Emergency Gas Scrubber Brochure - Treatment Equipment Company

Emergency Gas Scrubber Brochure - Treatment Equipment Company Emergency Gas Scrubber Brochure - Treatment Equipment Company

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www.purafil.comPRODUCTBROCHURE4 THEEMERGENCYGAS SCRUBBERFIRSTINCLEANAIRPREVENTING TOXIC GAS RELEASESWITH NEW CHLOROSORB ® ULTRA MEDIA2654 Weaver Way • Doraville, Georgia, 30340 • U.S.A. • tel: (770) 662-8545 • (800)-222-6367 • www.purafil.com

www.purafil.comPRODUCTBROCHURE4 THEEMERGENCYGAS SCRUBBERFIRSTINCLEANAIRPREVENTING TOXIC GAS RELEASESWITH NEW CHLOROSORB ® ULTRA MEDIA2654 Weaver Way • Doraville, Georgia, 30340 • U.S.A. • tel: (770) 662-8545 • (800)-222-6367 • www.purafil.com

PURAFILEMERGENCY GAS SCRUBBERP U R A F I L E X C E E D S D E S I G NR E Q U I R E M E N T SIf a toxic gas release were to occur, the Laws ofThermodynamics suggest that approximately400 lbs of liquid chlorine would flash into vaporand the remaining contents of the chlorine cylinderwould spill out as a liquid at its boiling point.According to the AWWA RMP Guidance, theouter limit of the impact area, in a chlorinerelease, is drawn at a five-mile radius in all directionsfrom the point of impact.Facilities storing hazardous quantities of chlorine(Cl 2 ) or sulfur dioxide (SO 2 ) must invest in emergencystandby equipment to prevent accidentalchemical releases. The EPA’s Risk ManagementProgram for Chemical Accident ReleasePrevention “requires regulated facilities todevelop and implementappropriaterisk management The EGSprograms to minimizethe frequencyand severity ofchemical plant accidents.”In addition,“a performancebasedapproachtowards compliacewith the risk managementprogramrule is required.”The Uniform FireCode, Article 80 statesthat the full contents of thesingle largest storage container of chlorine mustbe mitigated in 30 minutes. Purafil ESD’s drychemical<strong>Emergency</strong> <strong>Gas</strong> <strong>Scrubber</strong> (EGS) isdesigned to remove the entire contents of a fullyloaded CL 2 /SO 2 cylinder in a worst-case releasescenario. The EGS is designed to neutralize theinitial 400 lbs for the first minute and theremaining contents at 80 lbs/min. thereafter,which exceeds the requirements of the UniformFire Code.T H E P U R A F I L E G S :H O W I T W O R K SChlorineCylindersDry-Scrubbing MediaInstead of using toxic liquid casutic to neutralizegases, the EGS uses dry-scrubbing media.The media’s chemisorptive process removesCl 2 /SO 2 by means of adsorption, absorption andchemical reaction. Cl 2 /SO 2 are trapped within thepellet where an irreversible chemical reactionchanges the gases into harmless solids.The chemical reaction occurs on the surface of themedia throughout the volume of the pellet. Thereaction front moves down the media column asthe chlorine release proceeds. This allows for partialreleases to consme only a proportionalamount of media.Vertical DesignThe EGS is attached to a wall vent in the roomcontaining the chlorine cylinders. In a release,the air/Cl 2 mixture from the gas storage areas isWall VentChlorine-freeAirMedia Beddrawn into the top of the vessel and flowsthrough the media bed and out the bottom tothe blower. The blower discharges the chlorinefreeair to the outside atmosphere.The benefit of a vertical vessel is the fiberglassconstruction which may be more aestheticallypleasing to the landscape of the water treatmentplant.Horizontal DesignThe EGS is attached to a wall vent in the roomcontaining the chlorine cylinders. In a release theair/Cl 2 mixture from the gas storage area ispushed horizontally through the vessel by a blowerand then chlorine-free air is discharged to theoutside atmosphere.The benefits of a horizontal design are the aluminumconstruction and a smaller profile.Horizontal designs are 8’ high as opposed tovertical designs that measure 18’ high.P U R A F I L ’ S C H L O R O S O R B ®U L T R A M E D I AProven PerformancePurafil Chlorosorb ® Ultra media’s removalcapacity for chlorine gas (Cl 2 ) is 15% minimumby weight. For example, 100 lbs (45.36 kg) ofChlorosorb ® Ultra Media will remove a minimumof 15 lbs (6.80 kg) of chlorine. Third-partylaboratory testing demonstrates Chlorosorb ®Ultra’s ability toremove the entirecontents of a fullyloaded,storagecylinder with lessthan 25 parts perbillion at discharge.CHLOROSORB ® ULTRA MEDIABenefitsChlorosorb ® Ultra offers customers the followingbenefits:• Landfill disposable• Non-toxic• UL Classified Class 2• Operates effectively in temperatures aslow as -40 O Fahrenheit• 15% chlorine removal capacityPhysical PropertiesChlorosorb ® Ultra has the following physicalproperties:• Moisture Content: 35% Maximum• Crush Strength: 35% - 70% Maximum• Abrasion: 4.5% Maximum• Bulk Density: 45 lbs/ft 3 (0.72 g/cc) + 5%• Nominal Pellet Diameter: 1/8” (3.2 mm)1/8 “Actual Size

PURAFIL VERSUSWET SCRUBBERSDry <strong>Scrubber</strong>s have several advantages over conventional wetscrubbers. For instance, dry scrubbers require significantly lessmaintenance. They have just ONE moving part — a blower.No need to replace pumps, spray nozzles or valves!OPERATIONAL COMPARISONS:Purafil VERSUS Wet <strong>Scrubber</strong>sFACTORContains liquid toxic chemicalsSecondary containment requiredPURAFILNoNoWETSCRUBBERYesYesDry scrubbers are much SAFER. Instead of using toxic liquidcaustic, they neutralize gases with non-toxic dry-scrubbingmedia, which permanentlytransformgases into harmlesssolids. In addition,dry-scrubbing mediais landfill disposable.Liquid plumbing joints with leakpotentialCaustic recirculation pumps withmechanical sealsMedia reacts with other gases inair to deplete capacityRequires a complex control panelto integrate multiple functionsRequires materials that resist corrosionfrom wet Cl 2 and causticRequires periodic sampling toensure optimum chlorine removalHas the potential to releaseNaOClHas the potential to precipitatesalts and plug nozzlesSpent media is landfill disposableNoNoneNo(Chlorosorb ®Ultra)NoNoYesNoNoYesYes1-2YesCO 2 ,SO 2 ,H 2 SYesYesYesYesYesNoUnlike liquid caustic,dry-scrubbingmedia are immediatelyavailable forINSTANANEOUSreaction, regardlessof the load rate.Dry scrubbers dischargeless than 25parts per billion,while wet scrubbersdischarge 1-4 partsper million.

P U R A F I LESD PRODUCT OFFERINGAOC1Purafil <strong>Emergency</strong> <strong>Gas</strong> <strong>Scrubber</strong>s are:• Available in Fiberglass or Aluminum Construction• Suitable for indoor or outdoor use• Designed for chlorine, sulfur dioxide or other contaminants• Sized for 150 lb, 1 ton or 2 ton releasesAIS1FOC5AOC2FOC1AOC5AOC5

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