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I really recommend a supplement toensure you get enough and Udo’sChoice is my personal favourite.If you want to learn more about Fats& Oils I really recommend Udo’s websitehere and also check this article Iwrote on oils back in April 2011: WhyEssential Fatty Acids are So Essentialwhich you can find on my blog.This is another 80/20 suggestion – itis SO easy to just have 30ml of omega3 every day (even if you just buystraight flax oil and use this in salads)but it will make a HUGE difference.Note: Omega 6 and 9 are also importantbut we tend to get enough ofthose through consumption of oliveoils, vegetable oils etc - for now focuson omega 3..I also strongly recommend adding atleast a teaspoon of coconut oil toyour daily diet too.It has now become completely confirmedthrough research what we hadbeen thinking in the natural healthworld for some time: that this saturatedfat is GOOD for you, and the bodyneeds it to thrive!Coconut oil is the healthiest oil to cookwith as it doesn’t become toxic whenexposed to heat, light and air like otheroils - so an easy way to get your tspper day is to just use it in cooking.It has been proven to speed metabolism,strengthen heart health, reduceoxidation in the body, fight inflammation,encourage unwanted fat to shift,ease digestion, support the immunesystem and stop sugar cravings!81Step Three: HydrationMost people are living their liveschronically dehydrated. Unless youare drinking at least 3 litres of clean,pure water every day, you’re in thatcategory.It turns out that most minor ailmentsincluding fatigue, many digestiveissues, reflux, candida, headaches,low immunity and frequent colds,low libido, bad skin, foggy thinkingand more are all a direct symptom ofchronic dehydration.In fact, when I first start working withsomeone and they tell me how theyonly drink 2-3 glasses of water perday it makes me jump for joy.Not because I’m mean or weird. Butbecause I KNOW what a huge, instantimpact it is going to make for them tostart properly hydrating!They will literally get instant results -and so could you.It is widely considered that just a 5%drop in body fluids can lead to a 25-30% loss of energy. This could be ahuge problem, but it’s so easy to fix!You simply have to start drinking aminimum of 3 litres of water (100 fl oz)every day.

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