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27Is it <strong>alkaline</strong>? Who doyou trust?When you’re first starting the <strong>alkaline</strong> diet,one of the most frustrating things is seeingsuch inconsistencies between the <strong>food</strong><strong>chart</strong>s that are out there on the internet.I want to clear this up for you, once andfor all, right now!In general there are two methodologies outthere for determining the alkalinity or acidityof a <strong>food</strong>s and this is what the <strong>alkaline</strong><strong>food</strong> <strong>chart</strong>s (like mine here) are basedupon.There is one KEY difference between thesemethods and to me it determines whetherit is correct or not, and also explains theinconsistencies between lists.Method One: PRALThe Potential Renal Acid Load (PRAL)method is very accurate for many uses,but not the <strong>alkaline</strong> diet. This is the methodused by 90% of <strong>alkaline</strong> <strong>food</strong> <strong>chart</strong>sout there, but it is sadly misleading andcan lead to errors being made by beginners(see my Biggest Alkaline Diet Mistakespost here).The PRAL method measures the alkalinityor acidity of a <strong>food</strong> by burning it down toan ash residue and then measuring the pHof that ash.This is all well and good….BUT….theburning burns away two of the biggestdeterminants of whether a <strong>food</strong> is <strong>alkaline</strong>formingor acid-forming: yeast and (mostimportantly) sugar.Ahh – did you see the distinction there?The KEY here is not whether a <strong>food</strong> is acidor <strong>alkaline</strong>. The key is whether the <strong>food</strong> isacid-forming or <strong>alkaline</strong>-forming to thebody once consumed.Understanding this key distinction will unlockeverything I am about to teach you.It also explains why lots of <strong>chart</strong>s showfruit as <strong>alkaline</strong> forming (the PRAL methodburns off all the sugar, the principle reasonwhy fruit is acid forming) and other inconsistencies.Method Two: The Effect on the BodyPrincipally, this approach (which my <strong>alkaline</strong><strong>food</strong> <strong>chart</strong> is based on) comes fromthe founding work of the major researcherof the <strong>alkaline</strong> diet Robert Young. He hasamassed a list of <strong>food</strong>s as acid-forming or<strong>alkaline</strong>-forming based upon the resultsfrom his blood work (and samples of over40,000 live blood analysis tests).This approach is then supplemented bycommon sense and the rules I’m about toteach you.why are <strong>alkaline</strong> <strong>food</strong> <strong>chart</strong>s so different?

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