Charles Sanders Peirce and the Mind-Body-World Relation

Charles Sanders Peirce and the Mind-Body-World Relation Charles Sanders Peirce and the Mind-Body-World Relation
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2000 Complexity and the History of Economic Thought: Perspectives on the history ofeconomic thought, London, New York: Routledge.Coppock, Patrick J.1995a "Ascribing continuity to the diachronicity of textual norms in virtualenvironments." A www-version is available at: "A semiotic perspective on the development of (artificial) consciousness", in:Aamodt & Komorowski (Eds.): 378-386. A www-version is available at: TekstNorm CoDiVE: "Changing textual and interactional norms throughcooperation in distributed virtual environments. A field-study of the development ofqualifying text- and communication norm-systems in distributed multi-user textworlds. First Field Report. A www-version is available at: "Evolving dialogical norm-systems for scientific writing in distributed virtualenvironments". A www-version is available at: "Alan Sokal saken: Om vitenskapelig tekstnormendring og skriving somkommunikasjonsteknologi i virtuelle omgivelser" [The Alan Sokal Case: Changingtextual norms in science, and writing as comunication technology in virtualenvirnoments], in: M-medietidsskriftet, nr. 4/1996, Trondheim: The NorwegianUniversity of Science and Technology, Institutt for Film and Media Science. A wwwversionis available at: “The semiotics of a phenomenological research paradigm for investigating theevolution and ontogenesis of cultural norm-systems in distributed virtualenvironments”, Semiotica 115-3/4 (1997): 235-262. A www-version is available at: "The Electronic Hypermedia Encyclopaedia: Transcending the constraints ofthe "authoritative work?", Sémiotiques (Peter Stockinger (Ed.)), No. 12, juin (1997):9-44. A www-version is available at: “Grammar, Logic and community in science: Charles Sanders Peirce and hispresuppositional classification of the sciences.”, in Leirfall & Sandmel (Eds.): 27-82.A www-version is available at: "Evolving dialogical norm-systems for scientific writing in distributed virtualenvironments", in: Cmejrková, Hoffmannová, Müllerová & Svetlá (Eds.): 261-281. Awww-version is available at:, Patrick J. (Ed.)2001 The Semiotics of Writing: Transdisciplinary Perspectives on the Technology ofWriting, Turnhout: BrepolsEdelman, G. M. & Tononi, G.2000 A Universe of Consciousness: How matter becomes imagination, New York:Basic Books

Feibleman, James K.1946 An Introduction to Peirce's Philosophy Interpreted as a System. London: Allen& Unwin.Goody, Jack1987 The Interface between the Written and the Oral, Cambridge: CambridgeUniversity Press.1997 Representations and Contradictions. Ambivalence Towards Images, Theatre,Fiction, Relics and Sexuality, Oxford, Malden: Blackwell Publishers2001 “The Semiotics of Writing”, in Coppock (Ed.) 2001: 63-78Gould, Stephen J.1977 Ontogeny and Phylogeny, Cambridge: Harvard University Press1980 The Panda's Thumb, New York: NortonGuidano, Vittorio F.1987 Complexity of the self, New York: Guilford Press. A www-version of theintroduction to this publication is available online at:, Jürgen1997 (1984) The theory of communicative action. Volume 1, Reason and therationalisation of society. Cambridge: Polity Press1997 (1989) The theory of communicative action. Volume 2, Lifeworld and system: Acritique of functionalist reason. Cambridge: Polity PressHalliday, Michael A.K.1995 “On language in relation to the evolution of human consciousness”. In Allén(Ed.): 45-84Hartmann, Eduard von1931 Philosophy of the unconscious (1868), (trans. William C. Coupland), London:Routledge,Hausman, Carl R.1993 Charles S. Peirce’s Evolutionary Philosophy, New York: Cambrige UniversityPress.Havelock, Erik A.1988 The Muse Learns to Write: Reflections on Orality and Literacy from Antiquity tothe Present, New Haven: Yale University Press.Huckin, Thomas 2001“Textual Silence and the Discourse of Homelessness”, in Coppock (Ed.), 2001: 231-252.Hunston, Susan & Thompson, Geoffrey (Eds.)2000 Evaluation in Text: Authorial Stance and the Construction of Discourse,Oxford: Oxford University Press

2000 Complexity <strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong> History of Economic Thought: Perspectives on <strong>the</strong> history ofeconomic thought, London, New York: Routledge.Coppock, Patrick J.1995a "Ascribing continuity to <strong>the</strong> diachronicity of textual norms in virtualenvironments." A www-version is available at: "A semiotic perspective on <strong>the</strong> development of (artificial) consciousness", in:Aamodt & Komorowski (Eds.): 378-386. A www-version is available at: TekstNorm CoDiVE: "Changing textual <strong>and</strong> interactional norms throughcooperation in distributed virtual environments. A field-study of <strong>the</strong> development ofqualifying text- <strong>and</strong> communication norm-systems in distributed multi-user textworlds. First Field Report. A www-version is available at: "Evolving dialogical norm-systems for scientific writing in distributed virtualenvironments". A www-version is available at: "Alan Sokal saken: Om vitenskapelig tekstnormendring og skriving somkommunikasjonsteknologi i virtuelle omgivelser" [The Alan Sokal Case: Changingtextual norms in science, <strong>and</strong> writing as comunication technology in virtualenvirnoments], in: M-medietidsskriftet, nr. 4/1996, Trondheim: The NorwegianUniversity of Science <strong>and</strong> Technology, Institutt for Film <strong>and</strong> Media Science. A wwwversionis available at: “The semiotics of a phenomenological research paradigm for investigating <strong>the</strong>evolution <strong>and</strong> ontogenesis of cultural norm-systems in distributed virtualenvironments”, Semiotica 115-3/4 (1997): 235-262. A www-version is available at: "The Electronic Hypermedia Encyclopaedia: Transcending <strong>the</strong> constraints of<strong>the</strong> "authoritative work?", Sémiotiques (Peter Stockinger (Ed.)), No. 12, juin (1997):9-44. A www-version is available at: “Grammar, Logic <strong>and</strong> community in science: <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>S<strong>and</strong>ers</strong> <strong>Peirce</strong> <strong>and</strong> hispresuppositional classification of <strong>the</strong> sciences.”, in Leirfall & S<strong>and</strong>mel (Eds.): 27-82.A www-version is available at: "Evolving dialogical norm-systems for scientific writing in distributed virtualenvironments", in: Cmejrková, Hoffmannová, Müllerová & Svetlá (Eds.): 261-281. Awww-version is available at:, Patrick J. (Ed.)2001 The Semiotics of Writing: Transdisciplinary Perspectives on <strong>the</strong> Technology ofWriting, Turnhout: BrepolsEdelman, G. M. & Tononi, G.2000 A Universe of Consciousness: How matter becomes imagination, New York:Basic Books

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