Zdravotnícka ročenka

Zdravotnícka ročenka Zdravotnícka ročenka

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6. Medzinárodné porovnaniaSR 2004Vybrané demografické ukazovateleSelected demographic indicatorsCountryYearÚhrnná plodnosťtotal fertility rate1)Rok / Year 2003, 2) Rok / Year 2002, 3) Rok / Year 2001, 4) Rok / Year 1997Živonarodení ZomretíLive births Deathsna 1 000 obyvateľovper 1 000 populationTabuľka 6.1Dojčenská úmrtnosťInfant mortalityBelgium 2003 1.5 2) 10.8 10.2 4) 5.6 4)Cyprus 2003 1.5 11.2 7.2 4.1Czech Republic 2003 1.2 9.2 10.9 3.9Denmark 2003 1.8 12.0 10.8 3) 4.6 3)Estonia 2003 1.4 2) 9.6 13.4 7.0Finland 2003 1.8 10.9 9.4 3.2France 2003 1.9 12.8 2) 9.0 3) 4.5 3)Greece 2003 1.3 9.5 9.6 4.0Netherlands 2003 1.8 12.3 8.8 2) 4.8 2)Ireland 2003 2.0 15.5 7.6 3) 6.0 3)Lithuania 2003 1.3 8.9 11.9 6.7Latvia 2003 1.3 9.0 14.0 9.4Luxembourg 2003 1.6 11.8 8.9 4.9Hungary 2003 1.3 9.3 13.4 7.3Malta 2003 1.5 10.1 7.9 5.7 2)Germany 2003 1.4 8.8 2) 10.1 3) 4.3 3)Poland 2003 1.3 9.2 9.6 7.0Portugal 2003 1.4 10.8 10.3 2) 5.1 2)Austria 2003 1.4 9.5 9.5 4.5Slovak Republic 2003 1.2 9.5 2) 9.6 2) 7.6 2)Slovenia 2003 1.2 8.6 9.7 4.0United Kingdom 2003 1.6 11.3 2) 10.2 2) 5.2 2)Spain 2003 1.2 10.1 2) 8.9 2) 4.2 2)Sweden 2003 1.7 11.1 10.7 2) 3.3 2)Italy 2003 1.2 9.4 9.8 3) 4.7 3)European union 2003 1.5 10.3 9.8 4.9Albania 2003 2.0 15.2 5.8 8.4Belarus 2003 1.2 9.0 14.5 7.7Bulgaria 2003 1.2 8.9 14.3 12.0Croatia 2003 1.3 2) 8.9 11.8 6.3Iceland 2003 2.0 14.1 2) 6.3 2) 2.2 2)Moldovia 2003 1.2 10.1 11.9 14.3Norway 2003 1.8 12.4 9.3 3.5Romania 2004 1.3 1) 10.0 2) 12.0 16.8Russia 2003 1.3 10.1 16.4 12.4Ukraine 2003 1.2 8.6 16.1 9.5Europe 2003 1.5 11.0 11.2 8.92/2

6. Medzinárodné porovnaniaStredná dĺžka života pri narodeníLive expectancy at birthSR 2004Graf 2EURÓPA (2003)UA (2003)RU (2003)RO (2004)NO (2003)MD (2003)IS (2002)HR (2003)BG (2003)BY (2003)AL (2003)EU (2003)IT (2002)SE (2001)EP (2001)UK (2003)SI (2003)SK (2002)AT (2003)PT (2003)PL (2003)DE (2001)MT (2003)HU (2003)LU (2003)LV (2003)LT (2003)IE (2004)NL (2003)GR (2003)FR (2001)FI (2003)EE (2003)DK (2001)CZ (2003)CY (2003)BE (1997)0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 60.0 70.0 80.0 90.0Muži / MalesŽeny / Females

6. Medzinárodné porovnaniaSR 2004Vybrané demografické ukazovateleSelected demographic indicatorsCountryYearÚhrnná plodnosťtotal fertility rate1)Rok / Year 2003, 2) Rok / Year 2002, 3) Rok / Year 2001, 4) Rok / Year 1997Živonarodení ZomretíLive births Deathsna 1 000 obyvateľovper 1 000 populationTabuľka 6.1Dojčenská úmrtnosťInfant mortalityBelgium 2003 1.5 2) 10.8 10.2 4) 5.6 4)Cyprus 2003 1.5 11.2 7.2 4.1Czech Republic 2003 1.2 9.2 10.9 3.9Denmark 2003 1.8 12.0 10.8 3) 4.6 3)Estonia 2003 1.4 2) 9.6 13.4 7.0Finland 2003 1.8 10.9 9.4 3.2France 2003 1.9 12.8 2) 9.0 3) 4.5 3)Greece 2003 1.3 9.5 9.6 4.0Netherlands 2003 1.8 12.3 8.8 2) 4.8 2)Ireland 2003 2.0 15.5 7.6 3) 6.0 3)Lithuania 2003 1.3 8.9 11.9 6.7Latvia 2003 1.3 9.0 14.0 9.4Luxembourg 2003 1.6 11.8 8.9 4.9Hungary 2003 1.3 9.3 13.4 7.3Malta 2003 1.5 10.1 7.9 5.7 2)Germany 2003 1.4 8.8 2) 10.1 3) 4.3 3)Poland 2003 1.3 9.2 9.6 7.0Portugal 2003 1.4 10.8 10.3 2) 5.1 2)Austria 2003 1.4 9.5 9.5 4.5Slovak Republic 2003 1.2 9.5 2) 9.6 2) 7.6 2)Slovenia 2003 1.2 8.6 9.7 4.0United Kingdom 2003 1.6 11.3 2) 10.2 2) 5.2 2)Spain 2003 1.2 10.1 2) 8.9 2) 4.2 2)Sweden 2003 1.7 11.1 10.7 2) 3.3 2)Italy 2003 1.2 9.4 9.8 3) 4.7 3)European union 2003 1.5 10.3 9.8 4.9Albania 2003 2.0 15.2 5.8 8.4Belarus 2003 1.2 9.0 14.5 7.7Bulgaria 2003 1.2 8.9 14.3 12.0Croatia 2003 1.3 2) 8.9 11.8 6.3Iceland 2003 2.0 14.1 2) 6.3 2) 2.2 2)Moldovia 2003 1.2 10.1 11.9 14.3Norway 2003 1.8 12.4 9.3 3.5Romania 2004 1.3 1) 10.0 2) 12.0 16.8Russia 2003 1.3 10.1 16.4 12.4Ukraine 2003 1.2 8.6 16.1 9.5Europe 2003 1.5 11.0 11.2 8.92/2

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