGaNiZatioNs----------------------------------------------------------yo saN uNiVersity <strong>of</strong>traditioNal cHiNese MediciNeMaster’s & Doctoral Acupuncture DegreesClinical Doctoral Program in Integrative Medicinewith specialties in Reproductive Medicine& Healthy Aging/LongevityPublic Tai Chi Classes13315 w. washington Boulevard, 2nd floorlos angeles, ca 90066www.yosan.edusupport@yosan.edu877.967.2648 or 310.577.3000----------------------------------------------------------yo saN Bookstore & cafÉBooks, Herbs, Acupuncture Supplies, C<strong>of</strong>fee, Teataostar@taostar.com800.578.9526 or 310.302.1206----------------------------------------------------------tao <strong>of</strong> wellNess - santa MonicaTraditional Chinese Medicine Healing Center1131 wilshire Boulevard, 3rd floorsanta Monica, ca 90401www.tao<strong>of</strong>wellness.comcontact@tao<strong>of</strong>wellness.com310.917.2200tao <strong>of</strong> wellNess - Newport Beach359 san Miguel dr., ste. 200,Newport Beach, ca 92660www.tao<strong>of</strong>wellness.comcontactnb@tao<strong>of</strong>wellness.com949.706.7770----------------------------------------------------------tHe wellNess liViNG storeGreen Living, Custom Chinese Herbs, HerbalFormulas, Cosmetics, DVDs, Books, Tai Chi Classes1412 14th streetsanta Monica, ca 90404www.wellnesslivingstore.comorder@taostar.com800.772.0222 or 310.260.0013----------------------------------------------------------traditioNs <strong>of</strong> taoHerbal Health supplements available at:Yo San Books, <strong>Wellness</strong> Store, <strong>Tao</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Wellness</strong>www.taostar.comtaostar@taostar.com800.772.0222 or 310.260.0013----------------------------------------------------------tao <strong>of</strong> wellNess PressPublisher <strong>of</strong> books, DVDs, & CDs13315 w. washington Boulevard, ste. 200los angeles, ca 90066publications@taostar.com800.578.9526 or 310.302.1206----------------------------------------------------------acuPuNcture.coMAcupuncture & TCM Information & Productswww.acupuncture.cominfo@acupuncture.com800.772.0222 or 310.260.0013WelcoMe To THe neWcolleGe <strong>of</strong> tao & iNteGral HealtHThe college <strong>of</strong> tao (cot) is a non-pr<strong>of</strong>it organization dedicated to disseminating theNi family taoist tradition <strong>of</strong> the integral way. this tradition includes a full range <strong>of</strong>taoist self-cultivation movement arts (tai chi, chi gong, dao-in and ba gua), energetichealing arts, and meditation as well as internal alchemy practices that are representative<strong>of</strong> the spiritual context in which traditional chinese Medicine developed.the college <strong>of</strong> tao has recently been reorganized to include: institutes (cHi Healthinstitute, infinichi institute international); departments (taoist studies, integral Health);and programs (taoist Mentorship, advanced traditional Practices, Path <strong>of</strong> constructivelife certified coaches, sisters <strong>of</strong> the Heavenly way, integral way website (integralway.org),friends <strong>of</strong> the integral way, and the college <strong>of</strong> tao library/archives).yo san Ni launched the college <strong>of</strong> tao in china in the early twentieth century. His son,Hua-ching Ni (who is known as Master Ni or omNi) and his two sons, drs. daoshingand Mao shing Ni, re-established the college in the united states. dr. Mao shing Ni, Ph.d.,o.M.d., l.ac. is president <strong>of</strong> the college and dr. Joseph Miller, Ph.d., is dean.currently expanding its departments and programs, the college <strong>of</strong> tao plans to unveil aninformative new website soon. Visit www.college<strong>of</strong>tao.org. also, find information aboutclasses, lectures, chinese nutrition, taoism and more on our facebook page: college <strong>of</strong> tao.iNstitutesYo San Ni Hua-Ching Ni Mao Shing NicHi HealtH iNstitute<strong>Tao</strong>ist Movement Arts &Meditation Instructor Certificationwww.chihealth.orgpatricia@taostar.comiNfiNicHiiNterNatioNal iNstituteChi Healing Therapist Certificationhttp://longevity-center.com/about-inifini-seminarsinfo@longevity-center.comdePartMeNtstaoist studiesIntroduction to Spiritual Self-Development(Correspondence Course)www.taostudies.comjono9@shaw.caiNteGral HealtHAudio courses inChinese medicine and healthwww.college<strong>of</strong>tao.org (programs & classes)publications@taostar.comfriend us on facebook and twitter!ProGraMstaoist MeNtorsHiP ProGraMjstege@hotmail.comatP ProGraMAdvanced Traditional Practices(for Certified Mentors)pstege@hotmail.comPatH <strong>of</strong> coNstructiVe life (Pcl)Certified Life Coach Programjenny@taostar.comsisters <strong>of</strong> tHe HeaVeNly way<strong>Tao</strong>ist Women Support Groupkumiko@sakuraangel.comiNteGral way coMMuNicatioNsIntegral Way Community Websitewww.integralway.orgfrieNds <strong>of</strong> tHeiNteGral way ProGraMuniversal society <strong>of</strong> the integral wayGeneral Membershipjono9@shaw.cacot iNterNal liBrary / arcHiVesarchivist: John Barber

cHiNese NutritioN courseapply the classic concepts and power <strong>of</strong> Traditional chinese Medicineto the selection <strong>of</strong> daily foods. a 45-hour certificate distance learningand continuing education course <strong>of</strong> Yo san university.instructed by Mao shing Ni, Ph.d., o.M.d., l.ac. & cathy McNease, B.s., M.H.■■■Chinese Nutrition Certification courseFive Elements theory <strong>of</strong> health & nutritionZang-Fu Syndromes and treatment■■■■Diagnosis and nutrition counselingFood choices for specific illnessesPatient education materials & formsSample diets and recipes■■■Four illustrated manualsTen hours <strong>of</strong> video presentationSelf-study exercisesUNIT ONE■ Basic concepts <strong>of</strong> Chinese nutrition and medicine■ Foundation Concepts Manual -Yin and Yang, theFive Elements and Tastes and the Eight Differentiations,remedial diets for common conditions, vegetarian recipesand video study guide■ The Energetic Properties Manual -Energetic properties <strong>of</strong> common foods■ Video instruction by Cathy McNease■ Two manuals, four DVDs | 15 hours CEU credit$245.00 | $7.50 shipping in U.S.UNIT TWO■■■■■A Practical Application <strong>of</strong> Nutrition ConceptsZang-Fu Survey Manual - Survey <strong>of</strong> Zang-Fu syndromeswith appropriate food choices and remedies. Zang-FuTreatment Manual - Treatment <strong>of</strong> Zang-Fu Syndromes,patient education materialsDr. Mao Shing Ni video instruction onZang-Fu and related issuesCathy McNease video instruction onnutritional consultationTwo manuals, eight DVDs | 30 hours CEU credit$490.00 | $9.00 shipping in U.S.25% SAVINGSUnits One & Two | Complete Nutrition courseworkFour manuals, twelve DVDs |45 hours CEU credit$550.00 | $15.00 shipping in U.S.TO ORDERcall the yo san university Bookstore at 800.578.9526or visit taostar@taostar.com■■■CERTIFICATIONFor students completing the 45-hour course anddesiring a certificate in Traditional Chinese Nutrition,a certification exam is available at an additional fee.CEUCEU credit is available for acupuncturists in California.Inquire about CEUs for your pr<strong>of</strong>ession and state.GUARANTEEReturn the materials in good condition within 30 days<strong>of</strong> purchase for a full refund, excluding shipping.

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