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For testing urine, let some urine flow beforetesting as this will give more of anaverage reading.It is also a good idea totest 2-3 times in a day in order to get anaverage, as first thing in the morning thebody has retained fluids over a long periodof time and it will engage in differentprocesses to remove acid wastes from thebody throughout the day (depending onactivity and diet).Why the Differences and Fluctuations?The reason that there is such a differencebetween your urine and saliva readings isthat a) your mouth is more likely to containacidic bacteria throughout the day (if youbrush your teeth it will show a very high<strong>alkaline</strong> reading due to the toothpaste sothere is not much of a way around this)and b) because your urine is more of areflection of the processes the body is undertakingto remove acid from the body.Both of these are therefore subject tofluctuations. I would recommend takingthe average of several readings to gain abigger picture of your progress rather thanconcentrating on each reading in isolation.A reading of anywhere between 6.75-7.0+is excellent for saliva as the saliva tendsto be slightly more acidic. For the urine, aslightly higher pH level of 7.5 upwards isgreat, but remember that due to the kidneysprocessing of toxins throughout theday, the urine can give a more erratic reading.To put all of this into perspective, someonewho eats a typical Western diet wouldbe more likely to have a saliva pH averageof about 5.5-6.0. This may not seemtoo much lower, however it is important toremember that the pH scale is logarithmic– meaning each step is ten times the previousi.e. 4.5 is 10 times more acidic than5.5 which is 100 times more acidic than6.5 and so on.Remember:Testing the pH of your saliva or urine isonly going to give you a general trend. Unfortunately,there is no way of determiningthe EXACT pH of the blood without undergoinga live blood analysis. However, theycan give a good indication – so test, test,test and take the average and then followthis trend over time noticing the differenceany changes in your diet can make.15QUESTION 9: Can I become too <strong>alkaline</strong>?Basically, yes, you can become over-<strong>alkaline</strong>,of course. This is very, very difficult toachieve! Your body is constantly creatingacids in it’s daily workings, which is whywe need to focus on eating 80/20 <strong>alkaline</strong><strong>food</strong>s to help to neutralise these acids. Weobviously make things worse by eating anddrinking acidic forming substances too.But if we did manage to eat SO <strong>alkaline</strong>that your cells and body fluids went above7.365 then your body would simply bufferthis to regulate you back down to the correctpH.The effect on your body would be similarto that if you were too acid. And given that99% of us are too acid 99% of the time(yet we are still walking and functioning ashumans!) then I don’t think it would havetoo much of an effect on us. You’d probablyfeel pretty similar to how you do rightnow.Plus it would be pretty short lived as, like Imentioned, the body does create acids all ofthe time, so you’d soon be neutralised!the top ten <strong>alkaline</strong> diet questions

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