SEASONAL INFORMATION 2012 ⁄ 2013 - Kopenhagen Fur

SEASONAL INFORMATION 2012 ⁄ 2013 - Kopenhagen Fur

SEASONAL INFORMATION 2012 ⁄ 2013 - Kopenhagen Fur


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2 <strong>SEASONAL</strong> <strong>INFORMATION</strong> <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>2013</strong>KOPENHAGEN FUR3ContentsDELIVERY OF SKINS AND AUCTION PROGRAMME 4sALes fee 5How to obtain higher sales percentages 6Drying boards 8Grading system mink 10Grading system fox 11Good advice on pelting 12sKIn sizes 14bAR code tags 15Delivery 18Delivery and insurance 19oRDering bar code tags and boxes 20Proforma invoice/Delivery note 22Farmer lots, mink and fox 24finance 26FarmCockpit 29sALes conditions 30statistics 32Classification of species 34International fur exhibition 36explanation of skin codes 36Auctions and <strong>Fur</strong> fairs 37Chinchilla 38

4 <strong>SEASONAL</strong> <strong>INFORMATION</strong> <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>2013</strong>KOPENHAGEN FUR5DELIVERY OF SKINS AND AUCTION PROGRAMMEsales feeDec. Feb. April June Sept.Inspection 9–11 30–2 15–19 12–17 1–6Selling days 12–14 3–7 20–24 18–24 7–13MINKBlack • • • •Mahogany • • • • •Brown • • • • •Glow • • • • •Pearl • • • • *Golden Pearl • • *White • • • • *Sapphire • • • *Silverblue • • • • *Black Cross • • • *Var. Cross • • *Pastel • *Violet•Blue Iris•Jaguar•Palomino • • *Stardust•Cinnamon • *Var. mutations • *totalMink DKK 8.50Fox (farmed) DKK 10.00Red fox DKK 17.00Fitch DKK 8.50Finnraccoon DKK 17.00Rex rabbit DKK 16.00Chinchilla (see page 38)These fees include all costs in connection with the grading and selling of your skins whichmeans that no further charges will be added to the above.sKIns of no valueSkins of no value i.e. skins which cannot obtain the minimum price fixed by <strong>Kopenhagen</strong><strong>Fur</strong> are destroyed and the farmer is notified accordingly. On skins of no value a fee correspondingto the sales fee is charged. On Chinchilla a fee corresponding to the dressing feeis charged.Total mink (m) 1.0 – 1.6 4.5 – 5.5 4.5 – 5.5 4.5 – 5.5 4.2 – 5.2 21Other TYPerChinchilla • • • • •Rex rabbit • •Swakara • •Fox • • • •FOLLOW THE AUCTION ON-LINE• = Skins can be delivered to the auction in question.* = Skins cannot be delivered to the auction in question, but may be offered.WWW.KOPENHAGENFUR.COMBreeders and breeders lowgrades will be offered at the June auction.Please refer to the pages concerning delivery deadlines.

6 <strong>SEASONAL</strong> <strong>INFORMATION</strong> <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>2013</strong>KOPENHAGEN FUR7How to obtain higher sales percentagesWhen delivering your skins it is important thatyou have presorted those which will not beoffered at the auction in question.characteristics, but it should always be possibleto separate sizes which are not offered atindividual auctions.Over the years it has been our experiencethat a farmer will typically have 65-70% of thedelivered skins offered at the first auctions.Skins of extreme shades and clarities will becollected until the quantity is large enough tobe offered in uniform lots. It can be difficultfor farmers to presort skins with the aboveThe specification shown below indicates thesizes in the types Black, Mahogany, Brown,Glow, Pearl, White and Silverblue which can bedelivered for the various auctions.MALES SIZEfeMALES SIZEDecember February AprilBlack 40-30-00 30-00-0Mahogany 30-00 40-30-00-0 40-30-00Brown 40-30-00 40-30-00-0 50-40-30-00Glow 40-30-00 40-30-00-0 50-40-30-00Silverblue 30-00 40-30-00 30-00-0White 30-00 40-30-00 30-00-0Pearl 30-00 40-30-00 30-00-0December February AprilBlack 0-1-2 1-2-3Mahogany 1-2 0-1-2-3 0-1-2-3Brown 0-1-2 0-1-2-3 0-1-2-3Glow 0-1-2 0-1-2-3 0-1-2-3Silverblue 1-2 0-1-2 1-2White 1-2 0-1-2 1-2Pearl 1-2 0-1-2 1-2JuniSeptemberJuneSeptemberBlack 40-30-00-0 50-40-30-00-0-1-2-3Mahogany 40-30-00-0 50-40-30-00-0-1-2-3Brown 40-30-00-0 50-40-30-00-0-1-2-3Glow 40-30-00-0 50-40-30-00-0-1-2-3Silverblue 50-40-30-00 0-1-2-3White 50-40-30-00 0-1-2-3Pearl 50-40-30-00 0-1-2-3Black 0-1-2 00-0-1-2-3-4-5Mahogany 0-1-2 00-0-1-2-3-4-5Brown 0-1-2 00-0-1-2-3-4-5Glow 0-1-2 00-0-1-2-3-4-5Silverblue 00-0-1-2 3-4-5White 00-0-1-2 3-4-5Pearl 00-0-1-2 3-4-5Other sizes will be offered when appropriate numbers of skins are available.Sizes of types not mentioned above will be offered when appropriate quantities are available.Breeders and breeders lowgrades in the main types Males size 40, 30, 00, 0 andFemales size 0, 1, 2 will be offered at the June auction.

8 <strong>SEASONAL</strong> <strong>INFORMATION</strong> <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>2013</strong>KOPENHAGEN FUR9Drying boardsOn this page you will find the dimensio nsof approved mink, fitch, fox and finnraccoondrying boards.Please note that the old, narrow fox dryingboard may still be used for Silver andMutation foxes.as male and female skins do not have thesame hair and leather structure, it is veryimportant that males are stretched ondrying boards for males and females ondrying boards for females.MALE MINK AND FITCH FEMALE3.0 cm2 cm2.7 cm4.5 cm5 cm4.1 cmWidth3.0 cm6.5 cm11.2 cmFOXLenght0 cm5 cm20 cmWidth3.4 cmFINNRACCOONLenght0 cmYou can buy approved extra long minkdrying boards which are 12 cm longer butnot wider.We have noticed that some of themink drying boards do not meet thesespecifica tions. We therefore urge youto check the dimensions of your dryingboards, and reject those which are toonarrow. Skins dried on boards for maleswhich are more than 0.4 cm too narrowand skins dried on boards for femaleswhich are more than 0.3 cm too narrowwill be presorted and offered in separatelots at the June/ September auction.The easiest manner by which to comparethe drying boards is to stand them onedge and press them against a wall andthen place an upright board across themiddle of them. Narrow drying boards willthen be easily detected.5.4 cm6.4 cm8.7 cm10 cm20 cm50 cm4.7 cm5.2 cm6.9 cm12.9 cm13.85 cm15.35 cm16.0 cm16.7 cm40 cm60 cm90 cm108 cm126 cm8.1 cm 7.4 cm12.0 cm 19.4 cm17.0 cm 50 cm18.5 cm 76 cm18.5 cm 108 cm17.2 cm150 cm11.5 cm90 cm8.5 cm17.2 cm170 cm18.5 cm 150 cmn.B.Stonemarten should be dried on male minkdrying boards.The above measurements are calculatedfrom a board with a thickness of 1 cmBoard thickness: 2.2 cmWidth of groove: 0.75 cmBoard thickness: 2.0 cmWidth of groove: 0.85 cm

14 <strong>SEASONAL</strong> <strong>INFORMATION</strong> <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>2013</strong>KOPENHAGEN FUR15skin sizesBar code tagsIt is important that all skins within the different sizes adhere to the preagreed specifi cations.<strong>Kopenhagen</strong> <strong>Fur</strong>’s sizing machines for mink are set to 0.5 cm over these dimensions, inorder to ensure that the requirements are fulfilled. If the ma chines are set to the exact limits,completed lots may contain skins which do not adhere to the specifications on the inspectionday due to incorrect stretching, shrinkage during storage and varying machine tolerance.For farmed fox skins, an additional 1 cm is added upon measurement compared tothe official dimensions. As a farmer, you can help in maintaining the correct measurementsby ensuring correct stretching of the hips, tail and hind legs.n.B.Please note that borderline skins will always be categorised as the smallest size.Correct attachment of the bar code tag is a pre requisite for a proper settlement. It is,therefore, important that the skins are marked with bar code tags.The bar code tags should be attached to the skins as shown. Read the instructions beforeyou start the marking. Note in particular the location where they should be attached andthat the tags must be fixed with staples.Staplers for affixing tags can be purchased at <strong>Kopenhagen</strong> <strong>Fur</strong> or from <strong>Kopenhagen</strong> <strong>Fur</strong>‘srepresentatives.Mink/FitchSize 50 Over 101 cmSize 40 95−101 cmSize 30 89–95 cmSize 00 83–89 cmSize 0 77–83 cmSize 1 71–77 cmSize 2 65–71 cmSize 3 59–65 cmSize 4 53–59 cmSize 5 Under 53 cmA bar code taglooks like this:Fox/FinnraccoonSize 60 Over 142 cmSize 50 133–142 cmSize 40 124–133 cmSize 30 115–124 cmSize 00 106–115 cmSize 0 97–106 cmSize 1 88–97 cmSize 2 79–88 cmSize 3 Under 79 cmAccount number (6 digits)Place the staple hereConsecutive number = TagID

16 <strong>SEASONAL</strong> <strong>INFORMATION</strong> <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>2013</strong>KOPENHAGEN FUR17MINKfoxThe tag should be fixed to the back of the skin asshown and the white end of the tag placed levelwith the eye sockets.Place the staple on the tag at the indicatedlocation.The tag should be fixed to the back of the skin asshown and placed approx. 5 cm from the tip ofthe nose.Place the staple on the tag at the indicated location.The photo shows how a correctly inserted stapleshould be affixed (seen from the belly side). Thestaple must only penetrate one layer of skin andwill therefore always be visible from the mouthopening.A finished skin with a correctly attached bar codetag is shown in photo.The photo shows how a correctly inserted stapleshould be affixed (seen from the belly side). Thestaple must only penetrate one layer of skin andwill therefore always be visible from the mouthopening.A finished skin with a correctly attached bar codetag is shown in photo.n.B.It is important that the staple is placed with the prongs downwards, otherwise itwill not follow through when the tag is removed.n.B.It is important that the staple is placed with the prongs downwards, otherwise itwill not follow through when the tag is removed.Do yourself a favour!Check if the staple is properly closed so that the tag stays on the skin until sold.Do yourself a favour!Check if the staple is properly closed so that the tag stays on the skin until sold.

20 <strong>SEASONAL</strong> <strong>INFORMATION</strong> <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>2013</strong>KOPENHAGEN FUR21Ordering bar code tags and boxesYou can order tags and boxes from<strong>Kopenhagen</strong> <strong>Fur</strong> or our representatives.Tags and boxes will be sent directly to you.Please note that it takes at least two weeksfrom ordering until the tags are delivered. Itis, therefore, a good idea to order the tagswell in advance.<strong>Kopenhagen</strong> <strong>Fur</strong>’s boxes should alwaysbe used if collecting from a farm/peltingsta tion. A label should be affixed to the endpanel of all boxes (see How to use the boxlabel).The delivery note/proforma invoice coveringthe total delivery should be given to thedelivery station/driver for receipt of theboxes.How to use the boxesOnly skins for one particular auction in eachbox. Always fill up the box. Place the skinsflat, with the heads in the same direction, inlayers. This will avoid damage to the skinsduring transport.If possible, include only one type/sex ineach box.How to use the box labelThe box label is used for identifying thefarmer and must include the following:1. Account no (possibly name/address)2. Auction requested3. Type of skin/sex(write the number in the relevant box)4. Number of boxes – e.g. 1 of 10Direct delivery to <strong>Kopenhagen</strong> <strong>Fur</strong><strong>Kopenhagen</strong> <strong>Fur</strong>’s boxes should also beused when transporting skins by post orcar rier. A label containing the relevantinformation should be affixed to the endpanel of the box.The delivery note/proforma invoice coveringthe total delivery should always be includedin the first box.

22 <strong>SEASONAL</strong> <strong>INFORMATION</strong> <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>2013</strong>KOPENHAGEN FUR23Proforma invoice/ Delivery note1326The farmer should only fill in the whiteareas of the form.DELIVERY NOTE60, LangagervejDK-2600 60, Langagervej GlostrupDenmark DK-2600 GlostrupTel. Denmark +45 43 26 10 00Fax Tel. +45 43 2610 110026Fax +45 43 26 11 26PROFORMA INVOICE/DELIVERY NOTE<strong>Kopenhagen</strong> <strong>Fur</strong>’s VAT NO. DK15275413MINK1 Name and addressCheck that the area has been correctlyfilled in with your account no., name,address, postal code and town, VAT no.and country of origin.2 Required auctionMark an X for the auction that yourequire.3 Number of skinsWrite the number of skins in the relevantcolumn.4 Net weight and valueNet weight and value is to be written by<strong>Kopenhagen</strong> <strong>Fur</strong>.7 Receipts for boxesWrite the number of boxes. The deliverystation or driver will sign for the quantityof boxes. (The last copy of the proformainvoice/delivery note will be given to thefarmer on delivery.) This is the farmer’sfirst receipt. After counting, a finalreceipt for the quantity of skins will besent.8 Serial numbers of tagsWrite down the first and last serialnumbers of tags. Multiple series shouldonly be given if tag numbers are missing.Merco Print 45 82 16 88 869534FARMER’SACCOUNT NO.VAT NO.FARMER’S REMARKSMARK CHOSEN AUCTION (ONE DELIVERY NOTE FOR EACH AUCTION)DEC. FEB. APRIL JUNE SEPT.ADVANCESTOP NUMBERMINK Males FemalesCOUNTRY OF ORIGIN1 2BLACK3 4BROWN/GLOW5 6PASTEL7 8PEARLNET WEIGHT MINK 0.120 KG EACH9 10SILVERBLUE11 12SAPPHIREKOPENHAGEN FUR’S REMARKSNET WEIGHT TOTALKG13 14WHITENUMBER OF COLLI15 16MAHOGANYVALUE17 18BLACK/VAR. CROSSMINKDKK EACH19 20PALOMINO23 24VIOLET27 28OTHER MUTATIONSTOTAL Males + FemalesTOTAL AMOUNT IN DKKCOLLI RECEIPTVALUE ONLY FOR CUSTOMS PURPOSESKINS TAGGED AS FOLLOWSI HEREBY ACCEPT THAT SKINS DELIVERED FROM MY FARM TO KOPENHAGEN FUR ORONE OF KOPENHAGEN FUR’S AUTHORISED DELIVERY STATIONS ARE PLEDGED AS FIRST TAGLAST TAGSECURITY FOR ANY ADVANCES OR OTHER DEBTS OWED BY MYSELF TO KOPENHAGENFUR AT ANY TIME.BY MY SIGNATURE I ALSO CONFIRM THAT I AM FAMILIAR WITH AND ACCEPT THE FIRST TAGLAST TAGNO. OF BOXESSALES CONDITIONS AS PRINTED ON THE BACK OF THIS DELIVERY NOTE.FIRST TAGLAST TAGFIRST TAGLAST TAGDATE / 20DATE / 20KOPENHAGEN FUR DATEFARMER’S SIGNATURECHECK587SIGNATURE5 SignatureThe delivery note/proforma invoice is tobe signed by the farmer.6 InformationThis column is for messages betweenfarmers and the Delivery Departmentat <strong>Kopenhagen</strong> <strong>Fur</strong>. If you have furtherquestions, then please call <strong>Kopenhagen</strong><strong>Fur</strong> or our representatives.QuestionsIf you have any questions concerning theproforma invoice/delivery note, please call<strong>Kopenhagen</strong> <strong>Fur</strong> or our representatives.1DELIVERY NOTEADVANCECOUNTRY OF ORIGINNET WEIGHT60, LangagervejDK-2600 60, Langagervej GlostrupDenmark DK-2600 GlostrupTel. Denmark +45 43 26 10 00Fax Tel. +45 43 2610 110026Fax +45 43 26 11 26STOP NUMBERFITCH/RABBIT/SABLE 0.120 KG EACHFOXES/RACC. 0.480 KG EACH3ACCOUNT NO.MARK CHOSEN AUCTION (ONE DELIVERY NOTE FOR EACH AUCTION)DEC. FEB. APRIL JUNE SEPT.OBS: ONLY ONE DELIVERY NOTE FOR EACH SPECIESFOXESPROFORMA INVOICE/DELIVERY NOTE<strong>Kopenhagen</strong> <strong>Fur</strong>’s VAT NO.BLUE FOXSILVER FOXSHADOW/WHITE FOXBLUE FROST FOX303132332DK15275413FOX/OTHER SKINSFARMER’SVAT NO.FARMER’S REMARKS6NET WEIGHT TOTALKGMUTATION FOXESTOTAL FOXES39KOPENHAGEN FUR’S REMARKSNUMBER OF COLLIOTHER SKINSVALUEFITCH/RABBIT/SABLEDKK EACHFITCHFINNRACCOON4042SILVER/MUT. FOXESDKK EACHRABBIT45OTHER FOXES/RACC.DKK EACHSABLE73Merco Print 45 82 16 88 86939TOTAL AMOUNT IN DKKVALUE ONLY FOR CUSTOMS PURPOSESKINS TAGGED AS FOLLOWSI HEREBY ACCEPT THAT SKINS DELIVERED FROM MY FARM TO KOPENHAGEN FUR ORONE OF KOPENHAGEN FUR’S AUTHORISED DELIVERY STATIONS ARE PLEDGED AS FIRST TAGLAST TAGSECURITY FOR ANY ADVANCES OR OTHER DEBTS OWED BY MYSELF TO KOPENHAGENFUR AT ANY TIME.BY MY SIGNATURE I ALSO CONFIRM THAT I AM FAMILIAR WITH AND ACCEPT THE FIRST TAGLAST TAGSALES CONDITIONS AS PRINTED ON THE BACK OF THIS DELIVERY NOTE.FIRST TAGLAST TAGFIRST TAGLAST TAGDATE / 20KOPENHAGEN FUR DATEFARMER’S SIGNATURECHECKCOLLI RECEIPTNO. OF BOXESDATE / 20SIGNATURE4587

24 <strong>SEASONAL</strong> <strong>INFORMATION</strong> <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>2013</strong>KOPENHAGEN FUR25Farmer lots, mink and foxMInimum type QUALItysize<strong>Kopenhagen</strong> <strong>Fur</strong> can offer farmer lots under the following conditions:Mink M 00 All types Purple and PlatinumMink F 2 All types Purple and Platinum1 All final farmer lot sorting must beperformed by <strong>Kopenhagen</strong> <strong>Fur</strong>.2 We will attempt to resort any homesortedfarmer lots which do not complywith the fixed criteria.3 In the case of mixed sizes, the lot willbe designated in accordance with thesmallest size and placed in the salescatalogue under this category.4 Farmer lots can be made for all types.5 For all mink types, the minimum quantityis 60 males or 80 females. The minimumquantity for Blue and Silver fox is 40skins. For all other types of fox, it is 25skins.6 Skins from fur exhibitions can beintersorted with farmer lots, providedit is feasible in terms of time and isrequested upon delivery.7 Farmer lots may contain skins from 5owners.8 A minimum price is not acceptable, if afarmer lot contains skins from more thantwo owners.9 A sorting fee of DKK 4.00 per mink skinand DKK 10.00 per fox skin is charged ondeliveries for farmer lot sorting.10 For reofferings due to a minimum priceapplied on the part of the farmer, areoffering fee of DKK 4.00 per minkskin and DKK 10.00 per fox skin will becharged.11 Farmers have the possibility of havingtheir own name mentioned in thecatalogue. If you wish so, please contact<strong>Kopenhagen</strong> <strong>Fur</strong> or our representatives.Only one name can be mentioned if afarmer lot represents several ownerFox 30 PlatinumRemember that, before farmer lots aresent to <strong>Kopenhagen</strong> <strong>Fur</strong>, then:1 The skins should be tagged in thenormal way.2 The skins must be divided into differentsizes. Lowgrades and minor faults aswell as poorer quality skins should berejected.3 The skins should be strung on a cordloop or a metal hanger, and eachlot labelled (labels may be obtainedat <strong>Kopenhagen</strong> <strong>Fur</strong> or from ourrepresentatives).4 On the label, it should be stated howmany skins there are in the lot as wellas the quantity of skins in total with therelevant types and sex.5 The skins will be subject to the normaldelivery deadlines.6 The skins must be accompanied bya specific delivery note and boxedseparately. Both the delivery noteand the packaging should be markedwith a luminous label (to be obtainedat <strong>Kopenhagen</strong> <strong>Fur</strong> or from ourrepresentatives).7 Notification of the results of farmer lotsorting will be provided after sortingcompletion.

26 <strong>SEASONAL</strong> <strong>INFORMATION</strong> <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>2013</strong>KOPENHAGEN FUR27financeFinance on webAll farmers have access to the FarmCockpit.This is an internet based system that givesyou an overview of your engagement with<strong>Kopenhagen</strong> <strong>Fur</strong>.How to loginPlease enter our website www.kopenhagenfur.com, click FARMER, LOGINand LOGIN FARMCOCKPIT. In order tologin you need your account number with<strong>Kopenhagen</strong> <strong>Fur</strong> and your password. In themenu you will find “Finance“.You have now access to:• Financial overview: here you see thecredit maximum, account balance andavailable advance payment.• Account statement: here you can followthe financial movements.• Vouchers/Printouts: here you findall financial vouchers and accountstatements. All financial vouchers, theAccount statement and Skins in stockwill be published on the 10th of eachmonth. The Account statement showsall entries from the previous month. Allfarmers with access to the internet willreceive a message by e-mail when newvouchers have been made.• Advance – Early settlement• Early settlement means that you mayhave the sales proceeds at your disposal3 working days after the last selling dayinstead of 3 weeks (prompt day) afterthe auction. Interest will be chargeduntil prompt day. Early settlement maybe ordered by ticking the box and byclicking Save changes. Please note thatearly settlement must be registered onthe last selling day, at the latest. Earlysettlement will continue until you deletethe registration. You will receive earlysettlement when the proceeds of theauction are higher than the advancepayment. If that is not the case, you mayobtain a skin advance when the accounthas been settled about 5 working daysafter the auction• Skin advance may be collected onmink and fox skins. When skins havebeen delivered and registered on youraccount, an advance payment maybe paid. Normally, it takes about 5working days from delivery of skinsuntil registration on the account. Skinadvances may be ordered under one ofthe below menus:1. Standing advance may be orderedby ticking the box and by clickingSave changes. If you want to deletethe registration, you remove thetick and click Save changes. Whenentering the standing avance, youwill also receive the advance duringthe next season.If you wish to order or cancelstanding advance, you may alsocontact Farmer Service.2. Fixed advance. If you choose Fixedadvance you can see the advanceavailable* on your account. You canenter the amount you need.Kit advance. If you wish to enter a supplycontract, please contact <strong>Kopenhagen</strong><strong>Fur</strong>‘s representatives or Farmer Service.Normally the kit advance is paid in twoinstalments - the first in July and the secondin September. However, you may chooseother dates of payment._____________* Advance available is your credit maximum (skins instock X rate of advance) less balance.eFiles<strong>Kopenhagen</strong> <strong>Fur</strong> files letters to all accountsin ”eFiles”. Farmers with access to theinternet will receive a message by e-mailwhen new letters are filed. Farmers with noaccess to the internet will receive letters byordinary mail.FINANCE IN GENERALPayment of skin advances<strong>Kopenhagen</strong> <strong>Fur</strong> pays skin advances onMondays and Wednesdays. Skin advancesordered will be paid not later than 6 workingdays after receipt of skins considering thedays of payment. When ordering advanceslater on, payment will take place on the nextday of payment.Rates of skin advancesThe rates will be fixed after each auctionand will be announced by Farmer Serviceor one of our representatives. The rates willalso be published on our website.INTERESTAdvances will be charged interest accordingto the rates fixed by <strong>Kopenhagen</strong> <strong>Fur</strong> andbased on the market rate. Interest is dueby the next prompt day. Interest is addedmonthly in arrears and is calculated onthe prevailing debt. The interest rate willbe published on our website and willbe announced by Farmer Service or ourrepresentatives.SETTLEMENTThe sales proceeds will be available on youraccount with <strong>Kopenhagen</strong> <strong>Fur</strong> on promptday, i.e. 21 days after the last selling dayof the auction. We will deduct possibleadvance payments, interest and paymentfor goods and services from the salesproceeds. If you want early settlementplease see above.

28 <strong>SEASONAL</strong> <strong>INFORMATION</strong> <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>2013</strong>KOPENHAGEN FUR29financefarmcockpit<strong>Kopenhagen</strong> <strong>Fur</strong> offers to transfer your salesproceeds in the currency of your choice.The rate of exchange will be the currentrate of exchange on the day of payment. Inorder to ensure that payments will reachyou without any problems, we ask you toinform us of your bank‘s SWIFT code andIBAN number.Account in EUR, NOK, SEK, CAD, USDYou may choose to have your account inone of the above currencies instead of DKK.All settlements of skins (in DKK) sold at theauction will automatically be converted intothe currency chosen on the last selling day(if within normal banking hours) or the firstbanking day if the last selling day is not abanking day.If you have any questions or need someadvice, please contact Farmer Service or<strong>Kopenhagen</strong> <strong>Fur</strong>‘s representatives.BANK CHANGESIn order to avoid delays in payment<strong>Kopenhagen</strong> <strong>Fur</strong> should be informedimmediately if you change your bank.Changes should be sent to <strong>Kopenhagen</strong><strong>Fur</strong> in writing signed by the owner of theaccount.The FarmCockpit contains the following menus/subjects:Your information• Account informationOverview/Key figure• Overview – Price index/Figure of valueFinance• Financial overview• Account statement• Vouchers/Printouts• Advance – Early settlement• Interest ratesBreeders• Hit list• Sales listSkins• Skins in stock• Farmer catalogue• Auction prices – Live• <strong>Fur</strong>Stat– Own skins– All skinsManagementLibrarye-FilesKOPENHAGEN FUR‘S BANKIf you wish to transfer money to youraccount, you may do so through<strong>Kopenhagen</strong> <strong>Fur</strong>‘s bank, NordeaBank Danmark A/S, account number21000751141270, IBAN DK14 2000 0751 141270, Swift NDEADKKK. Remember to stateyour account number.

30 <strong>SEASONAL</strong> <strong>INFORMATION</strong> <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>2013</strong>KOPENHAGEN FUR31SALES CONDITIONS1. Receipt and offeringRaw farmed fur skins are received forsale on commission accord ing to theDanish Com mission Act 243 of May 8,1917 with later amendments. The skinsare sold in the name of <strong>Kopenhagen</strong> <strong>Fur</strong>for the farmer’s ac count. The farmerretains the title to the skins until theyare sold at the auction. The sorting iscarried out in accordance with the rulesand criteria stated by <strong>Kopenhagen</strong> <strong>Fur</strong>.<strong>Kopenhagen</strong> <strong>Fur</strong> reserves the right topostpone the sale of skins to a laterauction if prompted by circumstances ofgrading, auction policy or other factors.2. Tagging of skinsSkins delivered for sale must be taggedwith the tagging material delivered by<strong>Kopenhagen</strong> <strong>Fur</strong> in the form of tagsfurnished with the farmer’s accountnumber.3. Delivery of skinsCost of transportation to <strong>Kopenhagen</strong><strong>Fur</strong> or to the delivery stations author isedby <strong>Kopenhagen</strong> <strong>Fur</strong> is for the accountof the farmer. Cost of transportationfrom the authorised delivery stationsto <strong>Kopenhagen</strong> <strong>Fur</strong> to be paid by<strong>Kopenhagen</strong> <strong>Fur</strong>.4. InsuranceThe skins are insured according to theconditions of the insur ance taken out by<strong>Kopenhagen</strong> <strong>Fur</strong> against fire, burglary,malicious damage and water damage.The insurance takes effect from themoment a receipt of delivery has beenissued by an auth orised delivery stationor by <strong>Kopenhagen</strong> <strong>Fur</strong>.5. Advance paymentAdvance payment on the sales proceedsof the skins delivered to <strong>Kopenhagen</strong> <strong>Fur</strong>is granted according to the prevailingrules stated by <strong>Kopenhagen</strong> <strong>Fur</strong>. Theskins delivered serve as pledge forthe advance payment according to theDanish Commission Act. Interest ischarged on advances at the rate statedby Kopenha gen <strong>Fur</strong> from the day ofremittance to the day of settlement.By his signature the farmer irrevocablyand unconditionally pledgesto <strong>Kopenhagen</strong> <strong>Fur</strong>, which pledgeis accepted by <strong>Kopenhagen</strong> <strong>Fur</strong>, allskins delivered to <strong>Kopenhagen</strong> <strong>Fur</strong>. Allskins are owned by the farmer and areunencumbered by any right or pledge.The above pledge is vested in order tosecure repayment of all present andfuture advances and debts towards<strong>Kopenhagen</strong> <strong>Fur</strong>.6. Minimum prices - FARM er lotsFarmer lots shall comply with theconditions stated prior to each season.Minimum price shall only be acceptedon farmer lots of raw skins. Requestsfor minimum prices shall, in order to bevalid, be endorsed on the delivery noteor notified in a special form concern ingminimum prices on farmer lots, which ishanded over at the delivery of the skins.Any change of the minimum price fora later auction shall apply only, if it hasbeen notified in writing at the latest 10days prior to an auction. If the minimumprices are estimated to be too high inrelation to the expected sales price,<strong>Kopenhagen</strong> <strong>Fur</strong> reserves the right not tooffer the skins for sale.7. Skins of no valueSkins of no value i.e. skins which cannotobtain the minimum price fixed by<strong>Kopenhagen</strong> <strong>Fur</strong> are destroyed and thefarmer is notified accordingly. On skinsof no value a fee fixed by <strong>Kopenhagen</strong><strong>Fur</strong> is charged.8. Settlement of saleSettlement of skins sold will normallytake place on prompt day (21 daysafter the last day of sale), providedtechnical and financial circum stancesmake this possible. Advance paymentand settlement shall be paid in DKK.Conversion of payments to a foreigncurrency can be made at the farmer’srequest. All charges and risks in thisconnection are for the farmer’s account.9. Returning of skinsAfter delivery of the skins to<strong>Kopenhagen</strong> <strong>Fur</strong> or to an auth oriseddelivery station the skins cannot bere turned for reasons due to sorting.The farmer waives all rights to demandreturn of the skins and shall only beentitled to the sales proceeds.10. Liability for skins treatedincorrectlyIn the event that <strong>Kopenhagen</strong> <strong>Fur</strong> isliable to pay damages to buyers of skins,which are defective due to unskilled,incorrect or inappropriate treatment bythe farmer, the farmer is liable to paydamages to <strong>Kopenhagen</strong> <strong>Fur</strong>.11. Sorting and sales feesThe sorting and sales fees are fixed by<strong>Kopenhagen</strong> <strong>Fur</strong>. The fees mentionedcan be changed by <strong>Kopenhagen</strong> <strong>Fur</strong> atany time without further notice.12. Non-severabilityThe above conditions of sale shallremain in force, even if <strong>Kopenhagen</strong> <strong>Fur</strong>should refrain from enforcing one ormore of them, or in the event that oneor more of the conditions should bedeclared null and void.13. VenueAny dispute that may arise between<strong>Kopenhagen</strong> <strong>Fur</strong> and the farmer, or thethird party to whom the farmer mayhave assigned his rights and liabilities,shall be governed by Danish law andsettled by the Maritime and CommercialCourt in Copenhagen, unless<strong>Kopenhagen</strong> <strong>Fur</strong> prefers to submit thecase to another competent venue.14. TranslationThese sales conditions have been drawnup in the Danish language and translatedinto English, German, Swedish,Finnish, Polish, Dutch, Norwegian andRussian. In case of any discrepancy as tothe understanding or the interpretationthereof, the Danish version shall prevail.

32 <strong>SEASONAL</strong> <strong>INFORMATION</strong> <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>2013</strong>KOPENHAGEN FUR33StatisticsBefore, during and after the auction<strong>Kopenhagen</strong> <strong>Fur</strong> offers a number of statisticsto the farmers. Actually, there are somany that we think only few of you knowall of them. Below we give you an overviewwith a short description of the statisticswhich you find in the FarmCockpit under”Skins”.Before the auctionBefore the auction two statistics are ofinterest to the farmers. The first one isthe ”Sales report” under ”<strong>Fur</strong>Stat”. It mayseem selfcontradictory that the sales reportcontains relevant information before thesale has started. In practice it means thatwhen the sales programme is finalised (allskins are put into the catalogue) the offeringis increasing. When the sales programme isfinal, the sales report gives an overview ofthe farmer’s offering at the auction. Under”<strong>Fur</strong>Stat” you can see the old sales reports.If you would like a closer look at youroffering, you may do so via the ”Farmercatalogue”. First you see a list of the typesoffered at the auction. From the list you goon by clicking the colour. A catalogue containingthe lots, in which you have skins, willbe shown. If you want to print the catalogueor work with data in a different program,click the icon with the disc. Here you canmake a PDF-file for print or export data toWord or Excel.During the auctionDuring the auction you have a number ofpossibilities for obtaining information aboutthe sale not only in general but also specificallyregarding your own skins.The most frequently updated statisticsare the ”Auction prices - Live”. During theauction the running indicator is visible onthe front page of our website and in theFarmCockpit under ”Skins”. Here you willsee price, lot number, type and descriptionof all showlots after they have been sold.Everything is updated every nine secondsshowing the last showlots sold.If you are interested in general statisticsof the auction result, you click ”<strong>Fur</strong>Stat”and ”All skins”. Here you may find ”SalesResults - Overview” and ”Sales Results -Breakdowns”. Contrary to previously, youcan see the lowest price and the top priceper quality in ”Sales Results - Breakdowns -High & Low”.When are the statistics updated?When you click ”Skins” and ”<strong>Fur</strong>Stat”,you see your own Sales report as the firststatistics. The report is updated every 20minutes during the auction. The registrationof each type sold must be finished beforenew figures are updated.The Sales report contains: offering,number of skins sold, your average price,<strong>Kopenhagen</strong> <strong>Fur</strong>’s average price and totalamount divided into type, sex and supplementaryinformation according to the typesyou offer at the auction. If your account isin a currency other than DKK: The averageprice is calculated at the current rate on theselling day.The ”Sales statistics” under ”Own skins”contain information about fresh skins, i.e.skins delivered for the current season. Theremay therefore be a difference between theSales report and the Sales statistics if skinsfrom the previous season are included. TheSales statistics are updated every night.This means that the statistics are availablethe day after the type has been sold and aremade for all types you have sold irrespectiveof number. The statistics are a furtherdevelopment of the Sales statistics whichyou will receive approx. three weeks afterthe auction. In <strong>Fur</strong>Stat you can choose a differentstandard of comparison e.g. country.<strong>Fur</strong>thermore, you can see the statistics ofprevious auctions.The ”Specification of skins” is updatedevery night during the auction. The day aftera type has been sold you are able to findsorting and price information for individualskins my means of TagID. <strong>Fur</strong>thermore, youcan choose specifications from previousauctions.After the auctionOn the first or second working day after theauction all farmers, who have sold skins atthe auction, will receive the Sales report inthe e-Files. If you have chosen to receiveletters by ordinary mail, we will send theSales report to you. The report contains:number of skins sold, your average price,<strong>Kopenhagen</strong> <strong>Fur</strong>’s average price and thetotal amount divided into type, sex andsupplementary information. The report isidentical with the ”Final sales report” under”Own skins”. If your account is in a currencyother than DKK: The Sales report is updatedwith the rate of exchange on prompt day.This means that the columns with othercurrencies than DKK will be empty duringthe auction.Under ”Own skins” you find the ”Sales report- Breakdowns”. The report contains thenumber of regular skins sold, your averageprice in size and quality divided into typeand sex, <strong>Kopenhagen</strong> <strong>Fur</strong>’s average priceand total amount.Within three weeks after the auction the”Sales statistics - Paper version” areupdated with KPH total as standard of referenceand are ready for print. The statisticsare to be seen under ”Own skins” and theyare identical with the Sales statistics whichyou can see under ”Own skins” the day aftera type has been sold. The statistics are onlymade if at least 25 skins per type and persex have been sold at the auction. If youhave chosen to receive letters by ordinarymail, we will send the Sales statistics to you.Within one week after the auction<strong>Kopenhagen</strong> <strong>Fur</strong> will publish the Auctionreport on the website. The auction reportdescribes the auction.You will find these reports on the Farmerfront page under Auction.After the auction to the end of season”Season Overview” is an accumulated salesreport, which is updated after each auction,with the farmer’s total amount of skins soldper auction and season.

34 <strong>SEASONAL</strong> <strong>INFORMATION</strong> <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>2013</strong>KOPENHAGEN FUR35Classification of speciesMales FemalesBlack 111 211Black Velvet 112 212Brown 113 213Glow 114 214Brown Velvet 115 215Mahogany Velvet 118 218Mahogany 119 219Pastel 121 221Pastel Velvet 122 222Glow Velvet 125 225Topaze 131 231Shadow Dawn 140 240Dawn 141 241Topal 143 243Shadow Topal 145 245Palomino 151 251Golden Pearl 161 261Finnpalo 162 262Finnwhite 164 264Pearl Beige 171 271Pearl Beige Velvet 172 272Pearl Beige Triple 173 273Pearl Blue 181 281Silverblue 191 291Sapphire 301 401Sapphire Velvet 302 402Redglow 304 404Redglow Cross 305 405White Velvet 309 409Regal White 310 410White 311 411Sprinklers 313 413Jaguar 314 414Platina Cross 318 418Blue Iris Cross 322 422Misc. Cross 323 423Black Cross 324 424Sapphire Cross 325 425Pearl Cross 326 426Palomino Cross 327 427Violet Cross 329 429Dawn Cross 330 430Misc. Mutations 331 431Violet 332 432Hope 335 435Winterblue 338 438Blue Iris 339 439Aleutian 341 441Steelblue 342 442Shadow Silverblue 345 445Shadow Sapphire 346 446Shadow Pearl 347 447Shadow Pastel 348 448Pastel Cross 349 449Silverblue Cross 350 450Lavender 351 451Platinblond 354 454Heinen Buff 355 455Blue Frost 360 460Sundry 365 465Curly 366 466White Fitch 2197 2297Pastel Fitch 2198 2298Fitch 2199 2299Black Rex 3301Blue Rex 3302White Rex 3303Chinchilla Rex 3304Misc. Mutations Rex 3305Dalmatian Rex 3306Orange Rex 3309Castor Rex 3386Chinchilla 3387White Chinchilla 3388Shadow Chinchilla 3389Violet Chinchilla 3390Brown Chinchilla 3396Black Velvet 3398Blue Chinchilla 3399Nutria 5367Fitch wild 5368Stonemarten 5369Finnraccoon farmed 3480Blue Fox 25Shadow Fox 26White Fox 27Arctic Pearl Fox 28Arctic Dawn Fox 29Sapphire Blue Fox 30Tundra Fox 31Lapponia Fox 32Burgundy Gold Fox 33Burgundy Cross Fox 34Alaska Blue Fox 35Polar Beige Fox 36Burgundy Platinum Fox 37Misc. Blue Foxes 38Misc. Shadow Foxes 39Silver Fox 40Blue Frost Fox 41Shadow Blue Frost Fox 42Golden Island Fox 43Golden Island Shadow Fox 44Northern Light Fox 45Glazier Fox 46Platinum Fox 47Platinum Shadow Fox 48Arctic Marble Fox 49Arctic Marble White Fox 50Amber Marble Fox 51Pearl Marble Fox 52Misc. Foxes 53Red Fox 54Sapphire Fox 55Sapphire Marble Fox 56Gold Fox 57Gold Cross Fox 58Silver Cross Fox 59Platinum Gold Fox 60Sun Glo Fox 61Snow Glow Fox 62Misc. Red Foxes 63Arctic Beige Fox 64Platinum Blue Fox 65Moon Glow Fox 66Silver Fox Brown Type 67Platinum Pearl Fox 68White Face Fox 69Shadow Blue Frost Brown Type 70Sapphire Frost Fox 71Burgundy Fox 72Fawn Light Fox 73Platinum Cross Fox 74Arctic Marble Blue Fox 75Amber Fox 76Arctic Marble Cross Fox 77Blue Frost Fox Brown Type 78Platinum Sapphire Frost Fox 79Fire Cross Fox 80Fire Gold Fox 81Arctic Fire Fox 82Arctic Golden Island Fox 83Sapphire Gold Fox 84Pearl Gold Fox 85Pearl Fox 86Pearl Cross Fox 87Burgundy Marble Fox 88Shadow Sapphire Frost Fox 89Amber Platinum Fox 90Fawn Light Shadow Fox 91Northern Light Shadow Fox 92Platinum Polar Fox 93Sapphire Shadow Fox 94Red Fox wild 5001

36 <strong>SEASONAL</strong> <strong>INFORMATION</strong> <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>2013</strong>KOPENHAGEN FUR37Explanation ofskin codesInternational FURexhibitionAuctions and fur fairsARBRCHCOCTDTFAFHFLFYGRHUKHKVLHMAMISMSPTOULVBWDWIZILeather chipBreedersChipCoarseContrastBad markingFlatUneven napSpottedHeavyGreasy skinsWhite woolShort napQuality IIILong napMattedStainedNarrow skinsSprinklersTornWoollyDamagedWater damagedWide skinsSilverytHe fur exhibition in Denmark willtake place in Herning from 21 to 23March <strong>2013</strong>.For many years the fur exhibition hasmanifested itself as the world’s largest. Theexhibition is not only for skins, but includesan extraordinarily range of the latest farmequipment and other articles for fur breeding.A large number of farmers and peoplefrom all over the world with connection tothe trade are visiting the exhibi tion annuallyto seek new inspiration. Participation is freeand the exhibited skins will subsequently beoffered at <strong>Kopenhagen</strong> <strong>Fur</strong>.If you have any questions concerning theexhibition, please contact <strong>Kopenhagen</strong> <strong>Fur</strong>or our representatives.Saga fursDecember 18.12–21.12.<strong>2012</strong>March 13.03–18.03.<strong>2013</strong>June 07.06–12.06.<strong>2013</strong>September 19.09–23.09.<strong>2013</strong>American Legend, SeattleMarch 21.03–25.03.<strong>2013</strong>May 19.05–23.05.<strong>2013</strong>north American <strong>Fur</strong> Auctions, TorontoFebruary 17.02–23.02.<strong>2013</strong>May/June 28.05–04.06.<strong>2013</strong>FAIRSBeijing <strong>Fur</strong> Fair 15.01–18.01.<strong>2013</strong>Hong Kong <strong>Fur</strong> Fair 25.02–28.02.<strong>2013</strong>MIFUR 03.03–06.03.<strong>2013</strong><strong>Fur</strong> Excellence Athens 26.03–29.03.<strong>2013</strong><strong>Fur</strong> Fair of Kastoria 25.04–28.04.<strong>2013</strong>

38 <strong>SEASONAL</strong> <strong>INFORMATION</strong> <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>2013</strong>KOPENHAGEN FUR39CHINCHILLADelivery deadlinesDeliveryFinal deadlines at <strong>Kopenhagen</strong> <strong>Fur</strong>December <strong>2012</strong> 10.08.<strong>2012</strong>February <strong>2013</strong> 12.10.<strong>2012</strong>April <strong>2013</strong> 23.11.<strong>2012</strong>June <strong>2013</strong> 01.02.<strong>2013</strong>September <strong>2013</strong> 10.05.<strong>2013</strong>December <strong>2013</strong> 09.08.<strong>2013</strong>DELIVERYSTATIONFARMERPOSTALDELIVERYDELIVERY DEADLINE FOR THE INTERNATIONAL FUR EXHIBITION 04.01.<strong>2013</strong>DELIVERYDEPARTMENTUNPACKINGOF SKINSDRESSINGSORTINGSIZING

40 <strong>SEASONAL</strong> <strong>INFORMATION</strong> <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>2013</strong>KOPENHAGEN FUR41CHINCHILLASales feeThe dressing fee amounts to DKK 58.00per skinThe sales fee amounts to DKK 18.00per skinFee for bad scrapingExtra fee DKK 50.00per skinChinchilla skins, which have been scrapedbadly, require extra work for the dresser toobtain a good sales price. In order to coverthe costs in connection with the dressing ofthese skins we will charge an extra fee.In order to maximize your earnings werecommend a correct pelting.PELTING DVDTo improve the quality of the pelting work<strong>Kopenhagen</strong> <strong>Fur</strong> has produced a film whichshows how the pelting should be donecorrectly. The film is on DVD and may beordered free of charge from Farmer Service.TagsIn June you will receive a form concerningexpected delivery. This form generates thebar code tags for the next season.Extra tags from previous seasons can beused for the next batch of skins.Tags may also be ordered from FarmerService. Please note that it takes approx.two weeks from ordering until the tags aredelivered.Delivery of skinsPlease note that we are receiving moreskins at present than we can possibly offerat each individual auction this season.However, we aim to offer skins from allfarmers at the relevant auctions.The bar code tagAll skins should be marked with bar codetags. Below you will find a tag and an illustrationhow to fix the tag to the skins.Please note that tags should always be fixedthrough the ears.The tag should be fixed to the leather side.The plastic strip should be pulled throughthe ear holes and through the hole of thetag. When you close the strip, the nooseshould be as large as possible. Checkwhether or not the strip is locked by pullingstrongly on the noose.Please remember to cut the strip.

42 <strong>SEASONAL</strong> <strong>INFORMATION</strong> <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>2013</strong>KOPENHAGEN FUR43CHINCHILLAPOSTstandardisationSkinsIn order to optimise the unpacking of skins,we will send you some plastic bags togetherwith the proforma invoices. Put the proformainvoice into the bag, before fasteningit on the box/envelope with skins.As it is important to standardise the skins,the leather side of the skins should beshaped to fit the size of the templa te.Templates can be ordered at <strong>Kopenhagen</strong> <strong>Fur</strong>.00000012In order to avoid the discardence of largequantities of skins you have the possibilityof having some of your low quality skinsevaluated prior to sorting. You may sendskins which are considered as having nopotential value after sorting.Here they will be evaluated and you willbe informed as to which skins have beendiscarded. Skins that are accepted will besent to dressing, compliant with normalconditions, and will be included in the assortment.Presorting is free of charge.As raw Chinchilla skins have many hiddenfaults, you may risk that skins which at firsthave been accepted by <strong>Kopenhagen</strong> <strong>Fur</strong> willbe discarded after dressing. For these skinsyou must pay the dressing fee.Fold the proforma invoicethree times and put it intothe bag.Close the bag and pull offthe back.Fasten the bag on the box/envelope.Please remember to clearly write“Presorting”on the package and the proformainvoiceN.B. Please remember that skins cannot bereturned.

44 <strong>SEASONAL</strong> <strong>INFORMATION</strong> <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>2013</strong>KOPENHAGEN FUR45CHINCHILLAFill in the proforma invoice correctly1 6 5 4 321. Name and addressCheck that the area has been correctly filled in with name, address, postal codeand town.2. Country of originWrite the country of origin.3. Account no.Check that the account no. and your VAT no. have been correctly filled in.60, LangagervejDK-2600 GlostrupDenmarkTel. +45 43 26 10 00Fax +45 43 26 11 26INDLEVERINGSSEDDEL NR.NAVNNAMENAMEADR.ADR.ADD.Ønskes forskud (kun medlemmer af <strong>Kopenhagen</strong> <strong>Fur</strong>) - sæt XMarker ønsket auktion (en indleveringsseddel pr. auktion)Gewünschte Auktion markieren (ein Lieferschein pro Auktion)Mark chosen auction (one delivery note for each auction)CHINCHILLA PROFORMARECHNUNG/PROFORMA INVOICEKOPENHAGEN FURSCVR NR./UST.-ID.NR./VAT NO.KONTO/ACCOUNTDATUM/DATE / 20CHINCHILLADK1527541343. KOPENHAGEN FURKONTROLDEC. FEB. APRIL JUNI/ SEPT.JUNEAVLERS CVR NR./ZÜCHTERS UST.-ID.NR./FARMER’S VAT NO.Oprindelsesland/Ursprungsland/Country of originWert nur für Zollzwecke/Value only for customs purchaseHiermit akzeptiere ich, daß Felle, die von meiner Farm an <strong>Kopenhagen</strong><strong>Fur</strong> oder an eine von <strong>Kopenhagen</strong> <strong>Fur</strong> zugelassene Sammelstellegeliefert werden, als Sicherheit für Schulden gegenüber <strong>Kopenhagen</strong><strong>Fur</strong> geltend gemacht werden können.I hereby accept that skins delivered from my farm to <strong>Kopenhagen</strong> <strong>Fur</strong>or one of <strong>Kopenhagen</strong> <strong>Fur</strong> authorised delivery stations are pledged assecurity for debts owed by myself to <strong>Kopenhagen</strong> <strong>Fur</strong> at any time.DATUM/DATE / 204. DateFill in the date of dispatch.5. Number of skinsWrite the number of skins delivered.DANSK/DEUTSCH/ENGLISHHar indleveret de herpå følgende skind til salg i henholdtil <strong>Kopenhagen</strong> <strong>Fur</strong>s salgsbetingelser for Chinchilla.Hat die genannten Felle an den Verkaufsbedingungen<strong>Kopenhagen</strong> <strong>Fur</strong> für Chinchilla geliefert.Has delivered the number of skins stated in accordance with<strong>Kopenhagen</strong> <strong>Fur</strong>s sales conditions for Chinchilla.DK KOLLIKVITTERINGDe hvide felter udfyldes af avlerFØRSTE NR.ERSTE NR.FIRST NO.KOPENHAGEN FURSBEMÆRKNINGER/BEMERKUNGEN/REMARKSSIDSTE NR.LETZTE NR.LAST NO.DATOUDF. AF<strong>Kopenhagen</strong> <strong>Fur</strong>AVLERS BEMÆRKNINGERZÜCHTERS BEMERKUNGEN/FARMER’S REMARKSUNTERSCHRIFT DES ZÜCHTERS/FARMER’S SIGNATUREUdfyldes af <strong>Kopenhagen</strong> <strong>Fur</strong>Von <strong>Kopenhagen</strong> <strong>Fur</strong> auszufüllenTo be filled in by <strong>Kopenhagen</strong> <strong>Fur</strong>ANZAHL KOLLI/NUMBER OF COLLIMODTAGET DATO6. Required auctionMark an X for the auction that you require. Remember: only one proforma invoiceper auction. Check the delivery deadline.ANTAL KOLLIKVITTERING FOR MODTAGNE KOLLICHINCHILLA DKKGESAMTBETRAG IN DKK/TOTAL AMOUNT IN DKKJE FELLEACHDKK7. Serial number of tagsWrite down the first and last serial number of tags. Multiple series should only begiven if tag numbers are missing.97 8 108. Farmer’s remarksThis column is for messages between farmers and <strong>Kopenhagen</strong> <strong>Fur</strong>. If it isimportant, please call <strong>Kopenhagen</strong> <strong>Fur</strong>.9. <strong>Kopenhagen</strong> <strong>Fur</strong>’s remarksThis column is for messages between <strong>Kopenhagen</strong> <strong>Fur</strong> and farmers.10. Proforma invoiceFill in the date and sign.

46 <strong>SEASONAL</strong> <strong>INFORMATION</strong> <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>2013</strong>KOPENHAGEN FUR47CHINCHILLASortingExplanation of the sorting categoriesTypeDeliveryStandard chinchilla Black Velvet chinchilla Brown chinchilla Blue chinchillaTypeStandard chinchilla Black Velvet chinchilla Brown chinchilla Blue chinchillaStandard cHinchillawith white sides and Grey andblack backa very dark type with Blackhead and PronouncedBlackness of the backAll brownishChinchilla typesall bluish cHinchilla typesPurpleSilkYPurplePlatinumSILKYSIZE40 30 00 0 1 2 3over 40 cm 38-40 cm 36-38 cm 34-36 cm 32-34 cm 30-32 cm Under 30 cmCOLOURXXXDark XXDark XDark dark medium PaleQUALITYA B LOWGRADESBurgundy IB IIVB1 VB2 VB3Platinum IA VB4 STAINEDCLARITY1 2 3 4Printing of catalogue/Making up the lots (on hangers)Purple silky Purple Platinum silky Platinum IA BurgundyA heavy faultlessskin with a silkysurfaceA heavy faultlessskinA heavy skin withminor faults with asilky surfaceSIZE40 30 00 0 1 2 3over 40 cm 38 - 40 cm 36-38 cm 34-36 cm 32-34 cm 30-32 cm Under 30 cmCOLOURXXXDark XXDark XDark dark medium PaleThe darkest skin a dark skin ofGood characterwhere the colouralso permeatesthe woola dark skin with aGood characterQUALITYtHe ‘’golden mean’’ a light skin lackingin characterA heavy skin withminor faultsPURPLE ANDPLATINUM WITHFAULTS. CHIP WITHSMALL DAMAGES UPTO 1 CM AND SKINSWITH YELLOW/GREYSIDEStHe lightest skina flat butfaultless skinIB II VB1 VB2 VB3 VB4Inspection/saleCHIPBURGUNDY WITHSMALL DAMAGES UPTO 1 CMa flat skin withfaultsA SKIN DAMAGED UPTO 1-3 CMa skin damaged upto 33%a skin damaged upto 60%a skin damagedup to 100%CLARITY1 2 3 4Bluish skin Greyish skin Brownish skin Brown skin

48 <strong>SEASONAL</strong> <strong>INFORMATION</strong> <strong>2012</strong>/<strong>2013</strong>KOPENHAGEN FUR49Explanation of skin codessUPPLementary information (Si1 and Si2):DB Weak bellyDT Bad markingSI SilkyC H1 C h i pLowgrades (Lg1 and Lg2):MI StainedMI1 Stained (clarity 5+6)MI2 Stained (more than clarity 6)MI/VB Stained and damaged skinsHighest degree of MIVB DamagedVB1 Skins damaged up to 1-3 cm of the skinVB2 Skins damaged up to 33% of the skinVB3 Skins damaged up to 60% of the skinVB4 Skins of no valueSkins damaged up to 100% of the skinVB/MI Damaged and stained skinsHighest degree of VBAbbreviations:Cno Consecutive no.Qu QualitySz SizeCol ColourCl ClaritySi Supplementary informationLg Lowgrades

<strong>Kopenhagen</strong> <strong>Fur</strong>Langagervej 60DK-2600 Glostrupkopenhagenfur.com

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