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Thereafter, he traveled to Syria, went to Caesar (king) and took from him an order vouching thefreedom of Quraish. He also sent Abdul‐Muttalib towards Yemen and in this way took a letter oftrust from the king of that place. Thereafter he ordained the traders and merchants of Quraish tomove out in the winter and summer seasons for the purpose of trading. Thus, they would movetowards Syria in summer and proceed for Yemen in winter. As such, from then on theirsubsistence and means of livelihood got extended through such trading and by blessings ofHashim, God delivered them from fear of (loss of) life and hunger. ABD‐MUNAF was the father ofHashim who was named as the "moon of the fourteenth night" because of his good‐looking faceand beneficence. After him, Qusi succeeded him and the post of ruling and giving water to thepilgrims was transferred to him. He was called by the name of Mughaira and his agnomen wasAbu Abd‐Shams the name of Qusi (father of Abd‐Munaf) was Zaid and also Yazid. The reason hewas called as (???) (Qusi) was that he along with his mother Fatemah daughter of Sa'ad, left thetribe of Bani‐Uzra and started living with his uncles and distanced himself from Mecca. Thus, forthis reason he was named as (???) and this word is derived from (????), which means "distant". Italso carried the meaning of "gathering" because, when he grew up and returned back to Meccahe gathered the Quraish who had been scattered in the deserts and got them back to Mecca andthen expelled the tribe of Khaza'e. Fazl‐ibn‐Abbass‐ibn‐Abu Lahab says:27Mahdi is From the Progeny of Abdul‐MuttalibThe author of "Eqdud‐Durar", in the seventh chapter narrates from the books of a group oftraditionists such as Imam Abu Abdulla‐ibn‐Maaja in his Sunan, Hafez Abul‐Qasum Tabarani in hisMu'ajam and Hafez Abu Na'eem Esfahani and others like Anas‐ibn‐Malik who said: The HolyProphet (S.A.W.A.) said: "We seven, (i.e. Ali, my brother, Hamza, my uncle, Jafar, Hassan, Hussein,Mahdi and myself) the sons of Abdul‐Muttalib are the leaders of Paradise."27‐Your father named as , (gathering) because God gathered the tribe of 'Fehr' through him. Theauthor says: This denotes the subject which had previously been mentioned in the tradition ofQatada narrated from Saad‐ibn‐Maseeb. In Ja'ame‐ ul‐Latif it is written as such: ‐Abdul‐Muttalib's name was "Shaibat‐ul‐Hamd' and sometimes he was also called by the name ofAamer. He was called 'Shaibat‐ul‐Hamd' because of the appearance of signs of whiteness on hishair. Abul‐Haaris was his agnomen since he had a son by the name of Haaris and he was called asAbdul‐Muttalib because, when his father Hashim who was living in Mecca was about to die, hetold Muttalib, his brother as such: "Take care of your"???" (servant) in Yathrib." So from then onhe was called as Abdul‐Muttalib. Some say that when his uncle Muttalib was taking him to Meccahe had an undeserving appearance.For this reason when Muttalib was asked about his nephew's condition he felt ashamed to sayPresented by http://www.alhassanain.com & http://www.islamicblessings.com

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