liMouSin - Harrison & Hetherington

liMouSin - Harrison & Hetherington

liMouSin - Harrison & Hetherington


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18l i m o u s i nPost-PurchaseManagementof Young BullsHoBulotpluDohimshanthoPrepared by Ian Pritchard, Beef Specialist, SACPurchaseBuy well in advance to allow time to settle – make it a planned rather than last minutedecision. Recommendation is to buy at autumn sale for early spring use or February sale forlater spring use or May sale for autumn useOn getting bull home, isolate bull for a month. Check his working capability and health andvaccinate/treat as necessary. A semen test should be carried out. Try and minimise stressRemember a short working life increases costDoanonkeMa– mjumTraYoInsurance companies may refuse claims in cases of unsatisfactory management of a bullFeedingYoung bulls are in forward condition at sale and should be allowed to lose conditiongradually – they are still maturing. Dietary changes should not be sudden – try and find outthe diet prior to purchase so that a stable rumen environment can be maintained. Foragealone will not be sufficient to maintain a young bull which may be anything up to1,000kg in weight. They should be fed to gain at 0.8kg/dayUshaTryotTaseFeed concentrates in at least 2 feeds for onemonth after purchase. Prior to purchase,a bull will have been fed on a highconcentrate level fed frequently per dayA bull will have seen little grass since thesuckling period. Ideally do not turn to grasswithout supplementary feed for at least 4-6weeks after purchase“Do not keep him on aslippery floor surface. Lookafter his feet by trying to keephim on a partial hard surface”WoAvenTaTrysuco

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