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Mas'oud Baghwi has brought in his book "Commentary of Sunnat ar‐Rasul" (which is a collectionof all those traditions which are in agreement) and he quotes its reference from Abdur‐Rahmanibn‐Lailiwho said: ‐ 'Ka'ab‐ ibn‐Ajza met me and said ‐ "Should I present you with something whichI heard from the Messenger of <strong>All</strong>ah?" I replied: 'Yes give it to me.' He said: I asked the HolyProphet as to how one should send salutations upon them ‐ the Ahlul‐Bait. The Holy Prophet(S.A.W.A) replied:('O <strong>All</strong>ah, send salutations upon Muhammad and his descendants just as Thou sends salutationsupon Ibrahim and his descendants and send blessings upon Muhammad and his descendants justas Thou sends blessings upon Ibrahim and his descendants. Surely Thou art <strong>All</strong> ‐Praiseworthy and<strong>All</strong>‐ Glorious).Thereafter he says: ‐ The Holy Prophet interpreted his Ahlul‐Bait as his "??‐ Aâl" Thus both aresimilar as far as their meaning is concerned and Hazrat interchanged one word for the other in amanner that his (??) are his Ahlul‐Bait and his Ahlul‐Bait are his (??). Therefore, on this basis, "??‐Aâl" and "??? ‐ Ahl" are similar in meaning. The reality of this affair can be discovered from herethat 28‐The author of Kanz‐ul‐Ummal (vol. 7, pg. 186) and Arf‐ul‐Wardi (page 66) apart frommentioning two other traditions from Ruyani and Abu Na'eem have mentioned the afore‐saidtradition from Na'eem‐ibn‐Hemad and Ibn‐Asaker.29‐Arf‐ul‐wardi page 61 ‐ narrated from Tabarani, Na'eem‐ibn‐Hemad and Abu Na'eem.the root of had been and ‐ h' was changed to for this reason that the letter of "‐ h" becomes"Tasgheer ‐dimunitive form and 30 Tasgheer of becomes as per this rule which states that"Tasgheer"? returns back every noun to its original form.The reason that the second view is correct is a tradition, which the traditionists have brought intheir books. Moreover, Imam Muslim‐ibn‐Hajjaj, Abu Dawoud and Nesa'ee are unanimous in theauthenticity of this tradition and each one of them have, in their respective 'Sahihs' narrated fromAbdul‐ Muttalib‐ibn Rabiya‐ibn‐Haaris as such: 'I heard the Holy Prophet (SAWA) saying: ‐It is not that alms is filth and is not permissible for Muhammad and his (??), to eat from it.Moreover, they have supported their view by a tradition which Malik‐ibn‐ Anas has narrated in his"Mutha" referring to the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.A.) as saying: "Alms is not permissible for (??)(descendants) of Muhammad because they are the dirt and filth of people." Thus, he made almsspecifically un‐ permissible for his (??) and those upon whom alms is forbidden are Bani‐ Hashimand Abdul‐Muttalib. It was asked from Zaid‐ibn‐Arqam as to who are the (??) (descendants) of theMessenger of <strong>All</strong>ah upon whom alms are forbidden and he replied: ‐ (??) of Ali, (??) of Jafar, (??),of Abbass and (??) of Aqeel and this second view is nearer to the first view. However the reasonwhich the supporters of the third view give is the sayings of Exalted <strong>All</strong>ah:Presented by http://www.alhassanain.com & http://www.islamicblessings.com

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