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While this does give a read of its alkalinityfrom the mineral content of the <strong>food</strong>,this is only half the picture. By burning itat such a high temperature they also burnaway all of the most acid-causing contentof the <strong>food</strong>, namely sugar. That is why onsome <strong>chart</strong>s high sugar fruits are listed as<strong>alkaline</strong>. Bananas for instance are high inthe <strong>alkaline</strong> mineral potassium, BUT theyare also 25% sugar which makes themextremely acidifying when we consumethem.Dr Young has also tested the blood(through live blood analysis) of over 40,000people and has seen first hand the effectdifferent <strong>food</strong>s have on the body. So hisclassification of acid/<strong>alkaline</strong> <strong>food</strong>s is reallythe most accurate and the most relevantto the effect <strong>food</strong>s have on our pH levels.For more detail on this, see page x.11QUESTION 4: How Long Will it Take to GetAlkalineThis is a question I am asked more thanmost, as you can imagine. And the answeris, it depends.As frustrating as that is to read, it reallydoes come down to a million, personalvariables. Not only is every body different,but everyone’s diet prior to going <strong>alkaline</strong>would be different too. Plus, is the goal toget a pH reading at a certain level or is itthe way you feel and look?It’s great to strive to get that pH readingof 7.365 on a daily basis, but much moreimportant than this is how you feel, the energyyou have and the confidence you feelabout your body and your health.To that end, simply getting going, feelingimprovements and getting noticeable benefitsis the first milestone to reach - andthat can happen within 24-48 hours.If you’ve been living a pretty acidic diet,with little or no hydration then by simplygetting hydrated, having a green juice andadding in healthy fats - you will see andfeel a huge impact within a day or two.For a lot of people, just getting properlyhydrated has a big impact within a day.It all depends on your goals, your backgroundand your own body’s response -but you will see measurable results withina week, at worstQUESTION 5: Which supplements do you recommend?This really is down to your own personalnutritional requirement, and I would alwaysrecommend speaking to a qualified nutritionistmaking any big dietary or lifestylechanges – but in my personal opinion andfrom the feedback from my customers Irecommend the following supplements asa solid cornerstone to any nutritional regime:the top ten <strong>alkaline</strong> diet questions

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