liMouSin - Harrison & Hetherington

liMouSin - Harrison & Hetherington

liMouSin - Harrison & Hetherington


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7All animals will be sold in guineas (105 pence) and a commission of 5% will be charged by theAuctioneers on all sales. A further levy of 1% will be charged and paid to the British Limousin CattleSociety. No animal may be sold privately before being passed through the auction ring and FULLCOMMISSION will be charged on the sale of any animal sold by private treaty after the auction. Allsuch transactions MUST BE PASSED THROUGH THE AUCTIONEERS OFFICE.SALE OF CHAMPIONS- Championship winners will be sold as follows -Senior Champion and Reserve after Lot 146Intermediate Champion and Reserve after Lot 205Junior Champion and Reserve after Lot 298PRIZE MONEY - will be withheld unless the winners are sold, either by auction or private treaty.STRAW: A limited amount of bedding straw will be provided by the Auctioneers free of charge.Additional straw, if required, may be purchased from the Auctioneers.THE BRITISH LIMOUSIN CATTLE SOCIETYChief Executive: Iain KerrAvenue Q, National Agricultural Centre, StoneleighKenilworth, Warwickshire CV8 2RATel: 02476 696500Fax: 02476 696716IT IS ESSENTIAL THAT THE FOLLOWING DOCUMENTSACCOMPANY ANIMALS TO THE SALE PREMISESand are handed to the Auctioneers upon the arrival to the market.DECLARATION FORM (Subject to DEFRA Regulations)TOGETHER WITH THE NECESSARYCATTLE PASSPORT DOCUMENTATIONANY ANIMAL NOT IN POSSESSION OF THE REQUIREDDOCUMENTS WILL NOT BE OFFERED FOR SALE.PLEASE NOTE IT IS ILLEGAL TO MOVE ANY ANIMALWITHOUT THEIR RESPECTIVE PASSPORT DOCUMENTATIONIMPORTANT NOTICE TO PURCHASERS1 This Sale is held subject to recommended Conditions of Sale of the National BeefAssociation.2 This Sale is held subject to the Special Terms and Conditions of Sale recommended for Sales ofPedigree Beef Cattle by the National Beef Association. The preparation of these Terms andConditions has proved a lengthy and costly process and, in order to defray the legal and othercosts involved, and to provide a continuing source of revenue to assist the Association in its vitalwork for pedigree cattle breeders, The Committee of the NBA have agreed that the following levyto be charged between the vendor and purchaser as follows – Bull Warranty - £3 to the vendorand £3 to the purchaser, Female Warranty - £2 to the vendor and £2 to the purchaser, Eachamount will be plus VAT and be charged to the relevant vendor and purchaser accounts.

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