DIGITAL PROTOCOLS The PSTN or GSM phone diallers ... - Lobeco

DIGITAL PROTOCOLS The PSTN or GSM phone diallers ... - Lobeco

DIGITAL PROTOCOLS The PSTN or GSM phone diallers ... - Lobeco


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<strong>DIGITAL</strong> <strong>PROTOCOLS</strong><strong>The</strong> <strong>PSTN</strong> <strong>or</strong> <strong>GSM</strong> <strong>phone</strong> <strong>diallers</strong> allow the digital communication with the security services by means of the protocols Contact ID andCesa 200 baud.Warning: the <strong>GSM</strong> digital transmission could undergo a dist<strong>or</strong>tion because of signal conversions carried out by the <strong>GSM</strong> netw<strong>or</strong>kadministrat<strong>or</strong> and which could be introduced also afterwards and without any notice: f<strong>or</strong> this reason the manufacturer declines allresponsibility f<strong>or</strong> failures and/<strong>or</strong> damages caused by above-mentioned phenomenon. By using the <strong>GSM</strong> netw<strong>or</strong>k f<strong>or</strong> the digitaltransmissions we suggest to activate always the function “PERIODICAL CALL” with a sh<strong>or</strong>t time, in <strong>or</strong>der to check regularly the situationon the air.1.PROGRAMMING PROCEDURE<strong>The</strong> menu <strong>DIGITAL</strong> <strong>PROTOCOLS</strong> allows the association of the events to be transmitted to the security service.Enter the installer code followed by ↵ (Enter), scroll the menus with the arrows ↑ ↓ and select the voice “DIG. PROTOCOL”.DIG. PROTOCOL ↑↵ CONFIRM ↓Confirm the menu by pressing EnterCONTACT ID 18 1↵ CONFIRM ↓↑CESA 200 BAUD 2 ↑↵ CONFIRM ↓Choose the protocol type and confirm with EnterNUM. 1 / NUM. 2↵ CONFIRM ↓↑NUM. 3 / NUM. 4 ↑↵ CONFIRM ↓Choose the numbers to dial and confirm with EnterNUM. 1/NUM. 2 could be numbers of the security service, while NUM. 3/NUM. 4numbers of the installer (if he has a digital receiving station)_USERNAMEEnter a 4-digit ID number(Contact ID) <strong>or</strong> 5-digit ID number (CESA 200) and press EnterNUM. 1 CONFIRM_Enter the tele<strong>phone</strong> number of the security service and press EnterNUM. 2 CONFIRM_REVERSE CONT N ↑↵ CONFIRM ↓EVENTS INP1 ↑↵ CONFIRM ↓Enter the possible back-up tele<strong>phone</strong> number of the security service and press Enter.This number is not compuls<strong>or</strong>y, press Enter if you don’t have it.It is necessary f<strong>or</strong> establishing if the inf<strong>or</strong>mation of armed/disarmed should be transmittedin an reverse way <strong>or</strong> not: with ↑ you can reverse it, press Enter to go on.Events association to the dialler inputs (proceed in the same way f<strong>or</strong> inputs 2,3 and 4 tobe selected using arrows)Note:it is possible to program in a different way the events to be transmitted to the numbers NUM.1/NUM.2 and NUM.3/NUM.4 , sothat the installers (if provided with a digital receiving station) can receive m<strong>or</strong>e detailed <strong>or</strong> different inf<strong>or</strong>mation from the onessent to the security services.2. EVENTS LISTEVENT INP1 ↑NO EVENT ↓EVENT INP1 ↑ALARM ↓No EVENT associated to the input.To activate the event press ENTER. <strong>The</strong> End of Alarm will be automatically sent once the associatedinput will be closed again.EVENT INP1 ↑ARMING ↓To activate the arming event press ENTER. <strong>The</strong> disarming will be automatically sent once theassociated input will be closed again.EVENT INP1 ↑TAMPER ↓To activate the event press ENTER.

EVENT INP1 ↑24H PANIC ↓EVENT INP1 ↑24H ROBBERY ↓EVENT INP1 ↑24H TECHNOL. ↓EVENT INP1 ↑DIALLER BATTERY ↓EVENT INP1 ↑BATT. PERIFER. ↓EVENT INP1 ↑PERIODIC CALL ↓EVENT INP1 ↑LACK OF 12V ↓To activate the event press ENTER.To activate the event press ENTER.To activate the event press ENTER.To activate the event press ENTER. <strong>The</strong> End of Alarm will be automatically sent once the associatedinput will be closed again.To activate the event press ENTER. <strong>The</strong> End of Alarm will be automatically sent once the associatedinput will be closed again.To activate the event press ENTER.To activate the event press ENTER. <strong>The</strong> 12V return will be automatically sent once the associated inputwill be closed again.Note: the events of Periodical Call and Lack of 12V will be only sent if activated in the SETTING menu as well.3. PHONE DIALLER TESTIt is possible to transmit a TEST event to a security service:Enter the user code (<strong>or</strong> the installer code) on the control panel followed by ↑. TEST is shown, enter the tele<strong>phone</strong> number of thesecurity service to be called and select the type of message to be sent (CONTACT ID <strong>or</strong> CESA 200) and confirm.To carry out the TEST of the <strong>phone</strong> dialler towards a security service, it is necessary that the programming of the digital protocol to besent has been already done.<strong>The</strong> transmitted TEST event f<strong>or</strong> the protocol CONTACT ID is the code 602, while f<strong>or</strong> CESA 200 is 90.4. TRANSMITTED <strong>DIGITAL</strong> PROTOCOL CODESEVENT CONTACT ID CODES CESA 200 CODESALARM 1 130 01 001/099 1 14/22 f<strong>or</strong> inputs from 01 to 04END OF ALARM 3 130 01 001/099 2 14/22 f<strong>or</strong> inputs from 01 to 04ARMING 1 401 00 000 1 60DISARMING 3 401 00 000 2 60TAMPER 1 137 00 000 1 9424H PANIC ALARM 1 123 04 001/099 1 55/58 f<strong>or</strong> inputs from 01 to 0424H ROBBERY ALARM 1 122 05 001/099 1 50/53 f<strong>or</strong> inputs from 01 to 0424H TECHNOLOGICAL ALARM 1 150 06 001/099 1 61/88 f<strong>or</strong> inputs from 01 to 04DIALLER BATTERY (LOW) 1 302 00 000 1 91END OF DIALLER LOW BATTERY 3 302 00 000 2 91PERIPHERAL DEVICES BATTERY 1 384 01/06 001/099 1 13END PERIPHERAL DEVICES LOW BATTERY 3 384 01/06 001/099 2 13LACK OF 12V 1 301 00 000 1 92MAINS SUPPLY BACK 3 301 00 000 2 92PERIODICAL CALL 1 602 00 000 1 90

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