Hemoglobin Powder (AP301 PB) Digestibility trial ... - Kopenhagen Fur

Hemoglobin Powder (AP301 PB) Digestibility trial ... - Kopenhagen Fur

Hemoglobin Powder (AP301 PB) Digestibility trial ... - Kopenhagen Fur


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Danish <strong>Fur</strong> Breeders Telephone: +45 96 13 57 00 Bank: Nordea Bank Danmark A/SResearch Center Telefax: +45 97 43 52 77 SWIFT: NDEADKKKHerningvej 112 C, Tvis E-mail: pfr@pfr.dk Acct. no.: 2149-07511412707500 Holstebro Website: www.cfc.dk CVR-no.: 15275413<strong>Hemoglobin</strong> <strong>Powder</strong> (<strong>AP301</strong> <strong>PB</strong>)<strong>Digestibility</strong> <strong>trial</strong> (F238) with Mink (Mustela vison)Carsten Hejlesen, Danish <strong>Fur</strong> Breeders Research CenterReport concerning digestibility of hemoglobin powder (<strong>AP301</strong> <strong>PB</strong>) produced and delivered by APCEurope S.A., Silverwood Industial LDT, Craigavon Co. Armagh, North Irland BT666 ln.The <strong>trial</strong> was ordered and paid by APC, Europe S.A.The purpose of the <strong>trial</strong> was to establish the apparent mink digestibility of crude protein (CP), in theproduct, and analyse the content of its amino acids.Material and methodThe sample of <strong>AP301</strong> <strong>PB</strong> was received on the 21 st of February 2004.<strong>AP301</strong> <strong>PB</strong> is spray dried animal blood cells, 20-30% of porcine and 70-80% of bovine origin.The <strong>trial</strong> was conducted as a regression design, consisting of 5 groups of three animals each. Adult malemink of the colour type Scanbrown were used. The diets contained <strong>AP301</strong> <strong>PB</strong> equaling from 0 to 53%,of the dietary total crude protein. (table 1).Table 1. Formula for diet 1 and 5 (% before addition of water)Feed ingredients Group 1 Group 5<strong>AP301</strong> <strong>PB</strong> 0.0 12.8Cod filét 80.1 57.3Soya oil 8.8 13.2Maize starch 8.8 13.1Glucose 1.0 1.5Cellulose 0.5 0.7Vitamin mix 0.4 0.6Mineral mix 0.5 0.7The <strong>trial</strong> consisted of a 7 days long preliminary period and a 4 days long faecal collection period. Dietallowance was 300 kcal metabolizable energy (ME) per day the first 6 days, and 250 kcal ME the last 5days.The <strong>trial</strong> was conducted from the 2 nd to the 13 th of February 2004.Diets and faeces were analysed by Dansk Pelsdyr Foder A/S, Analyselaboratoriet.1<strong>Hemoglobin</strong> powder for Mink. <strong>Digestibility</strong> <strong>trial</strong> F238 performed by Danish <strong>Fur</strong> Breeders Research Center

ResultsChemical compositionThe chemical composition of the tested <strong>AP301</strong> <strong>PB</strong> is presented in table 2.Table 2. Chemical composition and apparent digestibility in <strong>AP301</strong> <strong>PB</strong> (Mean ± SEM)Composition <strong>Digestibility</strong> SEMDry Matter, % 95.5% of Dry MatterCrude Protein (N*6,25) 99.5 93 0.5Amino acids. % of CPAlanineArginineAspartic acidCystineGlutamic acidGlycineHistidineHydroxyprolinIsoleucineLeucineLysineMethionineOrnithinePhenylalanineProlineSerineThreonineTryptophanTyrosineValine8,783,9410,730,547,954,517,070,000,3414,009,631,360,007,703,695,174,401,472,629,74Feed left overs and faeces consistencyDietary intake and the consistency of faeces was optimal for all animals.Amino acidsThe digestibility of the amino acids was not measured, but the content in percent of crude protein ispresented in table 2.<strong>Digestibility</strong>In hemoglobin powder (<strong>AP301</strong> <strong>PB</strong>) the apparent digestibility of crude protein was 93%, while the truedigestibility was calculated to 98%.*********20/02/04.2<strong>Hemoglobin</strong> powder for Mink. <strong>Digestibility</strong> <strong>trial</strong> F238 performed by Danish <strong>Fur</strong> Breeders Research Center

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