liMouSin - Harrison & Hetherington

liMouSin - Harrison & Hetherington

liMouSin - Harrison & Hetherington


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Health footnotes under a given animal in the sale catalogueFor reasons of practicality, no health information is to be put in the catalogue footnotes byvendors. Buyers should refer to the Vendors’ Index, the individual animal cards displayed onpens or to the vendors themselves for all health-related information.23Is the Herd Health Declaration compulsory?For “premier” collective sales (Carlisle February, May, October & December; StirlingFebruary & October; Brecon May & November)) the Herd Health Declaration is compulsory.For reasons of clarity and to provide purchasers with the most accurate informationavailable, vendors are required to complete this at time of entry.Although not compulsory at other collective sales, the Society has recommended thatvendors complete the Herd Health Declaration. This information will then appear in theVendors’ Index within the catalogue. Where a member has chosen not to complete theHerd Health Sale Declaration, it will simply say ‘No Herd Health Declaration.’Will the auctioneers continue to give health information from the box at the point ofsale?The Society has requested that no declarations on health information be given by theauctioneer during the sale. Again, the sole purpose of this is to avoid confusion and to tryand ensure that the information provided is done accurately, fairly and in a standardisedformat in the catalogue. This point has been agreed with the auctioneers.What if a vendor is selling an animal/s that he did not breed?Vendors have still been requested to fill in the Herd Health Sale Declaration accordingly.Prospective customers are advised to speak to vendors directly to acquire accurate healthinformation on animals offered but not bred by the seller.Feedback & more informationThe Society welcomes members’ and customers’ feedback on the Herd Health Declarationsas it is expected that this will be an evolving initiative. If you have further questions, pleasespeak to the Society representatives, Iain Kerr & Richard Saunders, or the Auctioneers.

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