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1. Green Drink:Highly alkalising, highly nutrient dense andunbelievably good for you, green drinksare a must have for me. I can almost guaranteethat if you start having four greendrinks per day then you will almost instantlystart seeing the benefits. A rich sourceof chloropyhll, vitamins, minerals, antioxidantsand other nutrients – the greensinfuse your body with highly <strong>alkaline</strong> ingredientto cleanse, neutralise acids and giveyour body a huge energy boost.2. Healthy Fats:For optimal health, energy and wellnessI strongly urge you to give some focusto the omega 3 and coconut oil that youconsume.Omega 3:The important omega 3’s areALA, EPA and DHA. The human bodycannot make omega 3 on its own so it isessential that we supplement our diets.Omega 3 is also the fat that we are mostdeficient in. Experts suggest that we needbetween 20-40ml of omega 3 per day tofunction optimally. To get this through dietalone is difficult, even if we eat oily fishand nuts every single day. Go for a mix ofsources including flax, fish and krill andlook to get plenty in your diet as well asthrough the supplement.Coconut Oil: MCT are hard to come by,and almost all other oils we consume arelong chain. We specify coconut oil becauseit is almost always organic, is incrediblyresistant to heat, light and air (unlikeall other oils) so it can be cooked withand still healthy, and it tastes great!It’s no coincidence that the rise in brainand cognitive conditions, heart and cardiovascularconditions, cancers and otherdegenerative, chronic conditions haverisen in line with our obsession with cuttingALL fat out of our diets (the low-fat/no-fat <strong>food</strong> industry is worth $billions).Especially when you consider that 90% ofthe <strong>food</strong>s that are advertised as ‘low fat’are incredibly high in sugar. Just checkout the back of the packet of any ‘low fat’yoghurt. You’ll be stunned.Aim to get healthy fats into your supplementregime as soon as possible. Youdon’t have to spend the earth.3. Alkaline Minerals / Salts:Alkaline minerals are simply essential tomaintaining proper health, having abundantenergy and creating the balance inyour body that you need to thrive.The most <strong>alkaline</strong> minerals: potassium,magnesium, sodium and calcium are quiteeasy to find in any multi mineral, but I dorecommend a particular supplement calledpHour Salts from pH Miracle.It is a blend of those four <strong>alkaline</strong> mineralsin the bicarbonate form, which makesthem incredibly bioavailable to the bodyand form a powerful way to buffer dietaryacids (i.e. the ones you consume).If you can’t get pHour Salts, look for agood range multi mineral that is preferablysplit into two capsules per serve so youcan take one in the A.M. and one in theP.M.12the top ten <strong>alkaline</strong> diet questions

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