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QUESTION 10: Can I Still Eat Meat & Be Alkaline?16This is a very important question for some,and the good news is that no you don’thave to give up meat completely if youwant to be <strong>alkaline</strong>.This is where the <strong>alkaline</strong> diet and paleodiet meet!In fact, the <strong>alkaline</strong> diet and paleo arepractically identical except for the inclusionof lots of meat on the paleo approach.(I actually jokingly refer to the Paleo Dietas Alkaline + A Little Meat)So if you want to be both <strong>alkaline</strong> ANDpaleo, just follow this simple rule for yourmeat consumption:Eat meat sparingly, maybe cut down to2-3 times per week, and go for quality overquantity.Remember, my approach to the <strong>alkaline</strong>diet is all about making it easy, enjoyableand stress free. It is about making it somethingyou can do with your eyes closed, onauto-pilot if you will.And if the thought of giving up any particularthing is scary for you - don’t give it up!Start slow, keep it in there as a treat andjust slowly transition away from it, a bitmore each week, until you feel it’s totally inyour ‘treat’ bucket, and under control.— Don’t try to be perfect from day one!Make meat the side show instead of thestar of the show. Rather than quantity, gofor quality. Spend the same amount ofmoney on your serve of meat but buy thehighest quality you can. The portion willbe smaller, but more enjoyable for you andmore nutrient-rich (higher quality).<strong>alkaline</strong> diet questions

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