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These are just a few of the results of yourbody rigidly maintaining that pH at 7.365.So it’s true - you can’t change your pH.As a race, we’ve seemingly been TRYINGto for decades, but it’s stayed there, despiteevery modern, refined, junk <strong>food</strong> wecan throw at it.You can’t change your pH.The goal of the <strong>alkaline</strong> diet is to givethe body everything it needs to keep itthere!We’re giving the body all of the nourishmentwe can to help support the body, tomaintain this pH, to keep the homeostasis.Because when the body is in balance -it THRIVES.MYTH #2: Why Eat Alkaline When theStomach is Acid?This one is much easier. The stomach isnot a big pit of acid, swishing around 24/7.It is an incredibly clever organ of digestion,which produces hydrochloric acid ondemandto digest the <strong>food</strong>s you eat andprepare them for nutrient extraction in thelarge intestine. There are two things goingon here. Firstly, the stomach acid does notburn, melt and destroy all <strong>food</strong>s to nothinglike you’d imagine an acid doing thatin a science class. It simply prepares themfor the next stage of digestion, where thenutrients (i.e. the <strong>alkaline</strong> minerals, antioxidants,vitamins etc) can be extracted anddispersed around the body.Secondly, tell me which produces moreacid in your stomach (reflux suffererswould be able to answer this one especiallyquickly): red wine and sugar or spinachand cucumbers?To digest acidic <strong>food</strong>s, especially theheavy ones and yeast/wheat laden ones,the stomach has to produce a LOT morehydrochloric acid than to digest cucumber,celery, spinach, kale, watercress, lettuce,carrots and so on.And the constant over-production of hydrochloricacid, which then has to beneutralised to base before it causes issuesis hugely stressful to the body. And whenthere is too much to neutralise? It has ahuge knock-on effect to the body, withthe very first symptom being acid travellingback up the esophagus with heartburnand reflux being felt (and it rapidly getsway worse than this).And finally, to squash this myth once andfor all: if the stomach is acid so it doesn’tmatter what the pH is because the stomachwill dissolve it all in acidity, then wemay as well go on stuffing ourselves full ofcakes, ice-cream, chocolate, pizza, chips,fast <strong>food</strong>s and so on. Because the stomachis just full of acid anyway, why doesit matter whether it’s an acidic or <strong>alkaline</strong><strong>food</strong>, right?You get the point!6the <strong>alkaline</strong> diet myths

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