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A Skills Passbook may be designed as a typical bound booklet in which verifiedentries are made, or it may exist as a protected on-line portfolio. A Skills Passbookcan provide individuals with a verified record of their skills, qualifications andachievements, hosted online.Vietnam Tourism Certification BoardINTRODUCTION TO YOUR SKILLS PASSBOOKThis is your Skills Passbook. Please keep it in a safe place and ask your trainer(s) to keep it upto date. It records your ability to do the job under normal working conditions. You will need toproduce it as evidence before obtaining your final certificate. The Passbook is your propertyand you should take it with you if you transfer to another employer. It will provide your newemployer with evidence of the skills you possess to date.How to use your Skills PassbookThe purpose of the Skills Passbook is to record your progress as you develop competencewhen you are being trained by your employer. Each trainee/employee registered with VTCBwill automatically receive his/her own Skills Passbook. You will normally be trained andcoached at work (or at an institute) under the supervision of a qualified trainer.On the following pages are your personal details together with the details of tasks for whichyou will receive training. Your trainer will agree the training programme with you (based onthe applicable VTOS standard) until workplace competence is achieved. When this occursyour trainer will ‘sign you off’. If you are already competent because of your experience todate, you could be ‘signed off’ without further training. Training will normally take place at theworkplace, however it may take place elsewhere, for example at a training institute.Figure 6-3: Extract from VTCB Skills PassbookA skills passbook can be issued by an employer, a training provider, a vocationalcollege or another organisation registered for the purpose. This method has manybenefits for the tourism professional, especially those seeking work overseas as itis suitability for record keeping and has some of the features of the plannedATPRS.P a g e | 56

6.12 ConclusionThe mutual recognition of tourism qualifications is at the heart of the MRAprocess. The key mechanisms to ensure this is managed efficiently andprofessionally are through the ATPRS and the ATQEM systems. The ASEAN TourismProfessional Monitoring Committee will continue to support member NTOs bydeveloping the various mechanisms, disseminating information and providingtraining and development opportunities.References Technical Report on Final Common ASEAN Tourism Curriculum & RegionalQualifications & Skills Recognitions Systems The ASEAN Framework Agreement on Mutual Recognition AgreementsP a g e | 57

A Skills Passbook may be designed as a typical bound booklet in which verifiedentries are made, or it may exist as a protected on-line portfolio. A Skills Passbookcan provide individuals with a verified record of their skills, qualifications andachievements, hosted online.Vietnam Tourism Certification BoardINTRODUCTI<strong>ON</strong> TO YOUR SKILLS PASSBOOKThis is your Skills Passbook. Please keep it in a safe place and ask your trainer(s) to keep it upto date. It records your ability to do the job under normal working conditions. You will need toproduce it as evidence before obtaining your final certificate. The Passbook is your propertyand you should take it with you if you transfer to another employer. It will provide your newemployer with evidence of the skills you possess to date.How to use your Skills PassbookThe purpose of the Skills Passbook is to record your progress as you develop competencewhen you are being trained by your employer. Each trainee/employee registered with VTCBwill automatically receive his/her own Skills Passbook. You will normally be trained andcoached at work (or at an institute) under the supervision of a qualified trainer.On the following pages are your personal details together with the details of tasks for whichyou will receive training. Your trainer will agree the training programme with you (based onthe applicable VTOS standard) until workplace competence is achieved. When this occursyour trainer will ‘sign you off’. If you are already competent because of your experience todate, you could be ‘signed off’ without further training. Training will normally take place at theworkplace, however it may take place elsewhere, for example at a training institute.Figure 6-3: Extract from VTCB Skills PassbookA skills passbook can be issued by an employer, a training provider, a vocationalcollege or another organisation registered for the purpose. This method has manybenefits for the tourism professional, especially those seeking work overseas as itis suitability for record keeping and has some of the features of the plannedATPRS.P a g e | 56

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