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Alkaline Diet Helps with Kidney Issues:Seminars in Dialysis Journal, 200021An acidic diet can be a contributor to renal(kidney) problems, and dietetic interventionwith <strong>alkaline</strong> <strong>food</strong>s and substances can beadvantageous.Article Title: ACID-BASE IN RENAL FAIL-URE: Influence of Diet on Acid-Base BalanceArticle Published: Seminars in DialysisVolume 13, Issue 4, pages 221–226, July–August 2000Authors: Thomas Remer“It is well established that diet and certain<strong>food</strong> components have a clear impact onacid-base balance. Because urine pH is arelevant risk factor in most types of urinarystone disease, a dietetic manipulation ofrenal hydrogen ion excretion would beadvantageous for a number of individualsat risk. Also patients with poorly functioningkidneys – in whom metabolic acidosisis a common manifestation of an impairedrenal capacity to excrete the daily acidproduced – could benefit from specific dieteticmeans that reduce daily acid load.”Alkaline Water Reduces Acid RefluxAnnals of Otology, Rhinology & Laryngology, 2012Alkaline Water helps to relieve and removeacid reflux and provides good acid-bufferingcapacity.Article Title: Potential Benefits of pH 8.8Alkaline Drinking Water as an Adjunct inthe Treatment of Reflux DiseaseArticle Published: Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol.2012 Jul;121(7):431-4.Authors: Jamie A. Koufman, MD; NikkiJohnston, PhD“In addition, human pepsin remains stableat pH 7.4 and may be reactivated by hydrogenions from any source. Thus, mosttap and bottled waters (typically pH 6.7 to7.4) would not be expected to affect pepsinstability.The purposes of these in vitro studies wereto investigate whether artesian well watercontaining natural bicarbonate (pH 8.8)might irreversibly denature (inactivate) humanpepsin, and to establish its potentialacid-buffering capacity.The pH 8.8 <strong>alkaline</strong> water irreversibly inactivatedhuman pepsin (in vitro), and itshydrochloric acid-buffering capacity farexceeded that of the conventional-pHwaters. Unlike conventional drinking water,pH 8.8 <strong>alkaline</strong> water instantly denaturespepsin, rendering it permanently inactive.In addition, it has good acid-buffering capacity.Thus, the consumption of <strong>alkaline</strong>water may have therapeutic benefits forpatients with reflux disease.<strong>alkaline</strong> diet proof

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