One Sweet, Victorious Ride Framing Your World With Faith Living in ...

One Sweet, Victorious Ride Framing Your World With Faith Living in ... One Sweet, Victorious Ride Framing Your World With Faith Living in ...

You Can KnowGOD , s VV illpaperback& CD#B120901new$12 95reg $17.95+S/H<strong>One</strong> of thetop questionsChristians ask is,“What is God’s willfor me?” The goodnews is, He is everready to let you <strong>in</strong>on it!In this expandedlegacy edition ofGod’s Will for You,Gloria Copelandanswers yourquestions as sheuses scriptural<strong>in</strong>sights to showhow you can:» Discover God’s willfor every area ofyour life» Receive His guidanceevery day» Live the whole,fulfill<strong>in</strong>g life Hehas designedfor you<strong>Your</strong> Giftwith purchase of book...Just ListenHear<strong>in</strong>g from God » Put yourself <strong>in</strong>can be as natural to position to hearyou as breath<strong>in</strong>g. In from Godher CD-teach<strong>in</strong>g,Hav<strong>in</strong>g Ears» Listen to Himto Hear, Kellie » Receive theCopeland Swisher understand<strong>in</strong>gshows you step-bystephow youHe will givecan:Order onl<strong>in</strong>e an & save (U.S.only)+1-817-852-6000Offer and price valid until Sept. 30, 2012

VOLUME 40 » N o Rich byTHE BLESSINGby Melanie HemryWhen Miranda Eyles, asurgical nurse, discovereda lump <strong>in</strong> her breast,experience told her itwas cancerous. Decl<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>gimmediate hospitalization,she kept her plans to attenda KCM meet<strong>in</strong>g, whereshe immersed herself <strong>in</strong>the Word. By feed<strong>in</strong>g onthe Word and undergo<strong>in</strong>gmedical treatment, Mirandahas rema<strong>in</strong>ed cancer free foralmost four years.Pass this magaz<strong>in</strong>e on to a friend. It’s a great way to recycle!12 18The BuckStops Hereby Kenneth CopelandAs citizens of both heavenand of earth, we have dualresponsibilities: Vote godlymen and women <strong>in</strong>to officeand then pray for themevery day.26<strong>One</strong> <strong>Sweet</strong>,<strong>Victorious</strong> <strong>Ride</strong>by Kenneth CopelandInstead of look<strong>in</strong>g at the circumstancesaround you, focus on The WORD. Whenyou do, you’ll start mov<strong>in</strong>g toward THEBLESSING, and it will become your source.<strong>Liv<strong>in</strong>g</strong> <strong>in</strong>God’s Willby Terri Copeland PearsonsWalk<strong>in</strong>g daily <strong>in</strong> God’s will isthe true mark of spirituality.He has equipped us with allwe need to both know Hiswill and be able to do it.<strong>Fram<strong>in</strong>g</strong> <strong>Your</strong><strong>World</strong> <strong>With</strong> <strong>Faith</strong>by Gloria CopelandGod has commanded that we walk <strong>in</strong> lovebecause love never fails, and faith works by love.features articlesBELIEVER’S VOICE OF VICTORY VOLUME 40 NUMBER 9 September 2012 BELIEVER’S VOICE OF VICTORY is published monthly by Eagle Mounta<strong>in</strong> International Church Inc./Kenneth Copeland M<strong>in</strong>istries Inc.,a nonprofit corporation, Fort Worth, Texas. © 2012 Kenneth Copeland M<strong>in</strong>istries Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction <strong>in</strong> whole or part without written permission is prohibited. BELIEVER’S VOICE OF VICTORYand the logo on the back page are registered trademarks of Eagle Mounta<strong>in</strong> International Church Inc./Kenneth Copeland M<strong>in</strong>istries Inc., <strong>in</strong> the United States and <strong>in</strong>ternational countries where BELIEVER’SVOICE OF VICTORY circulates. Pr<strong>in</strong>t<strong>in</strong>g and distribution costs are paid for by donations from KCM Partners and Friends. Pr<strong>in</strong>ted <strong>in</strong> the United States of America. For a free subscription write to Kenneth CopelandM<strong>in</strong>istries, Fort Worth, TX 76192-0001; or sign up onl<strong>in</strong>e at Because all BELIEVER’S VOICE OF VICTORY issues are preplanned, we are unable to accept unsolicited manuscripts. CommunicationsManager/C<strong>in</strong>dy Hames Manag<strong>in</strong>g Editor/Ronald C. Jordan Editor/Deborah Ide Writers/Darlene Breed G<strong>in</strong>a Lynnes Proofreaders/Jean DeLong Michelle Harris Eileen Hooley New Product Supervisor/LeahLee Senior Designer/Michael Augustat Creative Director/Chris Maselli Assistant Creative Director/Wendy Hannon Designer/Larry Warren Project Manager/Deborah Brister Type Coord<strong>in</strong>ator/Joyce Glasgow14 God: Miss<strong>in</strong>g FromAmerican History by David BartonAmerica is called “one nation under God.”But today God is rarely mentioned <strong>in</strong> ourhistory books.21 Keep the Unionby Gloria CopelandIf you rema<strong>in</strong> <strong>in</strong> constant contact with God,vitally united with Him, all the power ofheaven will be at your disposal.24 Does <strong>Your</strong> Heart Agree<strong>With</strong> Heaven? by Kenneth CopelandJesus warned us there would be trouble,and told us not to be troubled by it. God hasalready declared our provision, protectionand prosperity. We are to believe it, receiveit—agree with His WORD!16 Good News GazetteRead about real-life faith triumphs frompeople just like you.22 KCM EventsLive your faith and share the Word—br<strong>in</strong>gsomeone you know to a KCM event!31 Jesus Beg<strong>in</strong>s Heal<strong>in</strong>g SchoolThe Lord <strong>in</strong>structed Gloria Copeland toteach Heal<strong>in</strong>g School at every KCMconvention until He returns.When The LORD firstspoke to us about start<strong>in</strong>gthe Believer’s Voice ofVictory magaz<strong>in</strong>e, He said:This is your seed. Give it toeveryone who ever respondsto your m<strong>in</strong>istry, and don’tever allow anyone to pay fora subscription to it. For 39years it has been our joyto br<strong>in</strong>g you good newsthrough the teach<strong>in</strong>gsof m<strong>in</strong>isters who writeout of liv<strong>in</strong>g contact withGod, and the testimoniesof believers who tookGod at His WORD andexperienced His victory <strong>in</strong>everyday life.

Give to those who have been affected by ›› Partnership ›› Help<strong>in</strong>g PartnersRead a digital version of this magaz<strong>in</strong> ›› Media ›› Magaz<strong>in</strong>eFollow us on Twitter for short, timely messages from Kenneth & Gloria.<strong>in</strong>ecouldn’t receive from Him. They couldn’t see who Hewas or THE BLESSING He came to give becausethey’d closed their spiritual eyes. As Jesus said: “Theysee<strong>in</strong>g see not; and hear<strong>in</strong>g they hear not, neither dothey understand. For this people’s heart is waxed gross,and their ears are dull of hear<strong>in</strong>g, and their eyes theyhave closed; lest at any time they should see with theireyes and hear with their ears, and should understandwith their heart, and should be converted, and I shouldheal them” (Matthew 13:13, 15).It sounds crazy but people still do this today. Theyshut their eyes to spiritual truth because they don’twant to see it.Some years ago, Gloria and I heard a stunn<strong>in</strong>gillustration of that fact from a woman namedGertrude. She’d experienced a tremendous miracleof God. At one time <strong>in</strong> her life, she’d been paralyzed.Utterly immobile, she had to be carried from place toplace <strong>in</strong> a bedsheet.The doctors told Gertrude she had no chance ofrecovery, but she didn’t believe them. She believedGod’s WORD <strong>in</strong>stead. So, the day they put her <strong>in</strong> theambulance to take her to the hospital, she said to herson, “Go get my shoes!”“Mama, why on earth do you need shoes?” he asked.“Because when Jesus heals me, I don’t want to walkaround on those cold hospital floors barefooted!” sheanswered.Sure enough, <strong>in</strong> response to her faith, Jesus showedup <strong>in</strong> her hospital room and personally m<strong>in</strong>isteredheal<strong>in</strong>g to her. She got out of bed, put on her shoes androbe and started go<strong>in</strong>g up and down the hall testify<strong>in</strong>gto the other patients. They were thrilled about it—butdo you know who wasn’t?Her doctor.When she walked <strong>in</strong>to his office he literally turnedhis back on her. “Gertrude, get out of here,” he said. “Idon’t want to see you.”“Why not?” she said. “Jesus healed me! I’m totallywell. Don’t you want to look?”“No!” he said. “If I see you, I’ll have to changeeveryth<strong>in</strong>g I th<strong>in</strong>k and I’m not go<strong>in</strong>g to do it.”It’s hard to imag<strong>in</strong>e anyone act<strong>in</strong>g so foolishly, butpeople do it every day. They <strong>in</strong>vest so much of theirtime, money and reputation <strong>in</strong>to the world’s way ofth<strong>in</strong>k<strong>in</strong>g and operat<strong>in</strong>g, they’re not even will<strong>in</strong>g to lookat what God has to offer them. Fix<strong>in</strong>g their eyes on theworld, they close their eyes to the truth—even though<strong>in</strong> the end it costs them everyth<strong>in</strong>g.Convert<strong>in</strong>g to God’s SystemAlthough the spiritual condition of the self-bl<strong>in</strong>dedunbelievers <strong>in</strong> Matthew 13 is tragic, here’s the upside.In the very same passage, Jesus said this about thoseof us who are His disciples: “It is given unto youto know the mysteries of the k<strong>in</strong>gdom of heaven....Blessed are your eyes, for they see: and your ears, forthey hear” (Matthew 13:11, 16).What is it we can see and hear?The “word of the k<strong>in</strong>gdom” (verse 19).To appreciate the importance of that, you have torealize the k<strong>in</strong>gdom of God is a system. It’s God’sway of th<strong>in</strong>k<strong>in</strong>g and operat<strong>in</strong>g. The WORD of thek<strong>in</strong>gdom gives us access to that system. It enablesus to see what God sees and know what He knows.No longer bound to the beggarly elements of thisworld, “at any time” we choose, we can look at God’sWORD, hear it, understand it and “be converted”(verse 15).“Be converted! Brother Copeland, I got convertedyears ago when I was born aga<strong>in</strong>.”Yes, spiritually you did. But for the rest ofyour life to change (your soul, body, f<strong>in</strong>ances andcircumstances) your m<strong>in</strong>d must be converted too.Instead of th<strong>in</strong>k<strong>in</strong>g like a heath and stay<strong>in</strong>g stuck <strong>in</strong>the desert, you must learn how to th<strong>in</strong>k, talk and actlike God.Exactly how do you go about that?First, open your spiritual eyes! Do the exactopposite of what the spiritually sightless people whomissed out on Jesus’ m<strong>in</strong>istry did and yield to theauthority or dom<strong>in</strong>ion of the K<strong>in</strong>g. (S<strong>in</strong>ce a k<strong>in</strong>gdomis where the k<strong>in</strong>g has dom<strong>in</strong>ion that’s always the firststep to k<strong>in</strong>gdom liv<strong>in</strong>g.) Say to Jesus, “Sir, I’m <strong>Your</strong>sto command. I will attend to <strong>Your</strong> WORD and makeit my f<strong>in</strong>al authority. Whatever I see there I will put<strong>in</strong>to practice.”Then obey the <strong>in</strong>structions <strong>in</strong> Proverbs 4:20-22:“My son, attend to my words; <strong>in</strong>cl<strong>in</strong>e th<strong>in</strong>e ear untomy say<strong>in</strong>gs. Let them not depart from th<strong>in</strong>e eyes; keepthem <strong>in</strong> the midst of th<strong>in</strong>e heart. For they are life untothose that f<strong>in</strong>d them, and health to all their flesh.”Notice that accord<strong>in</strong>g to those verses, when you“attend” to God’s WORDS they become “say<strong>in</strong>gs.”The Scriptures start talk<strong>in</strong>g to you. The Holy Spiritspeaks them to you on the <strong>in</strong>side so you can not onlysee but hear the thoughts of God.If you’ll make the decision to take those thoughtsby say<strong>in</strong>g them on purpose over and over aga<strong>in</strong>,eventually you’ll catch yourself say<strong>in</strong>g them withouthav<strong>in</strong>g to decide to do it. When that happens, yourth<strong>in</strong>k<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> that area has been converted. God’sthoughts have become your own.Suddenly, you’re see<strong>in</strong>g someth<strong>in</strong>g entirely differentthan the world is see<strong>in</strong>g. While they’re see<strong>in</strong>gdrought, you’re see<strong>in</strong>g rivers. While they’re look<strong>in</strong>g

at fam<strong>in</strong>e, you’re see<strong>in</strong>g feast. While they’re look<strong>in</strong>g at f<strong>in</strong>ancialcollapse, you’re see<strong>in</strong>g the riches of THE BLESSING.I’m not say<strong>in</strong>g all your circumstances will change overnight. Itoften takes time for the manifestation of THE BLESSING tobecome visible <strong>in</strong> this natural realm. But you can still “see” it becauseyou don’t really see with your physicaleyes. I don’t either. You see with yourm<strong>in</strong>d. <strong>Your</strong> bra<strong>in</strong> collects <strong>in</strong>formationand turns it <strong>in</strong>to images <strong>in</strong> your soul.Then you <strong>in</strong>terpret those images anddecide what to do with them.I have a very good friend whoproves that po<strong>in</strong>t every day. A Partnerwith this m<strong>in</strong>istry, he owns a gunstore. He does not have sight <strong>in</strong> hisnatural eyes. <strong>One</strong> of his customerstold me he bought guns from him forfour years without notic<strong>in</strong>g anyth<strong>in</strong>gunusual about him.“I’d tell him which gun I wantedand he’d go over to the case and getit with no problem,” he said. “He’dclear it, break it down, whatever heneeded to do, and hand it to me.I’d stand there talk<strong>in</strong>g to him andlook<strong>in</strong>g him right <strong>in</strong> the face with noidea he was bl<strong>in</strong>d.”Amaz<strong>in</strong>g as it seems, the man alsotra<strong>in</strong>s military personnel. Accord<strong>in</strong>gto his staff, if you’re his enemy andyou don’t want him to shoot you,you’d better be real quiet. His earscatch sounds yours don’t. He can hearyou breathe from across the room—and if he hears you, he can shoot you.Can that man see?Absolutely. He sees with his hands.He sees with his ears. He sees imageson the <strong>in</strong>side of him the same as youand I do. His eyes don’t yet transferlight from his eyes to his bra<strong>in</strong> butthat’s chang<strong>in</strong>g. He’s attend<strong>in</strong>g toThe WORD. He’s fix<strong>in</strong>g his spiritualgaze on his miracle-work<strong>in</strong>g God.You and I can do the sameth<strong>in</strong>g. Instead of look<strong>in</strong>g at thecircumstances around us, we can focuson The WORD of the k<strong>in</strong>gdom.Instead of watch<strong>in</strong>g the curse onthe news, we can spend our timewatch<strong>in</strong>g THE BLESSING <strong>in</strong> theBible. As we do, we’ll start mov<strong>in</strong>gtoward it. It will become our source.,,Before long, we’ll be draw<strong>in</strong>g from the river <strong>in</strong>stead ofwither<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> the desert. Just like I did when I was on mymotorcycle and saw someth<strong>in</strong>g on the highway, we’ll run right<strong>in</strong>to THE BLESSING and this bumpy road of life will becomeone sweet, victorious ride. VICTORY<strong>Faith</strong>Workswhen it's put to work.—Kenneth Copelandsale$1999Good news!God has givenyou everyth<strong>in</strong>gyou will ever needto put faith to workfor you. In this faithactivat<strong>in</strong>gseries, you’lldiscover how to…+ S/H»»»newImprove your quality oflife with real results—spirit, soul and bodyBoost your faith andconfidence <strong>in</strong>stantlyOperate every day<strong>in</strong> the transform<strong>in</strong>gpower of true faithAvailable on MP3USB flash drive$ 19 99Order onl<strong>in</strong> savean additional10 % reg $30Get ready to livea life of faith that workswhen you discover,,Howto Put <strong>Your</strong> <strong>Faith</strong> toWork today!reg $30+ S/H #B120906 9 C D s $ 19 99 + S/H #B120905+1-817-852-6000Offers and prices validuntil Sept. 30, 20121-800-600-7395 onlyU.S.september '12 | BVOV | 7

MMiranda Eyles checkedthe surgical schedule. Anotherhectic day <strong>in</strong> one of London’sbusiest operat<strong>in</strong>g theatres wasw<strong>in</strong>d<strong>in</strong>g down. As theatremanager, Miranda thrived on thehustle and bustle of the surgicalcenter: deal<strong>in</strong>g with surgeons,anesthesiologists, nurses and thepatients who formed the hub ofthe entire process.Leav<strong>in</strong>g the hospital, Mirandanoticed that spr<strong>in</strong>g had awakenedLondon from the hibernation ofa long English w<strong>in</strong>ter.On her way to thegym she admiredbrilliant yellowdaffodils thatdotted thegardens alongthe way.8 | B V O V | s e p t e m b e r ' 1 2

y Melanie HemryMadeRichThe step class was vigorous andafterward Miranda took a showerth<strong>in</strong>k<strong>in</strong>g about the upcom<strong>in</strong>g week.Kenneth and Gloria Copeland werehold<strong>in</strong>g a meet<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> south Englandand she’d scheduled time off toattend. The year before, Mirandahad flown to the U.S. and attendedKCM’s Great Lakes Believers’Convention. She could hardly wait foranother <strong>in</strong>fusion of the Word of God.Stand<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> a stream of warmwater, Miranda froze. She felta lump <strong>in</strong> her breast. Miranda’sf<strong>in</strong>gers palpated the lump, not<strong>in</strong>gits size, texture and edges. As asurgical nurse she’d seen plenty ofthis type of growth. She didn’t needa mammogram, sonogram or a biopsyto know the diagnosis.This wasn’t a cyst.Cancer.The word came unbidden, butshe knew. She, Miranda Eyles—healthy, vigorous and without a traceof illness—had cancer. Fear clawedat her throat. Why her? Why now?How had this happened? She wasborn aga<strong>in</strong>, Spirit-filled and liv<strong>in</strong>gfor the Lord!Get a grip! Why not me? I’m bornaga<strong>in</strong>, Spirit-filled and liv<strong>in</strong>g for God! Ican’t panic! I won’t receive it! I’ve got touse my faith!Miranda didn’t notice the daffodilsas she left the gym and headed home.She had to talk to her husband,Francis, and their daughter, Priscilla.After d<strong>in</strong>ner, she asked them to jo<strong>in</strong>her <strong>in</strong> the sitt<strong>in</strong>g room. Gratefulthat Francis, an <strong>in</strong>terior designer,had made the room so <strong>in</strong>vit<strong>in</strong>g, shetook comfort <strong>in</strong> the familiar milkyyellow walls, red Persian rug and openfireplace.“Let’s sit down and have a chat,”she said. “I don’t want either of youto panic, but I found a lump <strong>in</strong> mybreast today. I’m go<strong>in</strong>g to the doctortomorrow, but no matter the outcome,I want us to behave as though noth<strong>in</strong>ghas happened. For me to have thestrength I need, you each need to dowhat I’m ask<strong>in</strong>g. I don’t want you tofeel sorry for me, because I believeGod has healed me.”The color dra<strong>in</strong>ed from herhusband’s face.“God’s not go<strong>in</strong>g to heal you!”“I know you don’t believe <strong>in</strong> God,”Miranda replied, “but I know I’mhealed. I need you to agree with me.”The next morn<strong>in</strong>g the doctorfrowned as he exam<strong>in</strong>ed Miranda.“I’ll do a biopsy straight away andhave the results by the end of the day.”Late that afternoon, the doctor sentMiranda a message. “I need you tocome see me. Br<strong>in</strong>g your husband ora friend.”Miranda sighed. Doctors didn’t tellpatients to br<strong>in</strong>g a friend if the newswas good. She couldn’t take Francis;he would fall apart. Instead, she askedher prayer partner to go with her.byTHE BLESSING,,All I want to do is runand saturate myself <strong>in</strong>God’s Word. Everyth<strong>in</strong>gelse will be OK.

<strong>One</strong> look at the doctor’s facetold Miranda everyth<strong>in</strong>g sheneeded to know.“Look, Miranda, I have really badnews. You have grade III <strong>in</strong>vasiveductal cancer, and it’s a big tumor.You need to go home and get th<strong>in</strong>gsarranged so that you can be admittedto the hospital tomorrow.”“I’ve booked a conference <strong>in</strong>Bournemouth next week,” Mirandaexpla<strong>in</strong>ed, “so I’ll decl<strong>in</strong>e com<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>tothe hospital until afterward.”“Miranda, I know you’re shockedand aren’t th<strong>in</strong>k<strong>in</strong>g straight, but Idon’t believe you’re go<strong>in</strong>g aga<strong>in</strong>stmy advice.”,,“Really, what difference willone week make? So yes, I’m go<strong>in</strong>gto the conference first. You see…I’m healed.”“What?”Back home, Francis thought hiswife had gone totally mad.“I don’t believe you aren’t go<strong>in</strong>g todo what the doctor said!”“All I want to do is run andsaturate myself <strong>in</strong> God’s Word,”Miranda expla<strong>in</strong>ed. “Everyth<strong>in</strong>g elsewill be OK.”Before she left for the conference,a series of tests revealed that th<strong>in</strong>gswere far from OK. The cancer hadalready metastasized to her lymphnodes—and to her liver.“It was tempt<strong>in</strong>g to allow myselfto feel sad and depressed,” Mirandarecalls. “I knew without a doubt if Ilet my m<strong>in</strong>d drift <strong>in</strong>to neutral I wouldfall <strong>in</strong>to depression. I also knew if thathappened, the cancer would quicklyovertake me and I would die.“I couldn’t allow that to happen soI had to take every thought captive.I determ<strong>in</strong>ed to live <strong>in</strong> conscious joyat all times. I was joyful at work andat night I listened to the Word ofGod until I fell asleep. I didn’t wantmoments spent star<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>to space. Ispent every spare m<strong>in</strong>ute <strong>in</strong> praiseand worship and pasted notes withscriptures everywhere.“Before leav<strong>in</strong>g for the conference, Icalled the KCM office and told themmy diagnosis and asked for prayer.They sent me heal<strong>in</strong>g scriptures andDodie Osteen’s wonderful book,Healed From Cancer. I also calledmy brother, Zwelibanzi CephasMazabane, who pastors a church <strong>in</strong>South Africa. He talked to me everyday and became a tower of strength.”,,Watch<strong>in</strong>g the BVOV broadcastCancer, you’re a spirit and you have noright <strong>in</strong> the temple of God! I am speak<strong>in</strong>gto you and you must leave!one day, Miranda listened whileGloria and Billye Brim discussedhow the devil tries to come <strong>in</strong>to aperson’s home illegally. Meditat<strong>in</strong>gon this, Miranda realized the cancerwas illegal and she had to takeauthority over it.“Cancer, you’re a spirit and youhave no right <strong>in</strong> the temple ofGod! I am speak<strong>in</strong>g to you and youmust leave!”The follow<strong>in</strong>g week, Mirandapacked her bags and left forthe conference, along with twocolleagues. Neither of her friendsknew of Miranda’s diagnosis, norcould they guess by her demeanor.Miranda appeared as happy andjoyous as anyone could be. Prior toher diagnosis, she’d volunteered tousher, so she kept that commitmentand ushered every meet<strong>in</strong>g.The conference was everyth<strong>in</strong>gMiranda had hoped, and sheexperienced God’s presence <strong>in</strong> apowerful way while be<strong>in</strong>g saturated<strong>in</strong> His Word and <strong>in</strong> faith. At onepo<strong>in</strong>t, the prayer team from KCM’soffice gathered around to prayfor her. In addition, after Heal<strong>in</strong>gSchool on Saturday, Gloria prayedfor her as well. Miranda left theconference with quiet assurance thatshe’d been healed.Plugg<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> to the PowerBack home, the doctor orderedmore tests, expect<strong>in</strong>g the worst.“Oh my!” he exclaimed. “Themetastasis <strong>in</strong> your liver is gone!”“Let’s see what we can do now,” hesaid. “I’m send<strong>in</strong>g you for chemotherapy,surgery and radiation.”“You can do whatever you wish,”Miranda said, gr<strong>in</strong>n<strong>in</strong>g. “I’m healed.”When the oncologist expla<strong>in</strong>ed allthe risks of chemotherapy, Francisturned as white as a hospital sheet.Look<strong>in</strong>g him <strong>in</strong> the eye, Mirandasaid, “This is all just talk. I onlybelieve God. Francis, I’m healed!”Born and raised <strong>in</strong> a Christianhome <strong>in</strong> Zimbabwe (formerly calledRhodesia), Miranda had attendedchurch where her mother worked <strong>in</strong>the women’s m<strong>in</strong>istry and her fatherhad been the praise and worshipleader. Although she always believed<strong>in</strong> God, it hadn’t been until after she’dmigrated to London and married thatMiranda realized she had only hadhead knowledge of Christ. She hadnot known Him on a personal and<strong>in</strong>timate basis.That’s why she understood Francis’fear. Until he became a new creature<strong>in</strong> Christ, spiritual th<strong>in</strong>gs wouldrema<strong>in</strong> a mystery to him. She prayedfor him to have that div<strong>in</strong>e encounterwith Jesus.While other patients undergo<strong>in</strong>gchemotherapy were depressed,lethargic and ill, Miranda arrivedat each session with her Bible, herfriends and <strong>in</strong>fectious laughter. Sheoverheard her husband say, “I’ve neverseen such tenacity! She has faith that Idon’t understand!”Miranda cont<strong>in</strong>ued teach<strong>in</strong>g Biblestudy every third Sunday, allow<strong>in</strong>gthose <strong>in</strong> the congregation to believeshe’d shaved her head as a fashionstatement.10 | B V O V | s e p t e m b e r ' 1 2

,,Becom<strong>in</strong>g a Partner with KCM was,,one of the best decisions I’ve evermade. <strong>With</strong>out them, my marriagewould have ended <strong>in</strong> divorcefrom the f<strong>in</strong>ancial stress.Another Dose of the Word“Chemotherapy was awful,” Miranda admits. “But my faith was so strong that Icould feel heal<strong>in</strong>g emanat<strong>in</strong>g from <strong>in</strong>side my body and also from the outside. Everytime they measured the tumor my oncologist was stunned. She said she’d never seen atumor decrease as fast. In three months it dropped from 8 to 2 centimeters.“<strong>One</strong> of the th<strong>in</strong>gs that helped me a great deal was listen<strong>in</strong>g to Brother Copeland’steach<strong>in</strong>g called Heal<strong>in</strong>g: It’s Always God’s Will. I listened to those CDs over and overand they gave me great strength.“As soon as I f<strong>in</strong>ished chemotherapy I boarded a flight to the U.S. to attend theWest Coast Believers’ Convention. I mentioned that I was go<strong>in</strong>g to saturate myself <strong>in</strong>the Word to ensure that the cancer never came back and the airl<strong>in</strong>e upgraded me tofirst class! I slept the entire way!”Dur<strong>in</strong>g each step of the process, Miranda talked to her family, lett<strong>in</strong>g them knowwhat to expect. For the first time s<strong>in</strong>ce she’d been born aga<strong>in</strong>, she had the freedom todiscuss her faith openly. Miranda not only came through the ordeal stronger, so didher marriage.Miranda’s surgery was scheduled for November 2008. Because the tumor haddecreased to 2 centimeters, she didn’t require a mastectomy. The t<strong>in</strong>y growth wasremoved through a lumpectomy.Established <strong>in</strong> a strong local church, Miranda’s pastor is a spiritual son of CrefloDollar. In 2010, two years after her diagnosis, Kenneth and Gloria arrived at herchurch to preach.KCM&YouthePartnersbless<strong>in</strong>gWhen Miranda Eyles was be<strong>in</strong>ghealed of cancer, she wasconfident of two places shecould turn for encouragement,support and agreement <strong>in</strong> herstand of faith for the power ofTHE BLESSING to work <strong>in</strong> herlife—God’s Word and KennethCopeland M<strong>in</strong>istries. TodayMiranda is cancer free anddeclares, “Heal<strong>in</strong>g is alwaysGod’s will—it’s part of THEBLESSING!”KCM is always ready to standwith you on the power of THEBLESSING to br<strong>in</strong>g heal<strong>in</strong>gto every area of your life! Askthe Lord if now is the timefor you to jo<strong>in</strong> us <strong>in</strong> covenantpartnership—we’re here for you!<strong>in</strong>THE BLESSING at Work“I was diagnosed with cancer <strong>in</strong> 2008,” Miranda expla<strong>in</strong>s, “and there has never beena sign of cancer <strong>in</strong> my body s<strong>in</strong>ce. In my profession you don’t see this. If someone withmy type and stage of cancer survives, it usually recurs with<strong>in</strong> one to two years. It’s nowbeen four years and even my doctor says, ‘<strong>Your</strong> belief has brought you to this place!’“Fifteen years ago I lost a great deal of money <strong>in</strong> some <strong>in</strong>vestments and was <strong>in</strong>f<strong>in</strong>ancial crisis. My cous<strong>in</strong> <strong>in</strong>vited me to church where I got born aga<strong>in</strong>. Afterward,look<strong>in</strong>g for f<strong>in</strong>ancial answers, the Lord led me to KCM’s website. I became a Partnerwith the m<strong>in</strong>istry and with<strong>in</strong> two years I had recovered f<strong>in</strong>ancially.“Becom<strong>in</strong>g a Partner with KCM was one of the best decisionsI’ve ever made. <strong>With</strong>out them, my marriage would have ended<strong>in</strong> divorce from the f<strong>in</strong>ancial stress. If not for KCM, I would bedead. I found myself through this m<strong>in</strong>istry and I’m alive becauseof this m<strong>in</strong>istry. It’s better than gold to me.”Today, Miranda Eyles is as busy as ever as manager of theoperat<strong>in</strong>g theatre at the Portland Hospital for Women andChildren. F<strong>in</strong>ancially, physically and <strong>in</strong> every way THEBLESSING is still at work <strong>in</strong> her life.“I thought you were go<strong>in</strong>g to die,” Francis admitted. “I’ve seensometh<strong>in</strong>g I’ve never seen before.”As a result of Miranda’s heal<strong>in</strong>g, <strong>in</strong> 2011, Francis receivedJesus as his Lord and Savior.Truly, “THE BLESSING of The LORD, it maketh rich, andhe addeth no sorrow with it” (Proverbs 10:22). VICTORYPartner withKCM today!Contact us andask for our free“New Partner”package withcomplete <strong>in</strong>formationabout partnership,complimentary giftsand more. Simplycheck the box on theresponse form <strong>in</strong> thismagaz<strong>in</strong>e, call1-800-600-7395(U.S. only)+1-817-852-6000or yourPartner package:Brother Copeland’spersonal letter of welcomeGod Needs <strong>Your</strong> Voice CD<strong>Your</strong> Victory Around the <strong>World</strong> DVDThe Partnership Exchange bookPartnership certificatePartner CardShare the Victory cardsExclusive onl<strong>in</strong>e BONUS teach<strong>in</strong>g

y Kenneth CopelandtheBuck HereStopsWhen it comes topolitics, generationsof church people <strong>in</strong>America have said,“We’re just hop<strong>in</strong>g and pray<strong>in</strong>g the Democrats can fix this mess.... We’re just hop<strong>in</strong>g andpray<strong>in</strong>g the Republicans can fix it.” :: Well, the politicians are not God. They’re only hereto govern, and the government cannot create or change anyth<strong>in</strong>g. :: Real change—whether<strong>in</strong> the political, economic or spiritual realm—only happens when the Church beg<strong>in</strong>s to prayand believe God. We’re the ones with the real authority, and we’ve been given that authorityby the Name of Jesus. :: The problem is, we haven’t known what to do with it.Politics Is More Than a PartyI once asked The LORD how Christians should goabout choos<strong>in</strong>g political candidates. He responded withthis question: Did you ever notice that people who supportabortion, those who have a lifestyle of some sort of perversionSimply beg<strong>in</strong>by spend<strong>in</strong>g 10to 15 m<strong>in</strong>uteseach day pray<strong>in</strong>gfor our authorities.and those who walk the borderl<strong>in</strong>e of the law all the time, arenever split between political candidates?Instantly, I saw what He meant.Over the years, I’ve always noticed how people whorallied around abortion, pornography, homosexuality,drugs, alcohol and so forth, all ended up <strong>in</strong> the samecamp when it came down to election day.Why?For the most part it was because the biggest th<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>their lives was a particular “s<strong>in</strong>” lifestyle. So, naturally,they were look<strong>in</strong>g for a candidate who would give licenseto that lifestyle.But we know that Jesus bore all “s<strong>in</strong>” on the cross.Therefore, we don’t practice or make a lifestyle out of it.We resist it. We resist s<strong>in</strong> the same as we would sickness,12 | BVOV | september '12

disease, poverty and so on.What’s more, when we failto resist s<strong>in</strong> by not vot<strong>in</strong>g, or byvot<strong>in</strong>g for the wrong reasons, wejo<strong>in</strong> forces with those who areserv<strong>in</strong>g an unrighteous cause.Now, when it comes to tak<strong>in</strong>ga more public stand aga<strong>in</strong>st s<strong>in</strong>,oftentimes Christians are tooquick to grab their picket signsand protest at the local abortioncl<strong>in</strong>ic, adult bookstore or city hall.Don’t get me wrong. There’sa time to rally together andprotest. But as believers, we havean obligation to follow God’sprescribed plan <strong>in</strong> order for it tosucceed.I can remember whenneighborhood conveniencestores <strong>in</strong> America started sell<strong>in</strong>gpornographic magaz<strong>in</strong>es. A lot ofchurch people got mad, grabbedsigns and started picket<strong>in</strong>g thestores. I also remember, however,hear<strong>in</strong>g a store owner report howhe didn’t have much bus<strong>in</strong>ess until“all those Christians started com<strong>in</strong>gdown here and rais<strong>in</strong>g so muchfuss. When they came, I sold out ofmagaz<strong>in</strong>es over and over.”Those church people hadthe right heart, but their planbackfired.The truth is, as believers ourpower and authority is not <strong>in</strong>picket signs. It’s <strong>in</strong> The WORDof God and <strong>in</strong> prayer.The Real Power BrokersTo answer my question aboutselect<strong>in</strong>g political candidates, TheLORD took me to 1 Timothy2:1-2 where the Apostle Paulexpla<strong>in</strong>s our responsibility ascitizens of heaven and citizensof earth: “I exhort therefore,that, first of all, supplications,prayers, <strong>in</strong>tercessions, and giv<strong>in</strong>gof thanks, be made for all men;for k<strong>in</strong>gs, and for all that are<strong>in</strong> authority; that we may leada quiet and peaceable life <strong>in</strong> allgodl<strong>in</strong>ess and honesty.”Where the Church has messedup <strong>in</strong> the whole political processis with the thanksgiv<strong>in</strong>g part ofPaul’s <strong>in</strong>structions.Th<strong>in</strong>k about it. When yourcandidate doesn’t get elected,how diligent are you to pray forthose who do get <strong>in</strong>to office? Howcommitted are you to give Godthanks for them? Oh, we may prayfor a handful of elected officialsnow and then. But how long isit from the time we stop pray<strong>in</strong>guntil we turn around and startshredd<strong>in</strong>g them to pieces <strong>in</strong> ourconversations?Well, <strong>in</strong> God’s Book, thatdoesn’t work.Yes, we have “say-so” with God.Yes, we have “say-so” <strong>in</strong> this earth.But we only earn that “say-so”when we fulfill our responsibilityto pray over elections andcandidates, hear God on how tovote, and then do it.It doesn’t matter whether theperson we vote for gets <strong>in</strong>tooffice or not. What matters is ourobedience to God’s WORD—to pray, make petition and<strong>in</strong>tercession for all men, k<strong>in</strong>gs andmen of high authority, and thengive thanks to God for them. Thatdoesn’t mean we have to fast andpray 40 days and 40 nights eachelection year. We can simply beg<strong>in</strong>by spend<strong>in</strong>g 10 to 15 m<strong>in</strong>utes eachday pray<strong>in</strong>g for our authorities.The po<strong>in</strong>t is, <strong>in</strong>tercessions andthanksgiv<strong>in</strong>g should consistentlybe the ma<strong>in</strong> focus and effort of ourpetitions, because real spiritualpower lies <strong>in</strong> consistency—pray<strong>in</strong>g<strong>in</strong> the spirit day after day, stand<strong>in</strong>gon The WORD, prais<strong>in</strong>g andworship<strong>in</strong>g God concern<strong>in</strong>g ourauthorities.Remember, we’re the ones withthe real authority around here.We’re the ones with the “say-so.”The question is...What will wesay? VICTORYVoters Decide theFuture of America!and watch a special messagefrom Kenneth Copeland<strong>in</strong>g the vote.Go toElection Day is Tuesday,November 6, 2012.Use our onl<strong>in</strong>e tool to makesure you’re registered to vote, AND look up friendsand family to make sure they’re registered too!<strong>Your</strong> vote is very important–but you can’t vote if you’re not registered.

America is called “one nation underGod.” But today God is rarely mentioned<strong>in</strong> our history books, which have becomelifeless retell<strong>in</strong>gs of a vital subject.Look<strong>in</strong>g at history God’s way isexcit<strong>in</strong>g and <strong>in</strong>formative. In fact,He commends its study. “Rememberthe former th<strong>in</strong>gs of old: for I amGod,” He says <strong>in</strong> Isaiah 46:9. And <strong>in</strong>Hebrews 10:32, God declares, “Callto remembrance the former days.”The Apostle Paul expla<strong>in</strong>s why: “Allthese th<strong>in</strong>gs happened unto them forexamples: and they are written for ouradmonition” (1 Cor<strong>in</strong>thians 10:11).We learn from history, and what welearn affects our behavior. Americanleaders understood this well. Forexample, Thomas Jefferson noted,“History, by appriz<strong>in</strong>g [students] ofthe past, will enable them to judge ofaboutODby[sic] the future.” Benjam<strong>in</strong> Frankl<strong>in</strong>said: “History will…afford frequentopportunities of show<strong>in</strong>g the necessityof a public religion from its usefulness tothe public; the advantage of a religiouscharacter among private persons;the mischiefs of superstition; and theexcellency of the Christian religion aboveall others, ancient or modern.”When accurately presented,history demonstrates the need forChristianity because of both thesocietal and <strong>in</strong>dividual benefits itproduces. An uncensored, unrevisedhistory causes a recognition of thehand of God.However, God is no longer visibleCelebrat<strong>in</strong>g our nation’s most sacred treasure...Signature historian David Barton sets the record straight, unveil<strong>in</strong>g the true and forgottenhistory of America’s found<strong>in</strong>g.Order your hardcover Bible today!The Founders’ Bible—The Orig<strong>in</strong> of the Dreamof Freedom (New American Standard Bible)Order onl<strong>in</strong>e & save an additional10! $ 49 99 + S/Hreg. $59.99 #B120902Offer andprice valid untilSept. 30, 20121-800-600-7395 onlyU.S.+1-817-852-6000David Barton, nationally known author and public speaker, is the founder and president ofWallBuilders, a pro-family organization which seeks to educate grass-roots society to rebuild America’sconstitutional, moral and religious foundations. For more <strong>in</strong>formation go to; call1-817-441-6044; or write to WallBuilders, P.O. Box 397, Aledo, TX 76008-0397.David BartonMiss<strong>in</strong>gfromAmericanHistory<strong>in</strong> American history today. Hisabsence is construed as a mandatefor secularism. Texts forcefully assertthat the American Found<strong>in</strong>g Fathersproduced the first <strong>in</strong>tentionallysecular government <strong>in</strong> history,even though the Declaration ofIndependence acknowledges God <strong>in</strong>four separate clauses.Similarly, leaders such asJohn Hancock and John Adamsreceive credit as be<strong>in</strong>g the sourceof our <strong>in</strong>dependence. Yet Adamshimself declared that the Rev. Dr.Jonathan Mayhew and the Rev.Dr. Samuel Cooper were two ofthe <strong>in</strong>dividuals “most conspicuous,the most ardent, and <strong>in</strong>fluential”<strong>in</strong> the “awaken<strong>in</strong>g and revival ofAmerican pr<strong>in</strong>ciples and feel<strong>in</strong>gs”that led to American <strong>in</strong>dependence.We no longer know much aboutthe <strong>in</strong>dispensable role of pastors andChristian leaders <strong>in</strong> the found<strong>in</strong>gof our civil government. And underthe economic view of Americanhistory, Americans now believe thatearly colonists came to Americaseek<strong>in</strong>g land and gold rather thanfor evangelization. Most now acceptthat the colonies were founded fortrade, fish<strong>in</strong>g and other economicenterprises, even though more thanhalf were founded by m<strong>in</strong>isters forreligious purposes.Hav<strong>in</strong>g come to believe thateconomics is what created and14 | BVOV | september '12

made America great, it is not surpris<strong>in</strong>g that 45 percentof evangelical Christians say economic issues are moreimportant than moral issues when it comes to vot<strong>in</strong>g.Much of our wholesome, God-centered American historyis no longer known. The re<strong>in</strong>troduction of a truthful andcomplete tell<strong>in</strong>g of it is long overdue.Daniel Webster was right: “History is God’s providence<strong>in</strong> human affairs.” It is time for Americans once aga<strong>in</strong> tobecome aware of the remarkable hand of God throughoutour history. It’s time for Christians to demand that ourtextbooks conta<strong>in</strong> the truth so that God is no longer miss<strong>in</strong>g<strong>in</strong> action from American history. victoryNov.8-10,,At this VictoryCampaign, you’rego<strong>in</strong>g to hearthe direction of,,The LORD.He has plannedfor us to cometogether and hearThe WORD!<strong>One</strong> nation,under God.<strong>One</strong>voice ofvictory!Wash<strong>in</strong>gton, D.C.Registertoday!Meet<strong>in</strong>gs are subject to change without notice.Hylton Memorial Chapel : 14640 Potomac Mills RoadWoodbridge, VA 22192 Spanish translation available at this eventAdmission is Always Free!Preregister and receive a Free Gift plus a coupon for your next onl<strong>in</strong>e or call 1- 800-600-7395+1-817-852-6000U.S.only

y Terri Copeland Pearsons<strong>Liv<strong>in</strong>g</strong> <strong>in</strong>God , s VillThe verynature offaith is torespondto gracebecause itproceedsfrom grace.Everyone who wants to be <strong>in</strong> thewill of God, raise your hand. » Anyone withany sense should want that. Be<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> the willof God sums up the Christian’s goal <strong>in</strong> life.Walk<strong>in</strong>g daily <strong>in</strong> His will is the true markof spirituality. Not because f<strong>in</strong>d<strong>in</strong>g His willis hard and only the “special ones” will everknow it. Truth is, we are all special ones.The cry of God’sheart is that we knowHis will. Accord<strong>in</strong>gly,He has equipped uswith all we need that’snecessary to bothknow that will andbe able to do it; to18 | BVOV | september '12

discover His plan and fully, daily, walk itout. That equipp<strong>in</strong>g is called grace.Grace is so many th<strong>in</strong>gs that it iseveryth<strong>in</strong>g. <strong>One</strong> way to sum it up is: Graceis the God-given power to be what Godwants us to be, to do what God wants us todo and to have what God wants us to have.It is by grace we are allowed to know andby grace we have the capacity to grasp andunderstand (Ephesians 1:6-9, 17-18).How do we receive grace to know Hiswill and do it? By faith: “For by grace are yesaved through faith” (Ephesians 2:8).A Look at <strong>Faith</strong> and GraceHere’s what faith <strong>in</strong> grace looks like:<strong>Faith</strong> believes God has given gracefor this purpose and it is available. <strong>Faith</strong>responds to the grace given by receiv<strong>in</strong>git—regardless of feel<strong>in</strong>gs of unworth<strong>in</strong>ess.<strong>Faith</strong> believes that grace is sufficient toclose the gap between our unworth<strong>in</strong>essand worth<strong>in</strong>ess. <strong>Faith</strong> believes it can take,receive and possess as its own all that gracehas provided. Furthermore, the very natureof faith is to respond to grace because itproceeds from grace.We can have and use faith because Goddesired us to, and by His grace designed usto have and release faith even as He does.<strong>Faith</strong> is the arena God functions <strong>in</strong>. Graceopened the door for us <strong>in</strong>to that arena wherewe are always the w<strong>in</strong>n<strong>in</strong>g conquerors overthe lions, which the world <strong>in</strong>tended todevour us. Grace by faith and faith by grace.True, the will of God is complex. It isdeep and wide. Its scope ranges from themonotonous to the grand. It is moment bymoment yet spans eternity. It is unique toeach <strong>in</strong>dividual person while embrac<strong>in</strong>gthe whole of all creation. No particle ofcreation—whether spiritual or natural—is too small to escape hav<strong>in</strong>g dest<strong>in</strong>y andpurpose. No entity is so grand it requiresno direction of the Div<strong>in</strong>e <strong>One</strong>. So, it’s notuncommon for the will of God to seemso complex that we are too <strong>in</strong>timidated toactually require ourselves to reach for it.Sure, there is some striv<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>volved—theworld is <strong>in</strong> a flow to keep us out of God’sIn all of its depth of complexities, follow<strong>in</strong>g andaccomplish<strong>in</strong>g the will of God is as simple as“trust & obey.”will. Any part of our th<strong>in</strong>k<strong>in</strong>g that has notbeen renewed to th<strong>in</strong>k like God th<strong>in</strong>ks isgo<strong>in</strong>g to be carnal, fleshly and will pullaga<strong>in</strong>st the will of God. (See Romans 8:5;Galatians 5:16-25.) But there is also a greatprize <strong>in</strong>volved, as Philippians 3:14 tells us:“I press toward the mark for the prize of thehigh call<strong>in</strong>g of God <strong>in</strong> Christ Jesus.” Thoughthe fullness of the prize awaits us at the endof this life’s journey, there is a prize rewardedevery moment we walk <strong>in</strong> the will of God <strong>in</strong>this life. For <strong>in</strong>deed, every moment <strong>in</strong> Hiswill is a moment of know<strong>in</strong>g Him more.No prize is greater.Trust and ObeyIn all of its depth of complexities,follow<strong>in</strong>g and accomplish<strong>in</strong>g the will ofGod is as simple as “trust and obey.” Weare back now to faith and grace. Trust isrest<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> faith that grace will make His willknown. Then faith obediently acts on thatknowledge expect<strong>in</strong>g to be empowered.By now I’m sure your faith is grow<strong>in</strong>g, butyou may still feel that to really comprehendthe will of God for you is over your head.I understand. Although I, at least, had theassumption one could be <strong>in</strong> the will of God,generally speak<strong>in</strong>g, I had the sense it wouldbe hit or miss to accurately be <strong>in</strong> God’sspecific will, and to confidently do it.But thanks be unto God for my dad,Kenneth Copeland!A number of years ago, our family hadtaken a few days to be together and have fun.On the last morn<strong>in</strong>g we all gathered for atime of prayer and Communion. Wheneverwe are together that way, one of us willusually be <strong>in</strong>spired by the Holy Spirit witha question for “Paw Paw” that will makeway for a word from the Lord. Praise God,all our children have open ears and hungrysalvation prayerIf you do not knowJesusas your Savior and Lord,simply pray the follow<strong>in</strong>gprayer <strong>in</strong> faith, and Jesus willbe your Lord!Heavenly Father, I come to You<strong>in</strong> the Name of Jesus. <strong>Your</strong> Wordsays, “Whosoever shall callon the name of the Lord shallbe saved” and “If thou shaltconfess with thy mouth theLord Jesus, and shalt believe <strong>in</strong>th<strong>in</strong>e heart that God hath raisedhim from the dead, thou shaltbe saved” (Acts 2:21; Romans10:9). You said my salvationwould be the result of <strong>Your</strong> HolySpirit giv<strong>in</strong>g me new birth bycom<strong>in</strong>g to live <strong>in</strong> me (John 3:5-6,15-16; Romans 8:9-11) andthat if I would ask, You would fillme with <strong>Your</strong> Spirit and give methe ability to speak with othertongues (Luke 11:13; Acts 2:4).I take You at <strong>Your</strong> Word. Iconfess that Jesus is Lord.And I believe <strong>in</strong> my heart thatYou raised Him from the dead.Thank You for com<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>tomy heart, for giv<strong>in</strong>g me <strong>Your</strong>Holy Spirit as You have promised,and for be<strong>in</strong>g Lord overmy life. Amen.If you have just prayed thisprayer, please contact us andlet us know of your decision.We have a Free Gift we wouldlike to send you to help youbeg<strong>in</strong> your new life <strong>in</strong> Jesus! Goto and type SalvationPackage <strong>in</strong> the search box, checkthe box on the response form <strong>in</strong>the center of this magaz<strong>in</strong>e orcall 1-800-600-7395 (U.S. only)or +1-817-852-6000.september '12 | BVOV | 19

y Kenneth CopelandFrom the BVOV Archives:This classic teach<strong>in</strong>g orig<strong>in</strong>ally appeared <strong>in</strong> November 2004.Heaven?Does yourTime isrunn<strong>in</strong>g out.heart agreewithAll you have to do is read your Bible to know it. We’ve moved <strong>in</strong>to the f<strong>in</strong>aldays of this age—days so difficult and dangerous that Jesus Himself talkedabout them dur<strong>in</strong>g His earthly m<strong>in</strong>istry and told us how to handle them.And as he sat upon the mountof Olives, the disciples cameunto him privately, say<strong>in</strong>g, Tellus, when shall these th<strong>in</strong>gs be?and what shall be the sign ofthy com<strong>in</strong>g, and of the end ofthe world? And Jesus answeredand said unto them, Take heedthat no man deceive you. Formany shall come <strong>in</strong> my name,say<strong>in</strong>g, I am Christ; and shalldeceive many. And ye shallhear of wars and rumoursof wars: see that ye be nottroubled: for all these th<strong>in</strong>gsmust come to pass (Matthew24:3-6).Notice that right <strong>in</strong> the middle ofHis description of these perilous times,Jesus gave us a direct and powerfulcommand. He told us <strong>in</strong> six simplewords what we must do to live safelyand victoriously <strong>in</strong> these last days.He said, “See that ye be nottroubled.”Then He went on and warned us <strong>in</strong>detail of the trouble ahead. He talkedabout nation ris<strong>in</strong>g aga<strong>in</strong>st nation. Hetalked about murder and betrayal. Hetalked about false prophets aris<strong>in</strong>g andthe love of many wax<strong>in</strong>g cold. In otherwords, He talked about the very th<strong>in</strong>gswe are see<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> the world today.Jesus warned us about these th<strong>in</strong>gsso they wouldn’t take us by surprise—so we would know there would betrouble. But He also commandedus to see to it that we don’t let thattrouble trouble us!Upheld by The WORDof His PowerHow can we possibly obey thatcommand? How can we possiblylive <strong>in</strong> the middle of a world filledwith danger and distress without ittroubl<strong>in</strong>g us?Those are fair questions and Jesusanswered them <strong>in</strong> that very passage.He said: “Verily I say unto you, Thisgeneration shall not pass, till all theseth<strong>in</strong>gs be fulfilled. Heaven and earthshall pass away, but my words shallnot pass away” (verses 34-35).Thank God, no matter what ishappen<strong>in</strong>g around us, The WORDof God rema<strong>in</strong>s the same. It is theunchangeable force that upholds us <strong>in</strong>every time of trouble. It is the solid rock,the foundation that, if we build our livesupon it, will br<strong>in</strong>g us safely throughevery storm (Matthew 7:24-25).The WORD of God is far morereal, far more permanent thananyth<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> this natural world. Itis, <strong>in</strong> fact, the very power by whichthis world and everyth<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> it exists.The Bible tells us Jesus upholds allth<strong>in</strong>gs—that’s right all th<strong>in</strong>gs!—“bythe word of his power” (Hebrews 1:3).I used to wonder why God said itthat way. Why didn’t He say that Heupholds all th<strong>in</strong>gs by the power of HisWORD? Then it dawned on me. Ifwe were just depend<strong>in</strong>g on the powerof God’s WORD to see us through,we might f<strong>in</strong>d we needed Him to saysometh<strong>in</strong>g He hadn’t said yet. Andif He hadn’t said it, the power of itwouldn’t be available to us yet.But glory to God, He has alreadysaid everyth<strong>in</strong>g that needs to be said!We’re not wait<strong>in</strong>g on Him to saysometh<strong>in</strong>g. He’s already spoken andall th<strong>in</strong>gs are be<strong>in</strong>g upheld by Hiswords! Everyth<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> the earth, everynatural and spiritual force on thisplanet, is under the <strong>in</strong>fluence of whatGod has already said.What Do You Say?Psalm 119 confirms that fact. Itsays: “For ever, O Lord, thy word issettled <strong>in</strong> heaven. Thy faithfulnessis unto all generations: thou hast22 | BVOV | september '12

established the earth, and it abideth.They cont<strong>in</strong>ue this day accord<strong>in</strong>gto th<strong>in</strong>e ord<strong>in</strong>ances: for all are thyservants” (verses 89-91).What does that mean to you <strong>in</strong>these troublesome times? It means agreat deal!It means that <strong>in</strong> the midst of dangerit’s already been settled <strong>in</strong> heaven:“There shall no evil befall thee,neither shall any plague come nighthy dwell<strong>in</strong>g” (Psalm 91:10). It meansthat <strong>in</strong> these times of f<strong>in</strong>ancial failureit’s already been settled that you “shallnot want any good th<strong>in</strong>g” (Psalm34:10). It means that when the rest ofthe world is fail<strong>in</strong>g around you, it isalready settled that you will “triumph<strong>in</strong> Christ” (2 Cor<strong>in</strong>thians 2:14).Those are the words God hasspoken about you as His child andthey are settled forever <strong>in</strong> heaven.They are never go<strong>in</strong>g to change.But here’s what you have toremember. You’re not liv<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> heavenyet. You’re liv<strong>in</strong>g on earth and toactivate those words here, you mustmake sure that your heart agrees withGod’s WORD. Why? Because Jesussaid it will be unto you accord<strong>in</strong>g toyour faith! (Matthew 9:29).Heaven has already spoken. Now theearth is wait<strong>in</strong>g to hear what you say.Are you go<strong>in</strong>g to speak TheWORD of God? Or talk about thetrouble around you? Are you go<strong>in</strong>g toagree with the heavenly decree? Oragree with the earthly circumstances?Don’t Push the EnvelopeYou are liv<strong>in</strong>g today <strong>in</strong> what yousaid yesterday. And tomorrow iswait<strong>in</strong>g to hear what you say today.<strong>Your</strong> eternal dest<strong>in</strong>y is be<strong>in</strong>g shapedand formed by your agreementwith The WORD of God that isuphold<strong>in</strong>g all th<strong>in</strong>gs.That’s always been true…but nowthat truth is becom<strong>in</strong>g more crucialthan ever before. The reason is simple.Heaven has already spoken.Now the earthis wait<strong>in</strong>g tohear whatyou say.We’re runn<strong>in</strong>g out of time. In yearspast, if we got our hearts and mouthsout of l<strong>in</strong>e with God’s WORDwe had some time to get ourselvesstraightened out before we ran <strong>in</strong>tothe consequences of that disagreement.God, <strong>in</strong> His grace, would just keepdeal<strong>in</strong>g with us until we repented andgot back <strong>in</strong>to a place of let go of it. We must be like theAlthough God is still as gracious writer of Psalm 119 who said: “Thyand merciful as He ever was, time word is a lamp unto my feet, and ais short. We’ve hit the end of the light unto my path. I have sworn, andage and, frankly, many Christians I will perform it, that I will keep thyare push<strong>in</strong>g the envelope. They’re righteous judgments. The wicked havelett<strong>in</strong>g the world fill their mouths and laid a snare for me: yet I erred not fromgett<strong>in</strong>g their hearts out of agreement thy precepts. Thy testimonies have Iwith heaven, th<strong>in</strong>k<strong>in</strong>g one of these taken as an heritage for ever: for theydays they’ll change. <strong>One</strong> of these days are the rejoic<strong>in</strong>g of my heart” (verses(when circumstances get easier) they’ll 105-106, 110-111).start confess<strong>in</strong>g The WORD aga<strong>in</strong>. It’s not enough for us to just lie backBut friend, we’ve hit the end times. and say, “Well, if it’s God’s will forCircumstances aren’t go<strong>in</strong>g to get me to have victory I guess He’ll justeasier. They’re go<strong>in</strong>g to get harder give it to me. If it’s His will for me toand we’re runn<strong>in</strong>g out of days. We’re be healed, He’ll just heal me.”about to step <strong>in</strong>to that time when No! It is His will. He did give it towe are permanently stuck with the you. By His stripes you were healed.consequences of our confession!Now you must take God’s WORD asThis is not the time to ignore Jesus’ your heritage. You have to aggressivelywords by say<strong>in</strong>g th<strong>in</strong>gs like, “I’m just pursue it and get it <strong>in</strong> your heart andso sick. I’m so worried.” When you mouth. You have to fight off everysay th<strong>in</strong>gs like that you’re not agree<strong>in</strong>g unbeliev<strong>in</strong>g devil and every troublesomewith heaven—you’re agree<strong>in</strong>g with circumstance that comes to steal thattorment and trouble. You’re open<strong>in</strong>g WORD and say, “Bless God, I havethe door for those th<strong>in</strong>gs to manifest taken God’s promise as my heritage.<strong>in</strong> your life.It’s my future. It’s my life. I refuse to beJesus specifically told us not to do troubled by the temporary troubles ofthat. He said, “See that you be not this world. They’ll pass away but God’stroubled.” That wasn’t just some k<strong>in</strong>d WORD will never pass away. Godof Sunday-school suggestion! It was a upholds all th<strong>in</strong>gs by The WORD ofcommand from the Son of the liv<strong>in</strong>g His power and that WORD will comeGod <strong>in</strong>struct<strong>in</strong>g His disciples who to pass <strong>in</strong> my life!”would live <strong>in</strong> the last days. It was Then just stay with The WORD allJesus Himself speak<strong>in</strong>g personally the way to the end. No matter whatand emphatically to us!happens around you, don’t turn back.Don’t change.Take <strong>Your</strong> HeritageFear not. Only believe. And youNow more than ever before, we must will see your way through thesepay attention to His <strong>in</strong>structions. We troubled times <strong>in</strong> triumph as the endmust obey that command, take 800-600-7395 hold time overcomer God dest<strong>in</strong>ed you to(Inside the U.S.)of The WORD of God and refuse817-852-6000(Outside the U.S.)or victoryseptember '12 | BVOV | 23

God framed the worldsby faith. Everyth<strong>in</strong>gGod made, He made byfaith. Everyth<strong>in</strong>g Hedoes, He does by faith.For you and me, it’s nodifferent. What worksfor God will work for<strong>Fram<strong>in</strong>g</strong>yourworldwithThe key to shap<strong>in</strong>g our everydayworld is understand<strong>in</strong>g faith—andliv<strong>in</strong>g by it. We must know what it is,how to get it and how to use it.In last month’s article onunderstand<strong>in</strong>g faith, we discoveredthat faith gives God access <strong>in</strong>toour lives, an open<strong>in</strong>g throughwhich He can funnel all His favorand bless<strong>in</strong>gs.By faith, we choose to receivethe promises of God. We receivef<strong>in</strong>ancial prosperity by faith.We receive div<strong>in</strong>e health andsupernatural heal<strong>in</strong>g by faith. Wereceive our spouses, our children,our homes, our food—all our earthlyneeds and desires—by faith. Ourby Gloria Copeland24 | BVOV | september '12

faith is an open<strong>in</strong>g through whichGod can save us, deliver us, baptize us<strong>in</strong> His Spirit, ano<strong>in</strong>t us for m<strong>in</strong>istry.In short, faith is heaven’s w<strong>in</strong>dow<strong>in</strong>to our lives.The second pr<strong>in</strong>ciple we learnedwas that, given the right conditions,faith always comes. <strong>Faith</strong> is alwaysavailable when we need it. It’s “on call”to anyone who will give attention tothe Word of God (Proverbs 4:20-22).We receive God’s Word <strong>in</strong>toour hearts by read<strong>in</strong>g it, speak<strong>in</strong>git, hear<strong>in</strong>g it, meditat<strong>in</strong>g on it andact<strong>in</strong>g on it. His Word causes faithto manifest and rise up with<strong>in</strong> ourspirit to draw the promises of God—and the provisions of God—from thespiritual realm <strong>in</strong>to this natural realm(Romans 10:17).So faith comes by hear<strong>in</strong>g the Wordof God—and when it is released fromour hearts with our mouths, it br<strong>in</strong>gsthe fulfillment of God’s promises.<strong>Faith</strong> gives the bless<strong>in</strong>gs of Godnatural reality or substance. “Nowfaith is the substance of th<strong>in</strong>gs hopedfor, the evidence of th<strong>in</strong>gs not seen”(Hebrews 11:1).<strong>Faith</strong> Doesn’t Sit AroundIn the second half of our study ofunderstand<strong>in</strong>g faith, we’re go<strong>in</strong>g tolook at two more vital pr<strong>in</strong>ciples. Thefirst is—faith acts.Aga<strong>in</strong>, look<strong>in</strong>g to God as ourGuide, we f<strong>in</strong>d <strong>in</strong> the book of Genesisthat faith is released with words. <strong>Faith</strong>words demand results of whateverthey say.In Genesis 1, we read an accountof Creation that goes someth<strong>in</strong>glike this:“In the beg<strong>in</strong>n<strong>in</strong>g God said, Letthere be light...and there was light.God said, Let there be a firmament...and it was so. God said, Let us makeman....”Do you see the pattern?“God said...and it was so. GodHow does faith make that draw on God’s Word?By tak<strong>in</strong>g action.the Word and then act<strong>in</strong>gas though it is done.By speak<strong>in</strong>gsaid...and it was so.” God literallyspoke all of Creation <strong>in</strong>to existence.Hebrews 11:3 says that the worldswere framed by the Word of God.That is the very same way we frameour world. We are created <strong>in</strong> God’simage to live like Him!Notice that Genesis doesn’t say“God thought...and it was so.” No,God spoke. That’s how He operates.That’s how faith operates. What’smore, God has never stoppedspeak<strong>in</strong>g.Down through the Old Testamentand <strong>in</strong>to the New, we see how Godcont<strong>in</strong>ued to pour His Word <strong>in</strong>to theearth, primarily us<strong>in</strong>g prophets tospeak His Word. The reason Godreleased all that Word <strong>in</strong>to the earthwas to give substance for when thetime came for Jesus—the ultimateWord given by God—to appear <strong>in</strong> theflesh. He brought Jesus <strong>in</strong>to the earthby His Word!What was that substance?<strong>Faith</strong>.Hebrews 11:1 tells us that faith isthe “substance of th<strong>in</strong>gs hoped for,the evidence of th<strong>in</strong>gs not seen.”<strong>Faith</strong> is the heavenly materiality, ortangibility, of those th<strong>in</strong>gs for whichyou and I hope. But now, here’swhere we need to be aware of be<strong>in</strong>gdeceived.Oftentimes, many believers th<strong>in</strong>kthey’re walk<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> faith when <strong>in</strong>reality they’re not. They’re actuallywalk<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> unbelief. In the first place,they really don’t have what I call true,Bible hope. All they have is a wishlist. They’re wish<strong>in</strong>g God would dothis for them, and wish<strong>in</strong>g He woulddo that. They heard how He did it forBrother and Sister So-and-So. Andnow they’d like Him to do it for them.I cannot tell you how many peopleI’ve known <strong>in</strong> 45 years of m<strong>in</strong>istrywho thought they were “faithpeople.” For years I watched themhang around the faith teach<strong>in</strong>g, yetnever did I see any substance, andnever did they see any real changes <strong>in</strong>their lives and circumstances. Whatwas wrong?Well, I’ll tell you. When it came toGod’s Word, they didn’t use any faith.They merely gave mental assent to it.They didn’t put faith <strong>in</strong> it enough toact on it. They only agreed with whatthey read <strong>in</strong> the Scriptures. (ReadJames 1:22-26.)Granted, agree<strong>in</strong>g with the Wordis better than disagree<strong>in</strong>g with it. Butthat doesn’t add any substance to it.Agree<strong>in</strong>g doesn’t change th<strong>in</strong>gs.Remember, “God said...and it wasso.” God’s act of speak<strong>in</strong>g releasedfaith, or heavenly materiality, to thatwhich He believed. When He said,Light be! He fully expected light to be.His faith took action. It spoke.Likewise, our faith must takeaction, and it must take action basedon the Word of God.Get <strong>Your</strong> Mouth <strong>in</strong> GearI like to describe faith like this:<strong>Faith</strong> is movement. It’s a mouth <strong>in</strong>motion.Here’s an example of what I mean.Let’s say my body is be<strong>in</strong>g attackedwith symptoms of sickness.Thousands of years ago, God spokea promise about heal<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>to theearth. He spoke through His prophetIsaiah and said: “Surely he hath borneour griefs [sickness, weakness anddistress], and carried our sorrows: yetwe did esteem him stricken, smittenof God, and afflicted. But he wasseptember '12 | BVOV | 25

The provision for all that God has promised us—health, heal<strong>in</strong>g, salvation, protection, prosperity—has already been established <strong>in</strong> heaven and earth.Receiv<strong>in</strong>gthat provisionis up to us.wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our<strong>in</strong>iquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; andwith his stripes we are healed” (Isaiah 53:4-5).Many years after that prophecy was spoken, Jesus came—God’s promise <strong>in</strong> the flesh—to fulfill that Word. Galatians3:13 describes the results of Jesus hav<strong>in</strong>g come to this earth:“Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, be<strong>in</strong>gmade a curse for us: for it is written, Cursed is every one thathangeth on a tree.”Look<strong>in</strong>g back on Jesus’ m<strong>in</strong>istry, the Apostle Peteralso wrote, “Who his own self [Jesus] bare our s<strong>in</strong>s<strong>in</strong> his own body on the tree, that we, be<strong>in</strong>g dead tos<strong>in</strong>s, should live unto righteousness: by whose stripes yeWERE healed” (1 Peter 2:24).Now, here I am with symptoms of sickness attack<strong>in</strong>g mybody. What do I do?Remember, faith is what gives substance to that for whichyou and I hope. In this case, I’m hop<strong>in</strong>g to be delivered fromthis sickness.<strong>Faith</strong> also gives God the open<strong>in</strong>g necessary for Him topour His favor and bless<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>to our lives, br<strong>in</strong>g<strong>in</strong>g themanifestation of that promise, and its provisions, from thespiritual realm <strong>in</strong>to the natural realm—which is where mybody needs it at the moment.But now, how does faith make that draw on God’s Word?By tak<strong>in</strong>g action.And how does my faith take action?By speak<strong>in</strong>g the Word and then act<strong>in</strong>g as though it is done.Romans 10:6-10 describes the process like this:But the righteousness which is of faith speaketh onthis wise, Say not <strong>in</strong> th<strong>in</strong>e heart, Who shall ascend<strong>in</strong>to heaven? (that is, to br<strong>in</strong>g Christ down fromabove:) Or, Who shall descend <strong>in</strong>to the deep? (thatis, to br<strong>in</strong>g up Christ aga<strong>in</strong> from the dead.) Butwhat saith it? The word is nigh thee, even <strong>in</strong> thymouth, and <strong>in</strong> thy heart: that is, the word of faith,which we preach; That if thou shalt confess withthy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe <strong>in</strong> th<strong>in</strong>eheart that God hath raised him from the dead, thoushalt be saved. For with the heart man believethunto righteousness; and with the mouth confession ismade unto salvation.The provision for all that God has promised us—health,heal<strong>in</strong>g, salvation, protection, prosperity—has already beenestablished <strong>in</strong> heaven and earth. The work was completed2,000 years ago. It is like hav<strong>in</strong>g money <strong>in</strong> the bank, butto spend it, you have to make a withdrawal. Receiv<strong>in</strong>g thatprovision is up to us. That’s where mouth and motion come<strong>in</strong>to play.In Isaiah 55:10-11, we read,For as the ra<strong>in</strong> cometh down, and the snow fromheaven, and returneth not thither, but watereth theearth, and maketh it br<strong>in</strong>g forth and bud, that it maygive seed to the sower, and bread to the eater: Soshall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: itshall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplishthat which I please, and it shall prosper <strong>in</strong> the th<strong>in</strong>gwhereto I sent it.Our new hearts, like the earth, are good ground for theWord of God. They are the abid<strong>in</strong>g and function<strong>in</strong>g placefor His Word.Likewise, our mouths are the implements of faith thatspeak the words out of our hearts to enable us to reap theharvest we desire. We reap that harvest by believ<strong>in</strong>g andthus speak<strong>in</strong>g the promises of God <strong>in</strong>to fulfillment. That’swhy we read <strong>in</strong> James 2:14 and 17, “What doth it profit,my brethren, though a man say he hath faith, and havenot works? can faith save him? Even so faith, if it hath notworks, is dead, be<strong>in</strong>g alone.”Our faith must act. The faith stored <strong>in</strong> our hearts mustcome out. Otherwise, it is dead and of no use. You releasefaith with your words.When the Pharisees tried to back Jesus <strong>in</strong>to a cornerconcern<strong>in</strong>g His true source of supernatural power, Hetold them, “Out of the abundance of the heart the mouthspeaketh. A good man out of the good treasure of the heartbr<strong>in</strong>geth forth good th<strong>in</strong>gs...” (Matthew 12:34-35).Then, as Jesus expla<strong>in</strong>ed faith to His disciples, He said,“Whosoever shall say unto this mounta<strong>in</strong>, Be thou removed,and be thou cast <strong>in</strong>to the sea; and shall not doubt <strong>in</strong> hisheart, but shall believe that those th<strong>in</strong>gs which he saith shallcome to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith. Therefore Isay unto you, What th<strong>in</strong>gs soever ye desire, when ye pray,believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them” (Mark11:23-24).You and I have the responsibility of gett<strong>in</strong>g our heartsand mouths <strong>in</strong> gear, speak<strong>in</strong>g and act<strong>in</strong>g as though we’vealready received the fulfillment of our desire. We believewe receive when we pray. From the moment we release our26 | BVOV | september '12

,,John Copeland, CEOConsider acareer with us.Web Content ManagerManage and create onl<strong>in</strong>e content, teach<strong>in</strong>gprograms, blog entries and news items forKCM’s website. Professional writ<strong>in</strong>g experience,manag<strong>in</strong>g content for a large community websiteis essential. Advanced knowledge of WordPressand SEO copywrit<strong>in</strong>g is also required.Other positions available.Go onl<strong>in</strong>e for more <strong>in</strong>formation!Assistant Tra<strong>in</strong>erBus<strong>in</strong>ess Analyst/Project ManagerCall Center SupervisorCustomer Service RepresentativeDeveloper/Systems Adm<strong>in</strong>istratorElectrical ForemanHVAC HelperLand Ma<strong>in</strong>tenance WorkerPrayer M<strong>in</strong>ister—Nights/OvernightsSubstitute TeacherTV Production Assistant28 | B V O V | J u n e ' 1 2,,Web DeveloperCollaborate with market<strong>in</strong>g, graphics and otherteams to create orig<strong>in</strong>al Web pages, websitesand HTML emails. Four or more years experience<strong>in</strong> website design and development, manag<strong>in</strong>gpriorities as well as demonstrated experience withDrupal CMS, PHP, MySQL, JavaScript, SEO andanalytics required.Siebel Applications ArchitectDesign, implement and support applicationsolutions for Siebel CRM <strong>in</strong> addition to provid<strong>in</strong>gtechnical leadership to Siebel applicationdevelopers. Previous leadership experience as aSiebel Applications Architect with Siebel 7.x/8.xcertification preferred.Apply now!<strong>Faith</strong> works by love. It is energizedby love. <strong>Faith</strong> is put <strong>in</strong>to motion bylove. Why is that?Well, most of us are probably familiarwith the Apostle Paul’s teach<strong>in</strong>g onlove <strong>in</strong> 1 Cor<strong>in</strong>thians 13. But as weread verses 1-3 <strong>in</strong> The Amplified Bible,I want us to focus on the connectionbetween faith and love.If I [can] speak <strong>in</strong> the tonguesof men and [even] of angels,but have not love...I am onlya noisy gong or a clang<strong>in</strong>gcymbal. And if I have propheticpowers...and if I have[sufficient] faith so that I canremove mounta<strong>in</strong>s, but havenot love (God’s love <strong>in</strong> me) Iam noth<strong>in</strong>g (a useless nobody).Even if I dole out all that I have[to the poor <strong>in</strong> provid<strong>in</strong>g] food,and if I surrender my body tobe burned...but have not love...Iga<strong>in</strong> noth<strong>in</strong>g.In the Garden of Eden, God gaveAdam just one “do not.” It was,Don’t eat of the tree of the knowledgeof good and evil. God only gave onecommand, but it certa<strong>in</strong>ly covered alot of territory.Today, if you th<strong>in</strong>k about it, youand I still only have one “do not”—Don’t get out of love. That’s our onecommandment. We are to walk <strong>in</strong>love, which covers a lot of ground,too. In fact, we see <strong>in</strong> this passagethat our love walk is connected toeveryth<strong>in</strong>g we do <strong>in</strong> life as believers,<strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g our faith. Paul makes itquite clear that faith—without love—is go<strong>in</strong>g nowhere.Aga<strong>in</strong>, we have to ask ourselves,How is it that our faith is so tied<strong>in</strong>to love? Let’s read a little further<strong>in</strong>to 1 Cor<strong>in</strong>thians 13 and we’llf<strong>in</strong>d out.“Love bears up under anyth<strong>in</strong>gand everyth<strong>in</strong>g that comes...its hopesare fadeless under all circumstances,and it endures everyth<strong>in</strong>g [withoutAll employees must be born-aga<strong>in</strong>, Spirit-filled believers.Positions available <strong>in</strong> U.S. office only.weaken<strong>in</strong>g]. Love never fails [neverfades out or becomes obsolete or comesto an end]...” (verses 7-8, AMP).God wants us to walk <strong>in</strong> lovebecause love never fails. He wants thebest for us, and s<strong>in</strong>ce the best is found<strong>in</strong> love, you and I must walk <strong>in</strong> love<strong>in</strong> order to receive God’s best. That’swhy Jesus <strong>in</strong>structed His disciples toforgive when they prayed.When you and I stand before God<strong>in</strong> prayer, <strong>in</strong> a position of faith, wemust forgive anyone who has wrongedus if we want answers to our prayers.Otherwise, not only do we slam thedoor shut on the favor of God, we alsogive place to what we read about <strong>in</strong>James 3:16—“For where envy<strong>in</strong>g andstrife is, there is confusion and everyevil work.”In other words, unforgiveness leadsto strife, and strife to every evil workof the devil. When that happens,all the Bible read<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> the worldwon’t change the situation. Onlyforgiveness will.You and I cannot pick andchoose what we want to believefrom God’s Word and disregardthe rest. It’s all connected, and itall centers around love.What’s more, as long as we’re onthis earth, we will have plenty ofopportunities to forgive people—tak<strong>in</strong>g no account of evil done tous, pay<strong>in</strong>g no attention to sufferedwrongs (1 Cor<strong>in</strong>thians 13:5, AMP).Remember, faith without action isdead. “For as the body without thespirit is dead, so faith without worksis dead also” (James 2:26). If we don’tact on the Word of God and forgive,we will never walk <strong>in</strong> the full measureof God’s favor. In fact, we won’t evenget close.So don’t take offense. Don’t carryaround hurts. Release them to thesame blood of Jesus which cleansedyou, redeemed you and set you free.As you do, you will free yourself towalk <strong>in</strong> faith...and <strong>in</strong> the full measureof God’s favor. VICTORY

A Historic Moment:Jesus Beg<strong>in</strong>sHeal<strong>in</strong>g SchoolEarly one summer morn<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> 1979,Gloria Copeland woke up and slipped outonto the back porch of the family’s cab<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong> southwest Arkansas. While everyoneelse slept, she took the opportunity to pray.It was <strong>in</strong> those quietmoments alone with Godthat Gloria remembered aprophecy she had recentlyreceived. She was toldthat she was about to hearfrom the Lord concern<strong>in</strong>gsometh<strong>in</strong>g He wanted herto do.Th<strong>in</strong>k<strong>in</strong>g about thatprophecy, she spoke fromher heart and said, “Lord,You know I’ll do anyth<strong>in</strong>gYou want me to do. Just tellme what it is.”When she f<strong>in</strong>ishedpray<strong>in</strong>g, Gloria went <strong>in</strong>sideto get ready for the day.A few moments later, asshe was bent over a s<strong>in</strong>kwash<strong>in</strong>g her hair, Godspoke to her and said, Iwant you to start teach<strong>in</strong>gon heal<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> all themeet<strong>in</strong>gs.Gloria heard the voiceof God <strong>in</strong> her spirit <strong>in</strong> away she had never heardit before. It was strong andpowerful. But what wasreally shock<strong>in</strong>g was whatGod wanted her to do.Sat.Nov.10@ 9:30 a.m.Me, Gloria Copeland…preach? And on heal<strong>in</strong>g?Yet, she loved the Lordand His Word more thananyth<strong>in</strong>g, so she neverquestioned whether ornot she would obey. Shejust decided she would beanother liv<strong>in</strong>g exampleof 1 Cor<strong>in</strong>thians 1:26-31...God call<strong>in</strong>g the simpleones of this world toconfound the wise.In September 1979, threemonths after that encounterwith God, Kenneth andGloria Copeland obeyed Godby add<strong>in</strong>g a Heal<strong>in</strong>g Schoolto each of the meet<strong>in</strong>gs theyhad scheduled for the rest ofthat year—and Gloria beganteach<strong>in</strong>g on heal<strong>in</strong>g. It wasdur<strong>in</strong>g those meet<strong>in</strong>gs thatthe Lord also <strong>in</strong>structed herto beg<strong>in</strong> lay<strong>in</strong>g hands on thesick and pray<strong>in</strong>g for them. Soshe did.By the beg<strong>in</strong>n<strong>in</strong>g ofthe next year, with a fewmeet<strong>in</strong>gs beh<strong>in</strong>d her,Gloria thought she wasf<strong>in</strong>ished. She had obeyedGod, and thought she couldstop now. But then anotherprophecy came. And thistime, it was clear to Gloriawhen God <strong>in</strong>tended forHeal<strong>in</strong>g School to end. In aprophecy delivered to herthrough her husband <strong>in</strong>1980, the Lord said:I want My people well. Ihave desired for My peopleto walk <strong>in</strong> health. I havedesired for My peopleto know how to walk <strong>in</strong>health regardless of whatm<strong>in</strong>istry is <strong>in</strong> town. I wantMy people to know how totake My Word, and standon My Word, and receiveMy heal<strong>in</strong>g power andknow that I am the Lord.I want My people to walkwith Me <strong>in</strong> health and lifeand know the good th<strong>in</strong>gsthat I have prepared forthem. I have set a tablebefore you <strong>in</strong> the presenceof your enemies. You shallnot be an orphan group.You shall not be hungry.You shall not be <strong>in</strong> want,Jo<strong>in</strong> Gloria for Heal<strong>in</strong>g School at theWash<strong>in</strong>gton, D.C. Victory Campaignfor I am the God-Provider. Iam the Lord God that healsyou....I will have My peoplewell, saith God. So My<strong>in</strong>struction to this m<strong>in</strong>istryis: Cont<strong>in</strong>ue this Heal<strong>in</strong>gSchool...until I return.By that, it was clear toGloria that the Lord notonly wanted her to preachheal<strong>in</strong>g, but that He wantedher to preach it until Jesusreturns. S<strong>in</strong>ce the very firstHeal<strong>in</strong>g School <strong>in</strong> September1979, every Believers’Convention and VictoryCampaign held by KennethCopeland M<strong>in</strong>istries hasgiven our Partners andFriends an opportunity toreceive God’s Word on div<strong>in</strong>eheal<strong>in</strong>g and to apply it totheir lives.Today, 33 years later,Gloria Copeland hastaught Heal<strong>in</strong>g Schoolaround the world tocountless numbers ofpeople. In Heal<strong>in</strong>g School,she steps out onto aplatform <strong>in</strong> an auditoriumfull of people and boldlydeclares—Jesus alwayscomes to Heal<strong>in</strong>g School!And thousands of peoplehave received God’s Wordon div<strong>in</strong>e heal<strong>in</strong>g, appliedit to their lives and seenthe results.To God be the glory! VICTORYseptember '12 | BVOV | 29

USKenneth Copeland M<strong>in</strong>istriesFort Worth TX 76192-0001NONPROFIT ORG.U.S. POSTAGEPAIDKENNETH COPELANDMINISTRIES209septemberBroadcast Calendaronl<strong>in</strong>eKennethCopelandGloriaCopelandDavidBartonStation List<strong>in</strong>gs >> Onl<strong>in</strong>e >> bvov.tvDownload >> stream<strong>in</strong>gNow you can watch KCM broadcastsanytime you want. It’s simple!Just get a Roku stream<strong>in</strong>g media box, plug it<strong>in</strong> to your TV and Internet, and subscribe to theKCM channel for free. It’s another way to receivethe teach<strong>in</strong>g you love!Kellie CopelandSwisherListen. Learn.Live Abundantly!The BVOV broadcast is available all over theworld! It features great teach<strong>in</strong>g from the Word of Godby Kenneth and Gloria Copeland and other ano<strong>in</strong>tedm<strong>in</strong>isters, <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g Jerry Savelle, Jesse Duplantis, CrefloDollar, Billye Brim, Keith Moore and Bill W<strong>in</strong>ston. Checkour list<strong>in</strong>gs for available! The BVOV daily broadcast on MP3 discAlso available on CD and DVDSunday, Sept. 2There’s No Limit When YouBelieve God’s WordGloria CopelandSunday, Sept. 9Renew <strong>Your</strong> M<strong>in</strong>dKenneth CopelandSunday, Sept. 16Watch <strong>Your</strong> WordsKenneth CopelandSunday, Sept. 23The Authority to BlessKenneth CopelandSunday, Sept. 30Choose Words to LiveKenneth CopelandSept. 3-7Choose Life andVictory: Tak<strong>in</strong>g a Standfor RighteousnessKenneth Copeland and David BartonSept. 10-14Hav<strong>in</strong>g Ears to Hear:Tun<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> to theTh<strong>in</strong>gs of GodGloria Copeland and Kellie Copeland SwisherSept. 17-21Hear, Listen andUnderstand: TheProcess of Gett<strong>in</strong>gGod’s ResultsGloria Copeland and Kellie Copeland SwisherSept. 24-28Partakers ofHis Call<strong>in</strong>gKenneth and Gloria Copeland

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