SiMMeNtAl - Harrison & Hetherington

SiMMeNtAl - Harrison & Hetherington

SiMMeNtAl - Harrison & Hetherington


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SIMMENTALNational Spring Show & Saleof Bulls & FemalesFriday 26th April 2013Sponsored byTo be held atBorderway Mart, Carlisle, Cumbria CA1 2RS

HARRISON & HETHERINGTONFarmstock Auctioneers, Brokers & ValuersThe UK’s Leading LivestockMarketing CompanySeven Sale CentresPedigree & CommercialLivestockOfficial Society Sales ofBeef, Dairy & SheepTractors, Machinery& Commercial VehiclesSpecialist Livestock Sales,Equine & EventsProfessional Valuations01228 406200harrisonandhetherington.co.ukBorderway Mart, Carlisle CA1 2RS

Catalogue forThe British SimmentalCattle Society LimitedNATIONAL SPRINGSHOW AND SALEof70BRITISH SIMMENTAL BREEDING CATTLE(This sale will be held under the Auspices of The British Simmental Cattle Society)comprising34 Bulls and 36 Femalesincludes Dispersal Sale of theDOLWEN HERDfor Messrs B & R L JonesFriday 26th April 2013Judging 9.30am - Sale 12 noon1AuctioneersHead Office: Borderway Mart Rosehill Carlisle CA1 2RSTelephone: 01228 406230 – Fax: 01228 406231E-mail: info@borderway.com Website: www.harrisonandhetherington.co.uk

2IMPORTANT NOTICETO PROSPECTIVE PURCHASERSSETTLEMENT & CLEARANCE OF STOCKPlease note that all lots must be settledon the day of purchaseCompletion of a buyers slip is essential for partieswho have not dealt with the company beforeNew customers and agents wishing to purchase on behalfof another party must contact the companys main office48 hours prior to a saleNo Lots can leave the market without a‘pass slip’ being issued by the main officePurchasers From Outside The United KingdomInvoices will be raised in pounds sterling.We request that payment is made to us in pounds sterlingby cheque/bankers draft on the day of sale.Card facilities are available (2% surcharge on credit cards)

5BIO SECURITY RULESHARRISON & HETHERINGTON LIMITED, BORDERWAY MART, CARLISLENotice to all Visitors and TradersPlease read and observe the following:●Excessive dirty vehicles will not be allowed entry, therefore ensure vehicle is clean before arrival.● All vehicles transporting livestock will be subject to a documentation check before entry to market site.●All visitors and traders must ensure they wear clean clothing and footwear before entering market site.●All visitors and traders using car park areas please use main entrance.●Hauliers and farmers delivering livestock must disinfect their boots before and after loading or unloading.●Livestock purchased or unsold will not be allowed to move unless an authorised “pass slip” has beenissued by the main office.● No livestock will be allowed to remain on the premises after a sale.●Only staff, livestock hauliers, owners or their agents are permitted to load or unload livestock.●Wash hands thoroughly when leaving pennage areas.●Please observe our staff’s instructions at all times.Our on site Biosecurity Officer, Stan Abbot, will only be too pleased to give you assistance.GROUP OF COMPANIESwww.hhgroupplc.co.ukBORDERWAY FINANCEVehicle Finance SpecialistsT: 01228 406200 www.harrisonandhetherington.co.uk T: 01228 595939 www.hhborderwayfinance.co.ukKINGEstate Agents, Lettings & ValuersT: 01228 810799 www.hhking.co.ukINSURANCE BROKERSRural & Commercial InsuranceT: 01228 406290 www.hhinsurancebrokers.co.ukMOTOR AUCTIONSRemarketing VehiclesT: 01228 590990 www.hhmotorauctions.comAUCTION ROOMSAuctioneers & Valuers since 1890T: 01228 406320 www.hhauctionrooms.co.ukLAND AND PROPERTYChartered SurveyorsT: 01228 406260 T: 0191 370 8530www.hhland.co.ukREEDS PRINTERSQuality Printing, Signs & DisplayT: 01768 864214 T: 01228 406343www.hhreedsprinters.co.ukFirst in the Field...

6General Information & Sale NotesLOCATION: The Sale will be held in the Borderway Mart, Carlisle Cumbria. Motorists should leave the M6 atJunction 43 and follow CARLISLE signs. The market is on the left hand side of the road within 1/4 mile of M6.Timetable of Events:-Thursday 25th April Arrival of stock 1pm - 5pmNorth West Club Supper7pm for 7.30pmFriday 26th April Arrival of stock 7am - 8amInspection of stockJudgingSale7.30am - 8.30am9.30am12 noonHOTELS: There are many hotels within the area, ranging from four star to excellent Bed and Breakfastaccommodation, a list of which may be found on page 4.CONDITIONS OF SALE : The Sale is held subject to the Auction Rules and Conditions of the BSCStogether with the Auctioneers’ General Conditions of Sale, both available on request. In the event ofany discrepancy between the two sets of conditions, the N.B.A. Conditions of Sale shall prevail.INSURANCE: A representative of the H&H Insurance Brokers Ltd, will be present at the sale and willbe pleased to quote Purchasers for transit and other risks.METHOD OF SALE: All cattle will be sold in guineas (105 pence) and strictly in catalogue order, unlessany alteration is announced by the Auctioneers.COMMISSIONS: The Auctioneers will dutifully execute commissions to purchase for buyers unable toattend the sale personally, upon receipt of written instructions.PEDIGREE TRANSFERS: Pedigree Certificates will accompany the animal from the sale. All Transferswill be processed automatically from the office for all member purchases.SETTLEMENT AND CLEARANCE OF STOCK: Settlement in full is due immediately at the close ofSale. No animal may leave the Sale Premises without an official ‘Pass Slip’, obtainable only from theAuctioneers upon settlement.ANIMAL WELFARE: Vendors and Purchasers should note the CODE OF PRACTICE published by theLivestock Auctioneers’ Market Committee for England and Wales IS OPERATIVE IN BORDERWAY MARTand that weakly, unhealthy or injured stock will be refused entry by the Auctioneers. Enquiries should bedirected through the market office to the Auctioneers’ ANIMAL HEALTH & WELFARE OFFICER.

7Important Notice to VendorsARRIVAL OF STOCK - As per timetable of events (page 6).PRE-SALE INSPECTION: Every animal will be subject to a full veterinary inspection and every animalentered for the sale must be inspected in the Sales premises by the appointed Inspector, on the dayof the Sale. Animals infected by the contagious diseased ringworm etc, will not be accepted for saleunless accompanied by a vet’s certificate indicating that treatment has been given and the conditionis no longer contagious. The inspection will be co-ordinated by the stewards who will require animalsto be brought before the appointed inspector. The inspectors decision will be final and binding. Anyanimal which fails any part of the pre-sale inspection, will have their ticket red spray marked. Theseanimals will be eligible to remain in their allocated pens but must not have their spray marked numbersremoved. Any vendor or his representative failing to comply with this will be subject to disciplinaryaction by the Society.Any animal not meeting their weight for age on inspection or that are rejected on veterinary groundsare NOT allowed to go forward for sale.UDDERS - The attention of Purchasers is drawn to the fact that the British Simmental Cattle Society’sConditions of Sale, in common with other Beef Breed Societies, do NOT include a specific warrantythat females are sold as being “sound” in udder and teats. All known udder faults will, however, beannounced.TATTOO MARKS/UK TAGS - All cattle entered for the Sale will have their tattoo marks/UK Tags examinedas an integral part of the pre sale inspection procedure. Any marks found to have faulty, incorrector illegible marks will be REJECTED from the Sale. Vendors are therefore urged, in their own bestinterests, to examine the tattoo marks of Sale cattle before the animal(s) leave their farm, so that faultymarks can be rectified in accordance with the required Society procedures.DNA TYPING OF STATED SIRES WHEN SELLING FEMALES IN CALFAs from 1st October 2008 it will be the Vendor’s responsibility to have a Sire DNA typed if the vendoris selling Females in-calf to a stated sire. If the Sire is no longer available and has not been DNA typedit is the Vendor’s responsibility to declare this in the Sales catalogue. (This rule also applies to PrivateSales).To clarify: if a Sire is not DNA typed the Society cannot register his progeny. To obtain a sire profilewithout the sire, 5 progeny and their dams have to be DNA typed, this is 10 DNA profiles at a cost of£23.10 + VAT each. The purchaser must be made aware by the vendor of the potential registrationproblems and costs.UPSET PRICES - There will be an ‘Upset’ price of 2000 guineas on each bull presented for sale - i.e.if no opening bid of 2000gs is received for any particular lot, that lot will be passed out of the ringunsold.RESERVE PRICES: Vendors shall have the right to refuse to accept the final bid for their animals. Theauctioneers reserve the right to charge half commission on the amount of the final bid in the case ofanimals which fail to reach the Vendors reserve price.SOCIETY LEVY - A Special Levy of 1½% of the sale price (after deduction of commission) will becharged by the Society in respect of all sales. Such levy will be deducted from the proceeds of sale bythe Auctioneers before settlement.All animals will be sold in guineas (105 pence) and a commission of 5% will be charged by the Auctioneerson all sales. No animal may be sold privately before being passed through the auction ringand FULL COMMISSION will be charged on the sale of any animal sold by private treaty after the auction.All such transactions MUST BE PASSED THROUGH THE AUCTIONEERS OFFICE.

8THE STEWARDS have the authority to reject any unruly animal from the Show and, at their discretion,from the Sale. EVERY ANIMAL FORWARD FOR SHOW MUST BE PROVIDED WITH A SERVICEABLEHALTER, which will become the property of the Purchaser. White coats must be worn during judging.PRIZE MONEY - will be withheld unless the winners are sold, either by auction or private treaty.STRAW: A limited amount of bedding stray will be provided by the Auctioneers free of charge. Additionalstraw, if required, may be purchased from the Auctioneers.THE BRITISH SIMMENTAL CATTLE SOCIETYNational Agricultural CentreStoneleigh, Kenilworth, Warwickshire CV8 2LGNeil Shand, Breed SecretaryTel: 02476 696513Fax: 02476 696724www.britishsimmental.co.ukIT IS ESSENTIAL THAT THE FOLLOWING DOCUMENTSACCOMPANY ANIMALS TO THE SALE PREMISESand are handed to the Auctioneers upon the arrival to the market.DECLARATION FORMCATTLE PASSPORT, CID / CCD, CTSANY ANIMAL NOT IN POSSESSION OF THE REQUIREDDOCUMENTS WILL NOT BE OFFERED FOR SALE.PLEASE NOTE IT IS ILLEGAL TO MOVE ANY ANIMALWITHOUT THEIR RESPECTIVE PASSPORT DOCUMENTATION.IMPORTANT NOTICE TO PURCHASERS1 This Sale is held subject to recommended Conditions of Sale of the National Beef Association.2 This Sale is held subject to the Special Terms and Conditions of Sale recommended forSales of Pedigree Beef Cattle by the National Beef Association. The preparation of theseTerms and Conditions has proved a lengthy and costly process and, in order to defray thelegal and other costs involved, and to provide a continuing source of revenue to assistthe Association in its vital work for pedigree cattle breeders, The Committee of the NBAhave agreed that the following levy to be charged between the vendor and purchaser asfollows – Bull Warranty - £3 to the vendor and £3 to the purchaser, Female Warranty - £2to the vendor and £2 to the purchaser, Each amount will be plus VAT and be charged tothe relevant vendor and purchaser accounts.

10Schedule of ClassesJudge – Mr Terry CoghillMuce, Birsay, OrkneyStewards – Andrew Vaughan and Scott DonaldsonClass 1st 2nd 3rd1 Bull – born between 26/04/11 and 30/06/11 £10 £10 £52 Bull – born between 01/07/11 and 31/10/11 £10 £10 £53 Bull – born between 01/11/11 and 31/12/11 £10 £10 £54 Bull – born between 01/01/12 and 31/01/12 £10 £10 £55 Served Heifer £10 £10 £56 Maiden Heifer born between 11/05/11 and 31/12/11 £10 £10 £57 Maiden Heifer born between 01/01/12 and 08/05/12 £10 £10 £5CHAMPIONSHIPSSUPREME CHAMPIONNWS BANK PLC PERPETUAL TROPHYA prestigious Small Rose BowlPresented by the Societywill be awarded to theSupreme Champion Animalto be retained by the winning owner.SPECIAL AWARDThe North West Simmental Club will award aSPECIAL PERPETUAL TROPHYand a pair of engraved whisky tumblersfor the best animal exhibited by a Member of the club.

11UNDERSTANDING THE BREEDPLAN PERFORMANCE RECORDINGINFORMATION IN THIS CATALOGUEOnly British Simmental GROUP BREEDPLAN EBVs or INTERIM EBVs with Accuracy (Acc) can be validlycompared between herds.ESTIMATED BREEDING VALUES (EBVS)The EBV is the best estimate of an animal's genetic merit for that trait and they are to beused as a tool to assist in the selection of sires, the visual appearance remains veryimportant.ACCURACYAn accuracy value is presented with every EBV and gives an indication of the amount ofinformation that has been used in the calculation of that EBV. The higher the accuracy thelower the likelihood of change in the animal's EBV as more information is analysed for thatanimal or it's relatives.CALVING EASECalving Ease EBVs are based on calving difficulty scores, birth weights and gestation lengthinformation. More positive EBVs are favourable and indicate easier calving.DIR: Direct calving ease indicates how this animal influences the birth of its progeny.Calving Ease (DIR) EBVs are estimates of genetic differences in the ability of a sire’s calves tobe born unassisted from 2 year old heifers. The EBVs are reported as differences in thepercentage of unassisted calvings.Higher, more positive, Calving Ease (DIR) EBVs are more favourable. For example, a bull withan EBV of +5.0% would be expected, on average, to produce 3% fewer difficult calvings from2 year old heifers than a bull with an EBV of –1.0% (6% difference between the sires, thenhalved as they only contribute half the genetics). Cow condition is a significant factor on theability and ease of calving.DTRS: Daughter’s calving ease indicates how well the animal produces daughters that haveeasier calving.Calving Ease (DTRS) EBVs are estimates of genetic differences in the ability of a sire’sdaughters to calve at 2 years of age without assistance. The EBVs are also reported asdifferences in the percentage of unassisted calvings.Higher, more positive, Calving Ease (DTRS) EBVs are more favourable. For example, a bullwith an EBV of +4.0% would be expected to on average produce daughters that have 3% lesscalving problems when calving at 2 years of age than the daughters of a bull with an EBV of –2.0%. Continued use of sires with easy calving daughters may reduce the size of the cowsand average pelvic area in the herd

12BIRTH AND FERTILITYGL: Gestation Length EBV (days) is based on AI records. Lower (negative) GL EBVs indicateshorter gestation lengths which generally relate to easier calving and increased growth after birth.For example, a bull with a Gestation Length EBV of –2 days would be expected to producecalves that are born earlier, and more easily, than a bull with a Gestation Length EBV of +2days.BWT: Birth Weight EBV (kg) is based on the measured birth weight of animals, adjusted fordam age. The lower the value the lighter the calf at birth and the lower the likelihood of a difficultbirth. This is particularly important when selecting sires for use over heifers. Birth Weight EBVs areexpressed in kilograms (kg) and are calculated based on weights of calves taken at birth.Small, or moderate, Birth Weight EBVs are more favourable. For example, a bull with a BirthWeight EBV of +2 kg would be expected to produce lighter calves at birth than a bull with aBirth Weight EBV of +6 kg, with a lower risk of a difficult birth.Please note, whilst low Birth Weight EBVs are favoured for calving ease they are alsogenerally associated with lower overall growth potential. Consequently, birth weight andgrowth need to be carefully balanced. Fortunately, animals can be found that have bothmoderate Birth Weight EBVs and above average EBVs for later growth.SS: Scrotal Size EBV (cm) is an indicator of male fertility in regards to semen quality andquantity.Higher (positive) EBVs indicate higher fertility. Increased scrotal circumference isassociated with increased semen production in bulls, and earlier age at puberty of bull andheifer progeny. Increased scrotal circumference also has a favourable relationship with daysto calving, such that bulls with larger scrotal circumference tend to have daughters withshorter days to calving. For example, a bull with a Scrotal Size EBV of +4 cm would beexpected to produce sons with larger testicles at yearling age and daughters that reachpuberty earlier than the progeny of a bull with a Scrotal Size EBV of -­‐4 cm.GROWTHMILK: 200 Day Milk EBVs are estimates an animal's maternal effect on the 200 dayweight of its calf. In the case of sires, this estimates the maternal effect that his daughterswill have on the 200 day weight of their progeny. The 200 Day Milk EBV is expressed askilograms (kg) of calf live weight at 200 days (ie. the expected difference in the weight of thecalf at 200 days due to the maternal effect (milk) of the cow). The 200 Day Milk EBV iscalculated by partitioning the difference in the 200 day weight of calves into growth and milkcomponents.The optimum level of milk production potential among beef cows is dependent upon theproduction system and environment in which the cows are run. Selection for increased milkproduction may be warranted when cows are run under good nutritional conditions andcalves are sold as weaners. However, some environments may not support high milkingcows.

13Larger, more positive, 200 Day Milk EBVs are generally more favourable, depending on theenvironment. For example, a bull with a 200 Day Milk EBV of +15 kg would be expected tosire daughters with higher milk production than a bull with 200 Day Milk EBV of +5 kg. Thishigher milk production potential should be reflected through higher weaning weights amongthe daughter's calves.200: 200-­‐Day Growth EBV (kg) is calculated from the weight of animals taken between 80 and300 days of age. Values are adjusted to 200 days and for dam age. This EBV is the best singleestimate of an animal's genetic merit for growth to early ages.400: 400-­‐Day Weight EBV (kg) is calculated from the weight of progeny taken between 301 and500 days of age, adjusted to 400 days and for dam age. This EBV is the best single estimate ofan animal's genetic merit for yearling weight.600: 600-­‐Day Weight EBV (kg) is calculated from the weight of progeny taken between 501 and900 days of age, adjusted to 600 days and for dam age. This EBV is the best single estimate ofan animal's genetic merit for growth beyond yearling age.CARCASECWT: Carcase Weight EBV (kg) estimates the genetic difference in carcase weight at a standardage of 650 days.EMA: Eye Muscle Area EBV (cm 2 ) estimates genetic differences in eye muscle area of a 300kgdressed carcase. More positive EBVs indicate better muscling on animals. Larger, more positive,EMA EBVs are generally more favourable. For example, a bull with an EMA EBV of +4 cm 2would be expected to produce steer progeny with a greater degree of muscle expressionthan a bull with an EMA EBV of +1 cm 2 .RIB: Rib Fat EBV (mm) estimates the genetic differences in fat depth at the rib in a 300kgdressed carcase. More positive EBVs indicate more subcutaneous fat and earlier maturity.RBY%: Retail Beef Yield Percent EBV (%) represents total (boned out) meat yield as apercentage of a 300kg dressed carcase. A more positive EBV indicates higher percentage yieldfor the 300kg carcase size.Terminal IndexThe BSCS Terminal index is aimed at a commercial herd using Simmental bulls over large framed,mixed breed cows to breed steers and heifers to turn off at 16 months of age. All progeny aredestined for slaughter and no replacement females are selected from within the herd. There is someemphasis on calving ease while finishing steers at around 630 kg live weight (335 kg carcase weight)using a pasture based production system supplemented with extra rations during the finishing phase.Use this index in a commercial herd to produce progeny for slaughter. The index has moderateemphasis on easier calving (ie getting a live calf with minimal human interference) while producingcalves that will then grow quickly to market specifications at around 16 months of age. The index isfocused on slaughter animals and does not account for maternal traits and is therefore not suited tobreeding replacement females.If you are using smaller framed cows or heifers in your herd, then you should also put extra emphasison a higher calving ease direct EBV when selecting a sire using this index.

14Self Replacing IndexThe BSCS Self Replacing index is aimed at a Simmental herd selecting replacement females fromwithin the herd while breeding steers and excess heifers to turn off at 16 months of age. There isemphasis on calving ease and maternal traits while also looking to finish steers for slaughter ataround 680 kg live weight (350 kg carcase weight) using a pasture based production systemsupplemented with extra rations during the finishing phase.This Self Replacing index is also suitable to using Simmental sires over mixed breed cows wherereplacement females are sourced from within the herd. There may be some hybrid vigour expressedin the progeny depending on the breed type of the cows used. Therefore you should consider placingextra emphasis on the Calving Ease EBVs (more positive) of the sire to allow for possible heavier birthweights of his calves due to hybrid vigour.Use this index in both commercial and pedigree herds where you are balancing the requirements ofselecting replacement females while also producing animals for slaughter.The British Simmental GROUP BREEDPLAN Estimated Breeding Values contained in this SaleCatalogue were compiled by the Agricultural Business Research Institute (ABRI) from datasupplied by the breeders. Neither the British Simmental Cattle Society nor the ABRI overseeor audit the collection of this data.PercentileBandBritish SimmentalPercentile Bands for 2011 Born CalvesCalvingEaseDIR(%)CalvingEaseDTRS(%)GestationLength(days)BirthWt.(kg)200 400Day DayWt Wt(kg) (kg)600DayWt(kg)MatCowWt(kg)Milk(kg)ScrotalSize(cm)CarcaseWt(kg)EyeMuscleArea(sq cm)FatDepth(mm)RetailBeefYield(%)IMF(%)TerminalProductionIndex(GBP)SelfReplacingIndex(GBP)Top Value +14.4 +10.3 -4.1 -2.6 +54 +96 +100 +103 +15 +3.7 +67 +5.9 -2.1 +2.6 +0.7 +113 +130Top 1% +7.3 +5.2 -2.0 -0.5 +42 +78 +83 +86 +11 +1.6 +54 +4.5 -1.1 +1.6 +0.3 +91 +102Top 5% +5.0 +3.2 -1.2 +0.4 +38 +70 +75 +77 +9 +1.2 +48 +3.8 -0.7 +1.2 +0.2 +81 +92Top 10% +3.8 +2.4 -0.8 +0.9 +35 +65 +71 +73 +8 +1.0 +45 +3.5 -0.5 +1.0 +0.1 +77 +85Top 15% +3.0 +1.8 -0.6 +1.1 +34 +62 +68 +70 +7 +0.8 +43 +3.3 -0.4 +0.8 +0.1 +73 +82Top 20% +2.3 +1.3 -0.4 +1.3 +33 +60 +66 +67 +6 +0.7 +42 +3.2 -0.3 +0.7 +0.1 +70 +78Top 25% +1.8 +0.9 -0.3 +1.5 +32 +58 +64 +65 +6 +0.6 +41 +3.1 -0.2 +0.6 +0.0 +68 +76Top 30% +1.4 +0.6 -0.2 +1.6 +31 +57 +62 +63 +5 +0.5 +40 +3.0 -0.1 +0.5 +0.0 +66 +73Top 35% +0.9 +0.3 +0.0 +1.8 +31 +55 +61 +62 +5 +0.5 +38 +2.9 -0.1 +0.5 +0.0 +64 +71Top 40% +0.4 +0.0 +0.1 +1.9 +30 +54 +59 +60 +5 +0.4 +38 +2.8 +0.0 +0.4 +0.0 +62 +69Top 45% +0.0 -0.3 +0.2 +2.0 +29 +53 +58 +58 +4 +0.4 +37 +2.7 +0.0 +0.3 +0.0 +60 +67Top 50% -0.4 -0.6 +0.3 +2.1 +28 +51 +57 +57 +4 +0.3 +36 +2.6 +0.1 +0.3 -0.1 +59 +65Top 55% -0.8 -0.9 +0.4 +2.2 +28 +50 +55 +56 +4 +0.3 +35 +2.6 +0.1 +0.2 -0.1 +57 +63Top 60% -1.3 -1.2 +0.5 +2.4 +27 +49 +54 +54 +3 +0.2 +34 +2.5 +0.2 +0.2 -0.1 +55 +61Top 65% -1.7 -1.4 +0.6 +2.5 +27 +47 +53 +53 +3 +0.2 +33 +2.4 +0.2 +0.1 -0.1 +54 +59Top 70% -2.3 -1.7 +0.7 +2.6 +26 +46 +51 +51 +3 +0.1 +32 +2.4 +0.3 +0.0 -0.2 +52 +57Top 75% -2.8 -2.1 +0.8 +2.8 +25 +45 +50 +49 +3 +0.1 +31 +2.3 +0.3 +0.0 -0.2 +50 +55Top 80% -3.5 -2.5 +1.0 +3.0 +24 +43 +48 +47 +2 +0.0 +30 +2.2 +0.4 -0.1 -0.2 +48 +53Top 85% -4.3 -2.9 +1.1 +3.2 +23 +41 +46 +45 +2 -0.1 +29 +2.1 +0.5 -0.2 -0.3 +46 +51Top 90% -5.4 -3.5 +1.3 +3.5 +22 +39 +43 +42 +1 -0.2 +27 +1.9 +0.5 -0.2 -0.4 +44 +47Top 95% -7.1 -4.5 +1.6 +4.0 +20 +35 +39 +37 +0 -0.3 +24 +1.7 +0.7 -0.4 -0.5 +40 +42Top 99% -10.3 -6.0 +2.3 +5.0 +16 +28 +32 +28 -2 -0.7 +19 +1.1 +1.0 -0.7 -0.7 +30 +32Low Value -18.1 -10.2 +4.6 +7.4 +2 -6 +2 -6 -7 -2.3 -3 -1.3 +1.9 -1.7 -1.3 -9 -5

VENDORS INDEX15MESSRS RCS &CFE ADDISON (LYVENNET) (ADD02) 17GREYSTONE HOUSE, KINGS MEABURN, PENRITH, CA10 3BU- Herd last tested clear from TB in 2012- Currently on a 4 year TB testing interval- Member of SAC Premium Cattle Health Scheme- Herd testing for BVD since 2011- Routinely vaccinating against BVD- Compulsory BVD Vaccination Dates for Sale Animals - Males 23/03/13 and 20/04/13- Herd testing for Johnes since 2013B G & L ALLAN (GLENTURK) (ALL04) 24THE FIRM OF GLENTURK PEDIGREE, HERDS, GLENTURK FARM, DG8 9TF- Herd last tested clear from TB in 2009- Currently on a 4 year TB testing interval- Member of HI Health- Herd testing for BVD since 2011- Routinely vaccinating against BVD (Males Only)- Compulsory BVD Vaccination Dates for Sale Animals - Males 23/07/12 and 21/08/12- Herd testing for Johnes since 2010MR R H CARTER & SON (GERRARD) (CAR05) 10GERRARD HOUSE, WIGTON, , CA7 8NR- Herd last tested clear from TB in 2013- Currently on a 4 year TB testing interval- Member of HI Health- Routinely vaccinating against BVD (Males Only)- Compulsory BVD Vaccination Dates for Sale Animals - Males 01/02/13 and 22/02/13- Routinely vaccinating against IBR since 2013 (Males Only)- Herd testing for Johnes since 2011MR C J G CLARKE (BURGHBRIDGE) (CLA07) 1,2,9,16,35,37VILLA FARM, CRETINGHAM ROAD, OTLEY, IP6 9PB- Herd last tested clear from TB in 2009- Currently on a 4 year TB testing interval- Member of SAC Premium Cattle Health Scheme- Accredited free from BVD since 2010- Compulsory BVD Vaccination Dates for Sale Animals - Males 31/12/12 and 21/01/13 -Females 31/12/12 and 21/01/13- Accredited free from IBR since 2010- Accredited free from Lepto since 2010- Accredited free from Johnes since 2010MR J & MRS S EDWARDS (SHILLBROOK) (EDW08) 28WALNUT COTTAGE, BODDINGTON, CHELTENHAM, GL51 0TJ- Herd last tested clear from TB in 2012- Currently on a 1 year TB testing interval- Member of SAC Premium Cattle Health Scheme- Accredited free from BVD- Herd testing for BVD- Routinely vaccinating against BVD- Compulsory BVD Vaccination Dates for Sale Animals - Males 01/03/13 and 22/03/13- Accredited free from IBR since 2013- Herd testing for IBR- Accredited free from Lepto- Herd testing for Lepto- Accredited free from Johnes since 2013- Herd testing for JohnesM/S G A & H M FRANCIS (PISTYLL) (FRA02) 15PISTYLL UCHAF, ABERGORLECH, CARMARTHEN, SA32 7TB- Herd last tested clear from TB in 2012- Currently on a 1 year TB testing interval- Member of SAC Premium Cattle Health Scheme- Compulsory BVD Vaccination Dates for Sale Animals - Males 16/01/13 and 09/02/13- Accredited free from Johnes since 2009

16JIM & PATRICIA GOLDIE (NEWBIEMAINS) (GOL08) 18,27NEWBIE MAINS FARM, ANNAN, DUMFRIESSHIRE, DG12 5QY- Currently on a 4 year TB testing interval- Member of HI Health- Accredited free from BVD since 2010- Herd testing for BVD since 2009- Routinely vaccinating against BVD- Routinely vaccinating against Lepto since 2008- Herd testing for Johnes since 2010Declaration notes : BVD Vac February & MarchMESSRS N & N GWYNNE (CHESTERMANN) (CHE02) 14GARDEN COTTAGE, CASTLEWIGG FARM, WHITHORN, DG8 8DP- Currently on a 4 year TB testing interval- Member of HI Health- Accredited free from BVD since 2012- Herd testing for BVD- Routinely vaccinating against BVD- Herd testing for IBR- Routinely vaccinating against IBR since 2013- Herd testing for Lepto- Routinely vaccinating against Lepto since 2013- Accredited free from Johnes since 2011- Herd testing for Johnes since 2008BTV Vaccination : Chestermann Chance Booster Vac 20.02.13Chestermann Chadwick 20.02.13 Second Vac TBC at saleMR THOMAS HILL (SCOTLAND HILL) (HIL08) 7,111 MILL FARM, DAW LANE, WADWORTH, DN11 9DX- Herd last tested clear from TB in 2011- Currently on a 4 year TB testing interval- Member of HI Health- Herd testing for BVD- Routinely vaccinating against BVD- Compulsory BVD Vaccination Dates for Sale Animals - Males 03/02/13 and 03/03/13- Herd testing for IBR- Herd testing for Lepto- Herd testing for JohnesBODDINGTON ESTATES LTD (STERLING) (HIT02) 33,34,47,48,49BODDINGTON ESTATES LTD, THE MANOR, BODDINGTON, GL51 0TJ- Herd last tested clear from TB in 2012- Currently on a 1 year TB testing interval- Member of SAC Premium Cattle Health Scheme- Accredited free from BVD since 2011- Herd testing for BVD- Routinely vaccinating against BVD- Compulsory BVD Vaccination Dates for Sale Animals - Males 01/03/13 and 22/03/13 -Females 01/03/13 and 22/03/13- Herd testing for IBR- Routinely vaccinating against IBR since 2013 (Females Only)- Accredited free from Lepto since 2011- Herd testing for Lepto- Herd testing for JohnesMR W J HOLLINGSWORTH (MIDHOPE) (HOL04) 21,36,38,40MIDHOPE HALL FARM, MIDHOPESTONES, SHEFFIELD, S36 4GW- Herd last tested clear from TB in 2010- Currently on a 4 year TB testing interval- Member of SAC Premium Cattle Health Scheme- Accredited free from BVD since 2011- Herd testing for BVD since 2010- Routinely vaccinating against BVD- Compulsory BVD Vaccination Dates for Sale Animals - Males 12/03/13 and 07/04/13 -Females 25/10/12 and 21/11/12- Herd testing for IBR since 2010- Routinely vaccinating against IBR since 2010- Herd testing for Lepto since 2010- Herd testing for Johnes since 2010

LAUKUVA2. Laukuvos gimnazijosmokytojø gyvenimo ir veiklos sàlygos2.1. Mokytojai apie savo mokyklàSociologiniø tyrimø metu apklaustas 21 mokytojas, ið jø 18 moterø ir 3 vyrai.Daugumos mokytojø – brandus amþius (nuo 30 iki 50 metø), 6 mokytojai vyresni(per 50 metø).Atliktas tyrimas parodë, kad visi apklaustieji mokytojai patenkinti savo darbuLaukuvos gimnazijoje. Jie dþiaugiasi, kad jø mokykla tapo gimnazija, kad dirbamapagal naujas programas, nevengiama naujoviø, geros sàlygos, nevarþoma mokytojøiniciatyva, kiekvienas gali realizuoti save, savo idëjas.Didþioji dauguma mokytojø pabrëþë, kad mokykloje dirba geras ir stipruspedagogø kolektyvas, siekiantis tobulëjimo, gerø rezultatø. Mokytojams patinka mokykloskolektyvo, mokytojø ir moksleiviø tarpusavio bendravimo ir bendradarbiavimonuoðirdumas, paprastumas, jautrumas, gerumas. Mokykloje jauèiamas gerassocialinis psichologinis klimatas – mokytojai gali laisvai jaustis, daug demokratijos.Á klausimà: „Kokiø svarbiausiø materialiniø priemoniø mokyklai trûksta?“ daugumamokytojø atsakë, kad trûksta kompiuteriø, vaizdo ir garso aparatûros. Labaireikalingas geras kopijavimo aparatas (gimnazijoje yra tik vienas, tas pats prastoskokybës).Viena mokytoja pabrëþë, kad gimnazijai trûksta knygø – ir groþinës programinësliteratûros, ir vadovëliø. Paþymima, kad kabinetuose trûksta ávairiø vaizdiniømokymo priemoniø, mokykliniø suolø, lentø.Taigi Laukuvos gimnazijoje, kaip ir daugelyje kitø Lietuvos mokyklø, trûkstakompiuteriniø klasiø, vadovëliø, vaizdiniø priemoniø.Esant nepakankamam biudþetiniam finansavimui, daugelis Lietuvos mokykløieðko rëmëjø, kurie padëtø sustiprinti mokyklos materialinæ bazæ. Laukuvos gimnazijataip pat turi rëmëjø, taèiau nepakankamai.Mokytojai gerai þino problemas, kurios yra gimnazijoje ir apskritai Lietuvoskaime, jø gyvenamojoje aplinkoje.Tyrimo anketoje mokytojai nurodë, kokios problemos dabartinëje gimnazijoje yrasvarbiausios (buvo praðyta nurodyti 3 svarbiausias. Duomenys pateikiami 11 lentelëje).11 lentelë. Svarbiausios ðiandieninës gimnazijos problemosEil. Problemos Atsakymø skaièiusNr.1. Blogas mokyklos materialinis aprûpinimas 62. Bedaliø vaikø daugëjimas 53. Sunkiai gebanèiø mokytis vaikø daugëjimas 194. Menkas mokytojø ir tëvø bendravimas 65. Mokytojø kvalifikacijos këlimas 26. Maþi mokytojø atlyginimai 77. Bendrosios kultûros stygius kaime 168. Kita:1) dël materialiniø prieþasèiø abiturientø 1nestojimas á aukðtàsias mokyklas2) paaugliø sudominimas popamokine veikla 1© www.llt.lt576

18A K & R J STEELE (WEETON) (STE33) 30RED HOUSE FARM, WEETON, HULL, HU12 0TA- Herd last tested clear from TB in 2012- Currently on a 4 year TB testing interval- Member of Advanced Cattle Health Scheme- Accredited free from BVD since 2013- Herd testing for BVD since 2012- Compulsory BVD Vaccination Dates for Sale Animals - Males 09/03/13 and 06/04/13- Accredited free from IBR since 2013- Herd testing for IBR since 2012- Accredited free from Lepto since 2013- Herd testing for Lepto since 2012- Accredited free from Johnes- Herd testing for Johnes since 2012I & M STEELE (BLAKEWELL) (STE02) 39,46T/A F DOUGLAS & SONS, BLAKEWELL FARM, EASINGTON, HU12 0TY- Herd last tested clear from TB in 2010- Currently on a 4 year TB testing interval- Member of Advanced Cattle Health Scheme- Accredited free from BVD since 2011- Herd testing for BVD since 2010- Compulsory BVD Vaccination Dates for Sale Animals - Males 05/02/13 and 04/03/13- Accredited free from IBR since 2011- Herd testing for IBR since 2010- Accredited free from Lepto since 2012- Herd testing for Lepto since 2010- Accredited free from Johnes since 2012- Herd testing for Johnes since 2010MR J A TALLENTIRE (SWINGLETREE) (TAL02) 19,20HIGH GRISEBURN, GT ASBY, APPLEBY, CA16 6QD- Herd last tested clear from TB in 2013- Currently on a 4 year TB testing interval- Member of HI Health- Herd testing for BVD- Routinely vaccinating against BVD (Males Only)- Compulsory BVD Vaccination Dates for Sale Animals - Males 22/03/13 and 24/04/13- Herd testing for IBR- Herd testing for Lepto- Herd testing for Johnes since 2012MR K J C THOMAS (CROWGEY) (THO29) 22,31HUNTSMAN COURT, CROWGEY FARM, WENDRON, TR13 0NN- Herd last tested clear from TB in 2013- Currently on a 1 year TB testing interval- Member of HI Health- Accredited free from BVD since 2012- Herd testing for BVD- Routinely vaccinating against BVD- Compulsory BVD Vaccination Dates for Sale Animals - Males 17/03/13 and 09/04/13- Herd testing for IBR since 2012- Herd testing for Lepto- Herd testing for Johnes since 2012MRS A TRAFFORD (ROOKLEA) (TRA01) 41,42,45SPRINGFIELD FARM, GREYSOUTHERN, COCKERMOUTH, CA13 OUW- Herd last tested clear from TB in 2012- Currently on a 4 year TB testing interval- Member of HI Health- Accredited free from BVD since 2012- Compulsory BVD Vaccination Dates for Sale Animals - Females 19/01/13 and 07/02/13- Herd testing for Johnes since 2012MR J TRAFFORD (HEPPLEWHITE) (TRA02) 8,51MESSRS J & O J TRAFFORD, SPRINGFIELD, GREYSOUTHERN, CA13 0UW- Herd last tested clear from TB in 2012- Currently on a 4 year TB testing interval- Member of HI Health- Accredited free from BVD- Routinely vaccinating against BVD- Compulsory BVD Vaccination Dates for Sale Animals - Males 17/01/13 and 07/02/13 -Females 17/01/13 and 07/02/13- Herd testing for Johnes since 2012

20NORTH WESTSIMMENTAL CLUBEVENTS TO COMETHE PRE-SALE SUPPERTHURSDAY 25th APRIL 20137.00pm for 7.30pmWithin ‘The Auctioneer Suite’, CarlisleEveryone welcome******************Details forSTOCKJUDGING EVENTandFARM WALKwill be announced in due course.******************Tickets and Details availablefrom club secretary,Liz Peile – telephone 016973 44201

Bulls - For Sale Only21BULLSFOR SALE ONLYLots 1-3 (3 entries)Lot C J G CLARKE1 BURGHBRIDGE BERTRUM 10M077838 Born 20/12/2010 UK222425200358gs. STRATHISLA JULIUS(M050813)Sire BRINKTON MAJOR(M057957)gd. BRINKTON MELODY 3RD(T001311)gs. STRATHISLA POPEYE(M062156)Dam BURGHBRIDGE CRYSTAL 3RD(F086948)gd. BURGHBRIDGE CRYSTAL(F070866)2012 Simmental BREEDPLANCalving Calving Gest. 200 400 600Ease Ease Len. Birth Day Day Wt. Day Wt.Dir (%) Dtrs (%) (days) Wt. (kg) Wt (kg) (kg) (kg) MilkEBVs +4.3 0.0 -- +2.4 +30 +49 +48 +3.0Accuracy 45% 42% 54% 53% 53% 51% 41%Av 11 Calves -0.6 -0.6 +0.2 +2.2 +29 +52 +57 +4Scrotal Carcase Eye Muscle Retail Terminal SelfSize Weight Area Fat Beef IMF Sire Replacing(cm) (kg) (Sq.cm) (mm) Yield % Index IndexEBV’s +0.2 -- +2.5 +0.6 -0.2 +0.1 +57 +65Accuracy 32% 25% 31% 29% +0.1Av 11 Calves +0.3 +36 +2.8 +0.1 +0.3 -0.1 +59 +66

22 Bulls - For Sale OnlyLot C J G CLARKE2 BURGHBRIDGE CONNOR 11M077910 Born 09/01/2011 UK222425500361gs. BLACKFORD LIONHEART(M055185)Sire STRATHISLA POPEYE(M062156)gd. STRATHISLA HANNAH 2ND(F045740)gs. BRINKTON MAJOR(M057957)Dam BURGHBRIDGE EMERALD(F084375)gd. HOCKENHULL EMERALD(F045036)2012 Simmental BREEDPLANCalving Calving Gest. 200 400 600Ease Ease Len. Birth Day Day Wt. Day Wt.Dir (%) Dtrs (%) (days) Wt. (kg) Wt (kg) (kg) (kg) MilkEBVs +2.1 +1.4 -- +1.8 +27 +47 +50 +1.0Accuracy 44% 40% 69% 64% 65% 60% 43%Av 11 Calves -0.6 -0.6 +0.2 +2.2 +29 +52 +57 +4Scrotal Carcase Eye Muscle Retail Terminal SelfSize Weight Area Fat Beef IMF Sire Replacing(cm) (kg) (Sq.cm) (mm) Yield % Index IndexEBV’s +0.4 +34.0 +2.8 +0.2 +0.3 0.0 +57 +67Accuracy 62% 52% 38% 44% 41% 0.0Av 11 Calves +0.3 +36 +2.8 +0.1 +0.3 -0.1 +59 +66Lot J J & J M SANDERS3 BAVINGTON CRACKERJACK 11M078834 AI Born 17/04/2011 UK114005100069gs. RACEVIEW KING(I000364)Sire ASHLAND TORNADO(M068556)gd. ASHLAND LUCY(F066471)gs. DENIZES REMBRANT(M063866)Dam BAVINGTON VIOLET(F085712)gd. ROSTEN LIPPE(F071850)BAVINGTON CRACKERJACK 11 is a long, well-muscled bull from very easy calving lines on both sides of hispedigree.

Bulls - Class One23CLASS ONELots 4 – 11 (8 entries)Lot J J & J M SANDERS4 BAVINGTON COURAGEOUS 11M078835 AI Born 26/04/2011 UK114005200070gs. RACEVIEW KING(I000364)Sire ASHLAND TORNADO(M068556)gd. ASHLAND LUCY(F066471)gs. SALISBURY TRIUMPH(M016773)Dam ROSTEN SADIE(F079134)gd. ROSTEN LIPPE(F071850)BAVINGTON COURAGEOUS 11 is a long, well-muscled red bull from easy calving lines on both sides of hispedigree.Lot5 WITHDRAWNLot6 WITHDRAWNLot THOMAS HILL7 SCOTLAND HILL CAIRO 11M079554 Born 09/06/2011 UK133351400068gs. HOCKENHULL MAVERICK(M057803)Sire SCOTLAND VIPER(M070456)gd. JAEGERGARD UNIQ(I000462)gs. BRINKTON EXCELLENCE(M040952)Dam BURGHBRIDGE PARIS(F073148)gd. EASTON NESTON CORISSA C38(F036007)

24 Bulls - Class OneLot J & J O TRAFFORD8 HEPPLEWHITE CASPIAN 11M081966 AI Born 09/06/2011 UK101609400844gs. CARNKERN TITAN(M015902)Sire CELTIC ROCK(I000635)gd. CELTIC HOMEMAKER(CTCH015)gs. SALISBURY CHALLENGER(M032425)Dam HEPPLEWHITE NOELLE 8TH(F072423)gd. HEPPLEWHITE NOELLE 5TH(F056174)2012 Simmental BREEDPLANCalving Calving Gest. 200 400 600Ease Ease Len. Birth Day Day Wt. Day Wt.Dir (%) Dtrs (%) (days) Wt. (kg) Wt (kg) (kg) (kg) MilkEBVs -2 +2.8 -0.4 +2.4 +33 +68 +72 +7.0Accuracy 52% 49% 58% 70% 61% 58% 56% 43%Av 11 Calves -0.6 -0.6 +0.2 +2.2 +29 +52 +57 +4Scrotal Carcase Eye Muscle Retail Terminal SelfSize Weight Area Fat Beef IMF Sire Replacing(cm) (kg) (Sq.cm) (mm) Yield % Index IndexEBV’s +1.7 -- +2.8 -0.4 +0.6 -0.3 +77 +94Accuracy 46% 35% 41% 39% -0.3Av 11 Calves +0.3 +36 +2.8 +0.1 +0.3 -0.1 +59 +66HEPPLEWHITE CASPIAN 11 is a red bodied bull with a lovely temperament. His breedplan figures place him in thetop 5% of the breed.Lot C J G CLARKE9 BURGHBRIDGE CALVIN 11M079472 Born 10/06/2011 UK222425200372gs. STRATHISLA JULIUS(M050813)Sire BRINKTON MAJOR(M057957)gd. BRINKTON MELODY 3RD(T001311)gs. STRATHISLA POPEYE(M062156)Dam BURGHBRIDGE EMILY 11TH(F089022)gd. BURGHBRIDGE EMILY 2ND(F057486)2012 Simmental BREEDPLANCalving Calving Gest. 200 400 600Ease Ease Len. Birth Day Day Wt. Day Wt.Dir (%) Dtrs (%) (days) Wt. (kg) Wt (kg) (kg) (kg) MilkEBVs +5.0 +0.8 -- +2.2 +27 +54 +54 0.0Accuracy 47% 42% 70% 65% 66% 61% 42%Av 11 Calves -0.6 -0.6 +0.2 +2.2 +29 +52 +57 +4Scrotal Carcase Eye Muscle Retail Terminal SelfSize Weight Area Fat Beef IMF Sire Replacing(cm) (kg) (Sq.cm) (mm) Yield % Index IndexEBV’s +0.9 +36.0 +2.4 +1.4 -0.9 +0.3 +58 +77Accuracy 62% 53% 37% 44% 40% +0.3Av 11 Calves +0.3 +36 +2.8 +0.1 +0.3 -0.1 +59 +66

Bulls - Class OneLot R H CARTER & SON10 GERRARD CRAIG 11M079542 AI Born 15/06/2011 UK100806101377gs. DOVEFIELDS GALLANT(M045537)Sire KILBRIDE FARM NEWRY(M059151)gd. KILBRIDE FARM EUNICE D29(F039572)gs. GERRARD HORACE(M050061)Dam GERRARD SALLY 18TH(F068161)gd. GERRARD SALLY 7TH(F042123)2012 Simmental BREEDPLANCalving Calving Gest. 200 400 600Ease Ease Len. Birth Day Day Wt. Day Wt.Dir (%) Dtrs (%) (days) Wt. (kg) Wt (kg) (kg) (kg) MilkEBVs -1.2 -0.6 1.0 +2.0 +29 +55 +60 +3.0Accuracy 55% 53% 60% 61% 58% 58% 57% 52%Av 11 Calves -0.6 -0.6 +0.2 +2.2 +29 +52 +57 +4Scrotal Carcase Eye Muscle Retail Terminal SelfSize Weight Area Fat Beef IMF Sire Replacing(cm) (kg) (Sq.cm) (mm) Yield % Index IndexEBV’s -0.3 +40.0 +2.4 +0.2 +0.2 -0.3 +61 +68Accuracy 49% 51% 41% 45% 44% -0.3Av 11 Calves +0.3 +36 +2.8 +0.1 +0.3 -0.1 +59 +66GERRARD CRAIG 11 was 1st prize winner in the young bull and pairs classes at the Cumberland Show 2012.25Lot THOMAS HILL11 SCOTLAND HILL CHAOS 11M083422 Born 29/06/2011 UK133351700071gs. HOCKENHULL MAVERICK(M057803)Sire SCOTLAND VIPER(M070456)gd. JAEGERGARD UNIQ(I000462)gs. SCARTHINGWELL MERLIN(M056889)Dam SCOTLAND HILL PRUNELLA BREEZE(F094123)gd. BURGHBRIDGE PRUNELLA(F072328)

Bulls - Class Two27CLASS TWOLots 12 – 19 (8 entries)Lot B & R L JONES12 DOLWEN CAMERON 11M079560 AI Born 03/07/2011 UK705615400089gs. DERRYCALLAGHAN HAMILTON(M049020)Sire GLEBEFARM TYSON(M067488)gd. GLEBEFARM NATASHA(F071743)gs. BLACKFORD HARVESTER(M049570)Dam HOCKENHULL GISELLE 5TH(T002450)gd. WHITEMIRE GISELLE(F050624)2012 Simmental BREEDPLANCalving Calving Gest. 200 400 600Ease Ease Len. Birth Day Day Wt. Day Wt.Dir (%) Dtrs (%) (days) Wt. (kg) Wt (kg) (kg) (kg) MilkEBVs -8.6 +2.2 -1 +3.3 +35 +63 +70 +3.0Accuracy 52% 44% 59% 70% 64% 65% 61% 39%Av 11 Calves -0.6 -0.6 +0.2 +2.2 +29 +52 +57 +4Scrotal Carcase Eye Muscle Retail Terminal SelfSize Weight Area Fat Beef IMF Sire Replacing(cm) (kg) (Sq.cm) (mm) Yield % Index IndexEBV’s +0.8 +39.0 +2.0 -0.8 +0.4 -0.2 +62 +63Accuracy 58% 52% 39% 47% 44% -0.2Av 11 Calves +0.3 +36 +2.8 +0.1 +0.3 -0.1 +59 +66DOLWEN CAMERON is a promising young bull; well-grown with good length and temperament. He has been usedsuccessfully.Lot J B & E J PEILE13 PASTUREHOUSE COWMAN 11M079708 Born 26/07/2011 UK100571700885gs. BLACKFORD LANCER(M056409)Sire TILLYMAUD VITAL SPARK(M069782)gd. TILLYMAUD HELGA(F065180)gs. BRINKTON BRILLIANT(S001581)Dam GRETNA HOUSE MIRANDA’S HELENA(F054194)gd. GRETNA HOUSE MIRANDA`S ACCORD(T001376)2012 Simmental BREEDPLANCalving Calving Gest. 200 400 600Ease Ease Len. Birth Day Day Wt. Day Wt.Dir (%) Dtrs (%) (days) Wt. (kg) Wt (kg) (kg) (kg) MilkEBVs -7.7 -2.7 -- +4.2 +34 +58 +64 +2.0Accuracy 45% 43% 70% 60% 60% 57% 40%Av 11 Calves -0.6 -0.6 +0.2 +2.2 +29 +52 +57 +4Scrotal Carcase Eye Muscle Retail Terminal SelfSize Weight Area Fat Beef IMF Sire Replacing(cm) (kg) (Sq.cm) (mm) Yield % Index IndexEBV’s -- -- -- -- -- -- +60 +60Accuracy --Av 11 Calves +0.3 +36 +2.8 +0.1 +0.3 -0.1 +59 +66

28 Bulls - Class TwoLot N & N GWYNNE14 CHESTERMANN CHADWICK 11M079850 Born 12/08/2011 UK746047300914gs. BLACKFORD NORTHERN LIGHT(M059484)Sire BLACKFORD RINGLEADER(M064308)gd. BLACKFORD GLORIA(F050746)gs. CAMUS BRANDY(M029502)Dam CHESTERMANN BRANDY STELLA(F080239)gd. SOUTH PARK JOKER STELLA(F067973)2012 Simmental BREEDPLANCalving Calving Gest. 200 400 600Ease Ease Len. Birth Day Day Wt. Day Wt.Dir (%) Dtrs (%) (days) Wt. (kg) Wt (kg) (kg) (kg) MilkEBVs +4.3 -2.4 -- +1.0 +26 +51 +54 +8.0Accuracy 53% 50% 64% 65% 67% 62% 45%Av 11 Calves -0.6 -0.6 +0.2 +2.2 +29 +52 +57 +4Scrotal Carcase Eye Muscle Retail Terminal SelfSize Weight Area Fat Beef IMF Sire Replacing(cm) (kg) (Sq.cm) (mm) Yield % Index IndexEBV’s +0.2 +36.0 +2.5 +0.6 -0.4 +0.2 +58 +69Accuracy 46% 56% 38% 48% 45% +0.2Av 11 Calves +0.3 +36 +2.8 +0.1 +0.3 -0.1 +59 +66Lot G A & H M FRANCIS15 PISTYLL CAPTAIN 11M080011 Born 20/08/2011 UK741516700333gs. BLACKFORD EXPLOSION(M039994)Sire LISGLASS ROMEO(M064459)gd. CLEENAGH HAZEL(T002198)gs. RACEVIEW KING(I000364)Dam PISTYLL WINI(F089008)gd. PISTYLL RHIANON(F077239)2012 Simmental BREEDPLANCalving Calving Gest. 200 400 600Ease Ease Len. Birth Day Day Wt. Day Wt.Dir (%) Dtrs (%) (days) Wt. (kg) Wt (kg) (kg) (kg) MilkEBVs +2.4 -0.7 -- +2.4 -- -- -- +2.0Accuracy 39% 39% 47% 37%Av 11 Calves -0.6 -0.6 +0.2 +2.2 +29 +52 +57 +4Scrotal Carcase Eye Muscle Retail Terminal SelfSize Weight Area Fat Beef IMF Sire Replacing(cm) (kg) (Sq.cm) (mm) Yield % Index IndexEBV’s -- -- -- -- -- -- +70 +85Accuracy --Av 11 Calves +0.3 +36 +2.8 +0.1 +0.3 -0.1 +59 +66

Bulls - Class TwoLot C J G CLARKE16 BURGHBRIDGE CHESTER 11M080080 Born 27/09/2011 UK222425100378gs. STRATHISLA JULIUS(M050813)Sire BRINKTON MAJOR(M057957)gd. BRINKTON MELODY 3RD(T001311)gs. STRATHISLA POPEYE(M062156)Dam BURGHBRIDGE TWIGGY(F083007)gd. BURGHBRIDGE PAULA(F072449)2012 Simmental BREEDPLANCalving Calving Gest. 200 400 600Ease Ease Len. Birth Day Day Wt. Day Wt.Dir (%) Dtrs (%) (days) Wt. (kg) Wt (kg) (kg) (kg) MilkEBVs +5.0 +2.0 -- +2.4 +32 +59 +58 +4.0Accuracy 44% 42% 72% 66% 66% 61% 45%Av 11 Calves -0.6 -0.6 +0.2 +2.2 +29 +52 +57 +4Scrotal Carcase Eye Muscle Retail Terminal SelfSize Weight Area Fat Beef IMF Sire Replacing(cm) (kg) (Sq.cm) (mm) Yield % Index IndexEBV’s -- +41.0 -- -- -- -- +67 +80Accuracy 52% --Av 11 Calves +0.3 +36 +2.8 +0.1 +0.3 -0.1 +59 +6629Lot RCS &CFE ADDISON17 LYVENNET CALIBRE 11M080168 AI Born 02/10/2011 UK103865701180gs. SALTIRE TALENT(M066596)Sire AUCHORACHAN WIZARD(M072755)gd. RAVENSWORTH MADIE(F067220)gs. WHITEMIRE KING KONG(M054149)Dam GLENTURK VERITY(F085569)gd. BALMANNO HELEN(F053373)2012 Simmental BREEDPLANCalving Calving Gest. 200 400 600Ease Ease Len. Birth Day Day Wt. Day Wt.Dir (%) Dtrs (%) (days) Wt. (kg) Wt (kg) (kg) (kg) MilkEBVs -2.2 -2.9 1.0 +3.8 +34 +65 +74 +7.0Accuracy 48% 39% 57% 62% 61% 62% 60% 36%Av 11 Calves -0.6 -0.6 +0.2 +2.2 +29 +52 +57 +4Scrotal Carcase Eye Muscle Retail Terminal SelfSize Weight Area Fat Beef IMF Sire Replacing(cm) (kg) (Sq.cm) (mm) Yield % Index IndexEBV’s +1.1 +43.0 +2.3 -0.9 +0.5 -0.3 +72 +79Accuracy 60% 50% 36% 43% 40% -0.3Av 11 Calves +0.3 +36 +2.8 +0.1 +0.3 -0.1 +59 +66LYVENNET CALIBRE 11 has a very quiet nature. He was shown successfully at the National Calf Show, BorderwayAgri Expo 2012. Auchorachan Wizard (sire) was Overall Champion, Stirling Spring 2010 sold for 20,000gns.

30 Bulls - Class TwoLot JIM & PATRICIA GOLDIE18 NEWBIEMAINS CONFORMER 11M080067 Born 02/10/2011 UK581404201796gs. CURLIEU KNIGHT(M053237)Sire BLACKFORD ALBATROSS 09(M074204)gd. BLACKFORD KITTIWAKE(F061719)gs. RACEVIEW KING(I000364)Dam BEECHHILL WANDA(I000791)gd. MONADUFF MINNIE(IE251167280188)2012 Simmental BREEDPLANCalving Calving Gest. 200 400 600Ease Ease Len. Birth Day Day Wt. Day Wt.Dir (%) Dtrs (%) (days) Wt. (kg) Wt (kg) (kg) (kg) MilkEBVs -0.8 -1.9 -- +2.3 +29 +47 +55 +3.0Accuracy 42% 39% 53% 54% 58% 53% 37%Av 11 Calves -0.6 -0.6 +0.2 +2.2 +29 +52 +57 +4Scrotal Carcase Eye Muscle Retail Terminal SelfSize Weight Area Fat Beef IMF Sire Replacing(cm) (kg) (Sq.cm) (mm) Yield % Index IndexEBV’s +0.6 -- +2.3 -0.1 +0.3 -0.2 +53 +61Accuracy 41% 30% 36% 34% -0.2Av 11 Calves +0.3 +36 +2.8 +0.1 +0.3 -0.1 +59 +66Lot J A TALLENTIRE19 SWINGLETREE CONNOR 11M080211 AI Born 08/10/2011 UK103067100509gs. BRINKTON SOVREIGN(M014785)Sire BRINKTON BRILLIANT(S001581)gd. BRINKTON SANDRA(F014357)gs. RACEVIEW KING(I000364)Dam SWINGLETREE LIBERTY 4TH(F090091)gd. SWINGLETREE LIBERTY(F073782)2012 Simmental BREEDPLANCalving Calving Gest. 200 400 600Ease Ease Len. Birth Day Day Wt. Day Wt.Dir (%) Dtrs (%) (days) Wt. (kg) Wt (kg) (kg) (kg) MilkEBVs +2.4 +1.4 -1.1 +2.1 +35 +60 +67 +1.0Accuracy 57% 56% 64% 70% 66% 67% 64% 55%Av 11 Calves -0.6 -0.6 +0.2 +2.2 +29 +52 +57 +4Scrotal Carcase Eye Muscle Retail Terminal SelfSize Weight Area Fat Beef IMF Sire Replacing(cm) (kg) (Sq.cm) (mm) Yield % Index IndexEBV’s +0.6 +42.0 +3.5 -0.8 +1.1 -0.4 +77 +90Accuracy 63% 59% 49% 55% 53% -0.4Av 11 Calves +0.3 +36 +2.8 +0.1 +0.3 -0.1 +59 +66SWINGLETREE CONNOR 11 is a long, clean bull with an excellent back end. Brinkton Brilliant (sire) is very easycalving.

31Increased discountnow available for bullspre-sale semen tested*IF YOU SELL OR PURCHASEA BULL THE FOLLOWINGINSURANCES AREAVAILABLE IMMEDIATELYVendors Guarantee – covering YOU in the eventyour newly sold bull fails to meet the breedingwarranty under the sale conditions.Purchasers All Risks Mortality & PermanentLoss of Use – covering YOU if your newlypurchased bull dies or is incapable of working asa result of accident, illness or disease.AT H&H INSURANCE WE HAVE:• Competitive Premiums• Friendly & Qualified Staff• 25 Years of Experience• Quote & Cover Available ImmediatelyFor advice and further information prior to the saleplease telephone Caroline on 01228 406290.For a competitive quote on the day of the sale,just ask at the H&H counter – we’ll be happyto discuss your requirements with you...CAN YOU REALLY AFFORD TO TAKETHE RISK AND NOT INSURE?*Documentary evidence must be supplied pre-saleBorderway, Rosehill, Carlisle, Cumbria CA1 2RST. 01228 406290 F. 01228 406291www.hhinsurancebrokers.co.ukH&H Insurance Brokers Ltd is Authorised and Regulated by the Financial Services Authority: No 305809

32 Bulls - Class ThreeCLASS THREELots 20 – 27 (8 entries)Lot J A TALLENTIRE20 SWINGLETREE CANNON 11M080213 AI Born 03/11/2011 UK103067300518gs. RACEVIEW KING(I000364)Sire DRIPSEY SUPER KING ET(I000591)gd. BALLINGAR KIM(AMB-K008)gs. POPES LAIRD(M055700)Dam SWINGLETREE MARY 5TH(F089204)gd. BRINKTON MARY(F069529)2012 Simmental BREEDPLANCalving Calving Gest. 200 400 600Ease Ease Len. Birth Day Day Wt. Day Wt.Dir (%) Dtrs (%) (days) Wt. (kg) Wt (kg) (kg) (kg) MilkEBVs +4.0 +2.4 -0.5 +2.2 +29 +47 +54 +8.0Accuracy 49% 46 56% 59% 58% 62% 56% 39%Av 11 Calves -0.6 -0.6 +0.2 +2.2 +29 +52 +57 +4Scrotal Carcase Eye Muscle Retail Terminal SelfSize Weight Area Fat Beef IMF Sire Replacing(cm) (kg) (Sq.cm) (mm) Yield % Index IndexEBV’s +0.5 +34 +2.8 +0.1 +0.8 -0.4 +62 +79Accuracy 59% 50% 38% 45% 42% -0.4Av 11 Calves +0.3 +36 +2.8 +0.1 +0.3 -0.1 +59 +66SWINGLETREE CANNON 11 has a very shapey backend. Dripsey Super King (sire) is an easy calving bull.Lot W J HOLLINGSWORTH21 MIDHOPE COMMANDER 11M080361 Born 04/11/2011 UK120411200961gs. BALLINALARE FARM NIGHTRIDER(M060500)Sire CORSKIE WEALTH(M072476)gd. CORSKIE SIXPENCE(F079966)gs. DIRNANEAN SNOWIE(M065604)Dam MIDHOPE HONOR 2ND(F087795)gd. MIDHOPE HONOR(F057266)2012 Simmental BREEDPLANCalving Calving Gest. 200 400 600Ease Ease Len. Birth Day Day Wt. Day Wt.Dir (%) Dtrs (%) (days) Wt. (kg) Wt (kg) (kg) (kg) MilkEBVs -0.2 +1.4 -- +2.0 +30 +60 +67 +6.0Accuracy 45% 39% 72% 63% 65% 60% 36%Av 11 Calves -0.6 -0.6 +0.2 +2.2 +29 +52 +57 +4Scrotal Carcase Eye Muscle Retail Terminal SelfSize Weight Area Fat Beef IMF Sire Replacing(cm) (kg) (Sq.cm) (mm) Yield % Index IndexEBV’s +0.1 +45 +3.8 +0.3 +0.7 -0.2 +73 +82Accuracy 63% 52% 41% 48% 45% -0.2Av 11 Calves +0.3 +36 +2.8 +0.1 +0.3 -0.1 +59 +66

Bulls - Class ThreeLot K J C THOMAS22 CROWGEY CORINTHIAN 11M080370 Born 08/11/2011 UK386945700067gs. STERLING FLINT(M042435)Sire OMORGA TARBUCK(S002470)gd. CLEENAGH DAFFODIL(F037708)gs. HOCKENHULL RED RUM(M063665)Dam HOCKENHULL SELINA 17TH(F086230)gd. HOCKENHULL SELINA 10TH(F074124)2012 Simmental BREEDPLANCalving Calving Gest. 200 400 600Ease Ease Len. Birth Day Day Wt. Day Wt.Dir (%) Dtrs (%) (days) Wt. (kg) Wt (kg) (kg) (kg) MilkEBVs -4.1 -3.7 -- +4.0 +37 +74 +81 +6.0Accuracy 48% 46% 55% 50% 49% 47% 38%Av 11 Calves -0.6 -0.6 +0.2 +2.2 +29 +52 +57 +4Scrotal Carcase Eye Muscle Retail Terminal SelfSize Weight Area Fat Beef IMF Sire Replacing(cm) (kg) (Sq.cm) (mm) Yield % Index IndexEBV’s +1.5 -- +3.2 0.0 +0.4 +0.1 +81 +92Accuracy 40% 32% 38% 36% +0.1Av 11 Calves +0.3 +36 +2.8 +0.1 +0.3 -0.1 +59 +66CROWGEY CORINTHIAN is a very correct, easy-fleshing bull with tremendous hindquarters and a wonderfultemperament. He carries EBV’s for 400 and 600 Day Growth both in the top 5% of the breed. Hockenhull Selina(dam) has also produced two daughters which are being retained in the herd. Omorga Tarbuck (sire) is also thesire of Corrick Benson, Supreme Champion Stirling Oct 2011 sold for 12,000gns.33Lot J DAVID LOFTUS23 BLACKPOOL COOPER 11M080478 Born 17/11/2011 UK181643100504gs. WROXALL FORTUNE(M042364)Sire HOCKENHULL RUPERT(M062514)gd. HOCKENHULL SNOW QUEEN 19TH(F067915)gs. DIRNANEAN SHANE(M065092)Dam BLACKPOOL VALERIE(F086140)gd. BLACKPOOL LINDA(F065442)2012 Simmental BREEDPLANCalving Calving Gest. 200 400 600Ease Ease Len. Birth Day Day Wt. Day Wt.Dir (%) Dtrs (%) (days) Wt. (kg) Wt (kg) (kg) (kg) MilkEBVs -1.9 -3.3 -- +2.6 +24 +51 +58 +7.0Accuracy 47% 44% 73% 65% 68% 63% 38%Av 11 Calves -0.6 -0.6 +0.2 +2.2 +29 +52 +57 +4Scrotal Carcase Eye Muscle Retail Terminal SelfSize Weight Area Fat Beef IMF Sire Replacing(cm) (kg) (Sq.cm) (mm) Yield % Index IndexEBV’s +1.4 +31 +2.1 -0.3 +0.2 -0.1 +56 +64Accuracy 64% 55% 40% 46% 43% -0.1Av 11 Calves +0.3 +36 +2.8 +0.1 +0.3 -0.1 +59 +66

34 Bulls - Class ThreeLot B G & L ALLAN24 GLENTURK COSWORTH 11M080468 AI Born 25/11/2011 UK583510501055gs. CLEENAGH FLASHER(M042198)Sire OMORGA VOLVO(M070548)gd. OMORGA BAMBI 2(F078141)gs. MILNAFUA KEYSTONE(M053066)Dam GLENTURK NEMESIS(F070716)gd. MILNAFUA HELGA(F053828)2012 Simmental BREEDPLANCalving Calving Gest. 200 400 600Ease Ease Len. Birth Day Day Wt. Day Wt.Dir (%) Dtrs (%) (days) Wt. (kg) Wt (kg) (kg) (kg) MilkEBVs -3.9 +1.8 +0.1 +3.2 +29 +56 +57 +5.0Accuracy 53% 47% 53% 61% 58% 57% 55% 44%Av 11 Calves -0.6 -0.6 +0.2 +2.2 +29 +52 +57 +4Scrotal Carcase Eye Muscle Retail Terminal SelfSize Weight Area Fat Beef IMF Sire Replacing(cm) (kg) (Sq.cm) (mm) Yield % Index IndexEBV’s +1.3 -- +3.4 +0.1 +0.4 -0.1 +63 +75Accuracy 49% 37% 44% 42% -0.1Av 11 Calves +0.3 +36 +2.8 +0.1 +0.3 -0.1 +59 +66Lot J DAVID LOFTUS25 BLACKPOOL CHRISTIAN 11M080479 AI Born 26/11/2011 UK181643200505gs. MACKNEY HECTOR(M049966)Sire WOODHALL PREMIER(M061765)gd. WOODHALL KIM(T002342)gs. GRETNA HOUSE JACKOFALLTRADES(M052367)Dam BLACKPOOL MAGGIE(F068757)gd. RONBREN FORADA(F058218)2012 Simmental BREEDPLANCalving Calving Gest. 200 400 600Ease Ease Len. Birth Day Day Wt. Day Wt.Dir (%) Dtrs (%) (days) Wt. (kg) Wt (kg) (kg) (kg) MilkEBVs -5.3 -0.9 -- +2.9 +31 +56 +64 +1.0Accuracy 50% 48% 73% 64% 67% 62% 44%Av 11 Calves -0.6 -0.6 +0.2 +2.2 +29 +52 +57 +4Scrotal Carcase Eye Muscle Retail Terminal SelfSize Weight Area Fat Beef IMF Sire Replacing(cm) (kg) (Sq.cm) (mm) Yield % Index IndexEBV’s +0.8 +38 +3.4 +0.1 +0.7 -0.2 +64 +72Accuracy 64% 54% 42% 47% 44% -0.2Av 11 Calves +0.3 +36 +2.8 +0.1 +0.3 -0.1 +59 +66

Bulls - Class ThreeLot J DAVID LOFTUS26 BLACKPOOL CHAZ 11M080481 Born 02/12/2011 UK181643400507gs. WROXALL FORTUNE(M042364)Sire HOCKENHULL RUPERT(M062514)gd. HOCKENHULL SNOW QUEEN 19TH(F067915)gs. GRETNA HOUSE JACKOFALLTRADES(M052367)Dam BLACKPOOL PRIMROSE(F072573)gd. BLACKPOOL LILAC(F064691)2012 Simmental BREEDPLANCalving Calving Gest. 200 400 600Ease Ease Len. Birth Day Day Wt. Day Wt.Dir (%) Dtrs (%) (days) Wt. (kg) Wt (kg) (kg) (kg) MilkEBVs +0.8 -1.8 -- +1.6 +26 +53 +55 -1Accuracy 50% 48% 73% 65% 69% 64% 44%Av 11 Calves -0.6 -0.6 +0.2 +2.2 +29 +52 +57 +4Scrotal Carcase Eye Muscle Retail Terminal SelfSize Weight Area Fat Beef IMF Sire Replacing(cm) (kg) (Sq.cm) (mm) Yield % Index IndexEBV’s +1.4 +41 +4.2 +1.1 +0.4 +0.2 +66 +86Accuracy 64% 56% 40% 46% 43% +0.2Av 11 Calves +0.3 +36 +2.8 +0.1 +0.3 -0.1 +59 +6635Lot JIM & PATRICIA GOLDIE27 NEWBIEMAINS COMANCHEE 11M080462 Born 04/12/2011 UK581404201817gs. WOODHALL SYMPA(M066472)Sire NEWBIEMAINS APACHE 09 9(M074988)gd. NEWBIEMAINS VITA(F084984)gs. KILBRIDE FARM NEWRY(M059151)Dam CLONAGH WANDAS HAZEL(I000876)gd. CLONAGH HAZEL(IECDXZ0010E)2012 Simmental BREEDPLANCalving Calving Gest. 200 400 600Ease Ease Len. Birth Day Day Wt. Day Wt.Dir (%) Dtrs (%) (days) Wt. (kg) Wt (kg) (kg) (kg) MilkEBVs -3.2 +0.3 -- +3.1 +32 58 +63 --Accuracy 34% 32% 70% 62% 55% 53%Av 11 Calves -0.6 -0.6 +0.2 +2.2 +29 +52 +57 +4Scrotal Carcase Eye Muscle Retail Terminal SelfSize Weight Area Fat Beef IMF Sire Replacing(cm) (kg) (Sq.cm) (mm) Yield % Index IndexEBV’s +0.5 -- +3.2 0.0 +0.6 -0.3 +66 +68Accuracy 42% 30% 35% 33% -0.3Av 11 Calves +0.3 +36 +2.8 +0.1 +0.3 -0.1 +59 +66

36 Bulls - Class FourCLASS FOURLots 28 – 34 (7 entries)Lot J T & MRS S H EDWARDS28 SHILLBROOK DRAMBUIE 12M080672 Born 05/01/2012 UK329408100004gs. DOVEFIELDS GALLANT(M045537)Sire SILVER BIRCH A MANS A MAN 09(S002610)gd. CELTIC PRINCESS(F072363)gs. BOSWELL TORNADO(M067487)Dam STERLING NOVA’S AMERTHYST(F090061)gd. STERLING JANETS NOVA(F069713)2012 Simmental BREEDPLANCalving Calving Gest. 200 400 600Ease Ease Len. Birth Day Day Wt. Day Wt.Dir (%) Dtrs (%) (days) Wt. (kg) Wt (kg) (kg) (kg) MilkEBVs +4.9 -0.1 -- -0.1 +31 59 +59 --Accuracy 41% 38% 69% 57% 53% 52%Av 11 Calves -0.6 -0.6 +0.2 +2.2 +29 +52 +57 +4Scrotal Carcase Eye Muscle Retail Terminal SelfSize Weight Area Fat Beef IMF Sire Replacing(cm) (kg) (Sq.cm) (mm) Yield % Index IndexEBV’s -- -- -- -- -- -- +76 +77Accuracy --Av 11 Calves +0.3 +36 +2.8 +0.1 +0.3 -0.1 +59 +66Lot MR & MRS DAVID PICK29 SCARTHINGWELL DYLAN 12M080690 AI Born 10/01/2012 UK127020300159gs. SLIEVENAGH FANTASTIC(M042510)Sire OMORGA REGAN(M063861)gd. OMORGA MAGGIE(T002391)gs. BEAGHALL RIP VAN WINKLE(M066379)Dam SCARTHINGWELL WHITE HEATHER(F089252)gd. DENIZES HEATHER HONEY 3RD(F058931)SCARTHINGWELL DYLAN is maternal brother to Scarthingwell Clover, 2nd prize Junior Heifer, English NationalShow 2012.

Bulls - Class FourLot A K & R J STEELE30 WEETON DYNAMO 12M080719 AI Born 10/01/2012 UK145857100010gs. CLEENAGH FLASHER(M042198)Sire SAMARK SUPERMAN(M065895)gd. SAMARK GLITTER(F071921)gs. BLAKEWELL SUBZERO(M066714)Dam BLAKEWELL MELODY’S VIOLA(F086691)gd. BLAKEWELL MELODY(F068510)2012 Simmental BREEDPLANCalving Calving Gest. 200 400 600Ease Ease Len. Birth Day Day Wt. Day Wt.Dir (%) Dtrs (%) (days) Wt. (kg) Wt (kg) (kg) (kg) MilkEBVs +1.6 -0.2 -1.5 +2.7 +36 +58 +69 +6.0Accuracy 50% 46% 51% 56% 55% 55% 52% 37%Av 11 Calves -0.6 -0.6 +0.2 +2.2 +29 +52 +57 +4Scrotal Carcase Eye Muscle Retail Terminal SelfSize Weight Area Fat Beef IMF Sire Replacing(cm) (kg) (Sq.cm) (mm) Yield % Index IndexEBV’s -- -- -- -- -- -- +83 +93Accuracy --Av 11 Calves +0.3 +36 +2.8 +0.1 +0.3 -0.1 +59 +66WEETON DYNAMO 12 is a heifer’s calf with calving ease figures in the top 30%. He also carries a TSI of 83 andSRI of 93; representing a rare combination of both traits in the top 5% of the breed.37Lot K J C THOMAS31 CROWGEY D’ARTANIAN 12M080556 Born 10/01/2012 UK386945500072gs. STERLING FLINT(M042435)Sire OMORGA TARBUCK(S002470)gd. CLEENAGH DAFFODIL(F037708)gs. AGARDSLEY BRUNO(M030188)Dam BARGUS SERENA(F078355)gd. BARGUS JAMAICA BELLE(F057456)2012 Simmental BREEDPLANCalving Calving Gest. 200 400 600Ease Ease Len. Birth Day Day Wt. Day Wt.Dir (%) Dtrs (%) (days) Wt. (kg) Wt (kg) (kg) (kg) MilkEBVs -3.2 -3.7 -- +4.0 +35 +71 +82 +8.0Accuracy 52% 50% 70% 58% 55% 54% 41%Av 11 Calves -0.6 -0.6 +0.2 +2.2 +29 +52 +57 +4Scrotal Carcase Eye Muscle Retail Terminal SelfSize Weight Area Fat Beef IMF Sire Replacing(cm) (kg) (Sq.cm) (mm) Yield % Index IndexEBV’s -- -- -- -- -- -- +84 +89Accuracy --Av 11 Calves +0.3 +36 +2.8 +0.1 +0.3 -0.1 +59 +66CROWGEY D’ARTANIAN 12 has a terrific temperament and is in the top 5% of the breed for both 400 and 600Day Growth. Omorga Tarbuck (sire) is also the sire of Corrick Benson, Supreme Champion Stirling Oct 2011 soldfor 12,000gns.

38 Bulls - Class FourLot J B & E J PEILE32 PASTUREHOUSE DIPLOMAT 12M080692 Born 18/01/2012 UK100571300916gs. BLACKFORD LANCER(M056409)Sire TILLYMAUD VITAL SPARK(M069782)gd. TILLYMAUD HELGA(F065180)gs. CAISTOR KAISER(M053043)Dam DISTILLERY SHELLY 2ND(F071143)gd. DISTILLERY SHELLEY 2ND(F058298)2012 Simmental BREEDPLANCalving Calving Gest. 200 400 600Ease Ease Len. Birth Day Day Wt. Day Wt.Dir (%) Dtrs (%) (days) Wt. (kg) Wt (kg) (kg) (kg) MilkEBVs -4 -0.6 -- +2.6 -- -- -- --Accuracy 40% 36% 47%Av 11 Calves -0.6 -0.6 +0.2 +2.2 +29 +52 +57 +4Scrotal Carcase Eye Muscle Retail Terminal SelfSize Weight Area Fat Beef IMF Sire Replacing(cm) (kg) (Sq.cm) (mm) Yield % Index IndexEBV’s -- -- -- -- -- -- +47 +48Accuracy --Av 11 Calves +0.3 +36 +2.8 +0.1 +0.3 -0.1 +59 +66Lot BODDINGTON ESTATES LTD33 STERLING DAVID 12(ET)S002784 AI Born 29/01/2012 UK320130700354gs. CORRICK KENTUCKY KID(M054467)Sire DARSHAM PLAYBOY(P)(M061211)gd. DARSHAM KIT KAT(F063101)gs. BRINKTON BRILLIANT(S001581)Dam STERLING KORALS MOONBEAM(F068895)gd. STERLING ELEANOR’S KORAL(F061467)2012 Simmental BREEDPLANCalving Calving Gest. 200 400 600Ease Ease Len. Birth Day Day Wt. Day Wt.Dir (%) Dtrs (%) (days) Wt. (kg) Wt (kg) (kg) (kg) MilkEBVs 0.0 -2.9 -- +1.4 +30 +53 +57 +2.0Accuracy 49% 46% 58% 55% 54% 52% 44%Av 11 Calves -0.6 -0.6 +0.2 +2.2 +29 +52 +57 +4Scrotal Carcase Eye Muscle Retail Terminal SelfSize Weight Area Fat Beef IMF Sire Replacing(cm) (kg) (Sq.cm) (mm) Yield % Index IndexEBV’s -- -- -- -- -- -- +64 +71Accuracy --Av 11 Calves +0.3 +36 +2.8 +0.1 +0.3 -0.1 +59 +66

Bulls - Class Four39Lot BODDINGTON ESTATES LTD34 STERLING DOUGIE 12(ET)S002787 Born 29/01/2012 UK320130100355gs. CORRICK KENTUCKY KID(M054467)Sire DARSHAM PLAYBOY(P)(M061211)gd. DARSHAM KIT KAT(F063101)gs. BRINKTON BRILLIANT(S001581)Dam STERLING KORALS MOONBEAM(F068895)gd. STERLING ELEANOR’S KORAL(F061467)2012 Simmental BREEDPLANCalving Calving Gest. 200 400 600Ease Ease Len. Birth Day Day Wt. Day Wt.Dir (%) Dtrs (%) (days) Wt. (kg) Wt (kg) (kg) (kg) MilkEBVs 0.0 -2.9 -- +1.4 +30 +53 +57 +2.0Accuracy 49% 46% 58% 55% 54% 52% 44%Av 11 Calves -0.6 -0.6 +0.2 +2.2 +29 +52 +57 +4Scrotal Carcase Eye Muscle Retail Terminal SelfSize Weight Area Fat Beef IMF Sire Replacing(cm) (kg) (Sq.cm) (mm) Yield % Index IndexEBV’s -- -- -- -- -- -- +64 +71Accuracy --Av 11 Calves +0.3 +36 +2.8 +0.1 +0.3 -0.1 +59 +66

By Alistair DriverFARMING Minister Jim Paice haschallenged British farmers to ‘setthe industry on fire’by leaving thepast behind and embracing theopportunities on offer in today’smarketplace.Speaking at the Oxford FarmingConference, Mr Paice laid outhis vision for British farmingbased on seeking out new globalmarkets, innovating using allavailable technologies and ultimatelythriving without thesupport of direct subsidies.He also revealed Defra wouldbe hosting an ‘innovation summit’in London in March followed by aseries of ‘practical’regional events.He dismissed the view of farming‘as a quaint old industry’ andurged farmers to look to the future.“We can keep the cosy imageof Buttercup in the field producinga few litres a day and thebucolic farmer leaning on his gateWe can sentimentalise farmers assmall players in a market dominatedby supermarkets at homeand multinational conglomeratesabroad,”he said.“Or we can set this industry onfire and take the opportunities andface the reality they provide.”He insisted his comments werenot about advocating ‘big, corporate’farms over ‘small, family’businesses: “It is about attitude:whether to pine for the old days ofgovernment intervention and protection,or to face the challenges.”At the heart of his speech wasthe need for the industry to use ‘thebest research, technology andknowledge transfer we can get’ tohelp boost production, while protectingresources and biodiversity.Mr Paice identified the Agricultureand Horticulture DevelopmentBoard (AHDB) as the‘professional body’ to drive the industryforward in this area and hadasked AHDB chairman John Godfreyto address how this could beachieved. He stressed the industryneeded to accept it was competingin a global food marketplace andto seek out export opportunities‘where we are most competitive’.Shadow Defra Secretary MaryCreagh said food was ‘one of thedefining political issues of this century’,but criticised the Governmentfor failing to address all theissues surrounding it.Highlighting the role farmingand food can play in stimulatingeconomic recovery, she warned ofincreasing food poverty in the UKagainst a backdrop of rising foodprices, exacerbated, she claimed,by commodity speculation.NFU president Peter Kendallsaid he was heartened by MrPaice’s message.With Britain set to take centre stage this year, we celebrate all rural Britain has to offer.NEWS 2-3BUSINESS 10MACHINERY 18LIVESTOCK 46YOUNGSTOCK 52SALES 54IN YOUR FIELD 60WILLIAM AND ANDREWCOWX, CUMBRIA40Subscribe toAgriculture’s National NewspaperFarmersWWW.FARMERSGUARDIAN.COMGuardianFRIDAY JANUARY 6 2012 £2.00AGRICULTURE’S NATIONAL NEWSPAPERLOCALLY-PRODUCEDNEW WAYS OF ATTRACTINGCUSTOMERS p50-51British farmers urged toseize new opportunitiesrOperating in a trulyglobal marketplacerSurviving withoutGovernment subsidyDriving ambitionRENEWED PASSIONA COUNTRYSIDECELEBRATION p48-49BEST OF BRITISH FARMING Special issueLAMMA 2012 31-PAGE SHOW PREVIEW p15-45PPA EDITORIAL CAMPAIGN OF THE YEAR WINNER 2008 AND 2011OLYMPIC SHOWCASETime for British produceto shine p6-7AMBASSADORSPOTATO GROWERS’PUBLICITY DRIVE p1288 PAGES OFNEWS ANDCLASSIFIEDSFull reportfrom OxfordBuilding yourown websiteUK machineryin focusBeef’s uniqueselling pointAgriventurecompetitionReports fromaround the UK“We can be quitepleased with thereturns we havehad for both cattleand sheep”Save 20%Pay £22.88 everyquarter, equivalent toonly £1.76 per issueFree first class postCall now on 01858 438 893 and quote HH12or visit www.farmersguardian.com/hh12FG281No.1 for livestockcoverage andauctionsFG281_A5_30%subs_ad(HH12).indd 1 25/06/2012 17:15

Females - Class FiveFEMALES41CLASS FIVESERVED HEIFERSLots 35 – 39 (5 entries)Lot C J G CLARKE35 BURGHBRIDGE MARBELLA 4THF096640 Born 07/10/2010 UK222425600348gs. STRATHISLA JULIUS(M050813)Sire BRINKTON MAJOR(M057957)gd. BRINKTON MELODY 3RD(ET)(T001311)gs. STRATHISLA POPEYE(M062156)Dam BURGHBRIDGE TWIGGY(F083077)gd. BURGHBRIDGE PAULA(F072449)2012 Simmental BREEDPLANCalving Calving Gest. 200 400 600Ease Ease Len. Birth Day Day Wt. Day Wt.Dir (%) Dtrs (%) (days) Wt. (kg) Wt (kg) (kg) (kg) MilkEBVs +4.9 +2.0 -- +2.4 +30 +47 +52 +4.0Accuracy 44% 42% 69% 66% 66% 65% 45%Av 11 Calves -0.6 -0.6 +0.2 +2.2 +29 +52 +57 +4Scrotal Carcase Eye Muscle Retail Terminal SelfSize Weight Area Fat Beef IMF Sire Replacing(cm) (kg) (Sq.cm) (mm) Yield % Index IndexEBV’s -- +33.0 +1.7 +0.7 -0.8 +0.2 +50 +64Accuracy 54% 34% 53% 47% 38%Av 11 Calves +0.3 +36 +2.8 +0.1 +0.3 -0.1 +59 +66Service DetailsRan from 23/02/2013 to 20/04/2013 with HORSFORDMANOR BONUS 10 (M077010)

42Females - Class FiveLot W J HOLLINGSWORTH36 MIDHOPE CARLAF098141 Born 03/03/2011 UK120411600902gs. OMORGA LENNOX(M056739)Sire DIRNANEAN SNOWIE(M065604)gd. DIRNANEAN MERRY(P)(F067753)gs. MIDHOPE DALE(M036744)Dam MIDHOPE HELEN(F054664)gd. MIDHOPE WINCEY(F023782)2012 Simmental BREEDPLANCalving Calving Gest. 200 400 600Ease Ease Len. Birth Day Day Wt. Day Wt.Dir (%) Dtrs (%) (days) Wt. (kg) Wt (kg) (kg) (kg) MilkEBVs -5.9 -0.1 -- +2.3 +32 +54 +64 +3.0Accuracy 50% 48% 74% 68% 69% 68% 45%Av 11 Calves -0.6 -0.6 +0.2 +2.2 +29 +52 +57 +4Scrotal Carcase Eye Muscle Retail Terminal SelfSize Weight Area Fat Beef IMF Sire Replacing(cm) (kg) (Sq.cm) (mm) Yield % Index IndexEBV’s -- +37.0 +2.6 +0.5 -0.4 -0.2 +51 +50Accuracy 57% 39% 58% 52% -0.2Av 11 Calves +0.3 +36 +2.8 +0.1 +0.3 -0.1 +59 +66Service DetailsRan from 27/11/2012 to sale date with DELFUR-CHAS 11 (M082455).PD’d 8/9 weeks in calf on 13/02/2013.Delfur-Chas 11 (service sire) purchased for 10,000gns, Stirling October 2012.Lot C J G CLARKE37 BURGHBRIDGE FAUNA 18TH(TF)F097576 Born 11/03/2011 UK222425500368gs. BLACKFORD LIONHEART(M055185)Sire STRATHISLA POPEYE(M062156)gd. STRATHISLA HANNAH 2ND(F045740)gs. BRINKTON MAJOR(M057957)Dam BURGHBRIDGE FAUNA 12TH(F082775)gd. BURGHBRIDGE FAUNA 3RD(F069297)2012 Simmental BREEDPLANCalving Calving Gest. 200 400 600Ease Ease Len. Birth Day Day Wt. Day Wt.Dir (%) Dtrs (%) (days) Wt. (kg) Wt (kg) (kg) (kg) MilkEBVs +3.0 +1.0 -- +2.1 +30 +47 +49 +2.0Accuracy 43% 40% 68% 63% 64% 63% 43%Av 11 Calves -0.6 -0.6 +0.2 +2.2 +29 +52 +57 +4Scrotal Carcase Eye Muscle Retail Terminal SelfSize Weight Area Fat Beef IMF Sire Replacing(cm) (kg) (Sq.cm) (mm) Yield % Index IndexEBV’s -- +34.0 +2.9 +1.4 -0.4 +0.2 +54 +67Accuracy 52% 34% 50% 44% +0.2Av 11 Calves +0.3 +36 +2.8 +0.1 +0.3 -0.1 +59 +66Service DetailsRan from 23/02/2013 to 20/04/2013 with HORSFORDMANOR BONUS 10 (M077010)

Lot W J HOLLINGSWORTH38 MIDHOPE CHAMPAGNEF098143 Born 24/03/2011 UK120411300913gs. BALLINALARE FARM NIGHTRIDER(M060500)Sire CORSKIE WEALTH(M072476)gd. CORSKIE SIXPENCE(F079966)gs. DIRNANEAN SNOWIE(M065604)Dam MIDHOPE RADIANT 2ND(F089129)gd. MIDHOPE RADIANT(F076467)2012 Simmental BREEDPLANCalving Calving Gest. 200 400 600Ease Ease Len. Birth Day Day Wt. Day Wt.Dir (%) Dtrs (%) (days) Wt. (kg) Wt (kg) (kg) (kg) MilkEBVs -2 +2.0 -- +3.2 +34 +58 +70 +5.0Accuracy 43% 37% 70% 66% 66% 65% 37%Av 11 Calves -0.6 -0.6 +0.2 +2.2 +29 +52 +57 +4Scrotal Carcase Eye Muscle Retail Terminal SelfSize Weight Area Fat Beef IMF Sire Replacing(cm) (kg) (Sq.cm) (mm) Yield % Index IndexEBV’s -- +42.0 +2.4 -0.7 +1.0 -0.3 +69 +77Accuracy 54% 39% 57% 51% -0.3Av 11 Calves +0.3 +36 +2.8 +0.1 +0.3 -0.1 +59 +66Service DetailsFemales - Class FiveRan from 27/11/2012 to sale date with DELFUR-CHAS 11 (M082455).PD’d 8/9 weeks in calf on 13/02/2013.Delfur-Chas 11 (service sire) purchased for 10,000gns, Stirling October 2012.43Lot I & M STEELE39 BLAKEWELL WHISPERS CHERUBF099212 Born 24/05/2011 UK142680400330gs. DIRNANEAN SOLOMAN (M064902)Sire HOCKENHULL AESOP 09 (M073426)gd. HOCKENHULL NATALIE 32ND (F073913)gs. BLAKEWELL TOPPER (M068018)Dam BLAKEWELL RAINBOWS WHISPER (F090069)gd. BLAKEWELL MAGICS RAINBOW (F077406)2012 Simmental BREEDPLANCalving Calving Gest. 200 400 600Ease Ease Len. Birth Day Day Wt. Day Wt.Dir (%) Dtrs (%) (days) Wt. (kg) Wt (kg) (kg) (kg) MilkEBVs +2.0 +1.1 -- +2.4 +29 +57 +62 -Accuracy 37% 32% 51% 53% 48% 46% -Av 11 Calves -0.6 -0.6 +0.2 +2.2 +29 +52 +57 +4Scrotal Carcase Eye Muscle Retail Terminal SelfSize Weight Area Fat Beef IMF Sire Replacing(cm) (kg) (Sq.cm) (mm) Yield % Index IndexEBV’s -- -- -- -- -- -- +71 +84Accuracy --Av 11 Calves +0.3 +36 +2.8 +0.1 +0.3 -0.1 +59 +66Service DetailsRan from 04/03/2013 to sale date with BLAKEWELL WARRIOR (M070897)Blakewell Warrior (service sire) has sired many good animals; including Peasihill Barney sold for 8,300gns.He is easy calving and has been used on the herd’s heifers without problem.

44Females - Class SixCLASS SIXMAIDEN HEIFERSLots 40 – 46 (7 entries)Lot W J HOLLINGSWORTH40 MIDHOPE CAMILLAF099109 Born 11/05/2011 UK120411600923gs. OMORGA LENNOX(M056739)Sire DIRNANEAN SNOWIE(M065604)gd. DIRNANEAN MERRY(P)(F067753)gs. PASTUREHOUSE PALEFACE(M062763)Dam MIDHOPE VALLEY(F085931)gd. MIDHOPE NIGELLA(F071763)2012 Simmental BREEDPLANCalving Calving Gest. 200 400 600Ease Ease Len. Birth Day Day Wt. Day Wt.Dir (%) Dtrs (%) (days) Wt. (kg) Wt (kg) (kg) (kg) MilkEBVs -4.5 -1 -- +1.9 +25 +37 +45 +4.0Accuracy 47% 44% 71% 66% 66% 65% 41%Av 11 Calves -0.6 -0.6 +0.2 +2.2 +29 +52 +57 +4Scrotal Carcase Eye Muscle Retail Terminal SelfSize Weight Area Fat Beef IMF Sire Replacing(cm) (kg) (Sq.cm) (mm) Yield % Index IndexEBV’s -- +28.0 +3.0 +1.6 -0.7 +0.4 +35 +39Accuracy 54% 37% 56% 50% +0.4Av 11 Calves +0.3 +36 +2.8 +0.1 +0.3 -0.1 +59 +66Lot MRS A TRAFFORD41 ROOKLEA ANNA 14TH(TF)F099390 Born 04/06/2011 UK101609400837gs. CARNKERN TITAN(M015902)Sire RANFURLY ROMULUS(M063053)gd. RANFURLY WANSE 2ND(F069022)gs. BLACKFORD HAWK(M047965)Dam ROOKLEA ANNA 11TH(F080939)gd. ROOKLEA ANNA 2ND(F037140)2012 Simmental BREEDPLANCalving Calving Gest. 200 400 600Ease Ease Len. Birth Day Day Wt. Day Wt.Dir (%) Dtrs (%) (days) Wt. (kg) Wt (kg) (kg) (kg) MilkEBVs +0.9 -2.2 -- -- -- -- -- +2.0Accuracy 39% 38% 38%Av 11 Calves -0.6 -0.6 +0.2 +2.2 +29 +52 +57 +4Scrotal Carcase Eye Muscle Retail Terminal SelfSize Weight Area Fat Beef IMF Sire Replacing(cm) (kg) (Sq.cm) (mm) Yield % Index IndexEBV’s -- -- -- -- -- -- +47 --Accuracy --Av 11 Calves +0.3 +36 +2.8 +0.1 +0.3 -0.1 +59 +66

Females - Class SixLot MRS A TRAFFORD42 ROOKLEA ANNA 15TH(TF)F099328 Born 04/06/2011 UK101609500838gs. CARNKERN TITAN(M015902)Sire RANFURLY ROMULUS(M063053)gd. RANFURLY WANSE 2ND(F069022)gs. BLACKFORD HAWK(M047965)Dam ROOKLEA ANNA 11TH(F080939)gd. ROOKLEA ANNA 2ND(F037140)2012 Simmental BREEDPLANCalving Calving Gest. 200 400 600Ease Ease Len. Birth Day Day Wt. Day Wt.Dir (%) Dtrs (%) (days) Wt. (kg) Wt (kg) (kg) (kg) MilkEBVs +0.9 -2.2 -- -- -- -- -- +2.0Accuracy 39% 38% 38%Av 11 Calves -0.6 -0.6 +0.2 +2.2 +29 +52 +57 +4Scrotal Carcase Eye Muscle Retail Terminal SelfSize Weight Area Fat Beef IMF Sire Replacing(cm) (kg) (Sq.cm) (mm) Yield % Index IndexEBV’s -- -- -- -- -- -- +47 --Accuracy --Av 11 Calves +0.3 +36 +2.8 +0.1 +0.3 -0.1 +59 +6645Lot J B & E J PEILE43 PASTUREHOUSE MALTESER 2NDF099708 Born 09/07/2011 UK100571600870gs. BLACKFORD LANCER(M056409)Sire TILLYMAUD VITAL SPARK(M069782)gd. TILLYMAUD HELGA(F065180)gs. HARESTONE HERCULES(M049073)Dam PASTUREHOUSE MIRANDAS MALTESER(F072395)gd. GRETNA HOUSE MIRANDA’S HELENA(F054194)2012 Simmental BREEDPLANCalving Calving Gest. 200 400 600Ease Ease Len. Birth Day Day Wt. Day Wt.Dir (%) Dtrs (%) (days) Wt. (kg) Wt (kg) (kg) (kg) MilkEBVs -4.7 -3.7 -- +2.9 +29 +52 +57 +4.0Accuracy 42% 39% 70% 56% 51% 51% 35%Av 11 Calves -0.6 -0.6 +0.2 +2.2 +29 +52 +57 +4Scrotal Carcase Eye Muscle Retail Terminal SelfSize Weight Area Fat Beef IMF Sire Replacing(cm) (kg) (Sq.cm) (mm) Yield % Index IndexEBV’s -- -- -- -- -- -- +55 +57Accuracy --Av 11 Calves +0.3 +36 +2.8 +0.1 +0.3 -0.1 +59 +66

46Females - Class SixLot J B & E J PEILE44 PASTUREHOUSE POLLY 4THF099710 Born 16/07/2011 UK100571200880gs. BLACKFORD LANCER(M056409)Sire TILLYMAUD VITAL SPARK(M069782)gd. TILLYMAUD HELGA(F065180)gs. BLAKEWELL LAST CHALENGE(M058401)Dam PASTUREHOUSE MALTESER’S POLLY(F081424)gd. PASTUREHOUSE MIRANDAS MALTESER(F072395)2012 Simmental BREEDPLANCalving Calving Gest. 200 400 600Ease Ease Len. Birth Day Day Wt. Day Wt.Dir (%) Dtrs (%) (days) Wt. (kg) Wt (kg) (kg) (kg) MilkEBVs -4.3 -2.4 -- +3.0 +27 +48 +54 --Accuracy 39% 36% 70% 54% 50% 51%Av 11 Calves -0.6 -0.6 +0.2 +2.2 +29 +52 +57 +4Scrotal Carcase Eye Muscle Retail Terminal SelfSize Weight Area Fat Beef IMF Sire Replacing(cm) (kg) (Sq.cm) (mm) Yield % Index IndexEBV’s -- -- -- -- -- -- +53 +54Accuracy --Av 11 Calves +0.3 +36 +2.8 +0.1 +0.3 -0.1 +59 +66Lot MRS A TRAFFORD45 ROOKLEA ANNA 16THF100348 Born 22/09/2011 UK101609600860gs. CARNKERN TITAN(M015902)Sire RANFURLY ROMULUS(M063053)gd. RANFURLY WANSE 2ND(F069022)gs. POPES JUGGERNAUT(M050503)Dam ROOKLEA ANNA 8TH(F071367)gd. ROOKLEA ANNA 5TH(F062939)2012 Simmental BREEDPLANCalving Calving Gest. 200 400 600Ease Ease Len. Birth Day Day Wt. Day Wt.Dir (%) Dtrs (%) (days) Wt. (kg) Wt (kg) (kg) (kg) MilkEBVs -4.1 -1.7 -- -- -- -- -- -1Accuracy 39% 37% 36%Av 11 Calves -0.6 -0.6 +0.2 +2.2 +29 +52 +57 +4Scrotal Carcase Eye Muscle Retail Terminal SelfSize Weight Area Fat Beef IMF Sire Replacing(cm) (kg) (Sq.cm) (mm) Yield % Index IndexEBV’s -- -- -- -- -- -- +45 --Accuracy --Av 11 Calves +0.3 +36 +2.8 +0.1 +0.3 -0.1 +59 +66

Females - Class SixLot I & M STEELE46 BLAKEWELL AMANDA’S CHLOEF100727 Born 17/11/2011 UK142680300336gs. DARSHAM HADDON(S002117)Sire BLAKEWELL WARRIOR(M070897)gd. BLAKEWELL KISSES NORTHERN BEAUTY(F072205)gs. BLACKFORD HARVESTER(M049570)Dam BLAKEWELL NELL’S AMANDA(F090534)gd. BLAKEWELL KISMETS NELL(F070143)2012 Simmental BREEDPLANCalving Calving Gest. 200 400 600Ease Ease Len. Birth Day Day Wt. Day Wt.Dir (%) Dtrs (%) (days) Wt. (kg) Wt (kg) (kg) (kg) MilkEBVs +3.3 +4.0 -- +2.1 +41 +73 +73 +5.0Accuracy 44% 40% 66% 61% 62% 57% 38%Av 11 Calves -0.6 -0.6 +0.2 +2.2 +29 +52 +57 +4Scrotal Carcase Eye Muscle Retail Terminal SelfSize Weight Area Fat Beef IMF Sire Replacing(cm) (kg) (Sq.cm) (mm) Yield % Index IndexEBV’s -- +51.0 -- -- -- -- +87 +98Accuracy 50% --Av 11 Calves +0.3 +36 +2.8 +0.1 +0.3 -0.1 +59 +6647

48Females - Class SevenCLASS SEVENMAIDEN HEIFERSLots 47 – 52 (6 entries)Lot BODDINGTON ESTATES LTD47 STERLING SAMANTHA’S DREAMF101598 AI Born 12/01/2012 UK320130600353gs. STERLING FLINT(M042435)Sire DARSHAM LUCKY STRIKE(M055055)gd. KAIR GERTRUDE 10TH(F040217)gs. CORSKIE PRINCIPAL(M060814)Dam STERLING MARTINIS SAMANTHA(F080307)gd. STERLING JOSIE’S MARTINI(F066920)2012 Simmental BREEDPLANCalving Calving Gest. 200 400 600Ease Ease Len. Birth Day Day Wt. Day Wt.Dir (%) Dtrs (%) (days) Wt. (kg) Wt (kg) (kg) (kg) MilkEBVs -12 -1.6 +3.5 +3.2 +27 +66 +66 +3.0Accuracy 56% 54% 59% 74% 70% 70% 65% 54%Av 11 Calves -0.6 -0.6 +0.2 +2.2 +29 +52 +57 +4Scrotal Carcase Eye Muscle Retail Terminal SelfSize Weight Area Fat Beef IMF Sire Replacing(cm) (kg) (Sq.cm) (mm) Yield % Index IndexEBV’s -- +45.0 -- -- -- -- +61 +64Accuracy 58% --Av 11 Calves +0.3 +36 +2.8 +0.1 +0.3 -0.1 +59 +66Lot BODDINGTON ESTATES LTD48 STERLING ANNA’S DUCHESSF101132 Born 30/01/2012 UK320130600360gs. DARSHAM LUCKY STRIKE(M055055)Sire STERLING BOSTON 10(M075398)gd. STERLING MICHELLE’S RHAPSODY(F077516)gs. ROSTEN SON-O’BARNEY(M066451)Dam STERLING DOLORES ANNA(F091833)gd. STERLING ADEL’S DOLORES(F040856)2012 Simmental BREEDPLANCalving Calving Gest. 200 400 600Ease Ease Len. Birth Day Day Wt. Day Wt.Dir (%) Dtrs (%) (days) Wt. (kg) Wt (kg) (kg) (kg) MilkEBVs -6.2 -2.5 -- +2.6 +30 +54 +58 +2.0Accuracy 43% 40% 57% 59% 55% 52% 38%Av 11 Calves -0.6 -0.6 +0.2 +2.2 +29 +52 +57 +4Scrotal Carcase Eye Muscle Retail Terminal SelfSize Weight Area Fat Beef IMF Sire Replacing(cm) (kg) (Sq.cm) (mm) Yield % Index IndexEBV’s -- -- -- -- -- -- +48 +45Accuracy --Av 11 Calves +0.3 +36 +2.8 +0.1 +0.3 -0.1 +59 +66STERLING ANNA's DUCHESS's pedigree carries two of the herds best family lines namely Adel and Aubrietta.Her mothers half sister was the 2010 National Show Champion.

Females - Class Seven49Lot BODDINGTON ESTATES LTD49 STERLING VERBENA’S DELTAF101959 Born 16/03/2012 UK320130400365gs. CORSKIE PRINCIPAL(M060814)Sire STERLING VIKING 2ND(M069308)gd. STERLING HELEN’S LYRIC(F065137)gs. STERLING PARLIAMENTARIAN(M010263)Dam STERLING JOSIE’S VERBENA(F086670)gd. STERLING VANESSA’S JOSIE(F058092)2012 Simmental BREEDPLANCalving Calving Gest. 200 400 600Ease Ease Len. Birth Day Day Wt. Day Wt.Dir (%) Dtrs (%) (days) Wt. (kg) Wt (kg) (kg) (kg) MilkEBVs +0.7 +1.0 +0.8 +2.1 +24 +47 +50 +7.0Accuracy 47% 44% 50% 71% 65% 60% 58% 43%Av 11 Calves -0.6 -0.6 +0.2 +2.2 +29 +52 +57 +4Scrotal Carcase Eye Muscle Retail Terminal SelfSize Weight Area Fat Beef IMF Sire Replacing(cm) (kg) (Sq.cm) (mm) Yield % Index IndexEBV’s -- -- -- -- -- -- +60 +80Accuracy --Av 11 Calves +0.3 +36 +2.8 +0.1 +0.3 -0.1 +59 +66Lot RON LOFTUS50 CLEARWATER DAFFODIL(P)F101868 AI Born 18/03/2012 UK187213300005gs. TISET VAGN(P)(26466-00101)Sire TISET DARWIN(P)(I000865)gd. BUCKLANDS MOLLY(91426-00011)gs. NEW TREND DYNASTY(I000328)Dam NEW TREND SALINA(P)(T002708)gd. VINGEGARD SALINA(P)(I000452)2012 Simmental BREEDPLANCalving Calving Gest. 200 400 600Ease Ease Len. Birth Day Day Wt. Day Wt.Dir (%) Dtrs (%) (days) Wt. (kg) Wt (kg) (kg) (kg) MilkEBVs +0.3 +2.6 -- +1.4 +33 +52 +58 --Accuracy 43% 32% 67% 58% 52% 49%Av 11 Calves -0.6 -0.6 +0.2 +2.2 +29 +52 +57 +4Scrotal Carcase Eye Muscle Retail Terminal SelfSize Weight Area Fat Beef IMF Sire Replacing(cm) (kg) (Sq.cm) (mm) Yield % Index IndexEBV’s -- -- -- -- -- -- +57 +64Accuracy --Av 11 Calves +0.3 +36 +2.8 +0.1 +0.3 -0.1 +59 +66CLEARWATER DAFFODIL is a polled heifer with an outcross pedigree. New Trend Salina (dam) is a combinationof the best bloodlines from the New Trend Herd; New Trend Dynasty (gsire) was 1st prize winner RASE 2002 andVingegard Salina (gdam) 1st prize winner RASE 2007. Tiset Darwin (sire) is an impressive new Danish polled bull.

50Females - Class SevenLot J & OJ TRAFFORD51 HEPPLEWHITE CHAMPAGNE 16THF103315 Born 03/05/2012 UK101609400872gs. CARNKERN TITAN(M015902)Sire RANFURLY ROMULUS(M063053)gd. RANFURLY WANSE 2ND(F069022)gs. HEPPLEWHITE KONG(M054718)Dam HEPPLEWHITE CHAMPAGNE 12TH(F083690)gd. HEPPLEWHITE CHAMPAGNE 11TH(F076549)2012 Simmental BREEDPLANCalving Calving Gest. 200 400 600Ease Ease Len. Birth Day Day Wt. Day Wt.Dir (%) Dtrs (%) (days) Wt. (kg) Wt (kg) (kg) (kg) MilkEBVs -6 -3 -- +2.0 +23 +46 +53 --Accuracy 37% 35% 40% 38% 36% 36%Av 11 Calves -0.6 -0.6 +0.2 +2.2 +29 +52 +57 +4Scrotal Carcase Eye Muscle Retail Terminal SelfSize Weight Area Fat Beef IMF Sire Replacing(cm) (kg) (Sq.cm) (mm) Yield % Index IndexEBV’s -- -- -- -- -- -- +48 +50Accuracy --Av 11 Calves +0.3 +36 +2.8 +0.1 +0.3 -0.1 +59 +66Lot RON LOFTUS52 CLEARWATER DAISY DUKE(P)F103003 AI Born 08/05/2012 UK187213500007gs. MARYWOOD POLLED WESTER(PP)(I000495)Sire PASTUREFIELDS TURBO TOMMY(PP)(S002445)gd. VINGEGARD MON-CHERI(PP)(41524-00633 HP)gs. RICHWOOD BRUNO 809G(PP)(I000366)Dam WROXALL POLLED GRACE (P)(F074273)gd. WROXALL JASMINE-GRACE(F060847)2012 Simmental BREEDPLANCalving Calving Gest. 200 400 600Ease Ease Len. Birth Day Day Wt. Day Wt.Dir (%) Dtrs (%) (days) Wt. (kg) Wt (kg) (kg) (kg) MilkEBVs -5.1 -0.3 -- +2.7 +18 +47 +54 +4.0Accuracy 49% 43% 70% 64% 59% 57% 41%Av 11 Calves -0.6 -0.6 +0.2 +2.2 +29 +52 +57 +4Scrotal Carcase Eye Muscle Retail Terminal SelfSize Weight Area Fat Beef IMF Sire Replacing(cm) (kg) (Sq.cm) (mm) Yield % Index IndexEBV’s -- -- -- -- -- -- +52 +48Accuracy --Av 11 Calves +0.3 +36 +2.8 +0.1 +0.3 -0.1 +59 +66Wroxall Polled Grace (dam) has great maternal longevity and is due with her eighth calf before her tenthbirthday. Pasturefield Turbo Tommy (sire) was Male Champion, RASE 2008.

Dolwen Herd51DISPERSAL OF THEDOLWEN HERDOn behalf of Messrs B & RL JonesIn 1995 we decided to give up milk production and went into keeping Beef Cattle.However, it soon became apparent that we wanted to start a Pedigree Beef Herdand the decision was made to go for the Simmental breed.In 2000 the Dolwen Herd was established. The purchase of cows to start theherd came from various bloodlines which included Pasturefields, Crackley, Aden,Caistor and latterly Hockenhull to name but a few. Although most of the bullsproduced at the Dolwen Herd were sold privately. The current herd sire is ahome bull, Dolwen Cameron, who is a shapely bull with good length and has allthe characteristics of the Simmental breed. All the cows in the herd are housedin cubicles.The holding has never had a TB reactor and has been a closed herd for the last4 years. There are some current show potential heifers and in 2011 DolwenLady was Champion/Reserve Champion at Oswestry, Denbigh & Flint, Anglesey,Eglwysbach and Llanrwst Shows. Dolwen Snowdrop (lot 62) was shownsuccessfully last year at the Royal Welsh Show as was Dolwen Vernon first in2009. All cows are in the Premium Cattle Health Scheme and free from Johnes,IBR, BVD and Lepto.We are now retiring and hope that the cattle will give someone else as muchpleasure as we have enjoyed over the last 12 years and also supporting our localshows.Bryn & Rhiannon Jones

52Lot B & R L JONES53 BLACKFORD RHIANNONF077395 Born 29/09/2004 UK500948100252gs. CLEENAGH FLASHER(M042198)Sire KILBRIDE FARM MILLAR(M058207)gd. KILBRIDE FARM DORA K4(F061651)gs. CURLIEU KNIGHT(M053237)Dam BLACKFORD NEEVE(F070331)gd. BLACKFORD GLORIA(F050746)2012 Simmental BREEDPLANCalving Calving Gest. 200 400 600Ease Ease Len. Birth Day Day Wt. Day Wt.Dir (%) Dtrs (%) (days) Wt. (kg) Wt (kg) (kg) (kg) MilkEBVs -2.7 -2.8 +0.2 +3.2 +32 +64 +67 +5.0Accuracy 44% 42% 45% 59% 62% 58% 55% 45%Av 11 Calves -0.6 -0.6 +0.2 +2.2 +29 +52 +57 +4Scrotal Carcase Eye Muscle Retail Terminal SelfSize Weight Area Fat Beef IMF Sire Replacing(cm) (kg) (Sq.cm) (mm) Yield % Index IndexEBV’s +0.8 -- +2.8 +0.3 0.0 +0.1 +69 +75Accuracy 39% 30% 36% 34% +0.1Av 11 Calves +0.3 +36 +2.8 +0.1 +0.3 -0.1 +59 +66Calving Record 1. 06/11/2007 M SOLD2. 07/06/2009 M SOLD3. 04/06/2010 F SOLD4. 12/02/2013 F AT FOOTDolwen HerdHer Heifer Calf at footDOLWEN ELVISF105550 Born: 12/02/2013 UK705615200115Sire: KEELDRUM SCHUBERT (M065739)BLACKFORD RHIANNON is the mother of Dolwen Volcano, sold privately for £3000 and Dolwen Alwyn shownsuccessfully at Royal Welsh Show and several local shows, then sold for £3400, Welshpool May 2011.

Lot B & R L JONES54 KILBRIDE FARM EUNICE 37SF080631 Born 15/09/2005 UK90633252855gs. CARNKERN TITAN(M015902)Sire SEAVIEW PRINCE CHARMING(I000390)gd. SEAVIEW HILARY(I000778)gs. MILNAFUA GRADUATE(M045753)Dam KILBRIDE FARM EUNICE 10P(F072869)gd. KILBRIDE FARM EUNICE D29(F039572)2012 Simmental BREEDPLANCalving Calving Gest. 200 400 600Ease Ease Len. Birth Day Day Wt. Day Wt.Dir (%) Dtrs (%) (days) Wt. (kg) Wt (kg) (kg) (kg) MilkEBVs -8.6 -1 +0.2 +3.6 +27 +55 +63 +1.0Accuracy 53% 51% 54% 75% 70% 70% 65% 51%Av 11 Calves -0.6 -0.6 +0.2 +2.2 +29 +52 +57 +4Scrotal Carcase Eye Muscle Retail Terminal SelfSize Weight Area Fat Beef IMF Sire Replacing(cm) (kg) (Sq.cm) (mm) Yield % Index IndexEBV’s +0.5 +35.0 +2.4 +0.1 0.0 +0.1 +52 +54Accuracy 52% 58% 41% 47% 44% +0.1Av 11 Calves +0.3 +36 +2.8 +0.1 +0.3 -0.1 +59 +66Service Details Ran from 29/08/2012 with DOLWEN CAMERON seen served 29/12/2012,due to calve 07/06/2013.Calving Record 1. 29/03/2008 M DIED2. 05/04/2009 M SOLD3. 11/05/2010 M DIED4. 07/07/2011 M SOLDDolwen Herd53

54Dolwen HerdLot B & R L JONES55 PENWERN VIRGINIA(ET)T002549 AI Born 25/01/2007 UK743583500468gs. STERLING FLINT(M042435)Sire OMORGA PRINCE(M060676)gd. CLEENAGH DAFFODIL(F037708)gs. CURLIEU KERMIT(M053876)Dam PASTUREFIELDS MIA(F067096)gd. PASTUREFIELDS CHARLIE GIRL 2(F061749)2012 Simmental BREEDPLANCalving Calving Gest. 200 400 600Ease Ease Len. Birth Day Day Wt. Day Wt.Dir (%) Dtrs (%) (days) Wt. (kg) Wt (kg) (kg) (kg) MilkEBVs -4.5 -1.7 +1.2 +2.4 +26 +48 +58 -2Accuracy 55% 52% 57% 71% 60% 56% 55% 43%Av 11 Calves -0.6 -0.6 +0.2 +2.2 +29 +52 +57 +4Scrotal Carcase Eye Muscle Retail Terminal SelfSize Weight Area Fat Beef IMF Sire Replacing(cm) (kg) (Sq.cm) (mm) Yield % Index IndexEBV’s -- -- +3.5 0.0 +0.7 -0.2 +56 +64Accuracy 33% 37% 35% -0.2Av 11 Calves +0.3 +36 +2.8 +0.1 +0.3 -0.1 +59 +66Calving Record 1. 14/01/2010 F Penwern Branwen (Lot 61)2. 22/02/2011 F SOLD3. 25/04/2012 M SOLD4. 19/03/2013 M AT FOOTHer Bull Calf at footDolwen ElwynBorn 19/03/13 AI UK705615300102Sire: Sterling Viking (M069308)PENWERN VIRGINIA was purchased at the late Wynn Davies Dispersal Sale 2010 with a calf at foot.

Dolwen HerdLot B & R L JONES56 DOLWEN ANNF086568 AI Born 14/08/2007 UK705615100058gs. FREIGHDUFF BRENDAN(I000282)Sire CORRICK KENTUCKY KID(M054467)gd. CORRICK HONEY(F055864)gs. ADEN ELEGANT(M042944)Dam ADEN ANN(F065481)gd. ADEN HANNADANTE 2ND(F051386)2012 Simmental BREEDPLANCalving Calving Gest. 200 400 600Ease Ease Len. Birth Day Day Wt. Day Wt.Dir (%) Dtrs (%) (days) Wt. (kg) Wt (kg) (kg) (kg) MilkEBVs -1.9 +1.1 +0.6 +2.7 +28 +50 +51 +7.0Accuracy 50% 50% 50% 52% 51% 51% 49% 47%Av 11 Calves -0.6 -0.6 +0.2 +2.2 +29 +52 +57 +4Scrotal Carcase Eye Muscle Retail Terminal SelfSize Weight Area Fat Beef IMF Sire Replacing(cm) (kg) (Sq.cm) (mm) Yield % Index IndexEBV’s -- -- +2.7 -0.2 +0.7 -0.5 +59 +64Accuracy 37% 42% 40% -0.5Av 11 Calves +0.3 +36 +2.8 +0.1 +0.3 -0.1 +59 +66Service Details Ran with DOLWEN CAMERON (M079560). PD’d in calf 22/10/2012,due between 01/06/2013-18/06/2013Calving Record 1. 04/03/2010 F Dolwen Snowdrop (Lot 62)2. 19/01/2011 F Dolwen Maggie May (Lot 65)3. 22/06/2012 M SOLD55

56Dolwen HerdLot B & R L JONES57 DOLWEN HANNADANTE 4THF086921 AI Born 12/01/2008 UK705615100065gs. FREIGHDUFF BRENDAN(I000282)Sire CORRICK KENTUCKY KID(M054467)gd. CORRICK HONEY(F055864)gs. CLEENAGH FLASHER(M042198)Dam CAISTOR HANNADANTE 3RD(F073509)gd. CAISTOR HANNADANTE(F064150)2012 Simmental BREEDPLANCalving Calving Gest. 200 400 600Ease Ease Len. Birth Day Day Wt. Day Wt.Dir (%) Dtrs (%) (days) Wt. (kg) Wt (kg) (kg) (kg) MilkEBVs -0.7 -4.7 -0.9 +3.9 +36 +70 +75 +7.0Accuracy 54% 53% 54% 61% 58% 57% 55% 49%Av 11 Calves -0.6 -0.6 +0.2 +2.2 +29 +52 +57 +4Scrotal Carcase Eye Muscle Retail Terminal SelfSize Weight Area Fat Beef IMF Sire Replacing(cm) (kg) (Sq.cm) (mm) Yield % Index IndexEBV’s -- -- +3.4 -0.3 +1.1 -0.5 +85 +89Accuracy 39% 44% 43% -0.5Av 11 Calves +0.3 +36 +2.8 +0.1 +0.3 -0.1 +59 +66Service Details Ran with DOLWEN CAMERON (M079560). Seen served 17/01/2013, due to calve 26/10/2013Calving Record 1. 29/10/2010 M DIED2. 18/03/2012 M Dolwen Denzil (Lot 57a)Lot Her Bull Calf57A DOLWEN DENZIL 12(P)M081921 AI Born 18/03/2012 UK705615600084Sire: GLEBEFARM TYSON(M067488)

Dolwen Herd57Lot B & R L JONES58 DOLWEN LADYF090211 Ai Born 17/01/2009 UK705615200073gs. CURLIEU KNIGHT(M053237)Sire BLACKFORD NOBLEMAN(M059485)gd. BLACKFORD GLENDA(F050662)gs. CLEENAGH FLASHER(M042198)Dam CAISTOR HANNADANTE 3RD(F073509)gd. CAISTOR HANNADANTE(F064150)2012 Simmental BREEDPLANCalving Calving Gest. 200 400 600Ease Ease Len. Birth Day Day Wt. Day Wt.Dir (%) Dtrs (%) (days) Wt. (kg) Wt (kg) (kg) (kg) MilkEBVs -1.2 -5.2 -0.4 +3.6 +35 +70 +79 +5.0Accuracy 53% 51% 52% 58% 56% 56% 54% 46%Av 11 Calves -0.6 -0.6 +0.2 +2.2 +29 +52 +57 +4Scrotal Carcase Eye Muscle Retail Terminal SelfSize Weight Area Fat Beef IMF Sire Replacing(cm) (kg) (Sq.cm) (mm) Yield % Index IndexEBV’s -- -- +2.6 +0.1 -0.1 +0.1 +75 +82Accuracy 29% 34% 32% +0.1Av 11 Calves +0.3 +36 +2.8 +0.1 +0.3 -0.1 +59 +66Service DetailsAI’d 04/07/2012 to POPES BARCLAY (M078191). Due to calve before sale day.Calving Record 1. 01/01/2012 F Dolwen Lulu (Lot 68)DOLWEN LADY was shown successfully with calf at foot in 2011; winning Championships at Oswestry, Denbighand Flint, Anglesey and several local shows.Lot B & R L JONES59 DOLWEN RUBYF093619 Born 01/01/2010 UK705615700071gs. CORRICK KENTUCKY KID(M054467)Sire DOLWEN VOLCANO(M070568)gd. BLACKFORD RHIANNON(F077395)gs. ADEN ELEGANT(M042944)Dam ADEN ANN(F065481)gd. ADEN HANNADANTE 2ND(F051386)2012 Simmental BREEDPLANCalving Calving Gest. 200 400 600Ease Ease Len. Birth Day Day Wt. Day Wt.Dir (%) Dtrs (%) (days) Wt. (kg) Wt (kg) (kg) (kg) MilkEBVs -1.6 +1.4 -- -- -- -- -- --Accuracy 32% 32%Av 11 Calves -0.6 -0.6 +0.2 +2.2 +29 +52 +57 +4Scrotal Carcase Eye Muscle Retail Terminal SelfSize Weight Area Fat Beef IMF Sire Replacing(cm) (kg) (Sq.cm) (mm) Yield % Index IndexEBV’s -- -- -- -- -- -- +56 --Accuracy --Av 11 Calves +0.3 +36 +2.8 +0.1 +0.3 -0.1 +59 +66Service Details Ran with DOLWEN CAMERON (M079560). Seen served 18/08/2012, due to calve 27/05/2013

58Lot B & R L JONES60 DOLWEN CAROLF093485 AI Born 01/01/2010 UK705615700078gs. DOVEFIELDS GALLANT(M045537)Sire KILBRIDE FARM NEWRY(M059151)gd. KILBRIDE FARM EUNICE D29(F039572)gs. CLEENAGH FLASHER(M042198)Dam CAISTOR HANNADANTE 3RD(F073509)gd. CAISTOR HANNADANTE(F064150)2012 Simmental BREEDPLANCalving Calving Gest. 200 400 600Ease Ease Len. Birth Day Day Wt. Day Wt.Dir (%) Dtrs (%) (days) Wt. (kg) Wt (kg) (kg) (kg) MilkEBVs -3 -1.8 +0.5 +3.4 +36 +71 +77 +6.0Accuracy 56% 54% 61% 61% 58% 58% 56% 50%Av 11 Calves -0.6 -0.6 +0.2 +2.2 +29 +52 +57 +4Scrotal Carcase Eye Muscle Retail Terminal SelfSize Weight Area Fat Beef IMF Sire Replacing(cm) (kg) (Sq.cm) (mm) Yield % Index IndexEBV’s 0.0 +50.0 -- -- -- -- +82 +85Accuracy 51% 51% --Av 11 Calves +0.3 +36 +2.8 +0.1 +0.3 -0.1 +59 +66Service DetailsAI'd 15/03/2013 to CAIRNVIEW SNAZZY (M066099)Calving Record 1. 02/01/2013 M AT FOOTDolwen HerdHer Bull Calf at foot:DOLWEN EDDYM083163 AI Born: 02/01/2013 UK705615100114Sire: AUCHORACHAN WIZARD (M072755)DOLWEN CAROL has only one cleft hoof, having had it removed in November 2012. She does not seem to haveany problems with it.

Lot B & R L JONES61 PENWERN BRANWENF093440 Born 14/01/2010 UK743583700589gs. CLEENAGH FLASHER(M042198)Sire SAMARK SUPERMAN(M065895)gd. SAMARK GLITTER(F071921)gs. OMORGA PRINCE(M060676)Dam PENWERN VIRGINIA(T002549) (LOT 55)gd. PASTUREFIELDS MIA(F067096)2012 Simmental BREEDPLANCalving Calving Gest. 200 400 600Ease Ease Len. Birth Day Day Wt. Day Wt.Dir (%) Dtrs (%) (days) Wt. (kg) Wt (kg) (kg) (kg) MilkEBVs -0.7 -0.5 -1.4 +1.8 +29 +50 +59 +1.0Accuracy 53% 48% 62% 72% 62% 59% 58% 36%Av 11 Calves -0.6 -0.6 +0.2 +2.2 +29 +52 +57 +4Scrotal Carcase Eye Muscle Retail Terminal SelfSize Weight Area Fat Beef IMF Sire Replacing(cm) (kg) (Sq.cm) (mm) Yield % Index IndexEBV’s -- -- -- -- -- -- +64 +75Accuracy --Av 11 Calves +0.3 +36 +2.8 +0.1 +0.3 -0.1 +59 +66Service DetailsAI’d 16/01/2013 to POPES BARCLAY (M078191).Calving Record 1. 01/11/2012 F AT FOOTHer Heifer Calf at footDOLWEN PUMPKINBorn: 01/11/2012 UK705615/700092Sire: AUCHORACHAN WIZARD (M072755)Dolwen Herd59

60Lot B & R L JONES62 DOLWEN SNOWDROPF094142 AI Born 04/03/2010 UK705615100086gs. POPES LAIRD(M055700)Sire CAIRNVIEW SNAZZY(M066099)gd. RAVENSWORTH MODESTY(F069086)gs. CORRICK KENTUCKY KID(M054467)Dam DOLWEN ANN(F086568) (LOT 56)gd. ADEN ANN(F065481)2012 Simmental BREEDPLANCalving Calving Gest. 200 400 600Ease Ease Len. Birth Day Day Wt. Day Wt.Dir (%) Dtrs (%) (days) Wt. (kg) Wt (kg) (kg) (kg) MilkEBVs +3.2 +1.4 -- +3.2 +36 +57 +60 +7.0Accuracy 50% 48% 54% 52% 52% 49% 43%Av 11 Calves -0.6 -0.6 +0.2 +2.2 +29 +52 +57 +4Scrotal Carcase Eye Muscle Retail Terminal SelfSize Weight Area Fat Beef IMF Sire Replacing(cm) (kg) (Sq.cm) (mm) Yield % Index IndexEBV’s -- -- -- -- -- -- +76 +86Accuracy --Av 11 Calves +0.3 +36 +2.8 +0.1 +0.3 -0.1 +59 +66Service Details Ran with DOLWEN CAMERON (M079560), seen served 12/03/2013Calving Record 1. 02/01/2013 M AT FOOT (Not Registered)Her unregistered Bull Calf at footDOLWEN ERIC 13UK705615/300109 Born: 02/01/2013Sire: DOLWEN CEDRIC 11 (M079214)Lot B & R L JONES63 DOLWEN LISELF095446 AI Born 12/05/2010 UK705615200094gs. STARLINE NELSON(M059121)Sire DIRNANEAN SALVADOR(M065093)gd. DIRNANEAN KRIS(F062717)gs. BLACKFORD HARVESTER(M049570)Dam HOCKENHULL GISELLE 5TH(T002450)gd. WHITEMIRE GISELLE(F050624)2012 Simmental BREEDPLANCalving Calving Gest. 200 400 600Ease Ease Len. Birth Day Day Wt. Day Wt.Dir (%) Dtrs (%) (days) Wt. (kg) Wt (kg) (kg) (kg) MilkEBVs -2.8 +0.1 -1.4 +3.3 +40 +70 +78 +4.0Accuracy 51% 49% 57% 61% 56% 55% 53% 44%Av 11 Calves -0.6 -0.6 +0.2 +2.2 +29 +52 +57 +4Scrotal Carcase Eye Muscle Retail Terminal SelfSize Weight Area Fat Beef IMF Sire Replacing(cm) (kg) (Sq.cm) (mm) Yield % Index IndexEBV’s -- -- -- -- -- -- +77 +75Accuracy --Av 11 Calves +0.3 +36 +2.8 +0.1 +0.3 -0.1 +59 +66Service Details Ran with DOLWEN CAMERON (M079560), seen served 20/02/2013Calving Record 1. 12/12/2012 F AT FOOTDolwen HerdHer Heifer Calf at footDOLWEN HOLLY(P)F104780 AI Born 12/12/2012 UK705615100107Sire: CAIRNVIEW SNAZZY(M066099)

Dolwen Herd61Lot B & R L JONES64 DOLWEN BAMBIF095955 AI Born 04/06/2010 UK705615300088gs. CORRICK KENTUCKY KID(M054467)Sire DOLWEN VERNON(M068544)gd. CAISTOR HANNADANTE 2ND(F069676)gs. CAISTOR KEN(M054350)Dam CAISTOR HANNADANTE 2ND(F069676)gd. CAISTOR HANNADANTE(F064150)2012 Simmental BREEDPLANCalving Calving Gest. 200 400 600Ease Ease Len. Birth Day Day Wt. Day Wt.Dir (%) Dtrs (%) (days) Wt. (kg) Wt (kg) (kg) (kg) MilkEBVs -1.3 -3.8 -- -- -- -- -- --Accuracy 38% 37%Av 11 Calves -0.6 -0.6 +0.2 +2.2 +29 +52 +57 +4Scrotal Carcase Eye Muscle Retail Terminal SelfSize Weight Area Fat Beef IMF Sire Replacing(cm) (kg) (Sq.cm) (mm) Yield % Index IndexEBV’s -- -- -- -- -- -- +75 --Accuracy --Av 11 Calves +0.3 +36 +2.8 +0.1 +0.3 -0.1 +59 +66Service Details Ran with DOLWEN CAMERON (M079560), seen served 12/03/2013Calving Record 1. 10/11/2012 F AT FOOTHer Heifer Calf at footDOLWEN POPPYF105708 Born 10/11/2012 UK705615700099Sire: DOLWEN CEDRIC 11(M079214)Dolwen Vernon (sire) was shown successfully at the Royal Welsh Show in 2009. He was sold privately for £4500.

62Dolwen HerdMAIDEN HEIFERSLot B & R L JONES65 DOLWEN MAGGIE MAYF099013 AI Born 19/05/2011 UK705615400096gs. DOVEFIELDS GALLANT(M045537)Sire KILBRIDE FARM NEWRY(M059151)gd. KILBRIDE FARM EUNICE D29(F039572)gs. CORRICK KENTUCKY KID(M054467)Dam DOLWEN ANN(F086568) (LOT 56)gd. ADEN ANN(F065481)2012 Simmental BREEDPLANCalving Calving Gest. 200 400 600Ease Ease Len. Birth Day Day Wt. Day Wt.Dir (%) Dtrs (%) (days) Wt. (kg) Wt (kg) (kg) (kg) MilkEBVs -3.3 +4.0 +1.3 +2.8 +32 +61 +65 +8.0Accuracy 54% 52% 54% 55% 54% 54% 52% 49%Av 11 Calves -0.6 -0.6 +0.2 +2.2 +29 +52 +57 +4Scrotal Carcase Eye Muscle Retail Terminal SelfSize Weight Area Fat Beef IMF Sire Replacing(cm) (kg) (Sq.cm) (mm) Yield % Index IndexEBV’s -0.2 -- +2.6 -0.1 +0.6 -0.6 +68 +74Accuracy 51% 41% 46% 45% -0.6Av 11 Calves +0.3 +36 +2.8 +0.1 +0.3 -0.1 +59 +66Lot B & R L JONES66 DOLWEN LULUF100900 AI Born 01/01/2012 UK705615500097gs. DERRYCALLAGHAN HAMILTON(M049020)Sire GLEBEFARM TYSON(M067488)gd. GLEBEFARM NATASHA(F071743)gs. BLACKFORD NOBLEMAN(M059485)Dam DOLWEN LADY(F090211) (LOT 58)gd. CAISTOR HANNADANTE 3RD(F073509)2012 Simmental BREEDPLANCalving Calving Gest. 200 400 600Ease Ease Len. Birth Day Day Wt. Day Wt.Dir (%) Dtrs (%) (days) Wt. (kg) Wt (kg) (kg) (kg) MilkEBVs -7.9 -2.2 -- +4.0 +34 +62 +70 --Accuracy 48% 41% 54% 50% 49% 47%Av 11 Calves -0.6 -0.6 +0.2 +2.2 +29 +52 +57 +4Scrotal Carcase Eye Muscle Retail Terminal SelfSize Weight Area Fat Beef IMF Sire Replacing(cm) (kg) (Sq.cm) (mm) Yield % Index IndexEBV’s -- -- -- -- -- -- +60 --Accuracy --Av 11 Calves +0.3 +36 +2.8 +0.1 +0.3 -0.1 +59 +66DOLWEN LULU was shown successfully as a calf.

Dolwen HerdLot B & R L JONES67 DOLWEN DORISF103546 AI Born 18/05/2012 UK705615600098gs. HILLCREST CHAMPION(I000337)Sire CURAHEEN TYSON(I000685)gd. RACEVIEW MERLE-BEAUTY(IE151420930180)gs. ADEN ELEGANT(M042944)Dam ADEN ANN(F065481)gd. ADEN HANNADANTE 2ND(F051386)2012 Simmental BREEDPLANCalving Calving Gest. 200 400 600Ease Ease Len. Birth Day Day Wt. Day Wt.Dir (%) Dtrs (%) (days) Wt. (kg) Wt (kg) (kg) (kg) MilkEBVs -1.3 +5.2 -- +3.0 -- -- -- --Accuracy 45% 41% 51%Av 11 Calves -0.6 -0.6 +0.2 +2.2 +29 +52 +57 +4Scrotal Carcase Eye Muscle Retail Terminal SelfSize Weight Area Fat Beef IMF Sire Replacing(cm) (kg) (Sq.cm) (mm) Yield % Index IndexEBV’s -- -- -- -- -- -- +54 +67Accuracy --Av 11 Calves +0.3 +36 +2.8 +0.1 +0.3 -0.1 +59 +6663SEMEN5 STRAWS STERLING VIKING STORED AT GENUS, ABERGELE8 STRAWS SAMARK STERLING STORED AT GENUS, ABERGELE5 STRAWS KILBRIDE FARM NEWRY STORED AT GENUS, ABERGELE7 STRAWS (sexed) DINTON NAUTICAL STORED AT GENUS, ABERGELE4 STRAWS bRInKTOn BRILLIANT STORED AT GENUS, PENRITHSHOW EQUIPMENT2 LEATHER SHOW HALTERS

6415.1 RULE 15 - SALESPreliminary: the subjoined rules are prescribed for the use of members of theSociety who may be desirous of adopting them and are applicable to sales ofThe British Simmental cattle by auction. They shall, in any case, be applicableto all collective sales held under the auspices of the Society and shall beapplied and enforced by Auctioneers appointed by the Society to organise andconduct such sales.Only full members of the Society are eligible to sell cattle at Official SocietySales and are bound by the rules governing these sales.15.2 SALES COMMISSIONS1) At official sales, which are classified as a production, reduction or dispersalsale the auctioneers will collect on behalf of the Society 1.5% of the totalincome of the registered cattle sold.2) At official sales, which are classified as collective sales all animals will besold in guineas. The Society will collect as a commission a percentage of theguinea as agreed with the appointed auctioneer prior to the sale.15.3 AUCTION RULES15.3.1 The advertisements and catalogues of sale shall state plainly that the sale isto be held under the British Simmental Cattle Society Auction Sale Rules andsubject to recommended Conditions of Sale of the National Beef Association.15.3.2 In all published particulars of female animals to be sold, the Auctioneers shallstate the date of the last service in the catalogue of sale, or at the time of sale.In the event of a cow or heifer having been running with a bull, the date of boththe commencement and the termination of the running period must be statedand in the event of a cow or heifer having been inseminated by two or morebulls, or by the same bull at different heat periods, the names of all such bullsand the dates of service or insemination must be given.NB: If there is an interval of less than three weeks running period and anindividual service or insemination by different bulls, Vendors must ensurethat all bulls concerned are DNA profiled at the time of use so that, in theevent of any question as to the identity of the sire of any calf being raisedby a Purchaser after the sale, a DNA profile check can be arranged by theSociety on the Purchaser’s behalf, but at the expense of the Vendor, to preventthe necessity of cancellation or refusal of registration which otherwise mightresult. Arrangements for the DNA profiling of the bulls concerned should bemade through the Society so that records can be kept of all details, both by theSociety and the DNA Profiling Centre.15.3.3 The minimum selling age for bulls entered in Official Collective Society Sales is14 months. The maximum showing age is 2 years old.15.3.4 An animal cannot be substituted into a collective sale after the catalogue forthat sale has been printed.15.3.5 Vendors whose animals have been officially weight-recorded by Breedplan willhave the full range of EBV’s and Society Index Information published in thecatalogue of sale to the following criteria:It will be necessary to birth weigh calves and have a scan and authenticatedweight done around 400 days (300-500). For EBV figures to be published inSociety sale catalogues and on display cards at the Society Sales.Bulls born after 1st June 2008 will have to be scanned and calves born after1st March 2009 will have to be weighed at birth (the official tape measureweight will be accepted).. Additionally an animal under one year of age will beeligible to have figures printed if it has any breedplan recorded weights.Apart from the publication of Breedplan recorded data in the catalogue of sale,no other unofficial data may be given at the time of sale and Vendors are notpermitted to display unofficial or non-authenticated data in the sale premisesor on the lairage pens.15.3.6 In all cases where a female has been flushed for embryo transplant purposessuch fact must be stated on the entry form and will be printed in the catalogue.15.3.7 All pedigree animals catalogued for sale that have Graded or Polled status willhave their status and pedigree clearly printed in the catalogue.15.3.8 Where a registered Simmental female is entered in a sale as being in calf, thecatalogue will clearly state the service sire details.15.3.9 All statements made in the sale catalogue are the entire responsibility of theVendor.15.3.10 A Dispersal Sale means the selling of all live Simmental cattle and embryosowned by the member dispersing the herd. Breeders holding a DispersalSale may retain bulls for sale providing they are sold within six months of theoriginal Dispersal Sale date. Any bulls to be retained for this purpose mustbe declared in the Sale Catalogue. Breeders may also retain cattle semenfor future use and sale providing all details of this are declared in the SaleCatalogue.NB: If any other cattle are to be retained by the vendor then the sale will beclassed as a Reduction Sale and not a Dispersal Sale.The Herd Prefix ceases immediately after the Dispersal Sale is completed butmembership will not cease until the current Subscription year, relevant to sale,ends. A review of the Sale will be carried out by the Society office once thesale information has been received from the Auctioneers. New membershipis only required if the member wishes to set up a new herd prefix. Associatemembership is available for those wanting to continue to receive The AnnualReview and Newsletters.15.3.11 The name and address of the Vendor (if more than one Vendor, the names andaddresses of each Vendor, together with a clear indication of which Lots in thecatalogue belong to each Vendor) shall be stated in the catalogue of sale.15.3.12 If a bull from which semen has been taken and stored is offered for sale it mustbe stated in the catalogue whether the semen so stored is to pass with thebull or whether it is to be retained by the Vendor. Breeder guarantees shall notapply to sales of stored semen.15.3.13 No animal at a dispersal sale (as distinct from a collective sale) shall be offeredsubject to a reserve bid, the sale of an animal privately prior to the auctionis not permitted, nor shall the Vendor bid directly or indirectly for any animalexcept through the Auctioneers. If, at any time within 3 months after the dateof sale any animal offered and bid for at the sale, and not offered subject to areserve bid, shall be upon the Vendor’s premises or exhibited at any show inhis name, except for good reason to be established to the satisfaction of, andapproved by the Council of the Society, the fact shall be deemed conclusiveevidence that the Vendor has committed a breach of these Rules.BSCS - CONDITIONS OF SALE15.3.14 Members may enter an animal in two or more Official Collective Society Sales,during the same sale season, subsequent to animal movement restrictions inforce at the time of sale.15.3.15 Any animal entered for sale, which is a twin or is otherwise one of a multiplebirth must be so described in the catalogue. If it is a twin this descriptionshall state whether it is twin to a bull or a heifer and if it is otherwise one of amultiple birth this description shall state the sex of the other calves. A heiferthat is twin with a bull or is otherwise one of a multiple birth which includes abull calf cannot be entered for sale until she has been certified pregnant by aVeterinary Surgeon, except in a dispersal sale in which case it shall be stated inthe catalogue of sale that the sale of the twin animal is subject to the Society’sRules and Conditions.15.3.16 All calves offered for sale must be identified in accordance with the Society’sregulations and must have been registered or birth notified with the Societyby the Vendor, or the entry must have been lodged with the Manager of theSociety. The Auctioneers shall have power to deduct from the sale proceeds asum of money sufficient to cover the costs of such registration or notificationin the BSCS Herd Book, if such cost or fees have not been paid by the Vendorat the time of sale. Calves at foot can be sold as Birth Notified.15.3.17 The Auctioneers shall furnish to the Society, within one week of the sale, adetailed summary of the sale showing the price of each individual Lot sold, theprice bid for each individual Lot unsold by reason of failure to reach the statedreserve price, the full name and address of each purchaser and the averageprice realised for each distinct class of animal sold. Such summary list shallalso include full details of any addition, amendment or correction to any of thedetails printed in the catalogue.15.3.18 Members electing to sell their cattle subject to these Rules shall have theoption of offering their animals subject to the rules governing the importationof bovines into all countries. Such an option must be indicated by the Vendorin the catalogue of sale.N.B. Animals, which are offered for export sale, are the subject of specialconditions, which are binding upon both Vendor and Purchaser.15.3.19 In the case of any animal to be sold that has been involved in any way in theprocess of embryo transplant the following information shall be clearly statedin the catalogue of sale:-(a) In the case of an animal whose birth is as a result of embryo transplant thefact shall be clearly stated.(b) In the case of a female that has been flushed for embryo transplantpurposes, it shall be clearly stated in the catalogue for sale:[i] how many times she has been flushed;[ii] how many embryos have been implanted;[iii] how many embryos have been frozen but not yet implanted.15.3.20 For production, reduction and Collective Sales all udders are warranted soundand the vendor must declare any faults, defects or unsoundness at the time ofsale.15.3.21 If a member of the Society shall commit or knowingly suffer any breach ofthese Rules he or she shall be deemed guilty of conduct derogatory to thecharacter and prejudicial to the interests of the Society’s Memorandum &Articles of Association and Rules as the case may be.15.3.22 Notwithstanding anything in these Rules contained, the decision of theCouncil shall be in all matters final and binding on all parties and the Councilmay order the payment of such costs and expenses as it thinks fit.A member of the Society being a party to a dispute shall have the right torequire the Council of the Society to settle the same.15.3.23 Calves sold suckling their dams are given to the purchaser free and noguarantees apply unless specifically stated by the Vendor at the time of sale.Calves sold suckling their dams at any sale under Society rules will be subjectto an identity inspection only.15.3.24 Where a cow or heifer calves at a later date than the date stated in thecatalogue, the onus of proving identity of the service bull shall be upon theVendor.15.3.25 Any female [cow or heifer] that has been flushed for embryo transplant willbe EXCLUDED from the terms of this guarantee but individual Vendors ofsuch animals shall have the opinion of giving their personal guarantee, to beannounced at the time of sale. All claims under National Beef AssociationTerms & Conditions of Sale must be submitted within the correct time limitsin writing to the Auctioneers who will forthwith inform the Vendor and theSecretary of the Society of the receipt of a claim.15.3.26 DNA TYPING OF STATED SIRES WHEN SELLING FEMALES IN CALFAs from 1st October 2008 it will be the Vendor’s responsibility to have aSire DNA typed if the vendor is selling Females in-calf to a stated sire. If theSire is no longer available and has not been DNA typed it is the Vendor’sresponsibility to declare this in the Sales catalogue. (This rule also applies toPrivate Sales).To clarify: if a Sire is not DNA typed the Society cannot register his progeny. Toobtain a sire profile without the sire, 5 progeny and their dams have to be DNAtyped, this is 10 DNA profiles at a cost of £23.10 + VAT each. The purchasermust be made aware by the vendor of the potential registration problems andcosts.15.4 SPECIAL REGULATIONSPreliminary: It may be necessary for a sale to be cancelled at any time and theSociety retains power for this purpose. The Society also reserves the right tolimit the number of entries from any one Vendor should such limitation, in itsopinion, be necessary or desirable.15.4.1 All BSCS registered males and females to be offered for sale as single lots[except calves sold at dam’s side].15.4.2 All cattle entered at collective Official Society sales must be trained to lead byhalter and be lead by halter during inspection and sale. Any animals not haltertrained must be entered as a DRAFT and not into the collective sale. Animalsare not eligible for showing unless halter trained.

6515.5 REJECTED ANIMALSAll animals forward for the inspection at official collective Society sales will besale numbered. An animal, which fails any part of the pre-sale inspection, willhave its ticket red spray marked. These animals will be eligible to remain intheir allocated pens but must not have their spray marked numbers removed.Any vendor or his representative failing to comply with this will be subject todisciplinary action by the Society.15.6 ANIMAL IDENTIFICATIONAt the point of inspection all animals born after 01 January 1998 must beclearly identified in accordance with Rule 3.11 This includes all calves atfoot. Animals presented for sale, born before 01 January 1998, must clearlytattooed in either ear as detailed on the official pedigree certificate. PLEASENOTE: As from July 1995 the tattooing of suffixes indicating FOT, Britishpedigree status and polled status was no longer required. Animals with faintor incorrect ear tattoo numbers must be tagged prior to the sale subject tothe prior approval of the Ministry and the Society subsequently should beinformed. After entry into the market, all animals with a faint or incorrectidentity will be rejected by the inspectors.15.7 WEIGHTSAll bulls entered for BSCS Official Sales will be weighed by an independentSociety Officer and these weights can be announced at the time of sale. Bullsmust satisfy the minimum weight for age standards for BSCS National Salesas outlined in Appendix B. Bulls not attaining the minimum weight at the pointof inspection will be rejected from the sale and cannot be represented for asecond weighing.15.8 VETERINARY INSPECTIONAll animals must be placed in a suitable crush in the market to allow theSociety’s Veterinary surgeon to carry out inspections at collective sales. Allanimals rejected on veterinary or breed standard grounds will not be allowedthrough the sale ring.Animals entered as a DRAFT will be inspected in their pens. Breeders and orVendors, or their representatives, must be present at the time of inspection.15.8.1 TeethTeeth must make proper contact with the dental pad of the upper jaw but dueallowance will be made for the age and dental development of the animal.Any animal with severely undershot or severely overshot jaws will be rejected.Where the veterinary surgeon declares that an animal is marginally overshotor undershot that animal may still be offered through the sale. The Auctioneerwill announce that at the point of inspection of animal was found to bemarginally overshot or undershot. Any animal declared by the vet as havingmarginal teeth will be allowed past the panel but noted for future reference bythe Society.15.8.2 TesticlesBull’s testicles will be measured and inspected by the veterinary surgeon. Theymust be a minimum size of 36 cm in circumference (14 Months), and 38 cm(over 18 months), measured at the widest point of the scrotum. The vet retainsthe right at his discretion to reject any bulls with uneven or soft testicles.15.8.3 WartsAnimals with active warts must be treated by the member’s veterinarysurgeon at least a month before the sale, and a vet’s certificate should beavailable for inspection at the Sale.15.8.4 General HealthAnimals with active infections, a contagious disease, or a disorder or condition,may be rejected by the veterinary surgeon. Minor injuries may be treated bya veterinary surgeon in the market but this must be announced at the time ofsale. The decisions of the veterinary surgeon appointed by the Society are finaland binding. Any animal, which is considered by the vet to be not in a healthyand proper condition to be presented as representing a good specimen of thebreed at an official collective sale, will be rejected.15.9 BREED INSPECTION15.9.1 Breed StandardsAll animals must conform to Simmental breed standards – please refer to Rule TemperamentAnimals, which exhibit poor temperament in the market or during inspection,will be rejected by the inspectors.15.9.3 Blood\DNA TypingInspectors reserve the right to take blood sample or a hair sample fromany given animal for the purpose of confirming parentage, detecting illegalsubstances or for other veterinary tests at their absolute discretion.15.9.4 Rejected cows with calves at footIf a cow is rejected from the pre-sale inspection the calf at foot cannot be soldon its own unless it has been entered in the sale catalogues as an ‘A’ lot.15.9.5 Inspection of ‘A’ lotsWhere a calf at foot offered at a collective sale is catalogued as an ‘A’ lot thatcalf will be subject to a Identity check only.15.10 AppealsThe decisions of inspectors are final and binding on vendors. There is noformal appeals procedure.15.11 Exhibitor RequirementsExhibitors will, in all cases, be responsible for the care of their stock.15.12 Each exhibitor must have at least one person in charge of his stock, which shallbe in such person’s sole care.15.13 All animals are accepted for sale on the terms that the Vendor warrants hisor her right to sell the same and undertakes to indemnify the Society and theAuctioneers against all actions, proceedings, claims, demands, costs, chargesand expenses to which they may be exposed by reason of any defect in theVendor’s title.15.14 All entries must be made on the approved or official Entry Form available fromthe Auctioneers and must be received by the appointed Auctioneers not laterthan the date stated in the Sale Schedule. Irrespective of circumstances, LATEENTRIES WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED.15.15 All entries must be accompanied by the Society’s Official Pedigree Certificaterelating to the animal[s] entered or they will be returned. Pedigree Certificatesfor unsold animals will be returned to the Vendors after the sale. For allanimals sold at the sale the Pedigree Certificate will be given to the purchaserat the Sale. Transfers for all animals sold at the sale can only be completed bythe Society upon instruction from the new owner. The official A.I. Certificatemust accompany the entry of a female that has been artificially inseminatedand will be sold in calf.15.16 No liability whatsoever is undertaken by the Society or the Auctioneers forany error or mis-statement on the Entry Form, and all information given on theEntry Form is the sole responsibility of the Exhibitor.15.17 Every Vendor, or an authorised representative, is responsible for presentinghis or her own animals to the sale ring at the due time, in accordance with theorder of sale. Any animal not presented for sale in the correct order will be soldat the end of the sale.15.18 In the event of any alteration to the catalogue particulars being necessary, theVendors must furnish full details of such alteration to the Auctioneers beforethe commencement of the sale, which shall then be announced from therostrum at the time of sale. Such statements made from the rostrum shall takeprecedence over the catalogue information.15.19 All animals will be sold in GUINEAS [105 pence] and a commission of 5p in theGuinea [plus VAT] will be charged by the Auctioneers on all sales.15.20 All bulls forward at a collective sale will be subject to the Society’s upset priceof 1200 guineas (increased from 1000Gns as of October 2009). The Society’sCouncil retain the right to alter the upset price for bulls at its discretion.15.21 females forward at collective sales, nominated by the Society’s Council, willnot be subject to any upset price. The Council retains the right to set or alterthe upset price for females at its discretion.15.22 No animal, once delivered to the Sale Premises, may be sold privately prior tothe Sale but must be passed through the auction sale except in the case ofinjury or, for females in the process of calving, at the discretion of the Stewardsand subject to Health regulations applicable at time of sale.15.23 Any animals in the Sale Premises which are sold by private treaty after theauction are subject to the full commission on the price realised and all suchtransactions must be passed through the Auctioneers in order to safeguardboth the vendor and the buyer.15.24 The sale proceeds are guaranteed by the Auctioneers [except in the case ofanimals sold for export for which special conditions apply] who will account toVendors within 7 days of the sale.15.25 All animals will be at the risk of the Vendor up to the fall of the hammer and atthe risk of the Purchaser thereafter.NOTE: Special Conditions apply to the sale of animals for export.15.26 There is no upper or lower age limit for cattle handling, although auctioneersand/sales’ centres may impose their own ruling. However, it is important toensure that all handlers are in good health and properly trained to lead anyanimal, either on parade, show or in the sale ring.15.27 In case of any violation of these Regulations, or of any false statementsbeing made by a Vendor regarding his or her entry or entries or any other actcalculated to deceive the Stewards, Society inspectors, appointed Auctioneersand their servants, or to mislead the public, the animals by such Vendor shallbe rejected from the sale and removed from the Sale Premises. The personor persons offending and the specifics of the offence will be referred to theSociety’s disciplinary procedure.15.28 The Society will endeavour to prevent any breach of these Rules, but nowarranty whatsoever, is given by the Society in respect of the observanceor any breach of the Regulations or in respect of any animal that has beenentered at any such Sale nor shall any warranty on behalf of the Society beimplied.15.29 The Council of the Society reserve the right to refuse the entries for the Saleof any person without being called upon to give their reasons, also the right toamend, vary or supplement these Regulations.15.30 Health Scheme RulesAny member selling cattle at official sales from the 1st January 2011 must bea member of a CHeCS licensed herd health schemeAll official Society sales to come under Health Scheme Rules.BVDAll male animals from 1st Jan 2011 and all female animals from 1st October2011 must adhere to the following rules on BVD.Animals from non accredited herds must be blood tested for antibody andantigen and vaccinated in advance of a sale, through their CHeCS schemeprovider.Animals from accredited herds must vaccinate their animals before they cometo a sale.Pregnant animals must have had testing and vaccination completed prior toservice.In both the above cases, if animals have not been vaccinated previously, adouble course of vaccine needs to be administered with around a three weekgap between doses.In reality a period of around 6 weeks prior to sale should be allowed.To allow the vaccine to become effective, animals should not be sold until atleast 2 weeks after the second dose.Johne's diseaseAll herds to be screening for Johne's disease by 1st January 2012( if selling atSociety sales)Members with pedigree & commercial herds can test their pedigrees only, ifthey are run separate from the commercial herd.(In an agreement with their vet or CHeCS scheme provider)Cattle Health Declarations at SalesDeclarations will continue to be put in the index at the front of the catalogue.NO foot notes will be allowed to contain any health declarations.NO unofficial cards or statements to be displayed on pens.Members should apply to their Health Scheme Provider for an animal healthdeclaration card prior to the sale.15.31 DNA for Society SalesFrom 1st January 2013 all bulls at Society Sales must be pre sale DNA sireverified. Costs will apply.

66HEALTH AND SAFETY RULESHARRISON & HETHERINGTON LIMITEDNOTICE TO ALL VISITORS AND TRADERSPLEASE READ AND OBSERVE THE FOLLOWINGAll visitors and traders on site will be responsible for ensuring that they and their employeesor sub-contractors engaged by them comply with all legal requirements, including theHealth and Safety At Work etc., Act 1974, The Management of Health and Safety At WorkRegulations, The Provision And Use of Work Equipment Regulations, etc.All visitors and traders will be responsible for ensuring that their operations in no way affectthe integrity of the company or its fire, safety or security arrangements and in no waycompromise the health and safety and welfare of other visitors to and or employees of<strong>Harrison</strong> & <strong>Hetherington</strong>.Although it is the visitors and traders responsibility to ensure that plant, equipment andsystems in work are safe, <strong>Harrison</strong> & <strong>Hetherington</strong> Limited reserve the right to ask anyvisitor or trader to leave the market for any breaches in the Health and Safety Rules and/or Regulations.Vendors must inform <strong>Harrison</strong> & <strong>Hetherington</strong> Limited of any livestock due to attend themarket whose temperament, behaviour or condition may call for additional precautions forits safe handling.When loading or unloading livestock handlers must ensure that the dock and vehicle gatesare securely fixed so as to prevent the escape of animals.Traders are responsible for providing and maintaining suitable livestock handling equipment.They should ensure that livestock handlers are fit, experienced in livestock handlingand familiar with the livestock in their charge.Children must not be permitted in any area where they may be at risk from livestock ormachinery.In the case of bulls, during the period when the show/sale is open to visitors, bulls in stallsor pens should not be left unattended. If the handler is temporarily absent, arrangementsshould be made with another vendor, steward or member of <strong>Harrison</strong> & <strong>Hetherington</strong> staffto oversee the bull until the handler returns.Handling of Livestock at shows and sales: <strong>Harrison</strong> & <strong>Hetherington</strong> Limited recommendthat an adult person should accompany any junior person during the showing/sale of livestockin the ring and reserves the right to intervene at any point if, in the company’s opinion,the person showing the livestock is at risk in undertaking that activity.Passageways must be kept clear at all times during the auction sale. PLEASE DO NOTSTAND IN THE SALE RING ENTRANCE AND EXIT PASSAGES.The auction ring man escapes and refuges must be kept clear at all times.All portable electrical equipment supplied and/or used by visitors and traders must be safeand fit for the purpose and should have a valid portable appliance test certificate.

67AUCTIONEER’S TERMS & CONDITIONS OF SALE(Incorporating the Auctioneer’s Terms and Conditions as recommended by theNational Beef Association)1. The biddings to be regulated by the Auctioneers and the highest bidder, subject to the Vendor’sreserve (if any), to be the purchaser. No bid shall be retracted and if any dispute should arise betweentwo or more bidders, the Lot in dispute to be put up again and resold, or the Auctioneersmay determine the dispute at their own discretion and their decision shall be final. The Auctioneersreserve the right to refuse the bid of any person without being called upon to give reason forsuch action.2. The Purchaser to give his full name and dwelling place and pay for all Lots purchased immediatelyat the close of sale. No Lot or Lots shall be removed from the sale premises until paid for anda pass-out slip obtained from the Auctioneer’s clerk but each and every Lot shall immediately atthe fall of the hammer be considered as delivered and be and remain in every respect at the absoluterisk and expense of the respective purchaser or purchasers thereof and shall be removedfrom the sale premises at the purchaser’s expense. The right of property shall not pass until thefull purchase price is paid.3. Purchasers paying by cheque must be prepared, if required, to produce a banker’s reference. Asa result of the Money Laundering Regulations (2003) the auctioneers are unable to accept cashpayments in excess of nine thousand pounds sterling for any any single or linked purchase transaction.4. All statements in the catalogue, or made by the Auctioneers at the time of sale, also the correctidentification of the animals, are the entire responsibility of the Vendors. The Auctioneers take nopersonal responsibility for the correctness of such statements or identities.5. All statements in the catalogue, or any made by the Auctioneers at the time of sale relating toany veterinary or other tests are to be taken as statements of fact only. No such statements shallguarantee the purchaser of any animal against loss arising from the subsequent reaction of suchanimal to any test administered after the sale and the Vendors shall not be liable in any wayshould this occur.6. All stock is sold subject to the Conditions of Sale recommended for use at markets by the LivestockAuctioneers’ Markets Committee for England and Wales except in so far as these conflictwith any Special Conditions applicable to the sale of pedigree stock, when the latter Conditionsshall prevail.7. Neither the Vendors nor the Auctioneers will be responsible for any accident or injury to personsor property, through fire or any other cause whatsoever, nor for any damage by animals prior to,during or after the sale.8. No undertaking by the Auctioneers or their servants to take charge of any Lot or Lots after thesale or to forward them to their destination shall be held to impose upon the Auctioneers anylegal obligation or vitiate any of these Conditions.9. Inasmuch as the Auctioneers act as agents for a disclosed principal they shall not be consideredpersonally responsible for any default on the part of either purchasers or Vendors and the remedyshall be against them only and not against the Auctioneers.10. If these conditions are unfulfilled, the Vendors or Auctioneers shall have the power to resellthe Lots, retaining any surplus and charging any deficiency and expense to the defaulter.11. You have a right to know how we will use the information you have provided to us. We mayshare the information with other members of our group and may make this informationavailable to relevant media groups and other interested parties on request. We and othermembers of the group may contact you by telephone, e-mail, post or fax to inform you ofproducts or services available. If you do not want to be contacted for marketing purposesor do not wish your information to be made available to any other parties please notify us inwriting.HARRISON & HETHERINGTON LTD

68Prize ListJudge – Mr Terry CoghillMuce, Birsay, Orkney1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5thClass 1Class 2Class 3Class 4Class 5Class 6Class 7Male Champion Lot Reserve LotFemale Champion Lot Reserve LotSupreme Champion Lot Reserve Lot

FRIDAY 1st NOVEMBER 2013Borderway Centre . CarlisleShow Office: 01228 406230www.harrisonandhetherington.co.uk• National Suckled Calf & Primestock Show• National Prime Sheep Show• Also National Breed Society Calf Showsfor Aberdeen Angus, British Blue, Hereford, BeefShorthorn and Simmental andSpecial Mule Sheep Showalso on show . . .• Machinery Show & Demonstrations• Young Farmers Club Competitions• Trade Stands & Educational Exhibits

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