INVENT General Product Brochure - Treatment Equipment Company

INVENT General Product Brochure - Treatment Equipment Company INVENT General Product Brochure - Treatment Equipment Company
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INVENT at a glanceZwater- and wastewater treatmentu m w e lt un dXYv e r f ah re ns tec hMixingTechnologyAeration TechnologyComplete systemsEngineering &ConsultingSoftware Productsnik

<strong>INVENT</strong> at a glanceZwater- and wastewater treatmentu m w e lt un dXYv e r f ah re ns tec hMixingTechnologyAeration TechnologyComplete systemsEngineering &ConsultingSoftware <strong>Product</strong>snik

i n n o v a t i o n f o r n a t u r eThe increasing strain on our environment is a problem,which affects us all. For years, water pollution, in particular, has begun to reachthreatening levels. At the same time the legislators are constantly settinghigher requirements on the quality of the wastewater. As a result, the applicationof innovative technology and processes for state of the art wastewater treatment is a necessity.<strong>INVENT</strong> is dedicated to the development of such technology, and strives to produceproducts which greatly contribute to the preservation of our environment. The continualprotection of our environment from damage due to harmful substances willbecome an even more important task in the future.With innovative environmental technology,<strong>INVENT</strong> is taking on this responsibility.

mixing technologyengineering &consultingp r o d u c t s & s e r v i c e saerationtechnologysoftwareproductsresearch &development<strong>INVENT</strong> Umwelt- und VerfahrenstechnikGmbH & Co. KG (<strong>INVENT</strong>Environmental and ProcessEngineering Co. Ltd.), strivesto develop and market superiorengineering and processesworldwide, which serve to protectand preserve our environment.Focus is centered on the areasof industrial and municipalwastewater treatment. Thescope of products ranges thedimensioning and manufacturingof custom-made mixers andaeration systems to designingand delivering sophisticatedturn-key systems.<strong>INVENT</strong> became well knownthrough the development andmarket introduction of the energysavingand multi-tasking hyperboloid-mixerand mixing andaeration systems for wastewatertreatment. Today, <strong>INVENT</strong> offers awide scope of efficient stirring andmixing solutions for almost everyapplication in the water, wastewater,and process-technology.In the field of aeration technology,<strong>INVENT</strong> offers a range of membraneaeration systems for biologicalwastewater treatment, which havebeen developed and optimized forvarious applications. These aredistinguishable by their functionalprinciple, construction and material,so that an optimal solution canbe offered for almost all industrialand municipal requirements.Mechanical engineering componentswhich have been carefully dimensionedand are optimally compatible,result in a safe and efficiently workingplant, an <strong>INVENT</strong> system solution.In such cases, <strong>INVENT</strong> takes overtotal responsibility for projectmanagement, supply, erection,commissioning and maintenanceof the plant.<strong>INVENT</strong>’s engineering and consultingservices range from fluid mechanicaloptimizations of hydraulical structures orprocesses, to solving of chemical engineeringproblems presented, flow simultionsusing CFD or simulations of entire wastewatertretment plants. These tasks are supportedby laboratory research, if necessry.systemsolutionsAdditionally, <strong>INVENT</strong> offersa range of software tools whichsupport plant planners andoperators in the static dimensioningor dynamic simulation of wastewatertreatment plants. Routine processesare automated andcostly parameter studies aresimplified, allowing decisionsto be made more quickly andaccurately.For all applications, <strong>INVENT</strong> placesgreat importance on a targeted andwell-founded analysis of thecustomers´ requirements, in order tooptimally fulfill his needs.the inventteam

m i x i n g t e c h n o l o g ymixing and aeration in industrialwastewater treatment plantsThe success of <strong>INVENT</strong>Umwelt-und VerfahrenstechnikGmbH & Co.KG, is closelyconnected with the developmentand market introduction of thehyperboloid-mixers and mixeraerators in the early 1990s.The hyperboloid-mixers and themixing and aeration systems arehighly efficient instruments for:Intensification of mixing processes(e.g., neutralization,dosing of nutrients, etc.)precipitation and flocculationsuspension and homogenizationduring biological phosphorusremoval and de-nitrificationmixing with intermittent aerationin swing zones or SBRs 1mixing and aeration of sludgeholding tanksmixing, suspension,homogenization, and aeration(if necessary) of stormwatertanks, mixing and equalizationbasins and storage basinshomogenization and aerationof aerobic-thermophilic sludgetreatment plants<strong>INVENT</strong> exclusively offers the hyperboloid-mixersfor any application,as one of the following variants:HYPERC LASSIC ®the classic hyperboloid-mixerwith a dry mounted motor1 SBR: Sequencing Batch ReaktorHYPERD IVE ®the hyperboloid-mixer with asubmersed motor

HYPERATOR ®the self aspirating hyperboloidmixerwith hollow shaftsHYPERF LASH ®the hyperboloid-mixer for“flash-mixing”, as necessaryin cases such as neutralizationHYPERF LOC ®the hyperboloid-mixerused for precipitation andflocculation processesIn addition, <strong>INVENT</strong> offers theH YPERP ITCH ® -floating sludgepaddle for the destruction offloating sludge which – beingshaft-mounted – mixes the sludgeand transports it along downstream.For carrousel basins and similarapplications in which horizontallydriven mixers are required, <strong>INVENT</strong>offers the H YPERF LOW ® range ofmixers, comprising slow and quickmoving, multi-bladed, propellermixers, which are notable fortheir outstanding efficiency andquietness in operation.Apart from the standard rangementioned above, <strong>INVENT</strong> alsooffers tailor-made mixers forindustrial applications, whichoptimally cater for specialprocesses.Just call us for further informationor visit us under

aeration technologyTherefore, we can also offer ourcustomers customized aeration systemin the field of aeration technology.Influence factors like the composition ofwastewater, oxygen requirement, depthof injection, etc., decisively influencethe choice of an aeration system.<strong>INVENT</strong> can offer a whole range ofaeration systems, from mechanicallyoperated, hyperboloid stirring systemsand aeration systems for treatingindustrial wastewater, to variousmodels of membrane aeration systems.<strong>INVENT</strong> offers a wholescope of aeration systemsranging from mechanicallyoperating hyperboloidmixing and aeration systemsfor industrial wastewatertreatment, to variousmodels of membrane aerationsystems.The range on offer comprises:the robust mechanical mixingand aeration systemsH YPERC LASSIC ® , H YPERD IVE ®and H YPERATOR ®the proven, multi-applicableE-FLEX ® fine bubble aerationsystem which is based on tubemembranesTEXTUBE particularly robustaerator with medium-sizedbubble aeration,which is composedof an almostindestructibletextile membrane.All aeration systems can also bedelivered as liftable devices.This range can optimally cater toalmost all of the requirements, whichare encountered in municipal andindustrial plants.

s y s t e m s o l u t i o n sThis reduces the costs and interfacesnecessary and the entire package isprovided from one single source.To suit customers´ needs,<strong>INVENT</strong> will also take over thecomplete layout, planning,project management, supply andassembly, commissioning andservice of the plant.A complete HYPERSYSTEMS ® Solutioncomprises the engineering and thecomplete mechanical equipment forthe biological stage of a wastewatertreatment plant. This includes mixers,bridges pumps, aeration systems,blowers, pipe work and PLC-systems.For Sequential Batch Reactor plants(SBR), we offer complete systemsincluding clear water removal systems.Furthermore, we offer completesolutions for rainwater basins, mixingand equalization basins, aeratedlagoons, and compact treatment plants.Just call us for further informationor visit us under

e n g i n e e r i n g & c o n s u l t i n gX1,4 1,6 m/sZThe field of engineering andconsulting takes into accountYthe strongly increasing demandfor outsourced engineeringservices. <strong>INVENT</strong> specializes itselfin the three areas of mechanicalengineering, fluid dynamics andplant optimization.In particular, the mechanicalengineering area comprises – apartfrom design contracts – optimizationof components and static analysis,using the finite element method(FEM). Modern 2D and 3D softwarepackages are used as design tools.In this way, even sophisticateddesign tasks can be economicallyexecuted.ZThe service package for „FluidMechanics“ is seamless. Due tothe use of 3D design tools, newlydeveloped parts go through aYrange of fluid mechanical testswithout delay. <strong>INVENT</strong> offers twoprocedures. One of which isdirectly performed in <strong>INVENT</strong>'sfluid dynamics laboratory, viarapid prototyping, where the mostmodern laser and ultrasonicThe measuring of turbulent flowmeasuring equipment techniques are fields, using laser and ultrasonicused to determine turbulent fields ofmeasuring equipmentvelocity. Here all standard methodstechniques, either as a model,of measurement and visualization of in technical scale or on the spotflow fields are also available. Thesimulation of complex flowssecond procedure involves individual(e.g. drinking water filters, finalinterfaces to high performance CFDprogrames(computational fluidsedimentation tanks, activatedZ sludge tanks, distributiondynamics) for the numericalchannels, etc.) using CFD.simulation of flow on the computer.When used in combination, these The optimization of plants is anotherhighly modern methods offerinnovative <strong>INVENT</strong> service. AnXYan almost unlimited variety ofincrease in efficiency of only a fewpossibilities, such as:percent can in many circumstanceslead to a significant savings in costs,The development andand therefore an overall improvementoptimization of components of the company's results. We analyze(e.g. mixing elements, mixers, plants for the water and wastewaterimpellers, gate valves, valves, treatment and the production plantsreactors, etc.)for the material processing industries.The optimization of structures 0,0 0,2 0,4 We 0,6 work 0,8 on 1,0proposals 1,2 1,4 1,6 on m/s ways to(e.g. activated sludge tanks,mixing tank reactors, mixingchambers, distributionstructures, pumping stations,final sedimentation tanks, inletsand outlets, channels etc.)0,0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,6 m/sZimprove their performance. Throughour own experience and through aninternational network of experts, wecan always find a competent solutionto increase the performance of yourplant.

s o f t w a r e p r o d u c t sOur objective is to developand offer intelligent anduser-friendly software, whichwill enable planners, plantbuilders and operators tolayout, define, simulate andoptimize the operation inprocess engineering plants.Our standard offer is composedof ANAwin and Capdet, twointernationally proven layoutprograms for static dimensioning,as well as GPS-X, the world'sleading software package for thedynamic simulation of wastewatertreatment plants. Additionally, weoffer special solutions to customdesign components such as mixers,aeration systems, pipe work orother components.Our extensive experience indeveloping software solutionsenables us to develop and supplypackages, which can be integratedinto a Customer RelationshipManagement (CRM) system.For the material processing industry,the software package “IMPT” hasbeen developed for laying out mixingtank reactors. This software comprisesall practicable mixing tasks (includingmicro-mixing) and mixers. It can alsobe extended into a specializedsystem and can be supplied withinterfaces to all current CFD programs.

e s e a r c h & d e v e l o p m e n t“He who believeshe is something,has stoppedbecoming something.”(Socrates,470 to 399 B.C.)research disciplines are optimallycovered for successful work.This benefits the customers bydelivering mature products withoutstanding characteristics, whichcan safely be laid out to suit anyapplication.<strong>INVENT</strong> maintains research facilitiesin Erlangen and in Herzogenaurach.These range from pilot scale test rigsup to large scale reactors for thedevelopment and optimization ofmixers and aeration systems. Alongwith sophisticated flow analysesusing laser and ultrasoundmeasuring equipment techniques,these research centers also performmechanical and durability tests.Obviously, the most modernconstructional and simulationsoftware is used for developing newsystems or for system optimization.Therefore, we are able to offeroptimal and mature productsolutions.Come visit our fluid mechanicallaboratory and let us present a scalemodel of your plant to you.<strong>INVENT</strong> considers research anddevelopment to be the basis of"becoming". All of our products aredeveloped by means of our ownresearch and development efforts,beginning with the conception andgoing up to the market entry. Ourcooperation with university researchinstitutes ensures that all necessary

t h e i n v e n t t e a mOur team consists ofhighly motivated, qualifiedemployees and salespartners, who co-operateas partners towards the jointobjective of giving ourcustomers one hundredpercent satisfaction.Our rapid growth confronts ourpersonnel with ever changingchallenges that provide uniqueopportunities for personal development.This development is supportedby extensive training in the necessarydisciplines, such as marketing,project management, etc.The company’s headquarters arein Erlangen, which is only a shortdistance from Nuremberg in thesouthern part of Germany. Plant 1is in Herzogenaurach, which isclosely situated to the central headquarters.There activities focus onproduct research and testing as wellas manufacturing and additional servicefunctions. Additional <strong>INVENT</strong>offices can be found in: Austria(Austria Office); Holland (BeneluxOffice); San Antonio – Texas (USAOffice); Mexico City (<strong>INVENT</strong>ec);and Sao Paulo (Brazil Office).Our worldwide activities requirea high degree of flexibility not onlyfrom management but also from allmembers of our team. We havePlease contact us:www.invent-uv.deaccepted the goal, to constantlymake improvements and we allowour customers to rate us accordingto this goal.

l o c a t i o n sYou can reach us:<strong>INVENT</strong> Umwelt- und VerfahrenstechnikGmbH & Co. KGHeadquarters:Am Weichselgarten 3691058 ErlangenGermanyFon: +49 (0) 9131 690 98-0Fax: +49 (0) 9131 690 98-99E-mail: info@invent-uv.dePlant 1:Burgstallerweg 1491074 HerzogenaurachGermanyFon: +49 (0) 9132 74 13 70Fax: +49 (0) 9132 74 13 72Benelux Office:Kapitein De Rijkstraat 425283 The HagueThe NetherlandsFon: +31 (0) 70 30619 98Fax: +31 (0) 70 30619 97E-mail: mhuijboom@invent-uv.deAustria Office:Praterweg 94820 Bad IschlAustriaFon: +43 (0) 6132 21 900Fax: +43 (0) 6132 21 980E-mail: schelli@nextra.atMexico Office:<strong>INVENT</strong>ec S.A. de C.V.Lauro Villar 36, Col.Providencia02440 Del. Azcapotzalco, D.F.MexicoFon: +52 5319 8867 or 8868Fax: +52 5619 8869E-mail: AFloresr@inventec-mx.comUS Office:U.S. Pure LLC122 Oakwell Farms ParkwaySan Antonio, TX 78218USAFon: +1 210 829 7024Fax: +1 210 829 7194E-mail: uspure@swbell.networldwideA list of our salespartners abroad isavailable by requestor on the internet:www.invent-uv.deIMG 2000 5.02-1 Eprinted on chlorine-free bleached paper

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