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80As per point two, above in my five priciples– you have to focus on the small,simple stuff that has the most impactand in my opinion, getting green <strong>food</strong>sin is the single most powerful thing youcan do to dramatically change yourhealth, energy and vitality.You have to get greens in and while thismay seem daunting – here are a fewsuggestions to make it a LOT easier andless intimidating:Have a salad with every meal:Carry on eating what you’d normallyhave eaten, but just add a side salad(no unhealthy dressings though!). ThisTOTALLY takes the pressure off but thecumulative effect of having several saladsa day will have a big impact.Disguise green <strong>food</strong>s:You can shave broccoli heads with aknife over <strong>food</strong>s or into pasta sauce givingyou heaps of broccoli, but you can’tsee, taste or smell it. OR wilt spinachdown with a little butter, salt and pepper– this gives you a HUGE amount ofspinach in just a couple of mouthfuls.OR make pasta sauce by blendingtomatoes with steamed pumpkin, broccoli,spinach, watercress etc. When it’sall blended down it still tastes very richand tomato-ey, but you’ve got a heap ofgreen <strong>food</strong>s in there too!Get into Sprouts:Sounds weird but it’s SO worth it –sprouts are sprouted seeds of plantssuch as broccoli which, when harvestedat the sprout stage, contain all (or more)of the nutritional content of the fullygrown plant – this means you can easilyeat one handful and get a HUGE hitof nutrients. I’ve blogged heaps aboutsprouts (and have a guide coming) soclick here to read all about sprouts.Making sure you up your green <strong>food</strong>consumption from 0-1 times per day to3-5 times per day is easy and it will blowyour mind the difference it makes. Yourbody will thank you, I can absolutely assureyou.Step Two: Get Oiled Up!This is another really easy fix and issomething 90% of people are notcurrently doing:You HAVE to get at LEAST 2 tablespoonsof Omega 3 EVERY dayEating more oily fish is great for thehealth benefits this can bring, butyou’d have to eat a really silly amountto get enough omega 3 – and thisgoes twofold for eating nuts andseeds to get enough omega 3.Omega 3 deficiency was named in aHarvard Medical School researchpaper as being the 6th Biggest Killer inthe USA – yes it’s that important.It’s critical for our health, energy,metabolism, cardiovascular system,eyes, hair, skin, digestive system…everything – yet around 90% of peoplein the Western world are chronicallydeficient.If you change nothing else but add 2tablespoons (30ml) of omega 3 to yourdiet you will really see a massive differencein your body.

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