liMouSin - Harrison & Hetherington

liMouSin - Harrison & Hetherington

liMouSin - Harrison & Hetherington


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17DateSale Day Minimum Qualifying WeightsCarlisle 16 February 2013Days OldMinimumWeight (Kg)DateDays OldMinimumWeight (Kg)19/12/2011 425 535 17/07/2011 580 70214/12/2011 430 541 12/07/2011 585 70709/12/2011 435 546 07/07/2011 590 71204/12/2011 440 552 02/07/2011 595 71729/11/2011 445 557 27/06/2011 600 72324/11/2011 450 563 22/06/2011 605 72819/11/2011 455 568 17/06/2011 610 73314/11/2011 460 574 12/06/2011 615 73809/11/2011 465 579 07/06/2011 620 74304/11/2011 470 585 02/06/2011 625 74830/10/2011 475 590 28/05/2011 630 75325/10/2011 480 596 23/05/2011 635 75820/10/2011 485 601 18/05/2011 640 76315/10/2011 490 607 13/05/2011 645 76810/10/2011 495 612 08/05/2011 650 77305/10/2011 500 618 03/05/2011 655 77830/09/2011 505 623 28/04/2011 660 78325/09/2011 510 628 23/04/2011 665 78820/09/2011 515 633 18/04/2011 670 79315/09/2011 520 639 13/04/2011 675 79810/09/2011 525 644 08/04/2011 680 80305/09/2011 530 649 03/04/2011 685 80831/08/2011 535 654 29/03/2011 690 81326/08/2011 540 660 24/03/2011 695 81821/08/2011 545 665 19/03/2011 700 82316/08/2011 550 670 14/03/2011 705 82711/08/2011 555 675 09/03/2011 710 83106/08/2011 560 681 04/03/2011 715 83501/08/2011 565 686 27/02/2011 720 83927/07/2011 570 691 22/02/2011 725 84322/07/2011 575 696 17/02/2011 730 847

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