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Cucumber55The beauty of cucumber is it’s water content – 95%.That is phenomenal and you won’t find that anywhereelse. It’s the daddy of water-content. Thisof course makes it an incredibly hydrating <strong>food</strong> toconsume, that ALSO contains superb amounts ofantioxidants, including the super-important lignans.These highly beneficial polyphenols have morecommonly been associated with the cruciferousvegetables, but their content in other veggies suchas cucumbers is gaining more and more attention.Cucumbers contain a right load of lariciresinol,pinoresinol, and secoisolariciresinol (don’t try topronounce), three lignans that have a huge andvery strong history of research in connection withreduced risk of cardiovascular disease as well asseveral cancer types, including breast, uterine, ovarian,and prostate cancers.The best thing about cucumber is that they providethe base for practically every <strong>alkaline</strong> soup, smoothieand juice – giving you a very <strong>alkaline</strong>, very nutritiousbase that also tastes great.Nutrients per 1 CupVitamin K: 23% RDAMolybdenum: 8% RDAVitamin C: 6% RDAPotassium: 5% RDAManganese: 5% RDAIn terms of the actual nutrient RDA per serve,cucumbers contain fair amounts of vitamins K andC, and slightly less of vitamin A and the B vitamins.Cucumbers also contain the following <strong>alkaline</strong>minerals: calcium, iron, phosphorus, potassium,magnesium, selenium, copper, manganese, iron andzinc.Research on Cucumber:Kumar D, Kumar S, Singh J, et al. Free RadicalScavenging and Analgesic Activities of Cucumissativus L. Fruit Extract. J Young Pharm. 2010Oct;2(4):365-8. 2010.Magnesium: 4%RDAMilder IEJ, Arts ICW, van de Putte B et al. Lignancontents of Dutch plant <strong>food</strong>s: a database includinglariciresinol, pinoresinol, secoisolariciresinoland matairesinol. Br J Nutr 2005, 93:393-402.2005.Rios JL, Recio MC, Escandell JM, et al. Inhibitionof transcription factors by plant-derived compoundsand their implications in inflammation andcancer. Curr Pharm Des. 2009;15(11):1212-37.Review. 2009.Tang J, Meng X, Liu H et al. Antimicrobial activityof sphingolipids isolated from the stems ofcucumber (Cucumis sativus L.). Molecules. 2010Dec 15;15(12):9288-97. 2010.

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