Greater Taman Negara Endau Rompin Forest Complex Belum ...

Greater Taman Negara Endau Rompin Forest Complex Belum ...

Greater Taman Negara Endau Rompin Forest Complex Belum ...


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<strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Taman</strong><strong>Negara</strong><strong>Belum</strong>-Temenggor<strong>Endau</strong><strong>Rompin</strong><strong>Forest</strong><strong>Complex</strong>

•DEVELOPMENT OFCENTRAL FORESTSPINE (CFS)• CFS is a major componentof the National Physical Planaccepted by the NationalPhysical Planning Councilchaired by the Prime Minister• identified locations to linkforest blocks• 15 Primary Links & 12Secondary links to createecological corridors•Ministry of NaturalResources and Environment– focal agency forimplementation

STATUS OF GAME CHANGING ACTIONSIDENTIFIED IN KATHMANDU1. Smart Infrastructure: to link fragmented forest blocksidentified in the Central <strong>Forest</strong> Spine (CFS)2. Wild Enforcement and Governance: 3 core tigerhabitats – Beum (north); <strong>Taman</strong> <strong>Negara</strong> (central);<strong>Endau</strong> <strong>Rompin</strong> (south) are designated PA (5%) ofPeninsular)3. Landscape management - 35% Peninsular areprotected for sustainable use as <strong>Forest</strong> Reserve and animportant landscape for tigers4. Creation of transboundary PA between <strong>Belum</strong>, Malaysiaand Hala Bala, Thailand5. Capacity building for management agencies

Key constraints to implementing these actions.1. Funding2. Lack of trained personnel at various levelsCosts associated with GCA implementation1. The law enforcement and management would costabout RM1 million per year for each of the coretiger habitats2. The linkages of habitats as identified under Central<strong>Forest</strong> spine master plan which encompasses mostof the tiger habitats in Peninsular Malaysia, throughsmart infrastructure and its maintenance isestimated to cost a few billion RM

Extent of Government support of a Tiger Stabilization andRecovery Agenda.1. Funding for biodiversity management comes from bothFederal and State governments in Malaysia.2. For wildlife management, the Federal Government spendsabout RM 70 million in operating budget and anotherRM30 million in development budgetResource mobilization efforts.1. The Federal government has spent an additional RM40million to create and manage the first ecological linkageunder CFS linking <strong>Taman</strong> <strong>Negara</strong> NP with northern forest2. However, a large portion of the tiger habitats inPeninsular Malaysia is under the jurisdiction of the variousstate governments who may need substantial assistanceto enhance the management.

INTERNATIONAL SUPPORT NEEDED.1. Funding for the implementation under the Central <strong>Forest</strong>Spine (CFS) - the implementation of CFS is by Ministry ofNatural Resources (NRE) Malaysia and its agencies(Department of Wildlife and National Parks and <strong>Forest</strong>ryDepartment)2. Strengthening management and enforcement at core tigerhabitats,• <strong>Belum</strong> State Parks• <strong>Endau</strong> <strong>Rompin</strong> State Park• <strong>Taman</strong> <strong>Negara</strong> National Park3. Designation of <strong>Belum</strong> State Parks as a Transboundary Parkwith Hala Bala Wildlife Reserve of Thailand4. Capacity building for the agencies that are managing thetigers and its habitats.

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