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a film by Artan Minarolli<br />

Albanian nominee for<br />

Foreign Language Oscar<br />

<strong>PRESS</strong> <strong>KIT</strong><br />

Durres Film Festival 2009<br />

Special Jury Prize<br />

WILDart FILM<br />

Pfeilgasse 32/1 Phone: +43 1 595 29 91 office@wildartfilm.com<br />

A-1080 Vienna Fax: +43 1 595 29 91 21 www.alive-thefilm.com<br />

Austria Mobile : +43 664 396 64 55<br />

Karlovy Vary<br />

International Film Festival 2009<br />

Pusan<br />

International Film Festival 2009

Press Kit Alive!<br />

ALIVE! a film by Artan Minarolli<br />

ALB / A / F 2009, 90min, 35mm, color<br />

www.alive-thefilm.com<br />

World Premiere Karlovy Vary IFF, 5 July 2009, selected in the section East of the West<br />

Albanian Premiere Durres Film Festival, 27 August 2009<br />

Theatrical Release Albania, 5 September 2009, Imperial Cinema<br />

Festivals Karlovy Vary IFF, Durres FF, Pusan IFF, Antalya IFF, Bergen IFF, Montpellier<br />

IFF, Balkan Snapshots, Connecting Cottbus IFF, Chennai IFF, Pune IFF,<br />

Palm Springs IFF, Film d’Amour de Mons IFF, Belgrade IFF, CINEMA<br />

MUNDI Brno IFF, Cleveland IFF, Tiburon IFF, International Festival of Medi-<br />

terranean Film Tetouan, Minneapolis/St.Paul IFF, Festival of European<br />

Coproductions Sofia, Moscow IFF, Lato Filmow Warsaw IFF, Scottsdale IFF<br />

Awards Albanian nominee for Foreign Language Oscar<br />

Special Jury Award, Durres<br />

Prix du soutien technique GTC, Montpellier<br />

Don Quichotte Award – Federation Internationale des Ciné-Clubs FICC,<br />

Cottbus FF<br />

starring Nik Xhelilaj, Xhevdet Feri, Besart Kallaku,<br />

Bruno Shllaku, Niada Saliasi, Luli Bitri,<br />

Tinka Kurti, Reshat Arbana, Eni Çani<br />

written and directed Artan Minarolli<br />

director of photography Jacques Bouquin<br />

editor Oliver Neumann<br />

sound Hjalti Bager-Jonathansson, Daniel Fritz<br />

art design Mihal Rama, Ylli Beqiri<br />

composer Baptiste Bouquin<br />

producers Artan Minarolli, Ebba Sinzinger,<br />

Vincent Lucassen, Marie Balducchi<br />

There is cramming and getting laid in Tirana. But all of a sudden the student is caught up by an archaic<br />

world which claims that he is a part of it. When his disabled father dies, a blood feud is being<br />

revived and he is held liable for a murder committed by his grandfather 60 years earlier. At first he<br />

endeavours to bring his opponents to their senses. As this proves futile, he – in the course of events -<br />

becomes increasingly paranoid and, unwillingly, starts to resemble his opponents. When he decides to<br />

arm himself and train, the notion of a modern present dissolves into melancholy. The student is catapulted<br />

into an Albanian reality that is devoid of all romantic folklore. In a country where until recently<br />

Hoxherian despotism and a grisly mountaineers’ mentality were ruling alongside, there is neither a<br />

right to a “modern” every day life nor the possibility of escaping to such, while the insistence on tradition<br />

is leading directly into catastrophe as well. Thus, Artan Minarolli’s heroes shipwreck on their own<br />

great expectations.<br />


Press Kit Alive!<br />

Logline<br />

In a country where tradition is constantly at war with modernity, a student is forced to assume responibility<br />

for an ancient crime. He is thrust into the gruesome, feudal heart of contemporary Albania.<br />

Short synopsis<br />

Koli, a college student, hides in the countryside to escape a blood feud, but soon realizes he has to<br />

go back to his school, to his life in the city, at the risk of confronting his assassin and involuntarily, he<br />

becomes a reluctant mirror of his country’s love-hate relationship with tradition.<br />

Synopsis<br />

Koli is studying languages at Tirana University, but according to the old code of honour “Lek Dukagjine”,<br />

vengeance hangs upon him for a killing his grandfather committed some 60 years before.<br />

Koli gets courage and travels to the family that holds the claim of vengeance against him, somewhere<br />

in a distant mountainous region. The elders of the family take him in as a guest and treat him hospitably.<br />

His destined assassin, a boy with a clean and pretty face, sits in their midst. When Koli asks for<br />

reconciliation, he is rejected. He is told he has “Besa” (“word-keeping”) for three days only, after this<br />

vengeance will again be upon him.<br />

Koli has no choice but to seek shelter with his relatives Zef and his son Fike in a village not so far from<br />

Tirana. Fike is about Koli’s age and the two of them get along quite well. Fike gets Koli a job at the<br />

local car-wash. But he cannot accept that his life should suddenly have stopped, and when he finds<br />

his presence in the village actually endangers the others, he decides to take whatever risk there is, and<br />

returns to Tirana to the university, Diana, to life.<br />

Now Koli can study, he has his girlfriend, but he is now easy to be found and the assassin’s bullet can<br />

hit him any second. Koli gets a gun and starts target practice, to be able to defend himself. He secretly<br />

carries his gun everywhere, even into the study-rooms of his university. Diana understands him less<br />

and less every time. He is not the Koli of the old days anymore.<br />

His assassin makes an attempt on his life. In a reflex, Koli fires back, the assassin is killed, while Koli is<br />

wounded in the leg. Koli is looking closely at the beautiful face of the dead assassin. He unbuttons his<br />

shirt and realizes that his assassin is female. The family has grown up the girl like a male because she<br />

was in charge for this revenge. The only thing he can do now is to disappear, flee the country. He gets<br />

a ride on an old ship which smuggles illegal immigrants, and gets into the crammed hold. As a result of<br />

an accident the ship sinks.<br />

“My film isn’t about killing and getting killed; it is instead born out of the need to show the colors and<br />

the complexity of a world in transition towards something mysterious and beautiful.” Artan Minarolli<br />

Director/Screenwriter Artan Minarolli<br />

Born in Tirana, Albania, Artan Minarolli is a graduate of the University of Albania, Albafilm, and the Film<br />

School in Denmark. He has worked as an actor and director in theater and film, as well as in documentary.<br />

His filmography includes The Moonless Night (2004), The Clay Bullet (1995), and 100% (1994).<br />


Press Kit Alive! 4<br />


In 1998 a cargo ship with hundreds of illegal Albanian emigrants being trafficked towards Italy’s shores<br />

went down in the Adriatic. Most of them perished. Among those trying to move on to a better life was<br />

college student Koli. He was fleeing his country to get away from a blood feud. This is how the screenplay<br />

was born.<br />

Koli, the main character, is threatened by a death sentence. He suddenly turns into the victim of an<br />

old customary law that keeps devouring human lives. Innocent, he is nevertheless to be punished by<br />

death.<br />

The mountaineers, somber and stern, can’t but accurately repeat what they have inherited from their<br />

ancestors. They consider promises as sacred and their personal dignity as untouchable. According to<br />

the customary law known as “Lek Dukagjini’s Canon”, “man only lives for an inch of honor on his forehead”,<br />

and “where honor is concerned, life is worthless”.<br />

In stark contrast, life in places like Zef’s village is ruled by cheap practicality. People and cattle move<br />

about together. The indoors are a mixture of tradition and urban kitsch. The inhabitants, usually shorter<br />

than the mountaineers, look apprehensive, talk too much, gesticulate and curse. They are cheerful, optimistic<br />

and funny. The real genuine drama for them is life itself. I’ve met people who have told me that<br />

it is just fine to have a single problem only; the real trouble is when you start having more than one.<br />

When Koli arrives in Zef’s village, time stops for him and his personal drama. He‘s outside of present<br />

reality, outside of his own problems. This moment plays like an aparté inside the initiactic travelling of<br />

Koli and also, the film falls into comedy.<br />

Tirana is the capital, where an effort towards civilization can be felt. Some streets are genuinely modern,<br />

people try to dress up and act like in the Western world. But people have moved in from all over<br />

the country, and the resulting tableau is often puzzling. With a lot of building work going on, city blocks<br />

often resemble construction yards. The energy sizzling around seems to be due to an overall will to get<br />

closer to the Western world, and make up for the time lost during a half century of totalitarianism. The<br />

city has discovered modernity as noise and chaos.<br />

College students represent the peak of local evolution. They have no special relationship with the totalitarian<br />

past, nor with the transitional efforts during post-communist years. They are the future, smart<br />

and civilized. It is impressive to think that the mountains, with their medieval customs, are only a few<br />

dozen miles away from the city. Still,among students, tales about Customary Law are often considered<br />

amusing or droll.<br />

The mountaineer’s world with its old social system; the village in the plains and the capital city are<br />

three different aspects of the same noisy, chaotic and disjointed tableau of the present-day Albania.<br />

Koli, a modern hero, unites in himself all three aspects, becoming the principle holding them together.<br />

Women take different places in the three different worlds mentioned above. Diana, Koli’s girlfriend,<br />

comes from an urban middle-class family in Tirana. She doesn’t have much in common with Fatime,<br />

Fikja’s girlfriend from the village. Fatime, who is gullible and naive, is not allowed to go out with boys,<br />

unless they come to her house and meet her parents first. The third girl is the Handsome Mountaineer,<br />

whose gender is only revealed at the end of the film. Detached from modern life, she must pass for a<br />

man in order to enforce the death verdict on a victim she doesn’t even know.<br />

As the main visual staple, landscapes help the film breathe, filling it with movement and life. The film’s<br />

narrative is headed towards tragedy, but it often stops along the way to show us rich romantic<br />

tableaus.<br />

Artan Minarolli

Press Kit Alive! 5<br />


Artan Minarolli director, producer<br />

born May 13, 1958, Tirana<br />

Education<br />

1978-1982 Graduated from the University of Tirana-Albania,<br />

majoring in Fine-Arts, speciality actor<br />

1990-1992 Graduated in film directing at Albafilm Studio, Tirana<br />

1993 Graduated in film directing at European Film School–Denmark<br />

Work experience<br />

1983-1986 Worked as actor and theatre director<br />

1986-1990 Worked as as film director in 8 movies produced by Albafilm Studio,Tirana<br />

1991 Director of the documentary “For a centimetre“<br />

1994 Scriptwriter and Director of the short feature “100%“ (in collaboration)<br />

1995 Scriptwriter and Director of the feature “The clay bullet“ (in collaboration)<br />

2004 Scriptwriter and Director of the feature “The moonless night”, an Albanian-France<br />

collaboration<br />

Other works<br />

1997 Published a volume with short novels entitled “The Corpse of a Telephone“<br />

1998 Organised, in the producer quality, Eurofilm Festival in Tirana - Albania<br />

Prices<br />

2004 “The moonless night” was awarded “The best film” in MedFilm Festival-Roma, Italy<br />

2005 “The moonless night” was awarded “The best foreign film” in Trenton Film Festival,<br />

New Jersey, USA<br />

2006 “The moonless night” was awarded “The best music” in Napoli Film Festival, Italy<br />

Other prices and special honours<br />

1991 “Menzione Speciale“ for the documentary “For one centimetre”<br />

in the International Sport-Film Festival in Torino<br />

1996 The movie “The clay bullet“ was selected in the International Film Festival of<br />

Cottbus-Germany<br />

1996 The short movie “100%“ was selected in the International Film Festival of<br />

Trieste-Italy<br />

The movie “The clay bullet“ was awarded the “Cup of the President“ in the Eurofilm-<br />

Festival of Luhashevic-Czech Republic<br />

1998-99 His projects for long movie “The Professor goes for a little walk“ (1998) and the<br />

project for long movie “The moonless night” (1999) were selected in the International<br />

Concourse of Projects in Montpellier, France<br />

2003 His project for the movie “The Journey” was awarded “Price For Developing” in<br />

Balkan Fund-International Film Festival of Thessalonica-Greece

Press Kit Alive! 6<br />

His feature “The moonless night” was selected at<br />

2004 Rotterdam Film Festival – World premiere<br />

Moscow Film Festival – Official Competition<br />

Valencia Film Festival – Official Competition<br />

Pusan Film Festival – International Section,<br />

Bordeaux Film Festival – Official Competition<br />

Thessalonica Film Festival – Balkan survey<br />

Montpellier – Perspective<br />

New Delhi – International Section<br />

Beograd Film Festival – non competitive festival<br />

Skopje Film Festival – Non competitive festival<br />

Oslo Film festival<br />

Sarajevo Film Festival – Competition Off<br />

2005 Tautan Film Festival, Morocco<br />

Wiesbaden Film Festival – Highlights<br />

MedFilm Roma – Official Competition<br />

Trenton Film Festival, N.J, USA – International Section<br />

Naples Film Festival – Official Competition<br />

Black Sea International Film Festival, Rumania – Official Competition<br />

Alexandria Film Festival, Egypt – Official Competition

Press Kit Alive! 7<br />


Nik Xhelilaj Student at the Academy of Fine Arts, Tirana Albania since 2003<br />

born 1983<br />

Film<br />


104 Min, fiction, 2005/08, Albania, Czech Republic<br />

D: Piro Milkani, Eno Milkani, P: Bunker Film, Studio Fama 92,<br />

Festivals: Karlovy Vary 2008, Valencia 2008, Salento, Italy 2008,<br />

Poland 2008, Palm Springs 2008, Durres IFF, Albania 2008<br />

SINGLE USE - 25Min, Short film, 2005, Albania LEADING ROLE: Bledi<br />

D: Erion Mucollari<br />

ALIVE! (Gjalle!) LEADING ROLE: Koli<br />

90 Min, fiction, 2008, Albania, Austria, France<br />

D: Artan Minarolli, P: ARTFILM, Albania, WILDart FILM, Austria,<br />

Agat Films & Cie , France<br />

Theatre<br />

KËMBANAT E MUZGUT (Sunset’s bells), leading role: Lieutenant Llukan<br />

National Theater, Albania, 2007<br />

D: Alfred Bualioti, Andon Qesari<br />

STREETCAR NAMED DESIRE (Tennessee Williams), leading role: Stanley Kovalsky<br />

Fine Arts Academy, Albania, 2007<br />

D: Timo Flloko<br />

TANGO (Slavomir Mrozek), leading role: Arthur<br />

Theater “Aleksander Moisiu”, Durres, Albania, 2008<br />

D: Driada Dervishi

Press Kit Alive! 8<br />

CAST<br />

Koli Nik Xhelilaj<br />

Diana Nijada Saliasi<br />

Fikja Besart Kallaku<br />

Zefi Xhevdet Ferri<br />

Mediator Arqile Lici<br />

Rok Bruno Shllaku<br />

Pool‘s girl Luljeta Bitri<br />

Fatime Eni Çani<br />

Tiku Romir Zalla<br />

Fatime‘s Eldest Brother Gentian Zenelaj<br />

Fatime‘s brother Julian Deda<br />

Fatimes‘s younger brother Ermal Mamaqi<br />

Fatime‘s grandmother Tinka Kurti<br />

Koli‘s friend Mario Deda<br />

Koli‘s sister Rozina Prendi<br />

Fike‘s sister Flonja Kaba<br />

Fike‘s little brother Franko Hoti<br />

The guy with the sunglasses Kasem Hoxha<br />

Ilir Florian Binaj<br />

Fredi Xhejni Fama<br />

Keti Esela Pysqyli<br />

Laura Lisa Kujofsa<br />

The godfather Reshat Arbana<br />

Coffeeshop owner Avni Rada

Press Kit Alive! 9<br />

CREW<br />

No less than 15 nationalities were involved as crew in the creation of this film!<br />

Production<br />

Production Albania AL ART FILM<br />

Delegate Producer AL Artan Minarolli<br />

Production Austria AT WILDart FILM<br />

Delegate Producer AT Ebba Sinzinger<br />

Producer AT Vincent Lucassen<br />

Production France F AGAT FILMS ET CIE<br />

Producer F Marie Balducchi<br />

Production Management<br />

Production Office Albania AL ART FILM<br />

Line Producer AT Vincent Lucassen<br />

Production Executive AL Dritan Huqi<br />

Co-Production Coordinator DE Oliver Röpke<br />

Production Assistant DE Andreas Dießner<br />

Production Accountant AL Mariela Zajmi<br />

Script<br />

Script Writer AL Artan Minarolli<br />

Script Consultant I Salvatore Lista<br />

Script Consultant DE Franz Rodenkirchen<br />

Script Consultant UK Clare Downs<br />

Casting<br />

Casting AL Anxhela Cikopano<br />

Casting AL Anola Decka<br />

Direction<br />

Director AL Artan Minarolli<br />

1st Assistant Director AT Sabine Panossian<br />

2nd Assistant Director AL Kelmend Karuni<br />

Script / Continuity AL Anxhela Cikopano<br />

Camera Department<br />

Director of Photography F Jacques Bouquin<br />

Focus Puller F Frederic Beaugendre<br />

2nd Assistant Camera KO Isak Duraku

Press Kit Alive! 10<br />

Underwater Shoot<br />

DoP AT Jerzy Palacz<br />

DoP Assistant AT Alexander Bilic<br />

Art Department AT Maria Gruber<br />

Sound Department<br />

Sound Recordist AT Hjalti Bager-Jonathansson<br />

Boomer AT Atanas Tcholakov<br />

Production Design<br />

Production Designer AL Mihal Rama<br />

Art Director AL Ylli Bepiri<br />

Set Decorator AL Anola Decka<br />

Costume Design, Make-Up/Hair<br />

Costume Designer AL Emira Turkeshi<br />

Make-Up/Hair Stylist RO Mariana Andreescu<br />

Postproduction Management<br />

Post Production Supervisor F Mélanie Zaffran<br />

Editing<br />

Editor AT Oliver Neumann<br />

Sound-Postproduction<br />

Sound Editor AT Daniel Fritz<br />

Peter Roesner<br />

Music<br />

Composer F Baptiste Bouquin

Press Kit Alive! 11<br />


Albania<br />

ART FILM Artan Minarolli<br />

Contact<br />

Artan Minarolli Phone: + 355 4 233 558<br />

ART FILM Mobile: + 355 69 40 62 995<br />

Rr. Durresit artanminarolli@yahoo.com<br />

Pa. 11, sh. 4, ap 31 www.alive-thefilm.com<br />

Tirana, Albania<br />

ART FILM, a production-distribution company, was founded in 1997 in Tirana, Albania. During the 12<br />

years of its existence ART FILM has produced some shorts and documentaries, also has organized<br />

Euro Film Festival in Tirana. The most important work is the producing of the long feature “The moonless<br />

night” which participated at 25 film festivals and won awards “The best film” in Roma, Italy and<br />

New Jersey, USA and in Naples “The Best music”.<br />

Austria<br />

WILDart FILM Ebba Sinzinger, Vincent Lucassen<br />

Contact<br />

WILDart FILM Tel: +43 (0) 1 595 2991<br />

Pfeilgasse 32/1 Fax: +43 (0) 1 595 2991 21<br />

A-1080 Vienna Mobile : +43 (0) 664 39 664 55<br />

Austria office@wildartfilm.com<br />

www.wildartfilm.com<br />

WILDart FILM concentrates on the development and production of art-house fiction and high quality<br />

creative documentaries for cinema & television that appeal to an international audience. Most of our<br />

films are realized as coproductions. We are interested in crossovers of film cultures and formats and<br />

offer space for young talent.<br />

Recent Films:<br />

DOMAINE, fiction, 2009. starring : Béatrice Dalle. D: Patric Chiha, CoP: Aurora Films, F<br />

International premiere: Venice Film Festival 2009, Critic´s Week<br />

PIANOMANIA, feature docu, 2009. D: Robert Cibis & Lillian Frank. CoP: OVAL Filmemacher<br />

Rating in Germany: highly recommended. International premiere: Locarno Film Festival 2009, Critic’s<br />

Week Award. Other festivals and awards: Saarbrücken, Diagonale, Austrian Award: Best Editing/Documentary,<br />

Nominated for the European Film Academy Award – Documentary 2009 – Prix Arte, Sheffield,<br />

Leipzig, IDFA, LÜDIA audience award, Filmfestival Lünen, German Film Rating: Highly Recommended

Press Kit Alive! 12<br />

ALIVE!, fiction, 2009. D: Artan Minarolli. CoP: ART Film, ALB; AGAT Films, F<br />

International Premiere: Karlovy Vary International Film Festival 2009, East of the West. Other festivals<br />

and awards: Durres Filmfestival 2009, Special Jury Award, Pusan, Antalya, Bergen, Nominated by<br />

Albania for Foreign Language Oscar, Prix du soutien technique GTC, Montpellier, Don Quichotte Award<br />

– Federation Internationale des Ciné-Clubs FICC, Cottbus FF<br />

A JOURNEY WITH PETER SELLARS, feature docu 2007. D: Mark Kidel, CoP: Agat Films, F; Calliope<br />

Media, GB. Festival: Telluride.<br />

HOME, fiction, 2006. D: Patric Chiha, CoP: Aurora Films, F. Festivals: Viennale 06, Diagonale 07,<br />

Indielisboa/Lissabon, Belfort, Pantin (Prix de la Presse, Prix Emergence)<br />

In production:<br />

FORGOTTEN SPACE, cinema docu. D: Noel Burch & Allan Sekula. CoP: DocEye, NL<br />

In postproduction:<br />

BORN IN THE YEAR OF THE HARE, feature docu, 2009. D: Ebba Sinzinger<br />

In development:<br />

INVASION, fiction, D: Dito Tsintsadze, CoP: Pallas Film<br />

THE VIRTUAL ORCHESTRA, docu. D: Werner Boote<br />

STALIN ON MY MIND, docu<br />

France<br />

AGAT FILMS & CIE Marie Balducchi<br />

Contact<br />

Agat Films & Cie / Ex Nihilo Telephone.: 01 53 36 32 32<br />

52, rue Jean-Pierre Timbaud Fax: 01 43 57 00 22<br />

75011 PARIS E-Mail: marie@agatfilms.com<br />

FRANCE www.agatfilms.com<br />

AGAT FILMS & Cie / EX NIHILO was created more than 15 years ago. It is a unique and original<br />

structure, run by a collective of eight associate producers. It leads a politically committed and diversified<br />

production policy, tackling the most varied genres in audiovisual (fiction, documentary, magazine<br />

program, television and cinema), in a spirit of independence and creation, and opposed to any formatting<br />

or standardization of the works.<br />

Amongst the films that mark the artistic identity of the company, there are Robert Guédiguian’s movies<br />

(Marius & Jeannette).<br />

AGAT FILMS & Cie has also been working on a regular basis with several film-makers such as Lucas<br />

Belvaux (La raison du plus faible, Official Selection at Cannes Festival 2006), or Pierre Trividic and<br />

Patrick-Mario Bernard (L’Autre, Volpi cup for Best Actress at the Venice Mostra 2008). The last film by<br />

Marina de Van, Don’t look back, starring Sophie Marceau and Monica Bellucci was recently released.<br />

For several years, AGAT FILMS & Cie has been producing around four feature films a year. It is through<br />

this policy of diversified production that AGAT FILMS & Cie strives to participate in the good shape of<br />

the ambitious French cinema. Our catalogue now shows 80 fictions and more than 200 documentaries.

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