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4. AntioxidantsI strongly recommend adding a good antioxidantsupplement to your daily regime.I don’t want you to get too bogged downwith resveratrol vs pine bark vs green teaextract and so on, just aim to get a good,solid, supplement that contains a nicerange of ingredients.Oxidation kills cells, causes free radicalformation, surpresses the immune system,causes inflammation and ages your bodyfrom the inside out.It’s important that alongside giving yourbody the <strong>alkaline</strong> nourishment it needs torepair and thrive, you also give it the supportof antioxidants to fight this oxidation.If you supplement with these four nutrients,maintain a good balance of<strong>alkaline</strong> to acid-forming <strong>food</strong>s, stayhydrated and stay as free from stress aspossible, you’re going to see BIG results!13QUESTION 6: Where do I get protein from?That is a very, very valid question – butI think it is in the wrong context…but I’llget onto that. The first question you needto ask yourself is ‘How Much Protein DoI Need?’. Difficult question. Dr Youngstates that the average person needs nomore than 20g per day, but this obviouslychanges if you work out or lead a very activelife. I personally aim for around 50g,but certainly nowhere near the heights ofsome trainers who propose you shouldhave at least 1-2g’s per kg of body weight.I suggest you find your own level that youare happy with, within this range (of 20-100g) and then consider where you will getyour protein from. When most people askthis about the <strong>alkaline</strong> diet it is more out offear that they are not going to get enough– but the more pertinent question is – whatis your source of protein i.e. make sure it isa good source!On an <strong>alkaline</strong> diet, without any furthersupplementation I consume at least 30g ofprotein a day, which is more than enoughfor the body to function, grow and develop.This level often tops 60g with theintroduction of tofu, soy milk etc.I also supplement with an organic sproutedbrown rice protein at the moment becauseI’m hitting the gym pretty hard, butthis isn’t essential.Food Sources of Protein on the AlkalineDiet – but to answer your original question,when you’re living <strong>alkaline</strong> you get morethan enough protein from:– tofu & soy (if you’re not opposed to these)– nuts- nut milks– seeds– pulses– green leafy vegetablesThese provide plenty.the top ten <strong>alkaline</strong> diet questions

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