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Factors That Make a Food Acidic29And if a <strong>food</strong> has ANY of these boxes ticked, it’s most likely acidic:• Does it Contain Sugar: sugar is the biggestcontributor to whether a <strong>food</strong> isacidic or <strong>alkaline</strong>. Avoid sugar as muchas possible!• Does it Contain Yeast: similar to sugar,yeast is next on the ‘avoid’ list – yeastbased <strong>food</strong>s are always acidic.• Is it Fermented: fermentation makes<strong>food</strong>s acidic. End of. Miso, tempeh, applecider vinegar, kombucha etc. are allacid forming• Does it Contain Dairy: dairy is next onthe list! Avoid – acidic and mucousforming.• Is it Refined: the more ‘prepared’ and‘refined’ a <strong>food</strong> is, the more likely it isto be acid forming. Aim for fresh whereverpossible.• Does it Contain Gluten: gluten is one ofthe most inflammatory, acidifying substancesknown to man. Avoid glutencontaining<strong>food</strong>s as much as possible.What This Means: Alkaline & Acid Made EasyWith this methodology, you should now be able to self-select whenever you’re on thego without your copy of my <strong>alkaline</strong> <strong>food</strong> <strong>chart</strong> handy, at a restaurant, eating out withfriends and so on!This should make your life a lot easier!is it <strong>alkaline</strong>?

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