Zdravotnícka ročenka

Zdravotnícka ročenka Zdravotnícka ročenka

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3. Sieť a činnosť zdravotníckych zariadeníSR 2004Tabuľka 3.1.2Druhy – útvary v zariadeniach – Slovenská republika (doplnkové údaje k tabuľke 3.1.1)Types – departments in facilities – Slovak Republic (additional data to tab 3.1.1)Druhy – útvary v zariadeniach spolu 1)poskytovateľovútvarovPočetpracovnýchmiestsamostatnýchodbornýchzdravotníckychpracovníkovpostelíústavnejzdravotnejstarostlivostimiestpre pacientovv špecializovanýchzariadeniachambulantnejstarostlivostiAmbulancie 8 942 13 759 11 649.46 x xLSPP 71 127 39.86 x xADOS 123 150 – x xZáchranná zdravotná služba 64 92 162.03 x xŠpecializované zariadenia ambulantnejstarostlivosti80 120 63.42 – 1 218Dialyzačné strediská 35 63 121.37 – 533SVLZ 312 1 018 1 244.81 – 167Zubné techniky 1 090 1 130 x x xOLÚ špecializované 3 3 4.40 126 –Liečebne 11 11 29.40 538 –Liečebne pre dlhodobo chorých 11 11 29.40 538 –Hospice 3 4 4.40 79 –Lekárne 1 120 1 265 1 293.71 – –Výdajne zdravotníckych pomôcok 147 176 7.00 – –1)Ide o zdravotnú starostlivosť (resp. druhy činností), ktoré sa vyskytujú aj ako samostatné zdravotnícke zariadenia, aj ako vnútroorganizačnéútvary zariadení rôzneho druhu (napr. SVLZ ako samostatné ZZ x útvary SVLZ vo všetkých druhoch ZZ).

3. Sieť a činnosť zdravotníckych zariadeníSR 2004Prehľad druhov zdravotníckych zariadení – rezort MZ SROverview of types health care facilities – department of MH SRTabuľka 3.2.11/2Number ofposts ofplaces for patientsType of establishmentbeds ofhealth care self-reliantin specializedproviders 1)institutionalfacilities 2) health carefacilities of outhealth careprofessionals 3)patient care 4)Health care facilities in total 11 468 11 673 19 250.83 48 452 1 748Out-patient health care 10 097 10 249 9 951.85 – 1 016incl.out-patients departments 8 566 8 643 8 799.88 x xMFAS 18 18 18.39 x xANH 108 126 x x xestablishments of rescue health service 9 13 87.90 x xspecialised establishmentsof out-patients care 5) 28 28 50.05 x 291centres for dialysis 20 46 125.23 x 427CDFCU 143 159 257.21 x 10facilities of tooth technique 1 054 1 058 x x –policlinics 52 53 418.12 x 214other: facilities of combinedout patient care99 105 195.07 x 74Institutional health care (inclusiveof out-patient parts)163 164 8 081.72 48 452 732hospitals 83 84 7 025.63 30 394 644incl.incl.hospitals of Type I. 2 2 14.20 104 –hospitals of Type II. – – – – –hospitals of Type III. 1 1 32.37 30 –psychiatric hospitals 5 5 104.27 1 884 30hospitals with policlinicof Type I.22 22 526.44 2 930 40hospitals with policlinicof Type II.32 33 2 434.67 11 490 190hospitals with policlinicof Type III.6 6 897.82 3 756 147university hospitals 5 5 1 142.04 3 730 102university paediatric hospitals 1 1 63.71 190 4university hospitalswith policlinic7 7 1 565.41 5 758 128university paediatric hospitalswith policlinic2 2 244.70 522 3high-specialised profesional institutes 17 17 764.31 3 195 –total special health institutes 20 20 63.60 1 525 15specialised therapeutic institutes 9 9 43.15 1 148 –incl.center for drug adictionstreatment7 7 16.05 139 15rehabilitation institutesfor children 6) 4 4 4.40 238 –institutes for treatment 9 9 42.35 1 068 –incl.institutes for long-term treatment 4 4 10.50 218 –psychiatric treatment institutes 4 4 26.85 760 –psychiatric treatment institutesfor children1 1 5.00 90 –

3. Sieť a činnosť zdravotníckych zariadeníSR 2004Prehľad druhov zdravotníckych zariadení – rezort MZ SROverview of types health care facilities – department of MH SRTabuľka 3.2.11/2Number ofposts ofplaces for patientsType of establishmentbeds ofhealth care self-reliantin specializedproviders 1)institutionalfacilities 2) health carefacilities of outhealth careprofessionals 3)patient care 4)Health care facilities in total 11 468 11 673 19 250.83 48 452 1 748Out-patient health care 10 097 10 249 9 951.85 – 1 016incl.out-patients departments 8 566 8 643 8 799.88 x xMFAS 18 18 18.39 x xANH 108 126 x x xestablishments of rescue health service 9 13 87.90 x xspecialised establishmentsof out-patients care 5) 28 28 50.05 x 291centres for dialysis 20 46 125.23 x 427CDFCU 143 159 257.21 x 10facilities of tooth technique 1 054 1 058 x x –policlinics 52 53 418.12 x 214other: facilities of combinedout patient care99 105 195.07 x 74Institutional health care (inclusiveof out-patient parts)163 164 8 081.72 48 452 732hospitals 83 84 7 025.63 30 394 644incl.incl.hospitals of Type I. 2 2 14.20 104 –hospitals of Type II. – – – – –hospitals of Type III. 1 1 32.37 30 –psychiatric hospitals 5 5 104.27 1 884 30hospitals with policlinicof Type I.22 22 526.44 2 930 40hospitals with policlinicof Type II.32 33 2 434.67 11 490 190hospitals with policlinicof Type III.6 6 897.82 3 756 147university hospitals 5 5 1 142.04 3 730 102university paediatric hospitals 1 1 63.71 190 4university hospitalswith policlinic7 7 1 565.41 5 758 128university paediatric hospitalswith policlinic2 2 244.70 522 3high-specialised profesional institutes 17 17 764.31 3 195 –total special health institutes 20 20 63.60 1 525 15specialised therapeutic institutes 9 9 43.15 1 148 –incl.center for drug adictionstreatment7 7 16.05 139 15rehabilitation institutesfor children 6) 4 4 4.40 238 –institutes for treatment 9 9 42.35 1 068 –incl.institutes for long-term treatment 4 4 10.50 218 –psychiatric treatment institutes 4 4 26.85 760 –psychiatric treatment institutesfor children1 1 5.00 90 –

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