liMouSin - Harrison & Hetherington

liMouSin - Harrison & Hetherington

liMouSin - Harrison & Hetherington


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6Important Notice to VendorsARRIVAL OF STOCK - As per timetable of events (page 5).PRE-SALE INSPECTION: All animals entered for the sale must be available for inspection, as perthe timetable of events. A Veterinary Officer will examine all animals forward for general health andgenetic defects, particularly teeth, eyes, testicles and warts. Appointed Society Inspector will checkgeneral conformation, locomotion and breed characteristics and temperament. Any animal discoveredwith a genetic fault, disease or disorder will be REJECTED. Animals will be placed in a crush for thisinspection - as required by the Veterinary Officer. The Veterinary inspection will form an integral partof the pre-sale inspection procedure.Please note - “All animals are subject to a pre-sale inspection to provide a minimum standard andanimals are sold with all patent defects, and any subsequent claim after the fall of the hammer isagainst the vendor and not The British Limousin Cattle Society Ltd”.MARGINAL TEETH - Any bull found to have marginal teeth when inspected will have their sale ticketmarked in yellow. At the pre-sale show, all bulls will be eligible to be paraded, in their respectiveclass, once round the judging ring with the handler not wearing a white coat. All bulls will be sold incatalogue sale order.SIGNET RECORDED WEIGHTS & HEIGHTS - All bulls will be weighed and measured by SIGNETOfficials as an integral part of the pre-sale inspection procedure. Official weights and heights (in kgsand cms) will be displayed above each pen. ALL BULLS WILL BE SUBJECT TO A MINIMUM SALE DAYWEIGHT STANDARD - 400 days, 508kg; 500 days, 618kg; 600 days 723kg; 700 days 823kg (a fulllist of weights is printed on page 10). Vendors are reminded of the weight loss which can occur withanimals during a journey.EVERY BULL entered for the Sale, MUST BE ADEQUATELY TRAINED TO LEAD BY HALTER and MUSTBE PARADED FOR INSPECTION unless exempted by the Stewards, at the time and place to be notified.Evidence of faults of temperament, vices, etc., may lead to disqualification. All bulls must be providedwith a serviceable halter, which will become the property of the purchaser.TATTOO MARKS/UK TAGS - All cattle entered for the Sale will have their tattoo marks/UK Tagsexamined as an integral part of the pre sale inspection procedure. Any marks found to have faulty,incorrect or illegible marks will be REJECTED from the Sale. Vendors are therefore urged, in their ownbest interests, to examine the tattoo marks of Sale cattle before the animal(s) leave their farm, so thatfaulty marks can be rectified in accordance with the required Society procedures.The Sale will be held subject to the Auction Rules, Conditions of Sale and Special Regulations of theBritish Limousin Cattle Society.The proceeds of sale are guaranteed by the Auctioneers, who will account to Vendors on the day ofthe Sale. Such guarantee, however, does not extend to the animals sold for export, to which specialconditions apply.UPSET PRICES - There will be an ‘Upset’ price of 1500 guineas on each bull presented for sale - i.e.if no opening bid of 1500 guineas is received for any particular lot, that lot will be passed out of thering unsold.RESERVE PRICES: Vendors shall have the right to refuse to accept the final bid for their animals. Theauctioneers reserve the right to charge half commission on the amount of the final bid in the case ofanimals which fail to reach the Vendors reserve price.

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