Zdravotnícka ročenka

Zdravotnícka ročenka Zdravotnícka ročenka

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3. Sieť a činnosť zdravotníckych zariadeníSR 2004Tabuľka 3.6.2Lekárske miesta a postele v oddeleniach zariadení ústavnej zdravotnej starostlivosti* –rezort MZ SRPhysician posts and number of beds in the departments of institutional health care establishments*department of the MoH of the SR1/2Number Physician postsBedsDepartmentof depart-per 100per 100 000mentsnumbernumberbedspopulationTotal 1 007 5 025.89 13.91 36 133 671.7Internal medicine 88 627.34 14.46 4 339 80.7Communicable diseases 19 72.44 9.32 777 14.4Pneumology and ftizeology 52 158.60 6.91 2 295 42.7Neurology 42 246.77 14.44 1 709 31.8Psychiatry 54 247.29 6.57 3 765 70.0Preventive and occupational medicine 5 13.11 13.66 96 1.8Paediatrics 60 303.66 14.49 2 096 172.7Surgery 76 544.46 14.66 3 714 69.0Orthopaedics 23 119.54 14.56 821 15.3Urology 23 103.77 13.97 743 13.8Traumatology 22 149.51 17.71 844 15.7Otorhinolaryngology 36 132.10 17.68 747 13.9Ophthalmology 26 109.95 21.31 516 9.6Gynaecology and obstetrics 70 414.90 13.68 3 033 109.6Dermatovenerology 23 53.87 10.71 503 9.4Clinical oncology 18 81.25 14.69 553 10.3Anaesthesiology and intensive medicine 75 602.77 120.31 501 9.3Physiotherapy, balneology and medical rehabilitation 32 77.13 7.61 1 013 18.8Neurosurgery 7 48.91 19.64 249 4.6Plastic surgery 6 30.91 18.29 169 3.1Orthopaedic prosthetics 2 17.57 48.81 36 0.7Radiation oncology 10 40.85 11.25 363 6.7Foniatry 1 2.50 25.00 10 0.2Rheumatology 1 9.90 9.00 110 2.0Nuclear medicine 2 3.50 11.67 30 0.6Gastroenterology 1 5.80 19.33 30 0.6Cardiology 8 57.30 21.70 264 4.9Diabetology, nutritional disorders 3 8.80 7.65 115 2.1Neonatology, perinatology 26 100.05 12.29 814 15.1Geriatrics 23 66.21 8.50 779 14.5Nephrology 1 2.90 14.50 20 0.4Endocrinology 2 8.24 10.99 75 1.4Clinical pharmacology – 1.00 – – –Surgery of vessels 3 14.50 21.32 68 1.3Cardiosurgery 4 42.26 36.43 116 2.2Stomatologic surgery 8 14.24 12.17 117 2.2Treatment of alcoholism and the other addictions 13 23.15 4.84 478 8.9Gerontopsychiatry 5 14.70 5.44 270 5.0Lung surgery 2 12.27 16.81 73 1.4Central admittance 5 12.90 184.29 7 0.1

3. Sieť a činnosť zdravotníckych zariadeníSR 2004Tabuľka 3.6.2Lekárske miesta a postele v oddeleniach zariadení ústavnej zdravotnej starostlivosti* –rezort MZ SRPhysician posts and number of beds in the departments of institutional health care establishments* –department of the MoH of the SR2/2Number Physician postsBedsDepartmentof depart-per 100per 100 000mentsnumbernumberbedspopulationCentral operating-theatres 10 6.12 x x xBurns 2 14.05 20.07 70 1.3After treatment care 37 55.47 6.50 853 15.9For nursing 1 0.20 3.33 6 0.1Newborn cots x 29.93 5.64 531 9.9Units for intensive care 6 25.38 37.88 67 1.2Long-term ill patients 55 131.26 6.42 2 045 38.0For doing transplants 2 8.79 21.98 40 0.7Dialysis 1) 61 120.37 23.15 520 9.7Clinical haematology 5 30.10 28.94 104 1.9Palliative care 12 7.30 4.59 159 3.0* Included psychiatry hospitals, excluding sanatoria and balneological institutes1)Data are excluded from the bed fund.Note: Number of gynecologic beds is recalculated with the number of women in SR.Number of pediatricc beds is recalculated with the number of children.Postele v zariadeniach ústavnej zdravotnej starostlivostiBeds in institutional health care establishmentsGraf 21 000.0900.0Na 100 000 obyvateľovPer 100 000 population800.0700.0600.0Slovenská republika500.0400.0BL TA TC NI ZI BC PV KIKraj / Region

3. Sieť a činnosť zdravotníckych zariadeníSR 2004Tabuľka 3.6.2Lekárske miesta a postele v oddeleniach zariadení ústavnej zdravotnej starostlivosti* –rezort MZ SRPhysician posts and number of beds in the departments of institutional health care establishments* –department of the MoH of the SR2/2Number Physician postsBedsDepartmentof depart-per 100per 100 000mentsnumbernumberbedspopulationCentral operating-theatres 10 6.12 x x xBurns 2 14.05 20.07 70 1.3After treatment care 37 55.47 6.50 853 15.9For nursing 1 0.20 3.33 6 0.1Newborn cots x 29.93 5.64 531 9.9Units for intensive care 6 25.38 37.88 67 1.2Long-term ill patients 55 131.26 6.42 2 045 38.0For doing transplants 2 8.79 21.98 40 0.7Dialysis 1) 61 120.37 23.15 520 9.7Clinical haematology 5 30.10 28.94 104 1.9Palliative care 12 7.30 4.59 159 3.0* Included psychiatry hospitals, excluding sanatoria and balneological institutes1)Data are excluded from the bed fund.Note: Number of gynecologic beds is recalculated with the number of women in SR.Number of pediatricc beds is recalculated with the number of children.Postele v zariadeniach ústavnej zdravotnej starostlivostiBeds in institutional health care establishmentsGraf 21 000.0900.0Na 100 000 obyvateľovPer 100 000 population800.0700.0600.0Slovenská republika500.0400.0BL TA TC NI ZI BC PV KIKraj / Region

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