SiMMeNtAl - Harrison & Hetherington

SiMMeNtAl - Harrison & Hetherington

SiMMeNtAl - Harrison & Hetherington


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7Important Notice to VendorsARRIVAL OF STOCK - As per timetable of events (page 6).PRE-SALE INSPECTION: Every animal will be subject to a full veterinary inspection and every animalentered for the sale must be inspected in the Sales premises by the appointed Inspector, on the dayof the Sale. Animals infected by the contagious diseased ringworm etc, will not be accepted for saleunless accompanied by a vet’s certificate indicating that treatment has been given and the conditionis no longer contagious. The inspection will be co-ordinated by the stewards who will require animalsto be brought before the appointed inspector. The inspectors decision will be final and binding. Anyanimal which fails any part of the pre-sale inspection, will have their ticket red spray marked. Theseanimals will be eligible to remain in their allocated pens but must not have their spray marked numbersremoved. Any vendor or his representative failing to comply with this will be subject to disciplinaryaction by the Society.Any animal not meeting their weight for age on inspection or that are rejected on veterinary groundsare NOT allowed to go forward for sale.UDDERS - The attention of Purchasers is drawn to the fact that the British Simmental Cattle Society’sConditions of Sale, in common with other Beef Breed Societies, do NOT include a specific warrantythat females are sold as being “sound” in udder and teats. All known udder faults will, however, beannounced.TATTOO MARKS/UK TAGS - All cattle entered for the Sale will have their tattoo marks/UK Tags examinedas an integral part of the pre sale inspection procedure. Any marks found to have faulty, incorrector illegible marks will be REJECTED from the Sale. Vendors are therefore urged, in their own bestinterests, to examine the tattoo marks of Sale cattle before the animal(s) leave their farm, so that faultymarks can be rectified in accordance with the required Society procedures.DNA TYPING OF STATED SIRES WHEN SELLING FEMALES IN CALFAs from 1st October 2008 it will be the Vendor’s responsibility to have a Sire DNA typed if the vendoris selling Females in-calf to a stated sire. If the Sire is no longer available and has not been DNA typedit is the Vendor’s responsibility to declare this in the Sales catalogue. (This rule also applies to PrivateSales).To clarify: if a Sire is not DNA typed the Society cannot register his progeny. To obtain a sire profilewithout the sire, 5 progeny and their dams have to be DNA typed, this is 10 DNA profiles at a cost of£23.10 + VAT each. The purchaser must be made aware by the vendor of the potential registrationproblems and costs.UPSET PRICES - There will be an ‘Upset’ price of 2000 guineas on each bull presented for sale - i.e.if no opening bid of 2000gs is received for any particular lot, that lot will be passed out of the ringunsold.RESERVE PRICES: Vendors shall have the right to refuse to accept the final bid for their animals. Theauctioneers reserve the right to charge half commission on the amount of the final bid in the case ofanimals which fail to reach the Vendors reserve price.SOCIETY LEVY - A Special Levy of 1½% of the sale price (after deduction of commission) will becharged by the Society in respect of all sales. Such levy will be deducted from the proceeds of sale bythe Auctioneers before settlement.All animals will be sold in guineas (105 pence) and a commission of 5% will be charged by the Auctioneerson all sales. No animal may be sold privately before being passed through the auction ringand FULL COMMISSION will be charged on the sale of any animal sold by private treaty after the auction.All such transactions MUST BE PASSED THROUGH THE AUCTIONEERS OFFICE.

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