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Alkaline Diet Can Prevent and Stop Progressionof Type 2 Diabetes:Metabolic Syndrome & Related Disorders Journal, 201020An adoption of the “HFV” diet that replicatesthe <strong>alkaline</strong> diet (lots of vegetables,fresh <strong>food</strong>s and no red meat, processed<strong>food</strong>s, sugar etc) has been proven to slowand turn around type-2 diabetes.Article Title: Prevention of Type 2 Diabetesby Dietary Patterns: A SystematicReview of Prospective Studies and Meta-AnalysisArticle Published: Metabolic Syndromeand Related Disorders. December 2010,8(6): 471-476. doi:10.1089/met.2010.0009Takeaway Quote:“Dietary patterns characterized by highconsumption of fruit and vegetables,whole grains, fish, and poultry, and bydecreased consumption of red meat,processed <strong>food</strong>s, sugar-sweetened beverages,and starchy <strong>food</strong>s may retard theprogression of type 2 diabetes.Healthy diets can help people to live moreyears without type 2 diabetes.”Authors: Katherine Esposito, Christina-Maria Kastorini, Demosthenes B. Panagiotakos,and Dario Giugliano.Low Alkaline, High Acidic Diet Leads to High Riskof Obesity and Type 2 DiabetesMedical Hypotheses Journal, 2005High acidic, low <strong>alkaline</strong> diet leads tocortisol production, known to dramaticallyincrease the risk of obesity and type 2diabetes.Article Title: Acid–base balance may influencerisk for insulin resistance syndromeby modulating cortisol outputArticle Published: Medical HypothesesVolume 64, Issue 2, 2005, Pages 380–384Authors: Mark F. McCarty“Recent evidence suggests that the moderatemetabolic acidosis associated with aprotein-rich diet low in organic potassiumsalts – can likewise evoke a modest increasein cortisol production.Since cortisol promotes development ofvisceral obesity, and has a direct negativeimpact on insulin function throughout thebody, it may have the potential to increaserisk for insulin resistance syndrome andtype 2 diabetes. This report correlates highpotassium consumption, or a high intakeof fruits and vegetables, with reduced riskfor diabetes and coronary disease.”<strong>alkaline</strong> diet proof

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