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agency that would take on the role as TPCB. The TPCB would function in support ofthe ATPRS by providing in-country qualification endorsements on existingprofessional qualifications by applying the template established by the CATCRegional Qualifications Framework. In some countries, a TPCB or equivalentalready exists and this development presents a further indicator of the country’sreadiness to proceed. For example, the Government of Viet Nam with assistancefrom the EU established a working TPCB named the Vietnam Tourism CertificationBoard which functions in support of the Viet Nam National Authority on Tourism.5.3.1 Composition of TPCBThe composition of each TPCB will vary by Member Country, as it will bedependent upon existing government structures and private sector involvement. Itmay also be the case that the NTPB and the TPCB can be separate arms of thesame agency.5.3.2 Responsibilities of the TPCBEach Member Country will require the services of a Tourism ProfessionalsCertification Board. The TPCB will apply national competency standards and assessand certify tourism professionals with an accredited qualification in order thatthey can be registered on the ATPRS. One of the primary functions of the TPCB isto manage the day-to-day operation of the ATPRS. The TPCB is rooted firmly at theMember County level.5.3.3 Terms of Reference of TPCBs• Assess qualifications and/or competencies of tourism professionals asspecified in the ACCSTP;• Issue certificates to tourism professionals whose qualifications and/orcompetencies have met the standards specified in the ACCSTP;• Develop, process and maintain a register of certified tourism professionalsand job opportunities onto the ATPRS; and• Notify the NTPB promptly in case foreign tourism professionals are no longerqualified to provide a particular service or have violated technical,professional or ethical standards.• Providing information to other Member Countries TPCBs.5.4 ASEAN Tourism Professional Monitoring Committee (ATPMC)The ATFTMD and the CBAMT agreed on a need for a monitoring body to beestablished to oversee the effective operation of the MRA – TP mechanism and toadjudicate on any operational disputes. A QA/QC mechanism will be established toensure that the ATPRS and its supporting parts are enabled to function in themanner intended and with transparency.P a g e | 44

5.4.1 ATPMC ResponsibilitiesThe committee has the overall responsibility for the operation of the MRA,including monitoring of on-going performance of the mechanism. In practice thecommittee would become a component part of the greater MRA mechanism. TheATPMC will review, adjudicate and resolve disputes, as well as monitor theoperation of the TPCBs and the conformity equivalents being issued.5.4.2 ATPMC Terms of referenceThe ATPMC is funded by Member States and supported by the ASEAN Secretariat. Itis comprised of members of the NTOs and other (co-opted) nominees of individualMember Countries. Its terms of reference are as follows:Create awareness and disseminate information about MRA on tourismprofessionals within ASEANPromote, update, maintain and monitor ACCSTPUpon receipt of feedback from NTPBs, to notify promptly the concernedTPCB in case foreign tourism professionals are no longer qualified to providea particular service or have violated technical, professional or ethicalstandardsFacilitate exchange of information concerning assessment procedures,criteria, systems, manuals and publicationsReport its progress of work to the ASEAN NTOsFormulate and update necessary mechanisms to enable the implementationof this MRAOther functions and responsibilities that may be assigned to it in the future.5.5 ASEAN Tourism Professionals Registration System (ATPRS)Of the four component parts of the support mechanism for the MRA - TP, theATPRS is the device most essential to the effective operation of the MRA concept.It will perform two functions in parallel and will underpin the MRA in tourism interms of regional best practice and efficient use of resources.5.5.1 ATPRS PurposeThere are two aims of the ATPRS:1. To compile the records of applicants (tourism professionals) in a formatcompliant with an agreed model and procedure. By this procedure, tourismprofessionals will be registered and thus formally identified for recognitionby industry as a registered professional, and2. Further to a satisfactory registration process, the ATPRS would provide adatabase system on which the data on applicants could be appraised bylicensed employers or agencies. The process would indicate expressions ofP a g e | 45

agency that would take on the role as TPCB. The TPCB would function in support ofthe ATPRS by providing in-country qualification endorsements on existingprofessional qualifications by applying the template established by the CATCRegional Qualifications Framework. In some countries, a TPCB or equivalentalready exists and this development presents a further indicator of the country’sreadiness to proceed. For example, the Government of Viet Nam with assistancefrom the EU established a working TPCB named the Vietnam Tourism CertificationBoard which functions in support of the Viet Nam National Authority on Tourism.5.3.1 Composition of TPCBThe composition of each TPCB will vary by Member Country, as it will bedependent upon existing government structures and private sector involvement. Itmay also be the case that the NTPB and the TPCB can be separate arms of thesame agency.5.3.2 Responsibilities of the TPCBEach Member Country will require the services of a Tourism ProfessionalsCertification Board. The TPCB will apply national competency standards and assessand certify tourism professionals with an accredited qualification in order thatthey can be registered on the ATPRS. One of the primary functions of the TPCB isto manage the day-to-day operation of the ATPRS. The TPCB is rooted firmly at theMember County level.5.3.3 Terms of Reference of TPCBs• Assess qualifications and/or competencies of tourism professionals asspecified in the ACCSTP;• Issue certificates to tourism professionals whose qualifications and/orcompetencies have met the standards specified in the ACCSTP;• Develop, process and maintain a register of certified tourism professionalsand job opportunities onto the ATPRS; and• Notify the NTPB promptly in case foreign tourism professionals are no longerqualified to provide a particular service or have violated technical,professional or ethical standards.• Providing information to other Member Countries TPCBs.5.4 <strong>ASEAN</strong> Tourism Professional Monitoring Committee (ATPMC)The ATFTMD and the CBAMT agreed on a need for a monitoring body to beestablished to oversee the effective operation of the MRA – TP mechanism and toadjudicate on any operational disputes. A QA/QC mechanism will be established toensure that the ATPRS and its supporting parts are enabled to function in themanner intended and with transparency.P a g e | 44

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